Wendy Confesses

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A terrible secret, but she cannot stop.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/21/2013
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Written by special request for W -- hope you like it.


My name is Wendy and I have a terrible confession to make. To be exact, its two confessions - the second much worse than the first. I am in a terrible spot but its all of my own making. I was weak and now I am paying the price.

I am in my early 40s and married with two children. I like to keep fit and active and I still have a good figure. I'm 5' 8" tall with blonde hair, C-cup breasts and my butt and my legs could still pass for those of a thirty year old. I still go to the gym occasionally and I am a part-time swim instructor at the local club so I guess staying active has helped me a lot.

It was also the start of my fall into my current predicament.

I cheated on my husband. He's a wonderful man and a loving husband. But he doesn't look after himself physically. He is not active or sporty. I've been very happy in my marriage except that in the last couple of years I found myself thinking more and more that there was one thing I wanted.

I wanted to go to bed with a man who is strong and muscled. A man with an athlete's body who would appreciate my hard work. A lover who could match me physically, who could hold me in whatever position he chose with a body I could admire and not just love. Sometimes I have lain awake at night thinking of a body like that while my loving, pudgy husband slept next to me. When walking through town I try to steal glimpses of men who's bodies might match the ones in my dreams.

Michael is a part-time swim instructor at the same club as me. Michael has a body to match my dreams. He was a very competitive amateur footballer who still looks like a bodybuillder. He has muscles that would shame men half his age. Both of us are married and so I never seriously thought of Michael as a potential lover.

Then one day I realised Michael was starting to pay extra attention to me. I had to stop and think about it to be sure. A couple of weeks later, though, there was no question that he was starting to flirt with me.

I was weak, I know that. I knew it then. But you have to understand how strong my dreams were. I didn't want to leave my husband or even to hurt him. The thing I did want was to have a man, just once, who was physically compatible with me. Someone who understood and appreciated my physique. Someone who had the strength and stamina for a real session of lovemaking and wouldn't get tired as soon as I'd had my first orgasm.

Michael soon was taking me for coffee and for lunch. He started touching me in ways that thrilled me. I knew where it was heading -- I'm not naive. Then there were times when we were alone, like in the office at the club, when his touching started to become inappropriate. At least, that's what other people would have said if they'd seen us. It was nothing to start with. But soon I would freely touch his arms and his chest, feeling his bulk, and he would casually grab my bottom or run his fingers across the tops of my breasts.

I guess, looking back, it really took only weeks from when Michael first started showing an interest in me to when we were together in my marital bed. I was never under any illusions. Michael clearly was good at flirting and propositioning women so I guessed I was just a conquest for him. I wasn't expecting a love affair. I just wanted to be fucked by a man who had the strength and the physical power I had dreamed of.

Michael was a temptation for me at a time when I was very weak. I made the mistake of falling for that temptation.

In the end I couldn't wait any longer. It was my idea that he come back to my place in the middle of the afternoon. We had to organise it around work and spouses and children. But we both wanted it and so it happened.

Oh my -- that first time I practically threw myself on Michael! I had seen a lot of his body while he worked at the club. As soon as we got inside my house, however, I totally forgot myself and more or less attacked the guy. I almost ripped his shirt off, literally.

I was still clothed but I was like a mad woman. I got him naked as fast as I could and went to town. Oh, to finally have total access to that body, to those muscles. I touched and stroked and kissed and, yes, even licked him all over. At last I was free to experience my dreams for real and to really enjoy the body of a big, strong hunk.

Some people will want to know and, yes, I was thrilled by his penis. Once Michael started flirting with me I'd found myself, for the first time in my life, trying to imagine what another mans' penis looked like. Seeing him in the flesh, Michael did not disappoint me. He is a little longer and thicker than I am used to. That seemed fitting given his size and strength compared to my husband. But it was the look of it that had me swooning. His penis is a magnificent sight, standing strong and powerful, more erect than my husband. The top of it is big, too, and the shaft has some really dark, swollen veins.

