Warden's Wife Pays His Debt Ch. 06

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Hung criminal corrupts wife’s pussy and her brilliant mind.
14.1k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 07/07/2023
Created 05/22/2019
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This story is posted on the Literotica website—the author does not give permission for it to be reposted or reprinted anywhere else without consent. This chapter picks up right where the fifth one left off...I am confident you will enjoy it as a standalone, but I suspect you'll want to go back and read chapters 1-5 afterwards.


Axel Rose's unmistakable voice blared from the speakers as the smell of sizzling bacon wafted through the Rawlins' weekend retreat in Sea Ranch, California. Outside, the ceaseless rain pounded heavily around the isolated property.

Like all the residents of this remote seaside community, the Rawlins' had been drawn to Sea Ranch for its rugged beauty and get-away-from-it-all charm. Most of the upscale homes rested on a four mile stretch of grass covered landscape that sloped invitingly towards picturesque cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Few trees and even fewer close neighbors made this the perfect geographic antidote to the rat race existence of their primary residence in the Bay Area.

Unfortunately for the captive couple, it also meant the likelihood of someone dropping by for a stick of butter was quite remote too. Their nearest neighbor was a thousand yards away.

The Rawlins' had bought the place late the previous summer and spent most of the fall remodeling and decorating. In late autumn and over the holidays, their weekends were filled hosting extended family or simply enjoying the peace and serenity of the solitary place to themselves. They hadn't made much of an effort to meet their "neighbors". But in spite of their yearning for isolationism, the Rawlins' had committed to spending much of the upcoming spring and summer exploring the breathtaking terrain and immersing themselves in the culture of coastal Northern California and Southern Oregon. They had lots of trips planned up Highway 1 on Grant's Harley.

Those alluring plans were now the farthest thing from their minds.

Liv Rawlins' hacking cough challenged the Guns N' Roses iconic singer's octave range as ironically the band's famous ballad November Rain blared from the speakers. A billowing smoke cloud exited the young wife's lungs as her coughing fit continued. Mylo Dickenson laughed as he removed the thick joint from her fingers and took another hit himself. "Okay honey, just one more for you and then we'll sit down and enjoy this incredible feast you prepared for us!"

"No more...please. You said if I took that first one I could stop, and now you want me to take a third, this is crazy! I don't do this stuff..."

"Shit baby, think of it like a vacation! We don't have anywhere to be or anyone to see, we can just hang out and enjoy each other's company all day...if you think about it, we have a lot to celebrate—I mean it is the one day anniversary of the first time we fucked!" Mylo teased, knowing the comment was especially insensitive for the captive couple as today was actually their seventh wedding anniversary.

"Company? Vacation? Anniversary? It's more like a FUCKING NIGHTMARE! Why don't you just take the car and anything else you want, and make a run for it before they find you. Grant and I won't tell them you were here and you can be far away by then."

Mylo laughed. "Sugar, there are a couple of problems with your scenario. First, I don't want to leave. And second, if I did, one of the things I'd take with me would be your sexy ass! So unless you want to be like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde, I would suggest you hit that doobie one more time and shut the fuck up!"

The deviant watched proudly as the half-naked wife reluctantly hit the Sour Diesel spliff for the third time. He ogled her flawless body displayed to perfection in the deep cut lingerie exposing her large breasts. "Hey chief," he yelled out to the gagged warden sitting solitarily across the room, "Do you remember if Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde had as nice a rack as your wife? I'm thinking not or ol' Clyde might have been too distracted to kill all those fuckin' people...kind of like I am right now! Hahaha."

The warden stared at him blankly. His bound wrist still connected to the wrought iron section of the couch. Over the past hour, he'd watched and listened as best he could above the loud music, as the deranged criminal juvenilely tortured his faultless wife with constant verbal and physical goading. A litany of sexual teases and references to the previous night's activities spewed from his mouth. All the while, the son-of-a-bitch spanked, pinched, and groped her while she prepared his extravagant breakfast. The pancake spatula was his play toy of choice as he slapped her exposed ass cheeks again and again.

