Welcome Home, My Love Ch. 02

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Mom's love for son intensifies.
6.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 08/01/2002
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It was after the first night that Gregory and I made love. Daybreak arrived as I awoke to find my precious son nestled behind me, arms swaddling my golden flesh as if protecting some treasured gem. Laying my head down in tender solace, I sighed in thorough satisfaction. The day's prior milestone had breached a prolonged duration of craving and aspiration. The man whom I had given birth to... the child I had raised to admire and adore a woman, was now bestowing upon me the abilities I had instilled in him. It was then I realized that in all those years of patient guidance and instruction, it was really my own yearnings for a man coming through. I felt a glowing smile upon me as I cuddled between my son's muscular arms. I was content... I was whole.

Gregory's sullen breath warmed my neck as I felt him stir. Still on my side, I could feel my child's radiating warmth saturate my skin... God it felt so good to be loved again. To be wanted, and loved. And I wanted him to know my appreciation for it. My arm reached around to cradle his rising face as our eyes met... his drowsy eyes could not hide the wonderment and reality of our passionate union of the night before.

"Tell me this isn't a dream." Gregory lovingly whispered.

Our eyes still basked in each other's sight.

I slowly shook my head no, caressing Gregory's supple jaw. We both held our breath, unsure as to what would happen next.

"I love you." Gregory replied, assuring me with a snug embrace around my waist.

Elated, I let go of my breath, smiling as he brought his lips to mine for the first kiss of the day. I had a feeling this would be the first of many loving kisses Gregory and I would share.

Between the slow strokes of our balmy lips and tongues, I managed to voice my love for him as well. Encouraged, Gregory gave a confident moan as his hands began massaging my fruitful abdomen. His long, enchanting gestures spoke volumes of truth... he was truly the perfect man. Loving, affectionate, and slow in his affection towards me.

His fingers began to unravel my lengthy tawny tresses, gazing at the sight as if he was stroking a sacred Queen. I could see the wonder in his eyes. The genuine mystery of a love so formidable, that not even the most traditional of men could refuse. His palms came to both sides of my feeble cheeks, bringing my lips up to his for another drawn out, significant kiss. I had never experienced such grace before this moment. It was far more distinctive than any of my past lovers... each motion of our bodies held a silent meaning beyond any other coupling before. I felt as if we were the only faithful man and woman on the face of this Earth; completely surrendered to one another's hopes and desires. Incomplete harmony with the other... together as one.

His lips traced mine as our breath was unhurried. His tongue eased out to taste the contours of mouth, then to my teeth... every alcove was delicious for him. I could tell the years of his fascination with me were finally being liberated. Low, soft slurps of our kissing echoed throughout my bedroom as my arms slowly raised, wrapping themselves around Gregory's Herculean back. I purred as yet another kiss ensued, feeling his weighty cock press against my thigh... yet there was no hurry for action just yet. If last night was for the fast and hungry, this morning was for the faint and romantic at heart.

His face burrowed in the gape of my neck, hot breath scalding my flesh as I could hear him whisper "Mother... my dear Mother." Hearing that shook me to my very core. It held a uniquely erotic tone to it as my mind kept envisioning all the possible scenarios of our future together; if any. Thoughts of that article I originally read about the Mother and Son who fell in love swarmed into my mind. An image of us lying together in our elder years came to mind as I felt his mouth suckle my neck vigorously. I buckled, amazed by the fact that even the skin on my neck was delicious for my son. My hands stroked his handsome head of buzzed hair, softly encouraging him along as his tongue ravaged every inch of flesh inside his famished mouth. Both of my son's hands cascaded down to grasp my buxom thighs. Gregory gently shifted his brawny flesh atop me as his incestuous indulgence persisted.

I drew out my neck for him, slowly twisting beneath him in erotic bliss. I gazed upward, yet was unaware of my surroundings as his lips made a popping sound; releasing my flesh from his mouth. I then felt the smoothness of his sweltering tongue glaze my entire neck in long, loving strokes. I exhaled in amazement, feeling all the years of my son's wanton hunger being forced upon my body. His mouth now vivaciously chewed upon my bronzed shoulder. I shifted to see his feast for myself as his boiling saliva oozed down my skin... I smothered my mouth to his ear, licking every crevice with utmost thirst.

"So beautiful." I hissed.

Gregory bore his teeth in... I whimpered.

