We Need to Talk Dave


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"Bloody hell, I've been living in a den of iniquity without knowing it!"

"What about the wife swapping?" Mary continued, clearly enjoying in some perverse way, shocking me with her revelations.

"I don't believe that," I spat out. "Who?"

"Mike, me Gwen and you," she went on, unable to keep her amusement totally hidden.

"Rubbish!" I cried out, totally gobsmacked. "That I would have known about."

"You would have it had actually happened," she agreed, still smiling at my reaction. "It never got beyond the talking stage, but Gwen decided you'd never go for it, and didn't want to take the risk of asking you."

"Just as damn well," I stated firmly. "I would never have gone for it, and I guess that let you off the hook as well Mary."

"What do you mean?" She asked, looking a bit put out.

"You've made it plain that you wouldn't let me fuck you," I reminded her. "Quite publicly in fact. Nearly got my head caved in by those big mates of yours."

"Sorry about that," she sighed. "Caught me at the wrong moment. I was still so pissed off with Mike. Besides, I said I wouldn't let you fuck me. I didn't say that it didn't appeal to me."

As she said that she stared at me, that damn sexy grin returning with a vengeance. I found myself blushing, unsure how to reply.

"To be honest Dave, whether I might actually let you is a bit under review at the moment. I'm really very fussy who I go to bed with, but if you were back on the market, then you'd be very high up on my list."

Ever tried to gulp and cough at the same time?

Well I did and it ends up going up your nose, so the result bought a peal of laughter from my companion.

I desperately needed to change the subject, not because I wasn't enjoying such attention from a beautiful sexy young woman, but because I was unable to find the words to counter her, and the whole thing seemed to be going just too far and too quickly.

"Careful Mary," I warned her, seeing a possible escape. "Another of your buttons has popped open."

"I know," she grinned even more wickedly. "I undid it."

"Your showing even more of your breasts off," I commented, concerned for some reason, but enjoying the view myself.

"I know," she repeated. "It's fun, isn't it?"

"I can see your whole breast," I thought to tell her, my eyes all but popping out as I caught a tantalizing glimpse of a very erect nipple.

"You complaining?" she teased me.

"Those guys up there can see it as well," I pointed out the obvious.

"They're not complaining," she replied, licking her lips deliciously. "Are you?"

"Hardly," I croaked, my throat so dry I had to take an urgent swig of the beer still in front of me.

"Can you just imagine how jealous those guys are of you Dave?" Mary surprised me yet again with.

"Why," I demanded. "They've probably got a better view than I have."

"But they know that's all they're going to get Dave," she taunted me. "They might be able to see my tits, but they're not going to feel them. They're not going to get to suck them, are they?"

"And I am?" I asked incredulously, swallowing deeply, hardly able to believe this conversation.

"Jury's still out on that one Dave," she giggled. "I know where my vote would go, but let's see how things pan out over the next few weeks shall we. Why don't you sort your own situation out and then give me a ring. Besides, I've got to be getting back to work."

"Me to," I agreed reluctantly, not having had so much fun since Tom Hanks fell into the duck pond. "I've got some thinking to do."

"Right," she said, swinging herself around and out of the seat, the hem of her dress riding up high and giving me, and the other guys for that matter, more than a quick glance of the crotch of her panties; white by the way if you're interested.

"Sexy bitch," I whispered to her, knowing she'd done it deliberately.

"Think you could handle a girl who likes to show her naughty bits off in public," she whispered back. "Mike couldn't. It used to upset him, so I had to behave myself."

"I could," I grinned back at her, realising quite how much I would enjoy it. "I'd love it."

"Then get yourself sorted and definitely give me a ring," she ended, reaching up and giving me a kiss, which should have been on my cheek, but rather cheekily missed, and rather pleasantly. "I suggest you do it quickly."

And with that she was gone, with an exaggerated swing of her hips as she walked out, still pulling the hem of her skirt down as she left, to where it should properly have been.

"Bloody hell mate, has she got a sister," I heard from the raised platform just above me where the 'watchers' had positioned themselves to enjoy the best view.

"Or a friend?" joined in one of the others.

"I'll ask her," I joined in the good-humoured banter to show I wasn't annoyed, looking up at them with a huge grin on my face.

