Was It All Worth It?


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Mom said she'd look after the kids until Beth got out. I went to work and met with my boss. I gave him the two-cent rundown and said I'd probably be divorcing Beth. He told me to take all the time in the world and not to worry about my job because it would still be here when I took care of business at home.

Lawyers are like sharks, especially if there is blood in the water. I went over everything starting with her being picked up and then handed him the tape.

"I took this off our home security system. You can't imagine my surprise when I was scanning the tapes, to see if I could see Beth taking any drugs, when I found out she was having an affair with the husband of one of our good friends."

"Steve, it happens all the time," he told me.

"I just want it done and over with. I want the house, custody of my kids and I sure as hell don't want to pay any alimony to that cheating slut."

"Don't worry, with what you've given me, it should be pretty much a slam dunk. Do you think, what's his name," he said looking at his notes. Carl's wife is going to divorce her husband?"

"I haven't talked to Sue but I guess I can ask."

"Tell her, I'll give her a twenty percent discount if she's interested. I can use the same evidence and we can do both at the same time." He gave me his card and I said I'd talk to her.

My next stop was at Beth's parents house. June and Hank were good people even if their daughter was a shit.

"Steve, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work or something?" June asked.

"I need to talk to you both for a few minutes."

I told them about the arrest, the tape, which I gave them a copy, and that I was planning on divorcing their daughter.

"Steve, can't you two go to counseling or something? You guys love each other, you can get past this in time," Hank pleaded with me.

"Look at the tape and ask yourself if this was your wife, could you forgive her? I can't and I think you'll agree. Also, I don't plan on bailing her out of jail. Her bail is three thousand dollars and since it's her fault I've pulled money out of savings to cover it. Tell her I don't want her back, ever. I'll drop off her things tomorrow morning and I'd appreciate it, if she wasn't here when I do." He understood.

Changing the locks, splitting our savings and checking accounts and finally packing up her clothes took most of the day. With mom picking up the kids at school and taking them to her house for dinner it gave me time to put my last plan into play. I cracked a cold one and picked up my cell phone.

"Sue, Steve here," I opened with. "I need to talk with you alone tonight if possible."

"Steve, we're just getting ready to sit down for dinner."

"Sue, any time tonight will work. I just need about an hour of your time."

"What's it about?" she asked.

"This is something I don't want to discuss it over the phone if you don't mind."

"Well, why don't I stop over just before eight, will that work?"

"I'll be her waiting." She told me she had to go but would see me later.

"All right, what's so important that we had to do it tonight?"

"Sue, Beth was picked up for possession of cocaine Saturday night."

"Oh my God Steve, she's in jail?"

"Sue, that's not the half of it. Sunday I started going through our house security tapes to see if I could she her using drugs and I found some else," I said leading her into the living room. I hit play on our DVD and waited for her reaction.

"Oh my God," is all she said as she watched her husband fucking my wife. I stopped the tape thirty seconds later.

"I see you are as surprised as I was."

"That cheating bastard and after I thought that everything was getting back to normal."

"I just thought that you should know. I made you a copy," I said ejecting it and handing it to her. "After the fist twenty minutes I turned it off; I just could watch it any longer. I'm divorcing Beth and met with an attorney this afternoon," I said giving her his card. "He said he'd give you a twenty percent discount if you were interested," but she wasn't hearing me.

Sue is not a big woman, but I don't think I'd want her mad at me. There was a lot of swearing and when she called Beth a fucking slut I just agreed with her.

"Do you have anything to drink?"

"Beer, wine, something stronger?"

"Wine works," she replied. "I knew something was going on, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Now I know why he was in such a good mood when you hired him to paint those rooms, that fucking bastard," she yelled downing her glass and going for a refill.

"My attorney told me to tell you not to get into it with him while you're angry. He's not sure how Carl's going to react. He suggested that you call the police and have him removed, just to be safe."

"That prick doesn't have the balls to hit me, but you're probably right." We talked for the next forty-five minutes.

I felt bad, not for Carl, but for Sue and her little girl. She called the police, gave them a rundown of what was happening and they said that they would have someone there in twenty minutes.

