Watching My Hairy Mom

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Voyeuristic son learns the facts of life by watching.
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A nosy son learns about his family back in the 1970's...


I had what some might call a perverted hobby during my younger days. Most 18 year old guys were busy chasing girls but I was never good at catching them back then so I chose the next best thing. I was a voyeur, although I didn't know the word back then. I liked to look at a woman as she dressed, undressed, shaved and had sex with her husband. Just one woman though.

My Mom. I didn't go prowling around the neighborhood, but just stayed home and looked into her bedroom from a hidden vantage point whenever I thought something good would be happening that involved Mom without clothes. I don't think many people would call her good looking. Pleasant enough might be a better word and if someone said she looked stiff and humorless I couldn't have argued.

She was very tall - around 6' which made her taller than Dad and myself - and reed thin, and usually had her dark brown hair cut like the Beatles had worn a decade earlier when they first got popular, sort of a bowl haircut that she must have loved even though it wasn't all that flattering. Mom had what looked liked an ordinary figure except when she took her bra off.

Good grief! Her breasts must have been really packed into the harness or it was designed to minimize because when I saw that bra come off for the first time her breasts practically exploded out of it. They lurched down - massive bell-shaped jugs that looked wildly out of proportion on an otherwise slender and shapeless figure. They hung - no way they could do otherwise being real flesh instead of saline - and when Mom would stand there with her hands on her lips and leaned back (probably because they made her back hurt) it was a sight that launched hundreds of orgasms of mine.

The title of this story is "Watching My Hairy Mom", although not too many people would have known about this any more than they would know about her huge breasts. She was a schoolteacher and if you saw her on the street you would never have a clue about what was under the clothes. I know I was stunned when I saw her naked that first time, and I had little to compare her with when she appeared in the bedroom and took off that white bathrobe.

The triangle of dark brown fur was more like a giant untrimmed heart-shaped jungle that even her baggy old lady panties couldn't reign in, and I had no idea how the old man even found his way in there, but he did every weekend like clockwork. I loved her pubic hair even if there was a lot more of it there than on the two others I had seen in real life, even spreading to the insides of her thighs.

Mom shaved her legs, at least up to just above her knees, and I knew that because she would do it every morning and usually under my watch. She would put one leg up on the chair and have that Lady Remington humming after getting out of the shower and drying off, and I had a side view of her massive tits swaying down while she shaved her legs just about every day.

I think she shaved that often because the hair grew back so fast. I know the hair under the arms did because when she would shave them in the morning - only during the warm months - and if she was wearing a sleeveless top, by early afternoon you could see stubble already.

She had five o'clock shadow a couple of hours early, and she wasn't like some of the mothers of my friends who had these little patches of peach fuzz in the center of their pits either. Mom's armpits - and her pits were deep and spacious because she was slender - were covered with the dense shadow, so much so that sometimes her underarms looked like they had been painted brown.

Come around Columbus Day though, Mom stopped shaving under her arms and before long her armpits would become bushy jungles, and to this day I've yet to see a woman on any of these websites who had more hair under their arms than she did.

I guess Dad liked it judging by the way they went at it on Saturday nights after games of Bridge at a neighbor's, and so it must be in the genes because while I was put off by the armpit hair in the beginning, it grew on me. A lot, and it used to turn me on to think of her walking around like a prim and proper immaculately groomed mature woman while having those amazing armpits out of sight, not too mention those incredible breasts.

Anyway, the main attraction of my peeping was Mom, although I confess to watching them screw at times as well. The problem was that they did it in the dark or near dark so I usually only saw shadows and glimpses.

They did it a couple of times with the light on though and I got to witness Mom sucking Dad's dick once too. That was a bit strange because I learned that I really didn't have what I feared was the tiniest dick in town. My old man did. I guess that ran in the genes too. Later I discovered that I wasn't small but just average, and had only been intimidated because the two guys that I had compared erections with in the woods one time turned out to be really well endowed, but who knew back then?

