What a Fuck-Up!

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Or how a complete cunt got me two more!
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It all began at about half past two one morning; with the sounds of some dickheaded cunt roaring around the streets, drunk and drugged no doubt, presumably showing off to his equally drunken and drugged-up mates.

I remember burying my head under the duvet to block out some of the racket – and then I heard the car again despite the duvet, its engine roaring louder this time; then howling nearby suddenly, followed by a moment's silence and then an almighty crash as the car buried itself in our lounge wall.

There was a major earthquake, then dust everywhere and instant panic; my sister running screaming from her room; Mum and dad rushing everywhere; me, naked then wrapped in my duvet, doing my best to find my laptop and other such valued possessions in the dark and above it all the sounds of police and then emergency service sirens as they homed in on the little arsehole who'd just fucked up our lives.

I have no concerns to cheerfully say that he, drugged and drunk indeed, had come out of it worst as a large chunk of the wall had collapsed on top of the car and him, thus inflicting numerous "life changing" injuries. I had absolutely no sympathy for his mates in the passenger seats either, two of whom were also quite badly damaged and I was also pleased to hear that they'd all been charged with numerous offences.

The only downside was that knowing the British judicial system, they'd probably be getting no more than a few months inside and a slap on the wrist each at the worst......despite having made our lives hell.

But there were other, more interesting abiding memories of the moment; seeing my very fuckable sister fleeing down past my room stark naked; her cute titties almost flapping as she passed by; her arse wobbling so beautifully. Then another quick flash when she turned at the stairs and inadvertently displayed her bushy little triangle, before she managed to pull her dressing gown on and wrap it tightly around herself. And then there was a full frontal view of my very yummy Mum as her dressing gown billowed in the air, her shortie nightie hiding virtually nothing.

It wasn't the first time I'd seen either of them naked but these particular sighting became very deeply etched into my erotic memory amidst all the chaos.

There were also images of my partially clad father, his belly wobbling everywhere above his droopy underpants; him shouting obscenities at all and sundry....but those images of him quickly became history and as good as forgotten.

For us things now became very different.

Gone was our nice four-bedroom house and relaxing gardens; at least for some while. The emergency services "made the house safe" as they removed what was left of the car – which had been stolen, as one might have guessed – and we were made to vacate the premises on the spot; wonderful fun in the middle of the night, I don't think. Thank heavens it was summer and the night was both warm and dry.

And it was even more "fun" for me because as I said, like my sister, I'd been sleeping naked and had leapt out of the house wrapped only in my duvet, leaving my clothes and even my dressing gown behind. Oh yes, I'd saved all the important things to my life, namely my phone and my laptop, but I hadn't bothered with my clothes!

Being hustled around in the middle of the night by a rather attractive paramedic lady isn't conducive to keeping everything under control and for some reason I kept finding that I was becoming aroused; presumably the strangeness of the situation was erotic somehow even though I was now standing out on the lawn with a quickly gathering crowd of onlookers all around.

And so it was that Mum managed to find me a pair of dad's trousers and one of his shirts to put on while she held the duvet up round me and yeah – I know she got an eyeful and I was at least partially erect, but I couldn't have cared less; I just wanted to get better covered, even if the trousers were way too big around the middle for me.

Anyway, within hours we were moved into a hotel courtesy of our insurers but such luxuries as waiters and room service hardly made up for the loss of our comfortable home.

Eventually, a few days later, Dad came and told us that he'd been informed that our place had been deemed structurally unsound and that it would have to be demolished before being rebuilt, news that went down like a lead brick.

I went and shut myself in my hotel room to block out the sounds of Mum and sis sobbing loudly as the news of our extended 'exile' sunk in.

If there was a good side, it was that we'd all managed to save our personal possessions and they eventually also brought us all our clothes so we didn't look quite so much like tramps. They also then stabilised the place sufficiently to allow the removal of much of our furniture and family bits and pieces, which were put into storage for us.

But the worst part was the hotel.....it was crap, to be honest; I'm not sure if it had any stars against its name at all, it certainly didn't deserve any.