"I'm so sorry Sue," I told her.

"Don't be sorry, you weren't the one fucking around, they were," she said looking at my lawyer's card. "Tell him I'll take him up on his offer and I'll give him a call tomorrow."

"Are you ok to drive?" I asked.

"I'm fine, but I know someone who won't be in ten minutes. Steve, I'll be in touch." I pity that son of a bitch, she's going to tear him a new asshole.

I dropped off Beth's clothes Tuesday morning. Her mom was at the jail bailing her out as we unloaded the twelve garbage bags of clothes into their garage.

"Steve, I watched two minutes of the tape and you were right, I wouldn't take her back either. Hell, I don't even want her here, but she's got no place to go." I thanked him and left.

It started three hours later. Beth left call after call on both the house phone and my cell. I listened to a few of them but they were all about the same. I'm sorry, Carl seduced me, and it wasn't my drugs, as she pleaded for forgiveness. It wasn't going to happen.

Sue kicked out Carl and got a restraining order. He was allowed to pick up his clothes and work tools but that was about it. He got to the bank account before Sue and took out about seventy five percent. She was pissed.

We met with our attorney together and signed the papers. He said that there should be problem to get what we were asking for, which was about everything.

Carl didn't fight it, he knew he was screwed so he just signed over everything and gave Sue back most of the money he took. Beth, on the other hand fought it. She wanted custody and support but after more than a little arm twisting her lawyer convinced her to give it up. I gave her visitation rights but not overnight stays. In three months it was all over.

The day it became final Sue and I went out to dinner. It was a celebration of a sort but not really.

"I thought I had a good marriage until shit hit the fan," I told her.

"Steve, I saw it coming long before you. He started wanting to do things in the bedroom I wasn't comfortable with doing and then getting angry when I wouldn't. Bondage, S&M, golden showers and swapping was not what I was into. Hell, we went on that cruise to connect and all he wanted to do was to find couple to swap with."

"Sue, I never knew?"

"We kept it under wraps, but I wasn't happy and now I might lose the house. He's not working and I can't afford it on my own."

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you have such a big house? I mean, you've got five bedrooms for just the three of you?"

"Steve, it was a status thing. We were keeping up with everyone else and going deeper into debt by doing it. I didn't like the house from the beginning but he insisted on buying it."

"Why don't you sell it and downsize?"

"Where in the hell would I go even if I could sell that monstrosity?"

"Well if you're interested, I have a spare room in my house. Linda could bunk in the same room with Andy and you could have the spare room. You could put your furniture in storage until you found another place."

"Steve, I like you but.." I stopped her right there.

"Sue, I feel kind of responsible for the mess you're in and don't worry about me, I'm about as safe as it gets. Besides, mom is watching my kids, what's one more?"

Her home sold in two months. She made very little but at least it was something. She got to keep all the money because Carl was way behind on his child support payments. Over the period of a week we moved her in and instead of putting her stuff in storage, she had a yard sale and sold everything. So life went on.

We ate together, we lived together and even our three kids got along. Carl and Beth dated for a while, but it went nowhere. However, neither one of them liked the idea of us living together but we were both saving a ton of money in the process.

The first monthly BBQ we went to together we turned heads. When we explained that we weren't a couple, just cohabitating, no one said another thing about it. It was about six months after Sue moved in and the kids were finally tucked away in their beds she found me in the den, relaxing with a glass of wine.

"You want a glass?" I asked as she walked into the room.

"Please, that would be nice."

"It's my last bottle of a case I bought in Sonoma when we went there on vacation two years ago; it's by far my favorite," I said pouring Sue a glass.

"When did you really find out about Beth and Carl?" she asked staring at me. Shit was the first thing I thought.

"A couple of months after Carl did the first painting job. Beth and I weren't connecting much any more and she said something to the effect I didn't do it for her anymore. Well, if I wasn't, I had to find out who was. I set up the cameras and after I heard a conversation between the two of them I knew," I said sipping my wine.

