Wear My Stockings or No Sex

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A vanilla girl gets Turned onto kink with surprising results.
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NOTE: All characters are over 18 years of age.


I was unusually nervous as I pulled into Inkpen Close to pick-up Julie. She was a tall, leggy girl with small, ripe breasts, porcelain skin and sleek, styled, short hair. 'I'm not going to be serious,' I said to myself as Julie emerged from the soulless new estate house which still bore the signs of a building site.

Julie looked radiant in a flowing, flowery blouse which accented her long neck and hid her small boobs. It bloomed out of her tight, black pencil skirt that was tastefully pleated at the back and giving alternative views of the seams of her long, stocking-clad legs that attracted my eyes to her attractive black high-heeled shoes. 'My god! She's wearing stockings!'

I squirmed. Stockings always made me shiver with delight, my blood pump faster and always led to rearranging my trouser furniture. Proof that Spanish fly did exist...not as a spray but as a material. The time in the pub had been great fun. Julie was interested in my artwork and it was easy to make her laugh. She seemed to like toilet humour and wasn't shocked by anything I said. Julie was strictly a tits, bums and willies kind of gal.

"I was reprimanded for wearing this blouse today. All of the men were arriving at work with hangovers and almost throwing up at the sight of all the colours. I wish my boobs were bigger for this top, though," she informed me while inspecting her flowery blouse.

I 'accidentally' glimpsed down her cleavage.

"Your boobs are fine! I like small boobs!"

She crossed her arms to protect her bust from my prying eyes.

"You're just saying that. All men like big boobs!"

"Not true. I don't! There was a girl in Corfu who had fantastic looking boobs, but when I got my hands on them, they were so soft and big, I lost my wrist watch."

"Don't you mean that she was so big, down below, you lost your watch there?" Julie tartly replied, referring to an old joke.


"You know! Down there," Julie said while pointing to the floor.

"What are you talking about?" I teased, further.

"Oh, never mind."

"Oh, up her vagina!" I exclaimed.

Julie bowed her head and laughed at the same time.

"SSSSHHH!" she squealed.

"No, no, no! It couldn't have been lost there."


"Yes, really. My mate had his arm in there! No, it was definitely her boobs!"

Julie submitted as her face quickly reddened.

"Okay, okay!"

"In fact, they were so loose that when we took her bra off, they hit the floor!"

"You had a three-some?" Julie sputtered.

"Eh, I don't know. I can only count to two. I either have mathematical dyslexia or I'm stupid!"

The conversation during the journey to her home was all in the same vain (course, blue and unoriginal), but it made Julie laugh loudly so why change? After we arrived at her place, Julie invited me inside for coffee. The living room was sparsely decorated in a very plain, modern way and I sat on the sofa as Julie made the coffee. I must've said something that accidently touched a nerve.

"That was hurtful!"

"I'm sorry, but it's what I was told. If it makes you feel any better, I'll let you spank me!" I joked with a wink.

"I might take you up on that!"

"Oh, please do!

"You're a kinky sod!"

"Yes, I am!"

Julie was shocked.

"You would, wouldn't you?"

"Well, it's only fair since spanking that girl that time," I said, hinting at a story I had half told her, earlier, in the pub.

"God! First, you're in a three-some and then you're spanking a girl!"

"Yeah! A bit of a pervert, aren't I?" I embellished.

I then told her the full story of my first spanking experience, which had her convulsing with laughter.

"It wasn't fair! I spanked her and you'd think she'd do the decent thing and give me a spanking back!" I protested.

Julie had been laughing while still sitting on the armchair away from me.

"Are you wearing stockings?" I asked.


"I thought so. My god, stockings drive me nuts! As soon as I saw you get into the car, my blood pressure went up along with something else."

"Oh, yeah? What else?" Julie teased.

I rose to the dare and bluntly answered her.

"My cock!"

Julie laughed hard and buried her face into her lap.

"Oh, god, they're wonderful! Will you show me your stocking tops?" I lustfully asked.

"Well, sit over there," Julie said, pointing to the armchair.

I was surprised she'd taken me seriously, but I quickly moved to the armchair and lustfully stared at Julie's legs.

"Now, I'll show you my stocking tops. In fact, I'll take them off...on one condition," Julie seductively teased and crossed her legs for full effect.

I went into a daze and fought, hard, to keep my tongue and eyeballs from falling out of my head. 'Oh, here's the catch,' I thought.

"After I take them off, you have to put them on!"

I couldn't believe what I'd heard.

"What! You want me to wear your stockings?"