"Lucky sod," a third one added, looks of pure jealousy oozing out of them all.

"Aren't I just," I agreed, giving them a wave of my hand and following her out, at least making them think that I was leaving with her.

By God, did I feel good at that moment!

I wasn't sure that I'd got all the answers that I'd been seeking, but somehow in less than an hour, it all didn't seem to matter so much by then, and the future simply didn't look so bleak anymore.


Now all that had taken place straight after me booking myself out of the hospital, no worse for wear as it turned out fortunately. My wife Gwen didn't even know that I'd left, so when she got home that evening from work, she was surprised to see me sitting there.

"Mike," she called out when she saw me, dropping her bag and running over to me. "When did you get out? I was just going to freshen up and go over to visit you."

"Today," I replied, holding my hand up to stop her from jumping on me. "We need to have a little talk."

"Of course honey," she cooed. "I've missed you so much."

"Enough to stop fucking Mike?" I spat out at her, and she came to a dead halt, her lips quivering, and her face loosing its colour.

"Well Gwen! Enough to stop fucking Mike?" I repeated. "Enough to ask him not to bash me over the head again?"

Gwen stood there staring at me in shock, almost seeming to age before my eyes, her mouth opening and closing but no intelligible words coming out.

"Cat got your tongue Gwen?" I carried on harshly. "How the hell did you think you'd get away with it? The six of you fucking one another and leaving your poor, damn, clueless husband in the dark."

"It wasn't like that honey," Gwen eventually sobbed. "I swear I've only been with Mike. I promised you it would only be with one other man."

"You promised me it would only be the one time as well," I reminded her. "What the fuck happened to that promise?"

"How do you ....." Which is far as she got, realising that the cat was truly out of the bag, dropping her head as the first tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"I more or less figured it out for myself," I started to answer her unfinished question. "Mary told me the rest."

"That bitch," she flared up angrily, looking back up at me. "If she'd kept her word. If she'd not chickened out, then none of this would have been necessary."

"You stupid cow," I spat at her disdainfully. "Do you really think I would have gone along with it? Do you really think I would have let that big, stupid bugger Mike fuck my wife and not gone after him?"

"Nick and Ted went along with it," she mumbled unhappily.

"Ted was already fucking Jilly," I continued, as if it was common knowledge. "And Kim's been making eyes at Nick for months."

"You know about Ted and Jilly?" Gwen asked, eyes wide, obviously shocked that I did.

"So did Nick," I ventured, unsure that he did. "But how's Kim going to react when she finds out that she was late to the show? That her loving husband was knocking up one of her best friends."

"Oh God Dave," my wife pleaded, the tears reappearing. "She doesn't know. She mustn't know. She was the hardest to convince and if she discovered we'd deceived her she'd kick Ted out."

"Serve the pair of them right," I snapped, an idea forming for a little later on that day. "What about you Gwen? How long had you been fucking Mike before our fishing trip?"

I hadn't Dave," she cried, tears now falling freely down her cheeks. "I swear to you we hadn't."

"Could you also swear that he'd never felt up you tits as well Gwen?" I pushed on, my accusations striking home, causing Gwen to drop her head and start to sob loudly.

"How about swearing that he'd never had his hands inside your panties Gwen? How about that?"

That bought no response and certainly no denial, and by then I was on a roll.

"How about telling me you've never wanked him off Gwen," I screamed at her, having no idea whether she had or not, though her lack of denial told me volumes.

"How about the blow-jobs Gwen," I ground on. "Did he enjoy you sucking him off, did he?"

"Nooo," she cried between sobs. "I didn't do that Dave, I swear to you."

I actually believed her that time, as the only times she'd ever done that for me were so infrequent that they felt like birthday presents. But I wasn't finished with her.

"Maybe you never sucked him off before, but what about since Gwen. Can you also swear that his cock has never been in your mouth since you've been fucking one another?"

At that point I had to break my ranting off, striding quickly to the downstairs toilet to puke up in the pan. My last question had provoked nothing other than another outburst of crying, confirming my accusations of what she'd done for him that she professed to dislike doing for me, her husband. Worse of all, wondering how many times in the last few months I'd kissed those lips that had been wrapped round Mike's cock, possibly not a long time previously.