My viewing horizons widened though one winter morning, and along with that came a whole lot of education about my family. It was just before the holidays with Mom enjoying recess and me waiting for my second semester of my freshman year of college, and I was supposed to go hunting with a friend and his father. I didn't really like hunting and rarely shot, but I liked being outside and it was better than sitting home watching TV.

The old man was pissed because he had to work all day while I was going to be out and about and Mom was going to be home, and I enjoyed it when he would fume. At dinner the night before Mom seemed very interested in what time I would be leaving - really early - and especially when I would be home - pretty late in the day - but I didn't think much of it.

I walked over to my friend's house early the next morning, and we were are packed and ready to go but his father's car wouldn't start. After an extended period of failed efforts and cursing by his old man, it was clear this trip wasn't going to happen that day. My friend and I sat around for awhile before I headed for home, catching the sight of my father's car disappearing around the corner, and when I got in the house I heard the shower on.

With nothing else to do I decided not to waste an opportunity for some Mom watching so I got into position in the spare room, where the vent provided a prime view of much of the bedroom, except for around the headboard.

I had barely got settled when Mom came into the bedroom in quite a hurry. She was usually one of these people who are always punctual and never flustered, so seeing her rushing around was a bit different. She had the day off so I wasn't sure what the hurry was but she was really moving.

The razor did a quick swipe around the insides of her calves, long enough to give me a glimpse of the hairy crack of her butt, and then she buffed the towel under her arms briskly before going over to her make-up table.

She grabbed this fancy glass bottle and spritzed a little under each arm. This was different for her, since she usually sprayed her pits with Sure aerosol deodorant, but then she was on the move again. Mom ran that towel between her legs wildly, making the jungle of hair look even more outrageous but as she did the doorbell rang.

Mom threw on her bathrobe and ran out of the bedroom as graceful as a nearly 6' woman can, while I stayed where I was and waited for Mom to get back in the bedroom, and which time I could sneak outside and make an appearance like I just got home. I didn't know I wouldn't be doing that for quite a while.

A minute late Mom came back into the bedroom, chattering as she came in and then shrugged the robe of her shoulders while still talking. That was really weird, I recall thinking, because there was somebody in the house and Mom was very modest. Maybe a neighbor woman, and my mind spun at the thought of my mother having a lesbian lover, even though the idea was absurd.

Weird doesn't describe what happened next though, because the person she was talking to was coming into the room and it was no woman. He was talking while Mom bent down threw the covers off the freshly made bed, and for once my eyes weren't on Mom's jugs as they swung freely but were on the man in the room.

It was my grandfather, my father's father to be precise, and while he wasn't exactly a stranger in these parts the very fact that he was there staring at my very naked mother, his daughter-in-law, could not be happening.

Clearly it was though, and my Mom stood there like she was fully dressed and listening to a student, very bubbly and happy for a change while Grandpa stared at her and talked.

Grandpa was a character, a typical old geezer with thinning grey hair and a silver grey beard that was closely trimmed. He usually wore a white hat that I always thought made him look like Popeye was I was young, and maybe that was also because he always called me Skipper.

He always wore suspenders too, and today had on a red and black flannel shirt along with baggy pants but not for long because the guy was taking his clothes off, right there in front of Mom. Clearly, this was some kind of dream, yet I was fully awake and watching the craziest scene imaginable.

Grandpa pulled the suspender straps off his shoulders and then the shirt came off while the pants clattered to the floor. Baggy boxer shorts? Down. Except for the socks, my grandfather was naked and my mother was coming around the bed to him.

"Been a while Dad," Mom said as she went over and knelt in front of her father-in-law and grabbed his limp dick.

Physically Grandpa didn't look much different that my father, only there were probably a few less pounds on his bony 5'9" frame on him than Dad. Neither of them were musclemen and with Grandpa getting close to 70 his pale and practically hairless body looked even weaker at that point.

Then again, my mother was putting his dick in her mouth, and it wasn't the first time either judging by the way they talked and the way Mom sucked. She had Grandpa's skinny little noodle in her mouth and was pulling back her head further each time her head bobbed.

Grandpa was calmly standing there with one hand on his bony hip and the other caressing Mom's hair, and once I began to actually believe what I was seeing was real and not a delusion, a strange thing started to happen. His cock was getting longer.