Julie drove me into oblivion as she stroked her legs up to the tops of her stockings.

"Only if you're bottomless, first!"

"It's a deal!" I mumbled.

"Well, get them off!" Julie demanded.

I stood and slowly unfastened my trousers while Julie stared at my crotch. I lowered my trousers and, making sure not to pull my underpants down, pulled them and my socks off at the same time. I threw my trousers to one side and stood, before my giggling Julie, in my unfashionable, white underpants.

"Nice underpants!" she laughed as I blushed, slightly.

They were very loose and my hard-on was very visible as it strained against the material and, to make things worse, one of my nuts had fallen out!

"Is that a gun in your underpants or are you pleased to see me?"

"It's my cock!"

Julie was really enjoying herself and to make things more embarrassing, she noticed the exposed nut that had popped out, bringing a hail of laughter from her.

"Take your underpants off...now!" Julie commanded as she pointed at the floor.

Her assertiveness turned me on more.

"What! You want my underpants off as well?"

I squirmed, moved my hands in front of my groin and quickly popped my exposed nut back inside of my underpants, but not quickly enough before hearing more squeals of delight from Julie.

"Come on...off with them!" she commanded.

I slowly peeled my underpants off over my hard cock while pushing it between my legs. I stood, bottomless, in front of a convulsing Julie with my hard penis, spring loaded back between my legs, which looked similar to a girl's pubic region. She protested through her laughter.

"Let me see your thing!"

"What thing would that be?"

My knees were forced together to stop my elasticized cock from springing forward.

"You know!"


"I want to see your cock or the deal is off!"

I was so hungry to keep the game going, without a thought, I quickly opened my legs and put my hands next to my sides to give her a full view of my powerful hard-on as it sprang forward and bounced around for a second before coming to rest. Julie hollered with laughter, which was the reason for hiding it in the first place. I knew she'd be amused by what I was going to do and boy did she enjoy it!

"Oh, nice! And quite big!"

"Thank you."

"Quite big for a white man, that is!" she laughed.


Julie carried on laughing.

"You're not going to perform your side of the bargain, are you?"

"No way!" Julie laughed.

"You, you," I stammered as Julie laughed harder.

I wanted to call her a bitch, but in truth, I was enjoying the fact that she'd enjoyed degrading me. Embarrassed, I stooped for my trousers and underpants and began to dress.

"No! Wait, stop! I'm only joking!"

I stopped and watched as Julie slowly pulled her skirt so far up, a small glimpse of her patterned stocking tops could be seen. She outstretched one stocking-clad leg, her red, painted toes fuzzily showing through the nylon covering her pointed, shapely foot. She looked at me, wide-eyed, as her hands went slowly to her stocking top and teasingly began to slowly roll it down and gave me a brief glimpse of her black panties.

"Oh, my god!" I exclaimed.

"You're not going to stain the carpet, are you?" Julie teased.

Julie had a wicked smile as she bent her leg at the knee to be able to roll her stocking off of her foot. She gave a sultry smile, eyeing my hard cock the whole time, before casually throwing her rolled up garment at my teetering penis.

"Phew! I'll try not to!" I gasped.

My chest was visibly heaving from heavy breaths as Julie continued to seductively reveal her other leg. She rolled the stocking down more saucily than the first one, arching her back and pointing her toes while giving exquisite, delightful giggles. I fell to my knees, giddy with the erotic feast unravelling in front of my unbelieving eyes. I saw the gusset of her black, silk panties and I audibly groaned with pleasure. Julie crumpled her stocking with one hand and stopped when she saw me salivating, due to my attention being drawn to her undies, and smiled.

"Is this what you're looking at?" she questioned, knowingly.

She quickly spread her legs, wide, allowing the light to enhance the silky sheen of her panties before she quickly slammed her knees together. I groaned with sexual tension as she giggled at the way she was playing me. She threw her crumpled stocking, hitting my straining hard-on, that time, and the electric graze of the material caused a surge of blood to flow into my cock, which was already crammed full, and I bent over, clenching the base of my cock to stop myself from cumming.

"Bullseye!" Julie declared and laughed as I took in large gulps of air to hold myself in check.

"Put my stockings on...now!" Julie demanded as she started to gush with her domineering role.

I looked at the two rolled up stockings. Somehow, they'd lost their appeal. I didn't think I could last much longer so I thought of a way to get more out of the, already sexually explosive, situation.

"I'll tell you what. I'll wear these stockings if you give me your panties to wear, as well!"

"No way! There's no way I'm going to let you stain my undies...they cost a fortune!"

