What Happens Here, Stays Here

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Four students with little in common room together.
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When eighteen year old Carey Willingham attends freshman orientation at Biloxi College in the summer of 2002 she has an eye out for good looking boys. She is struck by a guy who has the most exotic green eyes that she ever saw. He is thin with black hair and a boyish face. Carey sits near him at lunch and introduces herself to him. He mumbles that his name is John and does not say anything else to Carey.

It turns out that Carey and John are both pre-veterinary majors and over the next few years they have many of the same courses. However, John keeps to himself and they rarely speak to each other. Carey is a beautiful, petite, blonde southern belle who makes friends quickly. She had been raised pretty strictly. She lost her virginity as a senior in high school. Carey joins a sorority as a freshman and by her junior year is dating Tyler. She had four previous sexual partners before Tyler, but with Tyler she loses her inhibitions and grows to love sex. Tyler is a year ahead of Carey and graduates in the Spring of 2005. His family has a construction business in New Orleans that he works in full time after graduation.

Carey grew up in a house without pets, but she always loved animals and has talked about wanting to be a veterinarian from an early age. However, when she actually does become a pre-veterinary major it is a shock to family and friends who do not think she is intelligent, motivated or tough enough to complete all the school work to be a vet. Carey is bound and determined to prove them wrong.

When Hurricane Katrina hits the Mississippi Gulf Coast just before the fall semester in 2005, which is Carey's senior year, it leaves students scrambling for alternatives. Many students take the semester off since they live in the area and their family's homes were destroyed. However, Dr. Fowkles the driving force of the pre-veterinary major at Paul Revere College, in Massachusetts is friends with Dr Liston from Biloxi College, which is forced to cancel classes for the fall semester. Paul Revere College offers to allow the twelve Senior pre-veterinary majors at Biloxi College to study at Paul Revere College for the semester. The two professors work together to ensure that all classes taken at Paul Revere College will transfer to Biloxi College.

Carey does not want to delay her graduation by a semester, she knows after Katrina that Tyler is going to be busy and she does not have a lot to do. Her family lives in Louisiana about 30 miles north of Baton Rouge and did not suffer any damage from Katrina. After looking at several options, Carey decides that going to Paul Revere College for the semester makes the most sense although her friends from her major have made alternative plans.

For undergraduate students hoping to go to veterinarian school the junior year probably involves the most work because that is when most students take the GREs in order to apply to graduate school By October 1st of their senior year students have applied to get into vet school. While they need to keep their grades up, most of the stress is about waiting to hear from the schools. Typically during the fall semester the school will either invite the applicants for the interview or send a rejection letter. The interviews are usually in January and then the acceptance letters are sent by March. Getting into veterinarian school is notoriously difficult.

John Baxter is bright but painfully shy. His parents run a big veterinarian practice in Baton Rouge that he has helped in since he was little, so he started college with more knowledge than most of the other students. However, John does not work very hard due to his obsession with playing computer strategy games such as Civilization 4 and Age of Empires III. But he still gets good grades.

Elliott Camp has been the star of the Division III basketball team at Biloxi College. He comes from a very religious family that does not believe in per-marital sex. His family lives in Lynchburg, Virginia where his father is a Professor of Theology. Being in a demanding major and playing basketball has left Elliott with very little downtime. Paul Revere College does not have a basketball team so he is going to have more free time.

Lizzie Baylor is from rural Mississippi where she was raised by a single mother who drank too much. She grew up in poverty. When she was thirteen she found a mentor in her science teacher, Mr. Barry. From that point on, Lizzie dedicated herself to excelling in school. She received a full scholarship to Biloxi College and is the only student from her high school to go to a 4 year college. In college Lizzie has gotten straight A's. She has a wild side that she keeps hidden from the other pre-vet students at Biloxi College. Lizzie is short with a curvy body. She is discretely dating Carson who had been the TA from one of their classes and is seven years older.

It turns out that Carey, John, Elliott and Lizzie are the only students that will be spending the semester at Paul Revere College. They will room together in a small off campus furnished apartment that the college officials have scrambled to locate at the last minute.

When Carey arrives at the apartment near the Paul Revere campus she is shocked by how small and crappy the place is. There is a kitchen in the front, in the back is a living room and to the left and right are bedrooms each with a small bathroom. Evidently Carey and Lizzie will be sharing one bedroom and John and Elliott the other.