It had started out being just a skinny little dick looking much like my father's, the only differences being my grandfather was uncircumsized and had a really long sac swinging between his bowed thighs but as Mom kept sucking I noticed that the dick was stretching out so much when Mom leaned back that the thing looked elastic.

"That's it Irene," Grandpa had said frequently since Mom started. "Make me big and hard for you. You do it so fine," and it sounded funny at first but after Mom had been sucking for a few minutes I wasn't laughing any more.

Soon Mom had both hands wrapped around the pale veiny shaft and was spinning her fists around as her mouth went up and down the rest of his manhood, and "the rest" was probably about 6"! I thought I was seeing things until Grandpa reached down and pulled Mom up to her feet to put her on her back on the edge of the bed.

Swaying around without Mom's mouth and fists, my grandfather's cock looked outrageous sticking out from his otherwise withered body. Not thick mind you, but the freakish looking pole looked like it might have been close to a foot-long, or about as big as my Dad's and mine - combined.

My grandfather wasn't taking bows but went down to his own knees, slower than Mom had but when he got down there his wrinkled hands spread Mom's sleek thighs before he buried his face in that wild untamed forest of hair.

"Oh Dad!" Mom gushed as she groped her doughy breasts roughly. "Feels so good. Eat my cunt!"

I stepped back from the wall for a second because my head was spinning. This was like one of those Superman comic books that featured Bizarro World where everything was the opposite of reality. That was the scene in my parents bedroom.

My mother, as Puritan in body and soul as they come, and who would recoil when Dad or myself would even say "damn" let alone an even more blunt four-letter word, had just said the word cunt. She said it while on her back, bare naked after sucking my father's father's cock, with my Grandpa making sloppy noises as he went down on my mother.

Part of me wanted to leave because I was seeing things that shouldn't be seen, but part of me and you know which part, wanted to stay. I went back to looking in, only now my pants and underwear were around my ankles.

"Need it Daddy!" Mom was crying as she writhed on the bedding. "Give me that big cock of yours."

"You want it all Irene?" Grandpa was saying as he got slowly to his feet, and he used that Popeye voice with a whimsical tilt of the head as watched Mom sliding further away from the foot of the bed.

"Every inch Dad!" Mom said as Grandpa climbed onto the bed, the cock still very stiff and looking even longer as it bounced like a diving board.

"Heh-heh-heh!" Grandpa chuckled as he poked the end of his cock into that dense bush. "Your pussy is wet."

"Don't tease me with it Dad!" Mom implored, sighing as he seemed to have been able to find the opening with no problem, but he appeared to be just dipping the tip into her and then withdrawing it. "Fuck me."

"Dirty mouth on my little girl," Grandpa said while clucking, and all he needed was a pipe in his mouth and a sailor hat to be Popeye, although the way Mom's huge bosom was rolling around as she squirmed there was no way she could be Olive Oyl.

My grandfather stood there kneeling between Mom's legs, enjoying the view while his hand slid the foreskin of his manhood back and forth, exposing the head of his dick which looked like the nose cone of a rocket.

I remember wishing I had a foreskin like Grandpa did while watching him, but I also wished I had cock remotely resembling what he had as well.

"Ready?" Grandpa cooed, and Mom answered in a flurry of obscenities which only ended when Grandpa arched up over Mom and plunged his cock into her slow and steady until it looked like it was all in her.

The scream that Mom let out made me jump but it wasn't one of pain, or at least not all of it, and once Grandpa got started he was a changed man because he started thrusting hard and fast. It was almost like he was doing push-ups on Mom, impaling her while her skinny legs kicked in the air and her hands gripped her father-in-law's biceps.

Up and down went Grandpa's bony butt as it arched high in the air before plunging down onto Mom. His pale skin was glistening with sweat now, flying off his brow while he humped without skipping a beat as Mom looked like she was having a seizure underneath him.

She came, and while I'm sure she had orgasms with Dad and probably tried to stifle her emotions in deference to me sleeping down the hall, when she let loose this time she probably got heard halfway down the block as she clawed Grandpa's back so much it looked like he was attacked by a gang of cats.

