Wet Dream Pt. 02

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George has a doctors apt. and must go wearing a diaper.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/13/2020
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After breakfast, Gayle said she would drive me to the doctors office. It was across town but shouldn't take too long to get there. "How did you find this doc?" I queried.

"Oh, one of the gals at the gym mentioned her. She is the doctor that got me on the HRT treatment I started recently. I think you will really like her."


"Yes her. I thought you would feel more comfortable with a lady doctor due to the nature of our problem."

"Yeah, maybe you are right about that."

We arrived and went into the small office building. As we entered I noticed the sign on the door: Dr. Suzanne Janus, MD, PhD. Behavior Specialist.

The young receptionist handed me a clipboard with the usual papers to fill out, and informed us the Dr. would see me when they were completed. I filled out the paperwork as directed. Where it asked about why I was there, I just put down bladder control issues. Gayle was watching over my shoulder and said I should also write down about difficulty achieving erection. So I did, but I wasn't certain it was a real issue.

After I returned the clipboard, the receptionist used the intercom to let the Dr. know her next patient was here. The Dr. entered the room and greeted Gayle, asking about how the HRT was doing. "It's great Sue, I feel better than I have in a few years. Thanks. And this is my husband George. I do hope you can help us with his problem as well."

"Well I am sure I can help. Don't worry about a thing and just leave him to me." Then turning to me and extending a hand to shake, she told me to come with her to the exam room and led me back to it.

"So tell me George, what brings you in today?"

"Well I am not sure what happened Doctor. A week or so ago I went to bed and somehow wet myself in the middle of the night. It has never happened before and now I cant seem to stop."

"I see. And it says you have had some erectile dysfunction as well. Can you tell me about that please?"

"Well, until recently, I guess, Gayle hasn't been interested in sex too much, and I would masturbate a few time a week. But lately its been harder to get hard. And now that she is on HRT, I haven't been able to preform like usual, with her or alone.

"Okay. So what have you been doing about the bed wetting?

"Its kind of embarrassing to admit it, but Gayle got me some diapers to wear just for bed. At least it keeps the bed dry but I really would rather not have to wear them."

"Well I can understand why a grown man would rather not wear a diaper to bed. It looks like you are wearing one now as well, though. Are you having issues during the day too?"

"Uh. Well. I mean no. I don't, but there was a problem yesterday and I kind of ended up with a diaper rash and Gayle said it would be more comfortable in a diaper today."

"I see," she said with a nod. "I will check you out after and make sure there isn't an issue with it. We wouldn't want you to get infected. I am going to have the nurse, Sandra, come in and take your vitals and draw some blood so we can see if there are any pathological issues causing your bladder problems. Then I will be back. Please wait here for her. See you soon."

She left me alone and a couple of minutes Sandra came in with a cart. She had a matronly appearance, full figured, almost 6 feet tall, probably mid forties with a commanding style and a German, I think, accent. She told me to remove my shirt and pants and stand on the scale. I took off my shirt and went to the scale. "Pants off also George," she demanded. I have seen it all before so please don't be embarrassed."

"Must I," I questioned, trying to save a little dignity.

"Yes you must now drop them, and get on the scale please. I do have a job to do."

I slid my pants down and stood before her in just the pink ruffle panty over my diaper. I know my face was the same color pink at this point and I stepped on the scale.

"132 pounds," she said as she adjusted the ruler down to my head. "And almost 5'6". Good, now sit on the exam table please"

As she adjusted the blood pressure cuff on my arm she smiled broadly and told me that my diaper cover was the prettiest she had ever seen.

"Gee thanks. That would be great if I was a little girl."

"Oh don't worry about that. You look fine. Hold still now. I need to draw some blood.

Meanwhile, in the doctors private office:

"Well Gayle, I am so happy you got this cheating bastard in here today, and diapered no less. How did you manage to pull that off?"

Gayle filled her in on the retirement party and the events from the previous day. She went into detail on how George had fell asleep at the computer and wet himself. She told her about how she used the hairbrush on his ass and made sure he was wet enough all night to get a baby rash.

"That's great hun. It appears the subliminals in the white noise are doing their job on his mind. I take it you have loaded the program on his computer too?"

"Yes. It loaded up easily and he seems to like the nightly earbuds as well."