For Liv, the whole experience was challenging enough, but doing it while stoned was next to impossible. The criminal had been smart enough to have her administer his insulin shot before they started partying heavily. Once that was out of the way he broke out the weed. And now making matters worse, the convict had prepared two of the strongest Bloody Mary's either of them had ever tasted. Periodically he would make her stop what she was doing and take a large swig with him. They followed each guzzle with a mandated kiss that her husband was forced to watch.

In reference to the warden, Liv wasn't the only one having to deal with Mylo's constant banter. The rapist took extra pleasure in verbally assaulting him too. "Hey chief, how's that porn treating you?" He yelled out. "That threesome shit is fucking awesome ain't it? As a matter of fact, I wish that hot Indian reporter we saw on the news earlier was here. I can tell you if she was, me, her, and the little missus would be all tangled up in that bedroom right now! Hahaha. I bet it's a bitch having that cage on your little pecker while that hot ass shit plays in front of you! Maybe at some point if you're a good boy, I'll let you jack off while me and the old lady get it on again! Oh...that's assuming you can jack off, which arm do you do it with?" He teased rhetorically.

The warden stared despisingly at the abhorrent criminal, hoping against hope that his revenge would come sooner than later. Meanwhile, his guilt-filled wife did her best to ignore his crazed rants and when it was finally time to eat she asked, "Can you unlock him so we can bring him to the table?"

"Table? He ain't eatin' at this fuckin' table, not smellin' like he does. As a matter of fact, he ain't getting near this grub! When we're done, I got some other menu items for him." Mylo laughed.

Liv glanced worriedly in her husband's direction before questioning, "What do you mean 'other menu items', I made plenty of food for all three of us?"

"Don't fucking worry about him, he'll get his nourishment, but right now c'mon over and sit that pretty little ass in my lap, I'm hungry as fuck from all that fuckin'!"

Liv could see the impatient gaze forming on Mylo's face again. She decided she was better off doing what he said than questioning him again. After delivering two large platters of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and fruit to the table she asked, "Don't you want to have room to eat? I bet you haven't had a meal like this in a long time, I could sit over there and give you plenty of space."

"Haha, I got nothing but time on my hands honey. So if it takes an hour to eat this awesome looking spread, I'm good with it. Besides, my stomach isn't the only body part looking for a little nourishment." Mylo teased while flashing the same shit-eating grin she'd seen before. He led her gaze to his lap where his huge cock extended several inches out the top of his boxers. "That hot little blonde at the weed shop was right about that Diesel shit, it makes my fuckin' dick hard!"

Liv gasped loudly. She was at a loss for words as she thought shockingly to herself, "How can his huge penis be hard again already? He isn't going to want to have sex right here...in front of Grant...is he?"

Her final question was answered quickly as he backed his seat from the table. "Baby, climb down under here and help me get my boxers off. I'm not shy, and there's something cathartic about eating naked!"

With the music blaring loudly, Grant could only hear bits and pieces of their conversation but he had a pretty good idea what Mylo was coercing his wife to do. He pulled on his restraints yet again, but he could feel the power in his resistance fading quickly. The interminable pain and swelling in his broken bones, lack of food, and utter exhaustion were sapping what little energy he had left.

Liv took one final glance in her husband's direction before kneeling down under the table. Mylo ran one of his big hands through her hair. "Okay Sugar, help me get these uncomfortable fucker's off."

They worked together to free the snug boxers and Liv maneuvered them over his unit before sliding them down his legs. His semi-hard cock swung back out and flopped against her pretty face. The talented children's doctor moved her small hand to his shaft and reluctantly guided the swollen head into her mouth at Mylo's direction.

The sex offender's head fell back as he groaned loudly. "Oh fuck yeah!" Now with his hungry cock being serviced, Mylo turned his attention to the buffet and proceeded to shovel the delectable contents into his hungry mouth. The home-cooked breakfast feast was like a gift from heaven. He honestly couldn't tell which was better, the tasty food or the breakfast blowjob.

Liv couldn't believe his cock was already in her mouth again.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by more of Mylo's hubris. "Damn warden...Mmmm...you don't know what you're missing over here. I honestly don't know what's better, your wife's wet lips or her fuckin' blueberry pancakes!"

The warden seethed with rage. For the second time since they'd awoken, his beautiful wife was being forced to pleasure the deranged sociopath orally. This time however, her positioning, the loveseat to his left, and the placement of the kitchen table set, obscured his view of the debauchery. But the constant verbal chatter from the arrogant piece of shit, let him know exactly what was happening.