Of course it took only a few minutes before I went to my knees in front of that penis. I know that makes me sound like a slut. I guess that's the way I was acting. I was giddy with delight. I wasn't even thinking about Michael's pleasure. It was totally about me when I wrapped my hand around his rock hard penis and put it in my mouth.

On that first afternoon we fucked so much he left me sore. I was so thrilled by that as well!

Michael had amazing self-control so we fucked many times before he finally came in me. We tried different positions, starting with me on my back. Of course he wanted to take me from behind and I was excited by that. I came even harder as I felt him pound into me like we were a pair of animals.

To be truthful, a big part of my dream and my pleasure with Michael was the knowledge that a muscly and fit man found me sexually attractive. He even suggested I get on top for a while and I loved the fact that he seemed to really like looking at me while I worked out how best to ride him.

The whole time we were having sex I could not take my eyes off his body or his muscles. I know there are bigger men out there but none I'd ever been so close to. I really loved it when he was lying on top of me with his big, chiselled body. I couldn't get enough of his enormous biceps and his huge chest. He still has a bit of a six-pack that is even more obvious when he is thrusting his penis into me. I loved being able to reach around and hold his tight, muscled butt cheeks while he moved inside me.

I also have to say that it was strange and wonderful to feel a new penis inside me. Michael did feel bigger than my husband and that added to my thrill of his big and powerful body. It felt good to be stretched a little. I imagined he was so big partly because he was excited by me and that made it feel even better.

Having his big penis thrusting inside me as he took his pleasure made me more turned on than I can ever remember before. Unlike my normal, married sex life I had eight or nine climaxes that first afternoon with Michael.

Of course I let him unload his cum inside me. We weren't using a condom and I was relying entirely on the pill. I didn't really care about any other risks and I still don't. Some of you will think I am a terrible woman. But the sex was so primal that somehow it was important that Michael flood me with his load and that I could feel it dripping from me for the rest of the afternoon.

This became a sort of regular thing for Michael and me. Usually once each week we managed to find time to rush to my place for an hour or two of sex and pleasure. I never tired of his body and I like to think he never tired of mine.

I still loved my husband and I do right up to this day. I don't know if I felt guilt or not. I suppose there was a little of that. The main thing was I knew I still loved him dearly and I knew my place was with him. So, to me, it didn't really feel like cheating. I know he would be badly hurt if he ever found out about me fucking Michael but it was my dream and my husband could never achieve a body like that. So it was a guilty pleasure that I kept secret.

Well I thought I did. And this is where I really found myself in a terrible spot.

After a time I knew that Michael and I could not keep going like that. Eventually someone at the club would find out or one of my kids would come home and catch us. At long last I had experienced what it was like to share my bed with a body like his and I guess in part I felt contented. And, to be truthful, I was always turned-on and excited with Michael and I always achieved a large number of orgasms. But somehow I sensed Michael was not the greatest or the most skilled lover.

Or maybe my mind was telling me that as much as I loved the animal like fucking with Michael I still really desired the gentle love and affection my husband always gives me. I really did love my husband still.

So after a few months we kind of allowed our affair to run its course, Michael and I still see a lot of each other at the club and still have a coffee together once in a while.

I thought I was home free.

Until two months ago when I got a phone call from Robert. That's Michael's eldest boy. He was almost twenty.

Robert was as nervous as hell and at first I was worried that something terrible had happened. I was home alone and I realised later that's why he'd called me at that time. Finally he was able to spit it out and tell me everything.

Robert told me he knew I'd been having sex with his dad. He refused to tell me how he knew. To this day he's never told me that.

Then Robert got to the point. He wanted me to have sex with him as well!

I was shocked and appalled. Mostly at the audacity of this young man and his suggestion I would fuck someone only a year older than my own daughter. I was also outraged that he had some idea I was willing to be shared like that or that I was a slut who'd fuck any man who asked.

But his phone call frightened me. I did have a lot to lose. I was worried about how Robert might react if I told him outright that there was no way. So I tried everything I could think of to put him off.