The food was nothing to get excited about at all; the place was noisy, it was dirty and the beds were uncomfy and eventually Dad and Mum kicked up enough fuss to make the insurers find us a temporary home; the snag being however that it was only a three bedroom place with just one bathroom now, but better than this hovel.

But perhaps more importantly, it was some fifteen miles away from where we'd been living.....on the wrong side of town from where dad worked. Nevertheless, it was better than the privations of hotel life, so we accepted their offer and duly moved in.

And at this point I'd better tell you a bit about us because it's only now that the members of our family really become part of the story.

Dad is an overweight exec; he's well past his prime except in the business field where he's still something of a rising star or so he says, but I'm going to say no more about him because apart from his parental duties he never really does a lot for me, to be honest.

Oh, I ought to add that he's 48 this year and for that matter, Mum's 43; I'm 22 and my sister is 19.

My Mum Pam, quite unlike Dad, is sweet and she's pretty too; I love her dearly. Not least because she's a busty lady who always dresses to show off her best bits although she has to actually because she works as a beauty consultant, but beside that she's an absolute darling to me. Yeah, I do love her to bits and I'll do anything for her, especially when she promises to give me one of her nice sexy cuddles as a thank you!

Both Mum and Dad are perhaps of average height, but somehow I've managed to reach six feet two inches, some five inches taller than either of them and I can only add that thank heavens I've taken after Mum and not Dad in looks and ways.

Much as Dad's doing well, I'd hate to look as miserable as he does or be so wrapped up in making money that I couldn't enjoy life. And I'd hate to be as fat as he is, for that matter.

So back to me – I've been at Uni for the past three years – all I need now is a job; something to do with computers preferably.

Speaking of enjoying life, I'm not going to tell you all the details of how I lost my virginity but I did manage to do so, a few years back. It happened at a rather wild and boozy Christmas party; and I don't even know who I screwed, to be honest, but one thing I will say is that it was a family party with some aunts and nieces there – so I'm still curious about who my partner-in-crime was! I won't tell you how old I was either; all I know is that my penis, which I'd better tell you now, is almost exactly eight inches long and uncut, performed well by all impressions. Twice!

My other family member is my sister Kim; a cute Facebook-rapt kid who seems to think that selfies are the most important part of her life, so far as I can see. But she's a fun sister to have and diligent with it on the whole; she's been working full time at the chemist shop down at the local centre; she was the assistant manager at the time of our "troubles". She'd have gone to work there when she left school but she had to wait until she was over 18 and now I think she's got her career fairly well mapped out.

Oh and she's pretty as well; she takes after Mum so she's quite generous up top and she's got a really cute face, when she's not posing for her camera! I've seen her Facebook photos – she's showing a heck of a lot of her cleavage in them! Despite her charms I don't think she's got a steady boyfriend; I mean she doesn't seem to go out with any bloke more than once – perhaps she's just not ready for anything serious yet.

I won't say that she's a blonde because the next time I see her she'll probably have dyed her hair black or green or some other colour. She's got a gorgeous bum too, not that I'm an arse man but even so it's worth a second look whenever I catch her in her undies!

So, back to the story. Because Dad was so 'vital' to his work, in his eyes at least, he made a momentous decision to rent a one bedroom flat that the company owned, right next to where he worked, just for himself. It made sense in a way; the company let him have it on the cheap and he was on the spot for work so it saved him a heck of a lot of driving – "time is money" he told us – and so he left us to our temporary lives while he concentrated on his career. It would only be while they rebuilt the house; perhaps a year at most.....and I'm not entirely sure that Mum sounded all that put out when he told her of his decision.

Oh well, their relationship was for them to sort out, not me, but if Mum didn't miss him then nor did I to be honest, because from my point of view I was quite pleased that he was out of the way. He was making us all miserable by being a right old moaner about the whole matter; although perhaps I don't really blame him.

But he was a grumpy old fart at the best of times quite honestly and the atmosphere seemed to warm up considerably as soon as he moved out.