"Great. I will give you a thumb drive today with some more files on it. They will take him even deeper. It shouldn't take long before he is in diapers full time and helpless for stop you from enjoying yourself as he did all those years. You do need to keep stoking is sexual desires. Maybe try some hand jobs while you diaper him. Make him admit to wanting to be your baby girl if he wants to cum. Tease his bottom hole with a finger until he cant hold back and begs for his baby treatment just to make it happen. Soon you will be able to fuck whoever you want right in front of him and he wont say boo about it."

"That makes me wet just thinking about it Sue. I have made him kneel under my computer desk and lick me while I'm online chatting. He has no idea. Thinks I am playing some RPG. Lol. He doesn't know the real role playing is going to be him playing a baby girl for the next few years or more. At least he still has a magic tongue and seems to enjoy using it for me. I think I will keep that. He thinks he retired. Little does he know he is being retired form ever getting to fuck a woman again. And the bastard deserves everything that happens to him."

"That's lovely my darling. Because soon his little dick will never be able to squirt without a diaper on it. I can't wait to see him all dressed as a pretty baby girl while we make love again. But now I need to get back and check on him. See you in a bit."

Doctor Janus went back to the exam room and Nurse Sandra handed her a tablet with the results of the blood work and other tests.

"Things look pretty much in order here George," she said looking up from the tablet. A couple of things in the blood work we will address later. Now pull that panty down and turn over so I can see your rash!"

I turned over on the exam table as the doctor put on fresh exam gloves. She then peeled off my diaper and poked and prodded my bottom. She said I looked redder than just a baby rash. "Does it hurt? There seems to be a little bruising in spots George. Did something else happen?"

"It's sore but doesn't really hurt doctor. It really itches though. And no, nothing else happened."

"George, I am a professional. If I am going to help you, then you need to be open and honest with me. I recognize bruising when I see it. Now tell me what happened!"

"Oh shit, OK. Here's what happened." And I proceeded to tell her about wetting myself in my office. My face was almost as red as my ass at that point and I could see Nurse Sandra with a big grin on her face.

"You will watch your language in my office George, or I might be apt to spank you as well. Now, a grown man sitting at his computer and wetting himself is not good. And I can see why Gayle got mad at you. You know she only has your best interests at heart, don't you?"

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry for my language, its just that this is all kind of strange. Maybe I am just stressed out."

"OK then. You will need to stay diapered for the next few days as your rash heals. And plenty of baby cream to protect you. Let me put some fresh baby cream on you and a fresh diaper."

She started to rub the ointment into my ass. It had that old baby cream smell that seemed to fill the air. It felt nice having it applied. Was it my imagination or was she spending extra time around my puckered hole. She finally told me to stand as the nurse spread a clean thick diaper on the table. I sat back down on it and it seemed thicker than even the Attends with the extra pad.

The doctor remarked on how much easier this will be for me having removed my hair. She said I would heal more quickly. She then rubbed more cream on my front side. Enough to make my 5" start to erect.

"Well it looks like the erectile issues are disappearing. Is it my touch or the diaper?"

"I am pretty sure that was from you Doctor. The diapers may be needed for the short term but don't feel to sexy. And I expect that with your help I will be back in boxers quite soon," I said with a bit of bravado. How was I to know that she was thinking the opposite.

She finally taped the thick diaper up around my privates and slid the pink panty up to cover them. "Get dressed and Sandra will show you to my office." She gave my bottom a little swat as she left. That seemed weird.

Damn, these diapers are so thick I can hardly get my pants over them. Now everyone will notice. I again saw that smile on Sandra's face as she led me to the doctors office. I good hardly walk properly with all the bulk between my legs. More of a waddle.

"Those diapers are called Molicare Supers. They are the best on the market and wont leak, but they are quite expensive. I will give Gayle a pack for you and have your insurance pay to have some shipped to the house."

"Will I really need them? I thought you were going to cure me so I won't need them."

"Well its more preemptive. If you don't need them just drop them off here at the office and they will be put to good use."

Sandra entered with a glass of water and told me to drink it down. It tasted a bit odd but before I could say anything Doctor Janus spoke up. "So that finishes the physical part, George. Now lets see about the stress part. Have a seat in that recliner please and just try to relax and answer my questions."