"Ah, come on!" I pleaded.

"No! That wasn't part of the bargain."

I resigned myself to fate, tenderly rose from my knees and sat back in the armchair. I kept my legs well apart, making sure not to accidentally tease my time bomb of a cock, and slowly inserted my foot into the stocking before rolling it up my leg as, ever-giggling, Julie watched.

"Make sure you get the seam straight!"

The smooth, silky material ignited more passionate and sexy senses ln my legs and my head swam as my breathing became shallow. I gingerly pulled the patterned top as high as I could on my thigh, desperately trying not to touch my cock as I knew one small stroke would have me boiling over. I made sure I got the second stocking on straight as I sat with my legs stretched out in front of me. Again, I kept my legs spread wide so I didn't accidentally set myself off. Julie laughed as she took advantage of my splayed limbs.

"Nice balls!"

"Yes, it's a pity I have only the two!" I ironically joked with her.

I knew, should I cum, I'd need an extra set of balls to be up and hard, again, to keep Julie's insatiable dominant hunger going. They didn't look as sexy as they felt, but that didn't stop Julie from enjoying herself.

"Come on. Stand and let's see how you look!"

I stood and walked, as sexily as I could, towards her.

"Your seams aren't straight. Come here," she ordered, loving her feminine authority.

I stood in front of her and my hard cock was level with her head, but more importantly, her lips. Julie stared at my tantalizingly wanton, solid, straining cock and a wicked smile formed on her face as she leaned forward to inspect it.

"He's very excited isn't he? Oh, look! There's a tear coming from his eye!" she exclaimed, playing innocent, but I was sure she'd seen it before.

Her breath on my cock and her scent in my nose became new and exotic senses to provoke me.

"I'm going to cry if this goes on much longer!" I truthfully whined.

I was looking upward, towards the ceiling, trying to dampen the ever erotic images before me.

"Turn around!" Julie commanded.

"What?" I asked, fearfully.

"Your seams aren't straight. Come on!"

Reluctantly, I turned. It was like steering a ship north when you wanted to stay in the sunny south.

"Oh! You have a nice, peachy bum!" Julie mocked as she gave my cheek a light slap that made my groin shake, again, and my base muscles clench.

"Oh, thank you, mistress! Please, my I have more?"

"No! Let's get these seams straight!" she strictly demanded.

I felt Julie's hands twist, swivel and eventually smooth out the leg garments with long, stroking hand movements all of the way up to the top of my undercarriage.

"Nice legs!" Julie praised.

"Yeah, but I bet you wouldn't swap them for yours!" I sighed as I gained some composure.

"Well, not with all of that hair, but they're nice and muscular."

"I used to do a lot of cycling."

"They're very manly. They go well with a pair of these," Julie said as she gave my balls a quick squeeze from behind.

"Oh!" I yelped in a high voice because of the slight grinding of my nuts.

But what was more worrisome was the slight pull on my foreskin that caused me to clench my muscles, again.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" she needlessly apologized.

"Now put the shoes on."

"Where are you going with this?"

"Shoes!" Julie demanded.

"Okay, but if you mention make-up, I'll cum all over your carpet."

I squeezed into her shoes and teetered, finding it hard to balance. While trying to keep my balance, I felt different leg muscles being used and I realized my dick was pushed out, more than usual, as I stumbled towards where she had sat on the sofa.

"How on earth do you walk in these things?"


Julie leaned forward, grabbed my hard cock and forcibly pulled me towards her. I cupped her head, kissed her on the mouth, slowly pushed her back against the sofa, fell on top of her and we started to kiss, frantically. I easily unbuttoned her loose blouse, caressed her ripe, firm tits and licked and sucked at her cleavage as I pulled her black, silky, lace bra down and tweaked her nipples.

"No chance of losing my watch here!" I whispered.

Julie laughed as I lowered my hand and started to caress her legs. She pulled my hand away and turned over so she was lying over my groin with her pert bottom pointing up at me.

"Spank me!" she sexily whispered.

I needed no second invitation. In fact, I didn't need a first one as Julie's shapely, vivacious bottom seemed to dance beneath my eyes. I lovingly stroked her buttocks, encased in her tight skirt, and slowly unfastened the top button of the waistband and then lowered the zip running from her waist to almost the apex of her gorgeous bottom. Julie began to writhe as her hips agitated and she lifted her buttocks upwards, slightly, to invite my punishing hand.

"Oh, please, spank me!" Julie pleaded.

