Weekend of Surprises Ch. 02


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The concentric circles became smaller and smaller as I moved my tongue closer to the center of the pucker. I began gently to stab at it, pushing lightly at first, then harder, as it finally gave way and I could feel my tongue up her ass. I pistonned it back and forth, as Sarah gently rocked herself back and forth on my ass. After a few moments of this, I could sense that she was getting close to an orgasm, and sure enough, she finally came as a loud, shuddering moan shook her entirely body. It was so loud that I was afraid Andy and Bob would wake up, stumbling out to the living room to see what the noise was. I could only imagine what the sight would have been like to them, Sarah naked on top of me, blindfolded.

But I heard no steps, and sensed only the heavy breathing of Sarah, her body rising up and down while it rested on mine. After a minute or two, she got up, turned around, and lay on top of me, her face toward mine. She slid the blindfold up off my eyes, and I blinked as the light hit them. After adjusting to the light, I saw her smile, just a few inches from my face, and heard her voice say, "That was beautiful, my sweet – you did a wonderful job!"


I had a sense with Carla that not only was she bisexual, but that she had submissive tendencies also. While she showed some boldness when we were in the hot tub, she seemed to enjoy it much more when I took the lead in touching her. I decided I would explore both her bisexuality and her submissiveness, but to do so I needed to get the men out of the way. I was afraid that Carla would be unable or unwilling to truly open up to me if Bob, or more importantly, her husband Andy, were still in the room. The easiest way to set things up was to get the men out of the room as expeditiously as possible, and I knew that giving each of them a quick orgasm would do the trick. Sure enough, just like clockwork, the two of them were more than happy to head to bed and crash after they each enjoyed an orgasm, courtesy of me.

Once they were out of the way, I looked forward to some time alone with Carla. She met me right on schedule, as I had suggested to her, and after teasing her a bit, I had managed to get her in position to lick me to orgasm. Just as I suspected, she showed not just a willingness, but a great enthusiasm in having sex with another woman, as well as in letting me take the lead in her journey. She showed no hesitation when I put the blindfold on her, and she reacted passionately when I moved from touching her to sitting on her face. She obviously enjoyed what she was doing as she first tongued my pussy, and then when I turned around to have her lick my ass. When she was doing that, I could see the juices flowing from her pussy, and while I was tempted to bend down and stick my tongue in to taste them and enjoy her, I resisted as I wanted her to just focus on pleasuring me. I am one of those women who can come just from having attention paid to her ass, so I loved what she had done to me.

After she finished, and I enjoyed a wonderful orgasm, I decided I would push things a bit further and see how much of her submissiveness she was willing to share with me. I told her what a nice job she had done, and rewarded her by again stroking her body. With her blindfold off, I could now see the sparkle in her eyes, as well as the smile on her beautiful red lips which were glistening still with my juices.

I lay down next to Carla, and began gently running my fingers up and down her belly. Her eyes closed, but the smile stayed on her lips. I continued this for a few minutes, and then whispered into her ear, "Would you like to continue exploring with me, my pet?" Her eyes opened, and she turned toward me, still smiling, and answered, "Yes."

"You said earlier you were willing to give yourself to me. Are you truly sure you want to do this?"

Carla looked at me somewhat hesitantly. I didn't know if she was unclear about what I was intimating, or if she realized what was happening but was reluctant to make the commitment I was asking of her. She continued to gaze into my eyes, and after a few moments, her eyes lowered and she simply nodded her head.

I took that as a sign that she knew what was happening between us. "Look at me and speak to me Carla, I want to hear your voice affirming what I asked you." She responded by raising her eyes again, meeting mine, and said simply, "Yes."

"Yes, what, Carla?"

"Yes, Sarah, I truly want to give myself to you."

"What is it you want to give to me Carla – be specific."

"My body, I want to give my body to you for your pleasure."

Those were the words I wanted to hear, the words that confirmed for me that she was ready to be my submissive pet. There was just one more step in her acquiescence. "And what is the proper way to address me, my pet?"