"Yeah, you suck a really mean cock honey! But as filling as I know that fucker is, you must be starving yourself, climb on up here and get yourself some of this incredible grub." Mylo encouraged as he easily lifted her lingerie clad body from her knees and maneuvered it into his lap. She was now facing her husband's direction as Mylo's huge cock pressed against her g-string clad pussy.

When she looked over in Grant's direction, Liv noticed her vision was slightly blurred—she immediately chalked it up to the marijuana and vodka. "Jeez it's only a quarter to eleven and I already feel like this? What in the world is the rest of this day going to be like?"

If she only knew...

For the next several minutes the tortuous criminal fed her tidbits of the delectable fare while subtly gliding his steel shaft along her slit. It wasn't long before he could feel her wetness leaking onto him. He whispered in her ear, I'm gonna slide my cock in you and as long as you don't respond outwardly, your husband won't have to know we are fucking again. The choice is yours, if you choose to fight it or make a scene," his teeth clenched menacingly for effect, "then I'll drag your ass over there and fuck you so hard on the couch right next to him that he'll never be able to get the image out of his mind! Is that what you want?"

Liv subtly shook her head, confused by how she should respond, but not wanting to torture her husband any further.

"Good...so I'm gonna pull your panties aside and you're going to rub that wet slit along my cock until the head pops inside. And then we're gonna work together to get this fucker nice and deep, just the way you like it! Then you're going to ride and squeeze it with your tight little cunt while we eat the rest of our breakfast. And when you're ready to cum, I would suggest you try your best not to squirt all over the place or your hubby might know. Do you think you can do that?"

Liv nervously contemplated his directive. She hated her options, but didn't see she had a choice. The pretty wife slowly nodded as she did her best to focus on the man she loved sitting helplessly across the room, not the one whose fat cock felt so good grinding against her dripping sex.

Her head hadn't stopped nodding before Mylo's long fingers slipped inside the slick material and yanked her g-string aside. The delicate garment stretched like it might snap. It was already soaked. "Nice baby...okay slide that married pussy across my dick until it's nice and wet and then line it up with your hole. Then I want you to tell me what you want!" Mylo whispered before he bit down on her ear.

The crazed sex offender fed Liv a piece of crispy bacon while her hips moved ever so slowly across his lap. As they did so, the young wife could feel every rutted contour of his rigid pole as her tender lips parted and gripped the persistent invader. Her married slit left a slippery trail along its veiny span. "That's it baby, nice and slow," Mylo whispered, "but don't forget to eat or your hubby's gonna wonder what's going on."

Liv reached for her fork and mindlessly took a bite of scrambled eggs. She glanced in her husband's direction just as his head bobbed for the first time.

"Damn, these blueberry pancakes are fucking juicy!" Mylo blurted out loud enough to startle the warden from his malaise. His announcement startled Liv enough that she flinched too. Mylo felt a gush of pussy cream splash across his cock when she settled back down. The deviant extended his purple-stained tongue and fluttered it like he was eating pussy, "Yeah, this shit is so wet and juicy, I can feel the nectar dripping! What do you think baby?" Mylo asked as he brought a big bite smothered in syrup to her mouth. His callous approach caused a large dollop of gooey syrup to spill from his fork and splatter in the gap between her big tits.

"Oh shit, I almost forgot the best part," Mylo shouted as he grabbed the whip cream canister from across the table. "Here honey open up, mix this shit with the bite in your mouth!" The reluctant wife did as he said before her mouth was quickly filled with the thick sugary cream. "Is that fuckin' shit good or what?" He cackled.

With the distraction in place, Mylo whispered stealthily in her ear, "Tell me where you want my cock!"

She shook her head delicately, trying not to alert her husband whose attention had been recaptured by Mylo's outburst.

"Don't fuck with me bitch or I'll get that fireplace poker out again," he cautioned, this time in a more vociferous, threatening tone, but still not loud enough for her husband to hear.

Despite the distance across the room and Mylo's distracting ravings, Grant suspected something more was happening between the lunatic and his wife, but his vision of their layered bodies remained blocked below the table level. He watched as after Mylo filled his wife's mouth with whip cream, he sprayed a big clump on his own tongue and joyously sucked it down.