She asked me about Gayle and how I felt about her. I told her that she seems to be a bit more excited of late. And how that was good because she never seemed to want to have fun anymore. I squirmed a bit in the comfy chair. Partly because of my baby rash but also because it felt like I was sitting on a pillow, the diaper was so thick.

"Georgie, relax and stop squirming and answer my questions please. Our time is limited. Now, how do you feel when you are wearing the diapers at night?"

I think I answered her but my eyes were getting so heavy, I think I nodded out a bit. Then I felt something pushing me a little and looked up and saw the nurse, Sandra. "Wake up little one. Almost time to go"

"What, what happened? Did I fall asleep? I'm sorry doctor."

"Its ok Georgie, I got the information I needed." At that moment Gayle entered the office and quietly sat down in a chair by me.

"Well Gayle. I was just telling Georgie that I got all the info I needed."

"My name is George, please. Not Georgie," I blurted out.

Before the doctor could respond, Gayle spoke up. "Yes he never liked Georgie, but I actually like Georgia better. Especially with her pink diaper panty on."

After the 3 women had a good laugh over, that the Dr. spoke up again.

"Okay Georgia it is. Based on the blood test results I am going to give you a couple of shots that should help improve your condition."

Sandra swabbed my arm and the Dr. injected something saying it would help me maintain my erections. The second shot would work to help improve my hormone levels to a better balance. At least that's what she told me. It would be months before I realized it was a time release, female hormone booster.

As Sandra led me out of the office I noticed Gayle give the doctor a hug. What I didn't see was the deep kiss between them.

Gayle came out and made another appointment for 2 weeks from today. I carried the package of diapers when we left and I was surprised to notice the wall clock said 2 PM. Didn't the doctor say time was limited? WTF. I couldn't have been asleep for 2 hours.

"Have you been waiting there for me all that time Gayle? I hope you weren't bored. I'm sorry."

"Oh no darling, I went out shopping for a bit and then came back. Lets go get some lunch."

"Please can we just do a drive through. This diaper makes me waddle like a baby they are so thick. And you can't miss seeing them in these pants. That cream she used smells so damn strong. Everyone will be able to smell it."

"Well I don't know. You seem to have forgotten how to address me properly already so maybe we should go in to eat."

"Oh please Mummy Gayle, Please, I'm sorry. Please lets use the drive through Mummy Gayle?"

"Alright. This time the drive through. But you know I don't like to eat in a car so in the future..."

She pulled up to order. A couple of Burgers, large fries to share. A diet coke for her and a Super sized coke for me. "Lets see if you can finish that and keep it out of your diaper," she laughed.

"You are supposed to be helping me. How is this going to help," I asked, holding up the huge soda.

"Well it will help fill you so you can work on controlling your bladder muscles."

I only had about half of it gone by the time we got home. She pulled into the garage and I carried the diapers into the house as she grabbed whatever she had gone shopping for.

I felt like I had been through a full day already, but it was only 3 in the afternoon. I put the diapers away in the bedroom and changed into some sweats. Gayle was watching me come back down the stairs with a smile.

I knew what she was smiling about, too. The padding between my legs made it hard to walk downstairs, even with sweats on.

"That was such a cute waddle Georgia." She walked over and grabbed the vacuum. "While I do the floors I want you to take care of the dishes and pans in the sink. And wipe the counter-tops down when you are done. I left your drink in there for you to finish."

"Yes Miss Gayle."

I heard the vacuum running as I started the dishes. How could I know she wasn't really vacuuming much, but had used the time to download some files from the thumb drive to my computer. Its not like there were a lot, with just 2 of us at home, but it still took a while.

After standing there for a while with the water running, it really made me need to pee. I didn't have much left and tried to get through them. I was standing there doing the "pee pee dance" as I washed them, and did not hear the hoover get turned off.

"Well does someone need to pee?"

"Yes Miss Gayle, but I am trying hard to hold back, like you suggested.

She walked over and hugged me from behind. One hand then reached to my chest and started playing with my nipples as her other started rubbing the front of my diaper. She whispered in my ear. "Its okay my sweet baby. Go ahead and wet for Mummy Gayle."

At that, I peed so hard I thought I came in the diapers.