By the time I'd managed to control my heaving, my guts threatening to come up and disappear into the pan, every time my minds eye pictured my lips and tongue following the same route as Mike's cock, then I needed to wash my mouth out and freshen myself up. That done, with a heavy heart I made my way back into the living room, uncertain how to do it, but knowing that sooner or later I would be announcing the end of our marriage.

When I got there, she'd gone. I assumed that Gwen had gone up to our bedroom to cry her eyes out as she'd seen her comfortable life dissolving before her eyes, but I simply couldn't raise the enthusiasm to climb the stairs to check it out. To be honest at that moment, I couldn't give a damn where she was, or what she was doing, and decided that my life having been ruined, then I'd wreck a couple of others as well.

I was lucky to get Kim on the phone when I rang Ted's house, and of course she greeted me happily like the good friends that she thought we still were.

I soon put her straight on that point!

"I know Kim," I announced firmly, ignoring her questions as to how was I feeling following my fall. "I know I didn't fall and I know who hit me. I know you six bastards have been fucking one another behind my back, and I know who's been fucking who."

"Oh!" she murmured, but then fell silent.

"I also know something that you don't know Kim," I went on blindly. "I know that your husband Ted has been having an affair with Jilly behind your back for the last year or more. I know they've been fuck buddies and I know they set you up with Nick so that they could continue without getting caught."

"That can't be true Dave," Kim wailed. "Nick and me have only done it twice, and I've felt so guilty that I've told him it's over."

"Over for you, but not for them Kim," I slammed into her. "They've been having sex in Ted's office, at sleazy hotels, even in the damn park and at your house as far as I know, and it's been going on since last summer."

I was back on the roll, and inventing things as I went along, no idea if they were all true or not, and not caring, simply wanting her to hate him.

"I don't believe you Dave," Kim sobbed unhappily, though it was pretty obvious she was beginning to.

"Where is he now?" I demanded, her silence confirming that one place that he wasn't, was at home.

"I'll tell you where he is Kim," I carried on, my mind desperately trying to conjure up some suitable place that seemed feasible. "The pair of them are at that show house we've just finished. Did you know it's all now furnished? Did you know there's a big king sized bed in there?"

"I know," she wailed back, though quite how she knew I had no idea, because in reality I didn't know that myself. "The bastard! Her as well! Damn the pair of them! It's not the first time he's strayed, but it's the last time as far as I'm concerned."

That was news to me, and I choked back the next invention that I'd already thought up.

"I'll divorce the bastard," Kim carried on ranting. "I'll take him for everything he's got. I'll throw him out of the house. He'll never see the kids again. I'll get my revenge. That's it, I'll get my revenge."

"Good for you," I encouraged her.

"How about you Dave?" She turned the talk in a direction I'd never expected. "I need to get my revenge. Do you want to fuck me?"


"Yes you Dave," she screamed. "Gwen's always going on about how good you are in bed when we complain about our husbands. D'you want to show me how good you are?"

Bloody hell!

That was a double wammy out of the blue. How should I react to that?

"Maybe I could take a rain cheque on that Kim," I somewhat reluctantly half turned her down, aware that if she discovered how much of my information was made up, then she may cut my cock off rather than stick it somewhere warm and inviting. "I really need to sort my own situation out before I get involved with anyone else."

"Ok," she growled. "I understand, but promise me you'll think about it."

"I'll certainly think about it Kim," I promised her, and grinned as I realised that unlike earlier I was speaking the truth. Kim was a pretty little thing, just a few pounds overweight but in the right places. Her tits were pretty huge, bigger than I'd normally go for, but I was sure I could make allowances.

Yes Kim, I thought after I'd put the phone down. I'll be thinking about that!


Well that was one down and four to go. No not five, my feelings against Kim seeming to have levelled off somewhat, a mixture of her being the least keen of the six to get involved, plus her offer. Yes, that's right, I was already thinking about that.

Make that three in fact, as besides Ted, my own wife Gwen was already a casualty, though she had more heartache yet to come.

Little did I know however that the events I'd already set in motion were going to take on a life of their own, and that Kim was going to do the dirty work for me to take some revenge on Nick and Jilly.