She looked at me, a bit confused, but then a light must have gone on in her head.

"Mistress Sarah?" she asked.

"Yes, my pet, that is right. When we are alone together, you will refer to me as your Mistress." I smiled down at her, now stroking her forehead with the same light touch I had been using on her belly. She smiled back, obviously pleased that she had gotten that one right.

"Okay, dear, if you truly want to give me your body for whatever I wish to do with it, then you will do as you are told. But before we do, it is important that we understand the rules. I want to test your limits in submitting to me, but I don't want to do anything that puts you at risk or brings pain – either physical or emotional – to you. So we need to choose a safeword. Are you familiar with safewords?"

She nodded her head, "Yes, Mistress, I have read about them."

"Good, pet, then what do you want to choose as your safeword."

She thought for a second, then responded confidently, "Red, Mistress. In my fantasies about this, I have always thought about using the word 'red' as my safeword."

"Good, then 'red' it is. If at any time you want to stop, just say 'red' and I will stop immediately."

"Thank you, Mistress," she responded.

"Now let me ask you, Sarah, do you think Andy is likely to wake up anytime soon?"

She laughed heartily, shaking her head. "No, Mistress, if he didn't wake up at the sound of your orgasm, I know we are not likely to see him until the light of day."

"Good," I said, "because I know the same is true of Bob, which means we will have plenty of time to play right here in this cozy spot. Now, to get started, I want you to do something for me. I want you to put your blindfold back on, and lie again on your tummy with your head on the pillow."

"Yes, Mistress," she replied and immediately complied with my request. I walked out of the room and to the hall closet where I had earlier placed the bag in which Bob and I keep all our sex toys. I had hoped for this opportunity with Carla, so I had surreptitiously put it in there earlier in the day when Bob wasn't looking.

I carried the bag back to the fireplace, where my lovely charge lay waiting for me. I knew that the tension and anticipation were keeping her in a high state of arousal, an assumption confirmed as I could literally smell her arousal as I walked back into the room. The juices flowing from her pussy were visible, even as she was lying on her stomach, as her legs were just parted enough that I could see her pussy lips.

I placed the bag down next to her, and first took out a Velcro cuff. I leaned down and put my lips very close to her ear. "We're going to begin now, my sweet. I don't want you to say anything unless I ask you a specific question, is that clear?"

"Yes, Mistress Sarah, I understand."

"Good, pet. I'm sure you will do just fine," I reassured her. With that, I gently took her two wrists, bring them together over her back, and wrapped the Velcro cuff around both, binding them together. I next reached into the bag, taking out an adjustable spreader bar. I opened it up, and placed it down near her feet. I put my two hands on her inner thighs, and gently eased them apart. She knew what I wanted, as she quickly complied by spreading her legs as much as she could, given the position she was in. I attached the Velcro cuff at each end of the spreader bar to each ankle, leaving her nice and wide open, allowing me easy access to her lovely shaved pussy.

I leaned back down to her again, and whispered in her ear, "I have a lovely gag here that I can use on you, but I think I will wait to see if I need it before I use it."

Carla replied, "Okay, Mistress," and before the words were out of her mouth, I gave her left ass cheek a sharp slap, not hard enough to really hurt but strong enough to leave a faint pink mark on her cheek. A quick "Ow" emanated from her mouth, an involuntary response to the surprise of getting spanked. "I told you to only respond when I ask you a specific question. You disobeyed me, and that is why you were spanked. If you disobey me again, you will be spanked or punished in another manner."

I half expected her to issue her safeword, but to her credit, she didn't say a word and just lay there, waiting. "Is that clear, my pet?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. I know this isn't easy for you, since this is your first time, but you will do best if you concentrate on what I tell you and what I do to you." I took a silk scarf out of the toy bag, held it over her back, and began to run it up and down her back, light enough that it was just touching her body. As I did this, she began to squirm a bit. I don't think it was tickling her, but more that she was getting very aroused. "Try not to move, my pet," I told her, and the squirming lessened.