"You're home, aren't you my love? You're home." I uttered, more with a tone of assurance than of doubt.

His fingertips clutched my beige thighs in vast anticipation, motioning his throbbing cock across my leg, towards the place of his origin. Gregory quickly rose above me, kissing me as his mouth inhaled my tongue inside... I balked slightly, holding his back.

"I want to taste you, Mother." He whispered with determined eagerness.

All I could do was nod yes as I was silent and still... temporarily paralyzed by what he wanted to do to me. "Was my son really going to do this? How can this be?" I asked myself as I watched Gregory's mouth take it's long journey down my chest and stomach... I watched with my mouth agape, and eyes wide open... so enamored that my own flesh and blood wanted to bask in the very haven of his birth. I propped my body up on my elbows to see this. My heavy left breast was first... I let out my first clear groan of passion, loud enough for Veronica to hear. My nipple, lovingly suckled as the flatness of his tongue splayed across my areola again and again... My head fell back in wonder as my mouth inhaled every breath I could get. My hair swayed as Gregory assaulted my right breast... I could feel his fingertips encircle the weightiness of it as hope and fervor filled my mind.

"Oh my God." I cried out as my child desperately sucked, perhaps in an age-old desire to be fed once more.

That, plus the salacious fact that my own child had returned to feed from my breast as a lover this time made it even more compelling. His lips then skimmed the center of my quivering stomach as I lifted my head back to watch him. I could see the glistening saliva of where his tongue had been as he left his steaming path behind every inch of my flesh. Gregory's moans intensified as each of his fingertips fondled my thighs and abdomen. I did all I could do to part my syrupy legs for him... but he stopped as his breath began to warm my groin. He looked up at me as our eyes filled ourselves with each other's image. He then brought his left hand up to feel my still trembling stomach... He stared at my skin as each fingertip felt my skin. What was going through his mind? Was he captivated by the thought that he sprang forth from my womb? I loudly exhaled as his visual feast persisted...

"You came from there." I managed to whisper between my impatient breaths.

Gregory's gaze met mine once more... we shared a long, meaningful stare of lasting importance. A bond between Mother and son that was now maturing into something far more beautiful than any of us ever expected.

"I always knew you were special." I faintly replied.

Gregory's head shuddered in awe, as if to say; "How could I ever be so lucky to have you as my woman?" My eyes fluttered to a close as I let out a lurid gasp of wonder, my head slumped back once more as I felt the proximity of his mouth draw closer to my receptive vagina. It was then my son gently sealed his mouth to my orifice, forming a tight seal around my humid folds... my entire body acted as one muscle-- jolting all at once in a fleeting moment of remarkable disbelief.. My son was feasting in the very womb that gave him life. The mere thought of that act seized my swirling heartfelt emotions. Something only a mother and her child can comprehend.

His tongue elegantly revolved about at first, unhurriedly. My elbows came out from under me as my head sank into the pillow. My eyes sealed shut, visions of splendid ecstasy raced through my mind's eye as I felt his warmth continue it's indulgence. I could feel my child's grateful moans vibrate throughout my groin as my hands clutched my skewed mass of sweat-drenched hair. My flesh surrendered to the assault, now glistening with a thin coat of perspiration... my mouth, dried from my laborious gulps for air. The first violent shock of orgasm ripped my senses as Gregory encircled my clit with his lips. I could tell my son was not afraid of tasting a woman's most adored section. Some young men are sickened by the mere thought of it... not Gregory. Not my gentle son.

I've had my pussy ravaged before, most recently by Veronica. And yet as special as that was, this ravenous ritual held an entirely different perspective to it. It held a deeper understanding... and as my body succumbed to my son's skillful tongue thrashing, I began heaving and shouting his name aloud. Both my hands furiously seized the sides of his head in fleeting orgasm. Gregory had found his Mother's clit, and his determination was to make me see heights never before grasped until now. My own son was doing this to me... The boy I had reared to be kind to women... and he was making his Mother cumm. He wasn't going to leave me suspended until I was utterly satisfied.

My sweat coated legs thrashed about, digging my heels into my son's back. Waves of violent swells of power and awe crippled me in it's loving wake. Gregory held fast and true... ever so demanding to nurture my orgasm to it's fullest form. His moans grew as he shoved his face as deep as it could go into my pussy. This young man loved eating pussy... he thrived on it. I felt his tongue begin to fuck me, in and out... then back to my anxious clit. I cried out, Gregory gripped me... I gasped, he thrust... I was cumming... and hard.