"Why don't you come upstairs and help Mummy out when you finish."

Without the excess pressure I finished up the kitchen in just a few minutes, and headed up to the bedroom. I found Gayle in her short see through negligee with nothing on beneath it. I immediately felt the tingle in my cock.

"Take off those sweats and your shirt and crawl up here," she said from the bed. Time to celebrate your retirement right.

It didn't take long for me to be face first at her pussy. It tasted so good. "Do a good job for me baby and I we will have a fun diaper change for you."

I stayed there for at least 4 orgasms and gently licked every drop at the end. "Oh my, such a talented tongue on my sweet baby girl. Now lets get you into a dry diaper sweetie."

"Mmm, yes Mummy Gayle!"

Miss Gayle grabbed a changing pad from a package she must have bought earlier. She spread it out on the bed and I rolled over onto it. She removed my diaper cover and the heavy thick diaper. She grabbed some rash cream. This time the same brand the doctor used. The baby smell filled the air immediately. Then to my surprise she sat down with her ass on my face and told me to kiss it. She started rubbing the cream all over me. She concentrated on my ass, and cock and balls. Soon she had stroked up me nice and hard.

I stopped kissing her ass, and she let go of my cock. "If you want more rubbing I better feel that tongue deep in my ass baby."

I pushed my tongue deeper into her nether hole, moaning with the pleasure I was feeling from her ministrations. I think she even had an orgasm from it. She moved off my face and continued rubbing me with a warning not to squirt.

With one hand on my cock, she slipped a baby cream coated finger back to my ass. Poking gently at my hole, then light circles around it. My hips moved with her touch.

"Oh my. Baby Georgia seems to like that. That will show you how your tongue felt in me." Her finger pushed its way inside. "Tell mummy how much you like that Georgia!"

"Oh yes Mummy Gayle, it feels so tingly. Mmm."

She pushed deeper, fucking my ass as she stroked me. "Don't you love being my baby girl and getting to feel so good inside."

"Yes Mummy, I love when you make me feel like this."

"Maybe I should keep you as my baby girl all the time and you could always feel this way in your pretty diapers, Would you like that Georgia?"

I hesitated in answering. She didn't really mean that did she. But she stopped touching me.

"I can stop if baby doesn't want to feel good."

"No mummy, please don't stop. I want to feel good for you mummy!"

She started stroking my cock again. I was so close, but she warned me not to come.

"Tell me you want to be my little girl in diapers and pretty baby girl clothes and be pleasured by mummy. Tell me how much you want this Georgia."

"Oh mummy, you make me feel so hot. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. I wanna cum mummy. I will be a good baby girl for you please let me cum mummy. Please dress me pretty mummy. Oh fuck."

"And baby will lick mummy whenever she is told, won't she?"

"Oh yes mummy. I will. I will. Oh please let my cock cum mummy."

"Not yet, little one. Not till I say its okay. And its not a cock anymore. You must always remember that as a baby girl you only have a sissy clitty now. OK baby?"

"OK mummy, please let my sissy clitty make cummies mummy. Please?"

"You will only do that when I give you permission Georgia. You can no longer squirt unless Mummy tells you that you can. And I am not ready yet. I am having fun playing with it. Oh how pretty you will be baby. We will have your pretty long hair dyed and styled like a pretty little girl, and you will love to wear pretty lacy baby dresses and serve your mummy won't you darling."

"I was panting with desire and so hot to cum. I would give in to all of it if she would just let me squirt. "Oh please mummy, please let me cum. You can dress me how you like. Really. I promise I will be good. Oh please let me squirt mommy."

"If you meant everything you said, I will let you squirt after we get your diaper on, OK? My baby will only squirt in a diaper for now on. Never with your hand. Never in Mummy. Only in a diaper like a good baby."

"Yes mummy, whatever mummy wants. I will be a good baby, I will."

"Well OK little girl. Lets get you into your diaper and I will help you squirt."

"OK mummy. Thank you mummy. I want my pretty diaper Mummy Gayle."

She soon had me taped securely in a fresh thick Molicare diaper. She went to one of my drawers and came back with a clear yellow plastic panty that had SISSY BABY and pictures of baby rattles and teddy bears all over it and pulled them up my legs and over the thick diaper.