"You planted the drugs on both of them didn't you?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no; does it really make a difference anymore? I had to make sure they had no bargaining chips when it came to the divorces. You were going to make out, but I would have gotten hosed. It was just enough to give them both a misdemeanors conviction but allowed me to keep my kids. I guess I should have told you but I didn't know if you would have gone along with it."

"Was me moving in with you part of the plan? Was I supposed to be some kind of revenge gift?" she said now a little angry.

"Sue, you weren't any part of my plan. I wanted to hurt Carl, but not you. I like you, I always have. When I put you in financial bind I knew I had to help you out anyway I could. I didn't feel I had to; I wanted to help you if that makes any sense. I've tried to help you anyway I could and I genuinely like having you here."

"I guess I'm kind of surprised you haven't made a move on me yet, but I guess I'm not your type."

"Sue, I don't have a type, as you call it. It wasn't my intention to bring you into my house and seduce you, even though it has crossed my mind a few times now that we're being honest."

"Steve, to this day, I don't have a clue why Beth would cheat on you with Carl. He is bigger than you but that's about it. You're smarter, better looking and a hell of a lot easier to live with."

"What do you mean I'm smaller?" I asked.

"All right, I peaked a couple of times when you came out of the shower. You're not a lot smaller but smaller nonetheless. Carl thought that just because he was hung it made him a great lover but that wasn't the case. There is more to making love than shoving a hard cock up someone's pussy, but he never learned that. I just wanted to know if I was part of your sinister plot to get revenge on your wife and Carl; not that they didn't deserve what they got."

"Am I sorry I did it? Not a chance. I gave Beth every opportunity to revive our marriage but when I heard what she said about me to Carl it was all over but the paperwork. You on the other hand are the silver lining to my divorce. Your beautiful, loving and treat people like they should be treated. I'm just thankful you're here with us."

"You keep saying us, we and words like that, but your actions don't say the same thing. We dance; we hold hands when we're with our children and closest you've come to kissing me is a peck on the cheek. A couple of our friends asked me if you were gay."

"Gay? Our friends think I'm fucking gay? Where did that all come from?"

"Steve, only the women, not the men. Women talk and they want to know if we're doing it or if not why the hell not. Aren't you the least bit horny? Speaking frankly, why in the hell aren't you nuts by now?"

"Long cold showers and a soft right hand if you must know. How about you? Don't you miss, you know, male company?"

"Steve, do you ever hear that low hum coming out of my room at night. Let me tell you, it's not the air conditioner making that humming noise," she said with a little laugh. "It takes the edge off but it's no replacement for a hot man."

"So, what I think you'r esaying, is you want to take it to the next level?"

"Earth to Steve, I want to take you upstairs and ball your eyes out! Is that plain enough for you?"

I started to say something but never had the chance to finish.

"Come on," Sue said grabbing my hand. "If I wait for you, we'll be too old and gray to do it."

This was the first time I saw Sue completely naked. In a two-piece she looked good, lying on the bed she looked great. She didn't have the body of a twenty year old but one of a thirty-three year old milf.

We kissed until it became automatic and then spent the next half hour familiarizing ourselves with each other's intimate parts. The first time neither one of us lasted very long. Her pussy wasn't shaved, so I munched through the bush until I found what I'd been looking for, a small hard clit. With one finger in her tight pussy and a hot tongue flicking her clit she went off.

"Oh fuck," she yelled before she covered her mouth with her hand as I felt her body start to quiver below me. I think I heard an "Oh shit," or something to that effect before she simmered down.

Arms, lips and a wet tongue all attacked me before she even recovered. "I think she liked what I did," I said laughing to myself as she about over whelmed me.

"I need to see if you know how to use that thing or if it's just for decoration," she told me sliding down between my legs.

I was hard but I guess not hard enough for Sue as she licked, sucked and deep throated me. She was good, not as good as that black hooker, but what she lacked in talent she made up for in real enthusiasm. When I started to get close, I pulled her up to my lips, kissed her gently and rolled her over.

I slipped in and for the next ten minutes we made love. Our lips never left one another's and our privates did what they were supposed to do, give each other pleasure. We climaxed almost at the same time and with her legs around my waist I was going nowhere. I never pulled out. We kissed, traded spit and came down together. When I flopped out of her pussy, I could feel our combined juices running down my dick and probably down the crack of her ass. We lay there, side my side facing each other, giving each other small pecks and kisses for the better part of a half hour.