I increased the pressure, now running the silk over the back of her entire body, from her neck all the way down to the sole of her feet. Holding the scarf between my two hands, I paid particular attention first to her ass cheeks, and after that, to her crack. I began to run the scarf with more pressure from the top of her crack, down to between her labia. She became more aroused, as her juices were flowing again just as they were earlier when she was licking me to orgasm.

Soft moans were emanating from her lips, once again confirming the effect I was having on her. "You're enjoying this, aren't you my pet?"

"Oh yes, Mistress Sarah, I am."

"Have you ever had a woman do anything like this to you?"

"No, Mistress Sarah, I've never hadanybody do this to me."

"You and Andy have never played with dominance and submission, sweetie?"

"No, Mistress, we never have."

I was not surprised, as I did not think her submissive fantasies had ever had an outlet. I didn't think that Andy could be dominant; if anything, he struck me as more submissive, just as Bob was.

I continued rubbing the scarf between her labia until it was soaked with her juices. I then brought it up to her face, allowing her to inhale her sweet aroma. After a few seconds, I removed it and lay it on her back. I then took a finger, and began slowly pistonning it in and out of her pussy. She quickly tried to raise her hips up to meet it, to try to drive it deeper into her pussy, but I firmly pushed down on her ass with my other hand. She understood the message and again lay flat on the floor.

I then added another finger to the first, and after a minute more, two more fingers. I knew that she wouldn't last much longer before she orgasmed, but I wanted to bring her right to the brink. I continued until I sensed that she was almost there, and just before I felt she was ready to burst, I quickly pulled all four fingers out of her gaping pussy. The surprising action caused her to cry out, "Don't stop, pleeeaaasssse!"

I firmly slapped her ass again, this time a little stronger than last time. "You do not speak unless I ask you a question," I reminded her. "Your pleasure is under my control.I will decide when you will come."

Carla whimpered quietly, but then became still again and didn't make another sound. I lightly stroked the back of her neck. I knew that she was learning, that my actions were having the desired effect on her. The combination of punishment for undesirable actions, and reward for good behavior, would train her as a true submissive.

I knew it was time for the next step. I leaned down, again whispering into her ear, "Have you ever had anything in that sweet ass of yours, my pet?" Even with her eyes blindfolded, I could see the look of surprise on her face. "No, Mistress, not really."

"What do you mean, 'not really'?"

"Well, Andy has on a few occasions teased me with a finger there, but that's all, Mistress."

"Okay, pet, then we'll see how you react to my playing with your ass." I once again reached into the toy bag, and pulled out a butt plug. It was one of our small ones, not too big around nor long, the kind I first used on Bob when I was first training him to submit his ass to me. I moved Cara's cuffed hands slightly to the side of her back. I got a container of lube out of the bag, flipped up the top, and turned it upside down right over the top of Carla's crack. I knew that she heard what I was doing, which probably gave her a clue what was going to happen, but the cold lube dripping on her crack still caught her by surprise and she shuddered as it hit.

I continued dripping the lube on the top of her crack, until the pool collecting there grew large enough that it began to slide down the crack toward her asshole and labia. I stopped the lube, flipping the lid securely on and putting it down. I just let Carla lie there, feeling the sensation of the lube running over her ass and mixing with her abundantly flowing pussy juices as it reached her labia. I knew that once again the anticipation would help to heighten her state of arousal even further.

After a minute or two, I stuck one of my fingers in the lube in her crack, swirling it around, and then used the collected lube to coat the butt plug. I said to her, "Okay, sweetie, now you just relax and this won't hurt a bit." I took the tip of the plug, and very lightly ran it from the top of her crack, down over her asshole and just touching her labia, tracing the path that the lube had followed moments earlier. I did this four times, allowing her to get used to both the feel of the plug and the idea of what I would be doing with it shortly. On the fifth pass, I stopped right over her asshole, and very gently pushed it against her pucker. Her hips rose up slightly to meet it, and I knew she was ready. I pushed a bit harder now, twisting it around, continuing the pressure until with a "thwop" sound, it was all the way in, with only the flared base sticking out. As it went in, a quiet "Oh" escaped from Carla's lips.