Little did I know that after ending our phone call, the feisty little Kim had literally gathered up her rolling pin, stormed out of the house and drove up to the new show house.

Little did I know, or for a moment suspect, that my false accusations of where Ted and Jilly were at that moment had an unexpected grain of truth in them. They probably hadn't been' doing the nasty' in the king sized bed at the house, but they were there when Kim arrived. They had every right to be there as it happened, Jilly having been involved in furnishing the house, and Ted of course keeping the paperwork right, but of course Kim didn't give them time to explain that. She rushed them and waded in, knocking Ted senseless and ending up in a real catfight with Jilly, who unlike Ted, had time to defend herself.

In this modern age of course, a member of the public was there with an I-phone, an all singing and dancing I-phone 5, and I can imagine his disbelief as he, whoever he was, stood there watching Jilly and Kim fighting at one another, screaming and cursing as they grappled and tore at each other, and more interestingly as far as the internet was concerned, at one another's clothes. Jilly was taller and stronger than Kim, but unfortunately for her more flimsily dressed, and by the time the police arrived to break it up, the pair of them were flopping about completely knackered, Kim with her more than generous tits out on display, but Jilly with little more than her panties left.

The Internet video was a hit, first on U-tube, and then it went viral (whatever that means -- sorry but I'm simply not of that generation)

Jilly's family saw the results, and her big brother (read very big brother), decided for some reason that it was all his brother in law's fault. Big brother ended up in the clink, but Nick ended up the local hospital, the very same one that I'd recently left, but in a somewhat worse state than I'd been in.

I figured justice had been done, except of course for Mike and he had his day coming. Meanwhile it was back to my house to confront Gwen, who I gave twenty-four hours to get out of the house.

"We can get past this Dave," she pleaded, sticking her admittedly fine breasts out at me, in an attempt to sway my opinion. Unfortunately for her, the only things swaying that day were those rather fine tits of hers, and they simply didn't cut it, so twenty-four hours it remained.

Less than half of that time later and she returned with no one less than Mike himself, to help her to persuade me to change my mind. I'm not sure what Mike had hit me with on that auspicious day, but I found that a seven iron served the purpose equally well.

Like the big brother, I also spent two nights at her majesties pleasure, while Mike was in a ward just down the corridor from Nick. I know this because I was told, and not because I visited them, I can assure you, and when I got back to our house, then Gwen had flown the nest, never to bother me again, and for me, that just about bought that chapter in my life to end.

Our building company?

It went bust, and the final cherry on the cake was that the other three had guaranteed the loans from the bank two months before I'd decided to join them, and we'd never got round to getting the paperwork put right.

Tough shit eh?


Now I don't want to gloat, but ..... Well, yes Ok maybe I do. But I didn't exactly come off totally unscathed myself. I'd lost my principal means of support, but what the hell, when our divorce came up, it was based on my situation at that point in time, and Gwen's hopes of living off me were squashed.

Though I thought about it, and I thought about it long and hard, I never took up Kim's offer and therefore never sampled the delights of her undeniably attractive body, but of course there were other fish in the sea


"Is that you Dave?" --- It was the phone again.

"Hi Mary," I answered, a smile spreading across my face. "I've been thinking about you."

"Just thinking?" She queried. "I heard you're divorcing Gwen. Why not more than just thinking?"

"Got to find a job," I informed her soberly. "Can't date a beautiful girl with no money in my pocket."

"My dad wants to meet you," she surprised me with. "I've told him all about you."

"Your dad?"

"Yes Dave. My dad worked with Mike's dad years ago. They were both carpenters on building sites and did their apprenticeships together."

"Mike's dad?"

"Yes, that's how we met. Dad's looking for someone to take the load off him and Mike's dad suggested him. He wasn't really right for the job, but I met him and the rest is history."

"But Mike's not a carpenter and nor am I," I pointed out, the whole thing moving along a bit quickly for me to take it in.

"Nor's my dad now, Dave," she giggled. "Don't you know my name is Mary Driscoll?"

"You're kidding me."

"Not at all."

"Driscoll construction? Really?"

"Family business Dave, and dad wants to retire in four or five years time."