I denied doing anything with his father. He told me, again, he knew it was true and that there was no point in saying it wasn't.

I said he was much too young for me. He claimed he had some experience and that I could teach him more.

I said I was too old for him. He said I had a very sexy body and he had thought about me many times.

I said he must have a girlfriend and would be better off with women his own age. He said he likes women his own age but he really wanted to have me. He was insistent.

Finally I reminded him that I was married and said that I wouldn't cheat on my husband with anyone. Of course that was not truthful. I still don't know for sure if Robert knew that or he was bluffing. But his next gambit put a shock of cold fear through me.

Robert told me that I had had sex with his father, that my husband didn't know and that we both should make sure that didn't change.

The little bastard was threatening me. I wasn't angry though. I was terrified. Now I knew that I was in a bad spot.

OK -- so I panicked. I agreed right then that Robert could drive over and we would talk. Just talk, that was all I was prepared to agree to. That was another mistake.

As soon as Robert arrived, fifteen minutes later, things started to go out of control. Even more than they had been. It was obvious how sexually excited he was and that he was thinking only about getting me into bed. Talk was not going to be enough for this young man.

'Hello Mrs H,' he said with a sly grin and wild eyes.

He tried to hold my hand as I let him into the house and I didn't resist. I was still afraid, panicked, at what this young man might do if he was denied. Could I talk my way out of it?

We went round and round again. Didn't he have girlfriends or women his own age to get his rocks off?

'Yes, but I really want you Mrs H.'

'Don't call me that,' I told him curtly.

'OK -- Wendy. You're really sexy and I want to have sex with you like you did with my father.'

'I can't have sex with you Robert. It would be totally wrong.'

'Not if we both want it and if its a secret between the two of us.'

'It would still be wrong Robert. I am married and I love my husband.'

'What about my dad? You had sex with him and I have just as good a body as he does.'

I was furious with Rob. Again, I was also scared.

'Robert, please. You can't expect a woman to have sex with you just because you want it.'

'I don't. I want you to have sex with me because you are sexy.'

If you want the truth, since I am sharing everything with you, I admit his lust started a kind of stirring within me. Oh, I know every teenage boy or young man gets an erection in the presence of every woman he meets. But Rob was so obviously aroused. I've had little experience of men during my twenty years of married life but Rob was ready to burst.

My other weakness, another thing about Rob that turned me on, is that he is a young hunk. Rob is a keen athlete like his father and a very strong swimmer. He plays a lot of water polo and I knew from somewhere that about a year earlier he'd started weight training with some of the older guys from the squad. His body can't match his father but he is still very strong and lean. And I had recently gone back to having to rely for sexual satisfaction on my soft, loving husband and enormous amounts of masturbation.

Also, truly, I think the fact I had been unfaithful to my husband once made it easier to do it again. It wasn't what I had planned or even wanted - well, maybe just a little. I sometimes wish I could have that day back again but I knew at the time that I was doing something terribly wrong. I had a young man with a gorgeous body who wanted to have sex with me and again I was totally unable to resist the temptation.

He moved in closer then. I realised, startled, that he was trying to kiss me. I tried to resist but he had one of his strong arms around my shoulder and was puling me closer to him. Later on, looking back, I realised that I didn't really resist him at all.

I did put my hand on his stomach to keep a respectable distance. I could feel his hard abs through the thin T-shirt. Our lips met and I confess, confused and scared, I kissed him back. OK, once again the truth is I was eager to find out what it felt like to kiss such a gorgeous young man.

Now he pulled me tighter and I was sure I could feel his hard erection through his shorts. I was aware that my vagina was getting wet.

'Mrs H... Wendy. We don't have to do everything.' That seemed like a ridiculous notion because anything was too much. But he was fumbling at the buttons of my work shirt and for some reason I decided to challenge the young man. I wanted to see how brave he really was. I could tell you that I was I so afraid I was prepared to go along with what he wanted. But the real truth is that I enjoyed the young man's lust for me.