Mum and sis were fine – they could both easily commute to work, leaving me to enjoy some peace; even if I was supposed to be working on job applications.

Oh – speaking of job details, since I have to list my statistics on every bloody application I might as well list them here too:

Name – Christopher James Wright

Age – 22

Height – Six feet two inches

Weight – 12 stone 3 pounds (171 pounds)

Hair colour – mid brown

Eyes – blue

Tattoos – none

Smoke – no

Drink – occasionally

State of health – excellent

Clean Current Driving Licence

Etc, etc......

Actually I'd done all my CV work on-line and since I'd loaded my credentials onto quite a number of job worksites and some agencies as well, I was now more or less just waiting for offers to come in. Not the ideal way to find a job but I wasn't that keen to start work just yet; I was happy just spending my days surfing......

Surfing – well, you know what I mean; browsing porn really!

I'd had my day down to a fine art before that prat screwed things up and now I got myself back into routine once more; as soon as Mum and sis had headed out in the morning, the laptop was on and my favourite porn sites were opened. I'd use a split screen set-up so I could read an erotic story and watch a porn clip at the same time....with some more "suitable for work" site minimised as well, just in case.

Out would come my cock, already up and hard as usual and I'd settle down to enjoy a soothing wank that I'd probably drag out for an hour or more.

Occasionally I'd be overcome by a need for quick release and I'd whack one out inside a few minutes – and then rebuild for a slower, more laid-back second cumming.

I've no idea where I got my eight inch penis from; from what 'little' I'd ever seen of Dad he didn't have anywhere near as much hanging there as I did, so perhaps I was a throwback from someone from the past. Still, I didn't worry about that; all that mattered was that my penis would stand up for me when I needed him to....and he certainly spent a lot of time doing that!

My comfy morning wank would be followed by a light lunch; some genuine browsing, occasionally even looking for jobs and then a return to my beloved porn for another session before the workers returned home. I need hardly add that my evenings followed much the same pattern except when I chose to go out to do some socialising, although that was severely limited due to financial shortages, inevitably.

Ah, sorry, I do seem to have been a bit heavy on the sex bit – there were other things in my life!

I did also go out to the gym twice a week – Mum paid my subscription, thank heavens; I did some distance cycling at least once a week and I spent quite a while genuinely studying at the library too. And before the crash I used to mow our lawns – and the neighbour's lawn regularly and keep Dad's, Mum's and my car clean as well.

(Actually mine needed rust remover rather than polish....)

Sex didn't rule my life – well, not entirely!

And so life would have continued relatively smoothly....until another disaster hit us.

It was discovered that the property we were renting, courtesy of the insurance company, was only available for six months and now our time was just about up.

Everyone chased around to find us another home, but the insurance company kept procrastinating and generally screwing us around, until Mum lost her rag and took over.

In some years rental properties seem to be everywhere but at the time of our disaster available and suitable properties were both few and far between and damn expensive too, it seemed – certainly too expensive for the insurance company to consider.

So Mum was quite pleased when she managed to find us a large caravan for a nominal rent. They wanted high summer rental prices but Mum beat them down, presumably by taking the place through into the off-peak months too. Whatever, she quickly moved us all out while threatening to sue the insurance company – and while sis and I threatened to sue Mum for sticking us in such a shitty abode!

Fortunately it was an on-site static trailer so at least it had all mod cons and it was a 40-footer and there were three bedrooms so we didn't have to share too much. But we did have to share the bathroom and there was just the one basic lounge or sittingroom where once upon a time we'd had two spacious downstairs rooms.

Unfortunately however, one of the unconsidered consequences of our move was that Kim had no choice but to give up her job. We were now out on the opposite side of town to her work and she just couldn't get to her workplace without taking three buses and about two hours each way at her own expense so, given her comparatively low wage, she had to give her job up. And it was at that point that I realised that my life, once nicely ordered, had become complicated with two of us 'at home' pretty well all the time; my peace shattered.