"Oh, what a pretty sight you are, my pet. Lying there, all bound up, your eyes covered, with this cute little plug sticking right out of your luscious ass." And she really was quite a sight, her nice plump ass spiked with the plug right in the middle of it.

I let her just lie there for a minute or so, getting used to the full feeling in her ass. She didn't say anything, as she had been instructed, but I could see her body becoming more relaxed. I decided for the next move I wanted better access to her pussy, so I reached to each of her ankles and undid the Velcro straps holding the spreader bars. I then told her to get up on her knees. This was a bit of a challenge with her hands still cuffed behind her back, but with a little help from my hands under her waist, she was able to do so, still with her head resting on the pillow. I knew this wasn't the most comfortable position, but I didn't plan on keeping her in it for too long.

With her ass in the air and now prominently pointing up at me, she looked even more luscious. I again stroked her back and her ass, wetting my fingers in the lube remaining in her crack and rubbing it into her ass cheeks. She was almost purring, she was enjoying the attention so much. Every now and then I would give the plug a little turn, or pull it out a bit and then push it back in. The more times I did this, the easier it became to manipulate it and the more her ass opened up for me. And the more I did this, the more her cute ass wiggled in front of me, enjoying the attention I was giving it.

As I continued this, I now reached down with my other hand and began stroking her outer lips. With my fingers spread, I stroked up and down the outer lips, feeling her wetness mixed with the little bit of lube that had seeped that far down her crack. After paying attention to her outer lips, I then shifted inward, to mimic the same action on her inner lips. She was so wet, that her juices were flowing down onto my fingers.

I knew that continuing this would bring her once again to the brink of orgasm. I decided that now was the time to allow her to come, and quickly shifted from stroking her inner lips to pushing two fingers in and out of her pussy. She was so wet, and so open, that I was easily able to add the remaining two fingers to the first two. As I jammed my fingers in and out of her pussy, I was pulling the butt plug more violently in and out of her ass in the same rhythm, almost all the way out, and then all the way back in again. I then my thumb in order to fist her, the wetness down there making it almost effortless to push my entire hand in and out of her pussy.

The sighs and purring that had been emanating from her mouth now became loud moans, as the sensations were affecting her in a way I suspected she had never experienced before. I knew she was very close, so I said over her moans, "Yes, my pet, now is the time. Come for your Mistress, let me see your orgasm overtake your beautiful body."

That was evidently all she needed, as before I could get the last words out of my mouth, a huge orgasm wracked her body. She shuddered from the tip of her toes all the way up to her head, and as this happened, I felt a huge gushing out of her pussy, all over my hand. She then collapsed in a heap on the floor. I managed to keep my fingers in her pussy as she went down, but as she rested on the floor and her body stopped convulsing I gently eased my hand out, and with my other hand slowly slid the plug out of her ass. I then uncuffed her wrists, to make her more comfortable.

She rested for a few moments, and then in a voice short of breath she said, "Thank you, Mistress. That was the most amazing feeling I've ever experienced." I saw the smile on her face, and lifting the blindfold off of her eyes, saw her eyes lit up.

"Yes, my pet, I'm sure it was. You surprised me as you came, I didn't know you were a squirter," I said with a chuckle.

"I didn't know either, Mistress, that was the first time I've ever done that."

I laughed again, and told her, "Well, I hope it won't be the last for us, my dear."

End of Part 2. Look for more surprises in the next installment as the men rejoin the women.

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Bob_AganoushBob_Aganoushover 2 years agoAuthor

Well, that's your opinion

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Dominance, submission, bdsm do not belong in LW.

Bob_AganoushBob_Aganoushabout 7 years agoAuthor
Thanks blkassbabe

Our spare room is always open for a visit from you :)

blkassbabeblkassbabeabout 7 years ago
I think I just ...

Gave my body to you. But the pleasure was all mine.

Still have that spare room available? If my feet ever move again I may need it

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