So I let him unbutton my shirt and without stopping I quickly had my bra off as well. I know I have great breasts for my age and Rob's father had made me feel much more comfortable about letting other people see them.

Rob's eyes went wide and he quickly reached out to touch them. He was a little rough, too eager, squeezing more than was needed at that point. 'Oh Wendy,' he breathed. 'You have such great tits.'

I have to confess to you know that I have no idea what was going on inside my head right then. Part of me wanted to give Rob something, just enough so that he'd feel satisfied and leave me alone. Part of me still feared that he'd make good on his threat and tell my husband everything.

But deep down it felt so good to have this lecherous, crazed, sexy young man touching me and desiring me.

When Rob bent down to suckle my nipples I didn't resist and I didn't complain. He was quite good at that I must say. Though immediately I was thinking about teaching him to do it better. I knew that was a crazy thought and stupid but I couldn't keep it out of my head.

And when Rob lifted his head to kiss me some more I watched as my own hand moved across and touched the bulge of his erection trapped inside his shorts.

'Wendy, I want to have sex with you,' he moaned at me. We couldn't possibly. It was wrong on so many levels. But I had tried all those arguments with Rob and he'd not listened to me. He had threatened me if I didn't let him fuck me. And his sweet, gorgeous body was doing amazing things to me.

For some reason, I stupidly decided there was only one thing to do. The safest course of action was to let Rob take me and to hope that would be enough. We could do it just this one time and then it would be over. It wasn't even like cheating because I could tell myself that he was pretty well forcing me to do it.

So, for a second time I led a man to my marital bed. Only this time the man was young enough to be my own son. I should have been disgusted but instead I felt incredibly aroused.

We stripped one another naked and now I finally got to really see him in his glory. Rob does have a wonderful body. OK, he's not his father but still he got my heart racing. Compared to what I normally get to enjoy his body is wonderful.

Rob was amazed at seeing me naked and he practically drooled over me. I let him touch and rub me all over as he got to savour a mature woman for the first time. I have to say he was actually very good at this part. His touch was soft and curious. It was like he was actually focused on me, caring about giving me some pleasure. It was more than hubby gives me and quite different from the animal passion of his father.

Oh and his penis is fabulous as well. I am sure its the same size as his father's. I just put my hand on him, wrapped my fingers around it. He was so amazingly hard and warm. He felt so good and I found myself stroking him as he got even harder. Listening to his moans as he kissed me and groped my breasts was an amazing experience.

I even stroked his big sack. It sounds so wrong and perverted when I say it like that. I definitely wasn't thinking straight. Part of me still hoped to give Rob some pleasure in the hope he'd go away and leave me alone for good. His balls looked so heavy. I had his penis in my hand already and it seemed so natural to cup his sack in my other hand and feel its weight.

Soon Rob wanted me on the bed and I could feel him pushing me onto my back. It felt awkward and I was a little worried he might hurt me. Instead what he wanted was to get between my legs. Rob moved down the bed and pressed my legs apart and put his face right into my crotch. He wanted to pleasure me with his mouth!

Right then I know I started losing what was left of my self-control. These days my husband only occasionally offers to eat my vagina. Rob's father had never shown any notion of going down there. But the young man just went straight in and started licking me and trying to find my clit. I was impressed that he was so eager, though I can say he wasn't especially skilled at it. Still it felt really good having a hunky young guy want to do that to me. So I lay back and said nothing, just parted my legs to give a nineteen year old boy access to my vagina.

I know that by now I have shocked and disgusted you. In that situation, I didn't know what to do, whether to just give in to Rob and my fears or to make the most of my situation. I cannot explain what happened next and I cannot justify it either.

Rob climbed up on top of me and once more I felt a surge of excitement at having a man lay his hard, muscled body on top of mine. I knew what was on his mind and I had exactly the same idea.

I let Rob position himself between my thighs and I reached down to his rampant cock. I remember how we both moaned as I held him firmly and guided him right into the entrance to my vagina. As simply as that I allowed Rob to fuck me that first time.