After swallowing, the rapist whispered again, "Tell me..."

"Can we please just keep doing this, I'm sure it feels good for you..."

"Don't question me bitch! I can tell by how wet your pussy is, it feels good for you too, but it ain't your choice," Mylo growled through gritted teeth as he pinched her plump ass hard.

Liv held back a scream. "Okay, put it in."

"That's not convincing enough slut!" He gripped her skin and pinched more aggressively.

"Oh shit please stop. Will you...um...put it inside me. I want to...uh...ride it..."

A conquering grunt escaped Mylo's throat as his fingers absorbed another taught section of the wife's sexy ass flesh. "What do you want to ride?"

"Please don't pinch me...your cock...I wanna ride your...um...big cock!"

"That a girl. Take a bite of food as you slide forward and put that tight hole against it. This horny fucker knows what to do after that. It won't be his first time stretching that tight shit out. Will it?"

"Oh jeez...no!"

"What do you mean 'no' bitch?" Mylo questioned as he gathered more smooth skin between his fingers.

"I mean, no it won't be the first time he has stretched it out. It's...uh...he's so...so effing big..." She acknowledged as she slowly pushed her hips forward, gliding her sopping gash along his bulging shaft again. At the same time, she distractedly forked a bite of cantaloupe into her mouth.

When her slippery opening neared the swollen head, Mylo gripped her hips tightly and thrust upward. His big cock was like a wild animal stabbing its prey. The young wife practically choked on her food as the oversized knob bullied its way inside. Mylo reached for a piece of bacon and stuffed it in his own mouth. After chewing loutishly he bellowed, "Fuck chief, this shit is good, you should put it on the menu at the prison! Damn, it's easy to forget after you haven't had something for so long just how fucking good it can be! You know what I mean big guy?"

In spite of his distrust for the deranged convict, perhaps due to his foggy head or the arousing threesome on the screen in front of him, the warden didn't catch that Mylo's deceptive reference referred to his wife's pussy, not the bacon.

Over the next few minutes, the warden peered ignorantly back and forth between the porn and the kitchen table. He fought the dull ache from his concussed brain and exhaustion from the long sleepless night. As a result, he wasn't sharp and had no idea every sensitive nerve ending in his wife's pussy was being assaulted by the oversized intruder taking up residence between her legs.

At the same time, Mylo coerced the guilt-filled wife into feeding him bites of the delectable fare. He did the same for her, making her tell him how much she loved each one. The preoccupied wife answered in a series of breathless nods as her slick pussy soaked the rooting invader.

Mylo basked in the moment. He knew the young wife was experiencing profound anguish. Despite her pleasure, she was trying not to display any reaction in front of her husband. That, in and of itself, would have been difficult under any similar circumstance, but it was made all the more challenging now by the size of the intruder stretching her tunnel to its limits.

From Mylo's perspective, on the surface this stealthy strategy would appear to fly in the face of his true goal of torturing the warden through the sexual (mis)treatment of his wife. But the cunning sex offender knew his own satisfaction would be that much more fulfilling if, in addition to tormenting the man who had wronged him for so long, he corrupted the mother-fucker's wife's brilliant mind in addition to her spectacular body. Mylo Dickenson was in his element. Fucking Liv Rawlins was unbelievable, but fucking with her was almost as good!

He wasn't done.

Mylo slipped his hand from her ass and moved it between her thighs. She stiffened as his long fingers found their way through her little furry patch to her slippery bump.

"Oh god...no please don't...you don't need to do that! I already feel you everywhere..."

"Not everywhere slut, I could be molesting your huge tits or fingering your asshole, which of course I will again later, but right now, you just sit here and ride this big cock. Don't worry about anything else."

Liv bit her lip and grunted while the already incommunicable feelings of pleasure were enhanced dramatically as Mylo's fingers frigged her like no man ever had. She tried to avoid making eye contact with her husband, but when she finally glanced his way and saw his head bobbing in exhaustion again, a momentary sense of relief permeated her senses. She let herself enjoy the feelings of pleasure without remorse, if only for a few seconds. Unfortunately for her, during that blissful hesitation, perhaps due to her drug and alcohol induced condition, the irrefutable words "ffffuck me" oozed unconsciously from her faithful lips.