I quickly pulled her skirt down, hardly taking the time to admire her sexy, silk, patterned black panties. I spanked her lovely bum, making it blush red with every stroke as Julie delightfully squealed with every slap. It became too much for me to take so I quickly flipped Julie over, spread her long legs and ran my twitching, hard cock along the length of one leg from her ankle to the top of her thigh. I stroked her wet, gaping, honey trap as I stared into her dreamy eyes...her pupils were so dilated they took on a shark-like look.

"Fuck me, fuck me hard!" she pleaded, breathlessly.

I leaned forward and pulled her blouse wide open, exposing her braless tits and kneaded both of them...hard. Working outwards, I tweaked and pulled her nipples, hard, making her wince as she bit her own lip. I removed her panties and rubbed my cock on her clit a few times before plunging into her sopping wet glory hole. Julie's orgasm hit her, immediately, and I stifled her screams of ecstasy with one of my hands before I grabbed both of her thighs and rubbed them smoothly as I pounded her hard enough to make her arch her back and writhe, vigorously.

"Oh, please cum, please! I can't take much more of this!" she swooned.

I grinned and slowed my thrusts.

"Beg for it, bitch!" I cruelly demanded.

"Please, please, please!" she begged.

"Please what?"

"Please, fuck me!"


"Fuck me! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she squealed.

"What with?"

"Your cock! Fuck me with your big cock!"


"Fuck me hard with your huge cock! Please!"

I banged her slow and hard, slamming in as hard as I could and then slowly withdrawing to let Julie catch her breath before catching her off guard and ramming home, again.

"Oh, please cum! I'm going to faint!"

I laughed.

"No, I really am!" Julie squealed.

I used fast strokes as I banged Julie to heaven and she thrashed around, screaming for life, as I unloaded my cum...


...onto the bed sheets and then wiped my post-wanked dick. I got out of bed and wrapped a towel around myself as I walked, doggedly, to the bathroom. 'Bugger! Why didn't I screw her?' I thought to myself while I cleaned my dick.

The truth was, she never did reach out and grab my cock.

But she did order me to sit down and spank her and she did stand, lift her skirt and slowly laid across my lap. I did fight hard and valiantly to keep from cumming as I stared down at her black, silky panties covering her pert bottom. She did, invitingly, push her lovely bum up and asked me to administer her punishment.

"Spank me!" she demanded while rubbing her groin onto my penis.

I groaned as my cum exploded onto her skirt and Julie looked back over her shoulder.

"What's happening?" she asked before realizing the pulsating she felt was me...cumming on her.

She jumped up in a flash.

"Shit! You messy bastard!" she blurted and raged, venomously.

My spunk slid down her skirt as she hopelessly tried to wipe away the stain and she ran for the bathroom...cursing.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

I felt extremely silly, and embarrassed, as I sat on the sofa with a limp, throbbing dick, which was still leaking my spunk, and wearing a pair of stockings. Julie eventually emerged from the bathroom, still wiping the sperm stains from her skirt, and I was blushing, profusely, as I rolled Julie's stockings off.

"Sorry," I said.

"That's okay. It'll come out in the wash. You can keep my stockings," Julie said as she pointed at them.

Afterwards, I was away for a week and tried to phone her, but there was never an answer. When I got back, she'd disappeared...exactly as she'd hinted she was going to do. I looked at her stockings in my bedroom. They still smelled of Julie!

I was puzzled. She was curious about kinky sex and seemed to enjoy herself, immensely, but like all things of this nature, retrospective guilt can have an adverse effect, one of rejection and denial.

I had a dilemma. Should I try to play Julie, for keeps, or get kinky and spank her ass and be done? In the end, I got neither.

There's nothing worse than a missed opportunity.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

certainly got a rise out of me, I just love wearing stockings, unfortunately my wife wont share in my fantasy. Oh well just have to enjoy it on my own, and read more stories like this. Thanks.

Back2eggBack2eggabout 6 years agoAuthor

I Must admit meeting Julie was a godsend. My Love for stockings can be traced back to a young boy watching my mother slip them on every morning in front of the fire. There was a latency period until I saw stockings again on the Benny Hill show! I even used to stare at showroom dummies wearing them. I'd always had stocking fantasies so when Julie got unexpectedly kinky I was ecstatic, a dream come true and I would have done anything she asked. I was a little disappointed I didn't get more but I should be grateful for what I got. After all Fantasises are supposed to be utopian and unobtainable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I love the feel of hose on my wife or on myself,shaved my body first.my wife tells people I have legs made for thigh high hose. She loves me wearing them when we go out. Your story got a rise out of me!

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