His powerful arms lay across my stomach as my body lifted off the bed time and again... he then cupped my buttocks to hold me as his mouth soon suckled my asshole. I growled in surprise and delight as my ass was glazed by my son's curious tongue. A series of further quakes enthralled me as Gregory came back to my vagina-- reassuring me of my helpless orgasm. Our hands vehemently grasped one another's as my eyes bulged from my head... holding my breath, I looked up to see thousands of stars and streaks of orgasm cross my sight. I gasped my child's name again and again in feeble anticipation... This was the titillating crest of a promising future together... Mother and son... together as it was meant to be.

The rest of the day, Gregory and I made tender love in several different positions. It was a day of discovery and enlightenment for us both. We found out what the other preferred and desired... opening up the years of silent denial we both had always felt, putting to words the irresistible aspiration to be with the other. Gregory chanted his lifelong feelings to me as he sank into me time after time...

"I always looked for you in every woman I dated." he whispered as his kisses trickled with heartfelt love.

"I knew you'd come back to me." I replied with an equally solid kiss, accepting his solid foray into my womb.

"I wish... I wish we could've been together sooner." he gasped as he rose above me, still crushing against me with his loving thrusts.

My legs enveloped my son's midriff, looking into his beautiful dark eyes. Beads of sweat dropped upon my chest and neck as our coupling grew ever more meaningful. To know that I was making my son sweat was mind boggling. To accept that it was me he yearned for, and me that he was fucking. His very own Mother... the woman who now chanted him on with each and every merciless plunge of his rigid cock. "I made him hard. I did this to him" I kept telling myself over and over again. It was astounding.

It was evening now, and Gregory and I lie awake in my ravaged bed, holding one another. We talked to one another like lovers do... lovingly petting each other in long, tender strokes. I found out so many things about my son that I had never known. He admitted his deeply held fantasy of watching Veronica and I make love together. How he envisioned Veronica and I pouring body oil across our buxom flesh... wrapped together in a torrid sixty-nine, and thinking of it every time he masturbated... I smiled, knowing that I was secretly fueling his most private moments.

I spoke of my own interest in his body building... and how beautiful he had become. Gregory blushed as I told him how much of a true man he had become, and that any woman would be proud to claim him as theirs. He suddenly got serious, and looked me in the eye...

"Its you who I want, Mother. You and you alone. No other woman will ever come close to what you are to me." he said with passion and an intensity I had never seen before.

These words, of course, melted me right there. What woman in her right mind could ever rebuke such a heartfelt expression of unconditional love? I choked back my tears, and embraced Gregory with vigor. I let go, and openly wept in my son's arms. It was then I heard my bedroom door open.

Standing there was Victoria, dressed in an off white, low back satin slip. It was the sexiest garment I had ever seen her wear. It elegantly cuddled every delicious curve of her succulent body. Gregory and I both looked to her, and beheld the beautiful sight. She persuasively swayed to the foot of my king size bed, crawling atop it to display her voluptuous, burnished cleavage. Both Gregory and I were captivated.

"I've watched everything you two have done all day." she murmured softly.

With that, Veronica eased closer with an open mouth, and brought her lips to mine. Somewhat taken aback, I cradled her jaw with my fingertips as I savored her loving femininity.

"Oh my God that is so beautiful." replied Gregory as I did my best to swallow Veronica's tongue whole.

Veronica had her back arched, rounding out curved ass so that Gregory could see. I couldn't see what he was doing, so all I could do was bring Veronica into my arms. She came to rest atop me as her fully clad breasts smothered against my own. It was a gentle kiss however, not aggressive or untamed. She leaned back to gaze into my eyes as a thin smile came across that beautiful face of hers.

"Tell me you're happy." she cooed.

"I am." I replied with a quick kiss.

"Then I think we should give your son the show he deserves." she said, licking my lips in an enticing, upward motion.

Gregory sighed in admiration, sitting up as his palms began to caress Veronica's shapely ass. She purred in pleasure as I hungrily brought my lips to hers. Our nostrils flared, breathing together as our kiss ripened.

"God your ass is so beautiful, Veronica." Gregory whispered.

"What do you like about it?" She said, breaking off my kiss.

"Its just... so gorgeous." He said.