"Was it what you expected?" I asked.


"You mean you don't think I'm gay anymore?"

"Steve, I never thought you were gay, just too nice of a guy. But, I'll take a nice guy like you, over an asshole, any day of the week." I laughed.

"So this means we're dating?"

"Boy, you do move fast. First you fuck a girl and then you expect to date her too? What kind of a girl do you think I am?"

"Not a girl, a woman I want to share my bed with; among other things." That's the last words we spoke that night.

Saturday at Vicki and Mikes, while the guys cooked the steaks the girls huddled around in the kitchen.

"So you two finally did it?" Mike said turning the steaks.

"Excuse me?"

"Steve, I saw the look on Sue's face when the two of you walked in and that phony kiss on the cheek didn't fool anyone. I told Vicki that you'd get around to it eventually but she said Sue would end up having to jumping your bones; which one of us won?" About that time we heard the girls in the kitchen scream. "I hope you realize, that because of you, now I have to give Vicki a one hour back massage tonight. Well I guess it won't be a total loss," Mike said with a smile.

After that night we were like newlyweds. When they told us to get a room, we did just that, my bedroom. When she came home Friday night to a full driveway of cars she wondered what had happened. When she walked into a full house of people she wondered what function she'd forgotten about. Her parents, mine, the kids and all our friend; everyone was there.

"What's going on Steve, what's everyone doing here?"

"Sue, you forgot about our party?"

"Steve, what party?" she said with this weird look on her face.

"Sue, you forgot your own wedding party?"

Surprise, shock, amazement and utter joy exploded out from her. She about killed me with kisses and hugs before some yelled for us to get a room.

"I think that's how this all started," I told her with a smile. "Sue," I said dropping down on one knee with everyone circling around us now. "Will you marry me?"

You could have a pin drop as everyone waited silently. When she started to cry, I did get a little concerned for about a second before she nodded yes and then put her arms around me. Everyone exploded in cheers, clapping as someone yelled, "let's get this party started."

We're happy, we're very happy. I know with Sue I don't have to look over my shoulder to worry about what she's doing. But it was about a year and a half after I got married I got a surprise. I'd kept the surveillance going and had updated it to a larger tape that would handle three weeks worth of video. I switched the kitchen camera to the front of the house and left the others alone. Every once in a while I'd look at the bedroom tape to watch us make love that's when I got a real shocker.

I was flipping through and erasing the down loads when I saw Sue on the bed naked. She had her toys out and was making good use of them. I turned up the volume to hear her moan and groan as she worked them in and out of her. Was I turned on? Hell yes. When she climaxed she about broke my eardrums. Then looking up at the tape I watched her smile.

"Steve I hope you enjoyed the show. Maybe now you'll remove the one from our bedroom. I got a better one with a zoom.

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Btrying2Btrying29 days ago

Super entertaining tale. A- on those grammar things which by the way don’t mean the story is any less of a sucess. Characters grabbed my attention. The emotion was there though I always crave more. The why she did it would have been nice. (She learned about the bigger dick after she decided to cheat). Outcome was good. BTB is so fulfilling when there is a slut wife. Hurting her fuck buddy is always a plus.

Thanks for share of your talents - though it appears you have abandoned this site. John.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

One thing. Beth was supposed to have knocked over two mailboxes. Did the police find front end damage on her car? She was supposed to be under the influence of cocaine or other drugs while driving. No blood test? BTW Four stars for an okay story.



Ocker53Ocker5325 days ago

Once again another great story⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Nice ending and the cheaters got what they deserved- deprived of hurting further the people that loved them. Some call this "BTB", but in this story the wife was only somewhat singed (not carted off to a brothel somewhere) AND (even though I am not happy what he did) this was really almost required so that the MC wasn't the one getting burned down. My feeling is that "no fault" is simply wrong and that the innocent party should not be getting screwed over a second time by the legal system.

nixroxnixrox2 months ago

4 stars for a decent BTB.

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