Look – peace is relative. Having time for a leisurely wank in your own room is perfect; but if your sister is as likely as not going to bang on the door at any moment and want your company then there's no peace – wanking on tenterhooks doesn't work....you need guaranteed peace for a decent length of time..... Somehow, locking yourself in the bathroom doesn't create the same degree of peace; you may not have anyone barging in, but they can still knock on the door and interrupt your thought processes.

Ok – there's always the nighttime to enjoy some penile pleasures but that's not the same as having a leisurely wank during the day.

And then too, the walls of the caravan were so thin so any activity really needed to be as silent as possible.

Back home we'd never been a family for locked doors. Ok – we didn't usually just charge into one another's rooms without knocking first; we did respect each other's privacy but family members were fairly free to come and go because as far as I could tell, none of us had anything particular to hide – except possibly me and my wanking! But I certainly wasn't used to locking my door day and night.....

It was therefore with considerable panic that I scrambled to cover up my naked, aroused self that morning soon after we moved into the van when my sister slammed the door open and burst into my room.

"Guess what!" she shouted excitedly as the door crashed back against the wall, "I've just got a tax refu......ck, oh fuck!"

"Get out you cow!" I yelled back, ignoring her words; flailing flaps of duvet billowing everywhere as I tried to cover myself, "Fuckin' knock, will you!"

"What? Why – what's going on?" asked Kim, her eyes lighting up with alarm, "What's up? What you doing?"

I was still trying to ensure that the important bit of me was under cover when Kim chuckled.

"Oh, I see – you were playing with yourself, weren't you?" she said as she came nearer, patting the duvet perilously close to where my cock was still remarkably hard.

I wasn't entirely sure how to handle this except to go on the offensive so I continued to shout at her.

"What the fuck's it got to do with you," I shouted, "Just fuckin' leave me alone!"

"Huh – all I wanted to do was to tell you something," Kim said, looking somewhat contrite.

"Tell me later," I replied testily, holding the duvet firmly down over my groin.

"Well, perhaps I could have given you a hand as well if you'd wanted me to," sis replied softly, "Oh well; perhaps I'd better leave you to it."

With that she turned and left the room, leaving me with a rapidly deflating penis and a wondering mind..... What the hell did she mean with that comment?

And it made me think back to our lives before this upheaval.....

When we were 'at home' in our old house, Kim and I used to get on fine together on the whole – perhaps because we were quite similar in tastes; perhaps because we had different lives; perhaps because we wanted to support Mum; perhaps because we just liked each other.

So we seldom if ever rowed and we even actually socialised together occasionally; one or other of us 'visiting' the other in their bedroom of an evening.

All ready for bed, we'd sit on her bed, usually cross-legged and chattering for ages, Kim most likely in her underwear with probably a short dressing gown thrown over the top and me most likely in my boxer shorts. .....and somehow we seemed to take little or no notice of our comparative lack of clothing.

Mind you, saying that we seemed to take no notice of one another's bodies perhaps isn't entirely true – we just never said anything. But I know that as her dressing gown would more often than not be loose or even undone, so I'd see her boobs, all complete with her little squashed nipples inside her bra and the outline of her little bush in her flimsy panties.

And I bet now that she too would have been able to see enough of my cock to excite her in the same way I was excited by her. I'd long ago concluded that she'd have been able to see plenty if she'd been interested...but she gave no indications to imply any interest.

We'd chatter away together about music, people, films and whatever was on our minds.

Oddly enough we seldom if ever talked about our boy- and girl-friends; I know I seldom had time or money enough to keep a girlfriend and Kim had worked pretty hard so perhaps she had no regular partner either – whatever, the subject almost never came up.

Because we were just a sociably interacting brother and sister and there had been too many other things in our lives to distract us from such thoughts of relationships and sex! But now, in our caravan home, perhaps there weren't enough things to divert our minds.

Had things changed now?

Yes, in our humble caravan, with the pair of us relatively idle all day, things now threatened to be somewhat different – with nothing much else to distract ones mind, there are limits as to how often you can see someone in a state of at least partial undress before you become compellingly more interested.