"What else? Tell me in detail. I want to hear you say it." Veronica said, looking back at me with a sly grin.

"Its so... full. Rounded out so... perfectly. So ripe." he said, caressing her thinly veiled globes of her ass with the back of his fingers.

Veronica crept back, and took my hand with hers.

"Follow me." she ordered as we gladly did what she said.

Veronica shut the glass door behind Gregory as we made our way out to the pool. We both were still unclothed, but our privacy fence protected us from anyone's annoying eye. Taking us by the hand, Veronica silently led us to the Jacuzzi, where dozens of candles were lit, and a steaming pan of water held several chalices of various body oils. It was the perfect scene to an already perfect seduction.

Veronica guided my feeble son to a chair, and instructed him to sit. Gladly doing so, she handed him a tube of KY jelly and said; "Just in case."

He smiled, and took her hand. "Are you going to make love to my Mother?" he questioned breathlessly.

"Yes I am." she replied. "And I want you to watch me ravage your beautiful Mother."

Gregory moaned in hope as his cock was already at full attention. Both Veronica and I took in the mighty sight of my son's perfectly chiseled body.

Veronica entwined our hands together, and brought them to our chests as we tasted one another's lips all over again. I murmured my delight as our bodies swayed together, a secret, voiceless language that only two women can interpret together. We stood at the foot of the Jacuzzi, taking in the sweet aroma of each other's saucy flesh and the body oils... knowing we were being watched by my anxious, and encouraged son. My mouth soon burrowed itself against Veronica's full-flavored neck, lathering her flesh over and over again as her arms adoringly enveloped me. Both of us were lost in our own sphere of existence... perfectly submerged in the lair of flawless grace that only a woman can identify with.

Our arms held one another as our mouths mercilessly clung to the other. Feeling her skin to mine once more completed this already ideal day. The sun dipped below into the horizon as it's evening rays glowed upon our flesh. I heard slow, prolonged motions from Gregory as I looked to see him stroking his breathtaking girth and length; being nourished with his glossy hand. Gregory and I shared a unsaid, evocative stare before Veronica robbed my attention yet again for another stifling kiss.

Our bodies moved as one toward the Jacuzzi. She had placed a massage table beside it as she motioned for me to lay atop it on my stomach. Glancing back at my son, she reached for the oil chalice and brought it over my lower back. I flinched as I felt the enthralling warmth pour over my skin. Held up on my elbows, I knew my child had a extraordinary view of my curvesome ass and abundant thighs; now glistening in the evening's sunshine from the balmy oil. Veronica's grateful hands leisurely caressed my backside as I was drifting back to the now familiar realm of complete ecstasy.

"Isn't your mother's ass so beautiful, Greg?" hissed Veronica as her palm plunged between the my uplifted crevasse.

"I can't wait until my face is tucked between those tan cheeks." whispered a eager Veronica.

Gregory answered with a slurred cry of hope, quickly stroking his cock in several quick jolts. He slowed, knowing he wanted this to last just as I did. Before long, Veronica's indulgent fingers molded the rose scented oil into my shoulders and upper back, all the while blessing me with her sensual undertones of delight and need. To my surprise, she stopped to shed herself of the lovely white slip. I breathlessly turned to watch as the delicate material effortlessly slipped downward across her maternal breasts and gracious abdomen. I groaned in hunger, for seeing my woman becoming nude, especially for me, was an celebration of love in it's finest manifestation. Just knowing that Veronica's flesh was for me and my child caused a plethora of awe-inspiring ecstasy throughout my spine, tingling throughout my already exhilarant body...

Freed from the restraints of clothing, the two of us were left to pursue our treasured voyage... our adoring union of homosexual tenderness. I sat up, and took her chalice to pour a steady stream of warm oil down her heaving chest. She turned so her back could receive the same... with the chalice emptied, she turned to me and squashed her mouth to mine in a powerful lunge. I met her onslaught with equal intensity, assaulting her throat with my insistent tongue. Our teeth collided, yet our hunger remained. The sensation of her skin with the oil sent drove my senses to that now familiar domain of abounding rapture... it felt fantastic, feeling her womanly physique in such an salacious manner. Being brave, I clutched her thick hips with rigid purpose... I then heard Gregory let out a drawn out moan... we both looked to see his gorgeous, glossy cock shower out a delicious flood of fertile, thriving sperm.