I took a deep breath after that, because I was exhausted just watching, but Grandpa wasn't done. far from it because he only dismounted to change positions and also because he said his back was bothering him.

If it was, it didn't affect his cock which was STILL stiff and waving around as he climbed off the bed and stood at the foot while Mom rolled around and got on all fours. What a view I had of Mom, kneeling there while Grandpa fiddled around between her spread legs.

The fact that Mom's arms were so long kept her pendulous breasts from staying just above the sheet as they swayed beneath her like massive torpedoes, and I saw Mom's face reflect the fact that Grandpa had put that pole back in her.

Now Grandpa looked like the sailor I imagined him to be, with one hand on his hip and the other on Mom's lower back like he was piloting a ship, in this case the S.S. Irene Matlin and Mom was cumming again before too long.

"Oh fuck!" Mom yelled, the word coming out like it would have from one of the guys before she yelled out a word like she was freezing cold. "Cumming!"

"Dirty mouthed slut!" was Grandpa's grizzled reply although he was grinning when he said it, and then he started slamming into Mom really hard, lifting her off the bedding every time while reaching around Mom and roughing up her tits.

"Damn!" Mom sighed after she stopped cumming and just before her arms gave out and her face hit the bedding as she looked dazed, unlike Grandpa who was clearly not human in more ways besides the length of his cock because he was still sliding in and out of Mom's ravaged pussy.

"Ass or mouth," Irene?" Grandpa said after a few more minutes. "Gonna shoot soon."

Ass? He was going to put that thing in Mom's butt? No, as it turned out because Mom rolled over to a sitting position when Grandpa pulled backwards, holding his now beet-red poker in his hand. I couldn't see from my angle much more than Mom's mouth open wide and her face jerk back when the first spurt of cum missed the mark.

The rest didn't though because Mom moved her mouth over his spurting weapon and took the rest without complaint, with Grandpa smiling and looking down at his daughter-in-law as he came.

Mom kept sucking my grandfather's dick long after it went limp, and when she let it go it had returned to the far more modest tube it had been before. Mom rose then and they embraced, and Grandpa looked tiny next to her in addition to being at least 3 or 4 inches shorter than her.

They were both laughing, I think at the string of cum that was on Mom's forehead and in her hair and eye, and then Mom left the room. From the sounds outside the hall I guess she went to the bathroom, while Grandpa stood in front of the dresser mirror, comically admiring his physique from the side. He even started grabbing his limp noodle by the end of the long foreskin to stretch it straight out as far as he could before letting go of it and watching it slowly return to a human size.

I knew I would have a lot of trouble looking either of these two in the eye again without seeing them like they were in there, especially Grandpa. The next time Mom would ask me to help Grandpa in the house with something heavy I would have to bite my lip so I didn't tell her that he was in better shape that I would ever be.

I figured they had been at it for an hour, and when Mom returned they talked about when I would be home. Grandpa sounded delighted when he learned they had plenty of time, and I had to shake my head at that because they was no way he would be able to do anything but lay there after all that.

Wrong. After they played around for a while Mom got a bottle of some kind of lotion, and when Grandpa rolled onto his stomach Mom gave him a massage, starting at his feet and working up. She kneaded his skinny frame gently, and I thought it was a beautiful intimate thing with one exception.

"Oh Irene, you aren't going to be a dirty girl are you?" Grandpa cackled as Mom was kneading his bony butt with her oily hands.

"Do you want me to be, Dad?" Mom said with a grin, and then seemed to stick her finger in Grandpa's butt judging my the way he jumped. "Do you want me to be your dirty little girl?"

"What do you think honey?" Grandpa said.

"I think you want me to lick your honeypot," Mom giggled, and in the latest of what would be an afternoon of surprises I watched as Mom lowered her face into the crack of my grandfather's ass.

I couldn't really see anything, and after Grandpa raised his lower torso off the bed all I could see was Mom's eyes and the top of her head, but Grandpa was kind enough to provide a running commentary. A Curt Gowdy version of describing what Mom was doing to him.