While Carey is not close with her roommates she figures that she will make friends with Paul Revere students. However, once classes begins, Carey finds that people from the north are either not friendly or are overly friendly by treating them like they are Katrina charity cases. In addition, at times the accents makes it seem like they are speaking different languages. For the first time in her life she is struggling to fit in. In addition, Tyler is working non-stop and she rarely hears from him.

Carey wants to get into veterinarian school at Louisiana State and thinks that she has a good chance with in state admission. Lizzie has the grades to go to a number of schools but financial aid and scholarships are going to be the deciding factor. Elliot wants to go to Virginia Tech in his home state. John hopes to go out of state to get away from from her parent's shadow at LSU.

Once the semester begins Carey develops a surprising friendship with Lizzie. They are total opposites and prior to this semester Carey is sure that Lizzie hated her and Carey found Lizzie odd. However, now that they are sharing a room they bond over the weirdness of the situation and their attempts to keep the dump that they are living in somewhat neat. Carey decides that she actually likes Lizzie. She talks to Lizzie about missing Tyler and Lizzie has says she has someone back home as well without being specific regarding who it is.

Carey will typically go to sleep before Lizzie around midnight. One night during the first week she wakes up to sounds coming from Lizzie. It takes Carey a moment to realize that what she is hearing is Lizzie masturbating. Carey lies there pretending to be sleeping while the sounds becomes more intense until Lizzie cums. Lizzie is not been particularly quiet which makes Carey wonder if she does not realize how loud she is or does not care.

When Carey wakes up the next morning she could not stop thinking about hearing Lizzie in the middle of the night. The previous year had really changed Carey from being somewhat repressed sexually to being adventurous with Tyler and now that she is away from Tyler she finds herself thinking about sex a lot. When she gets back from her morning class at 11 AM the apartment is empty. She ends up lying on her bed . She removes her pants and starts pleasuring herself with her left thumb massaging her clit while her right index finger is in her pussy.

The idea of masturbating in the middle of day is not something Carey would of dreamed of doing previously. However, a pattern starts where she would hear Lizzie several times a week in the middle of the night. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she has the apartment all to herself between 11 AM to 1 PM and at least once a week she takes advantage of the time to diddle herself. One day she even goes to an adult website and orders a dildo and vibrator that discretely comes addressed to her in a plain brown package.

Elliott is fine as a roommate. He is well behaved and quiet and Carey frequently studies together with Elliott. He is also six feet five inches and has a lean muscular physique that could be distracting to any woman. However, Elliott is always so serious and seems to spend all his free time reading the bible.

Carey finds John to be the most unfriendly person she ever met. He never initiates a conversation with her and spends all his time either playing video games or on the computer. Apparently he has a girlfriend that goes to college in Texas. It also bothers Carey that John gets about the same grades as she does. Carey works very hard to get her grades and John barely seems to work at all.

The biggest problem with the apartment is that there is no hot water in the girls shower. The hot water in the boys shower seems to be fine. They try with the landlord to get it fixed and when nothing works they complain to the school housing. Several plumbers try to fix it but nothing seems to permanently fix the issue.

The weather even in late September is colder than Carey is used to and waking up and taking a cold shower is not pleasant. One morning she starts to shower when she decides that she has had enough. Carey turns off the water, put on her robe on and knocks on the boys room. When no one answers she takes a shower in their bathroom. That evening when everyone is home she announces that they will all be sharing the boy's bathroom to shower. Elliott look a bit shocked but no one says anything.

For the next few weeks everyone is careful to always knock and be respectful of each others privacy. Carey is surprised with how nonchalant Lizzie is with going to the boy's bathroom while barely dressed. She will often be in only a t shirt with no bra and thong panties which are not always completely covered by her t shirt. Lizzie's tits are much bigger than Carey's and the outline of her nipples are typically clearly visible. Carey figures if Lizzie could dress like that so could she and the boys, even Elliott will occasionally walk around in their boxers.

One day at the beginning of October Elliott is in his boxers and his erection is clearly visible. A little while later when Carey and Lizzie are alone in their room Lizzie smiles and says,

"Did you see the size of that thing? "

Carey laughs and says "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Do you think he ever relieves himself?"

"No. I think he is a good boy."

"So much potential being wasted. I don't know how he lives like that."

"I guess he doesn't know any better."

Carey has not had this open a discussion previously with Lizzie and she finds it amusing because prior to living with Lizzie, she figured that all Lizzie thought about is school.

One morning about a week later, Carey does not have class until 10 AM. She wakes up and studies in her room for about an hour. Carey has not heard a sound and assumes that her roommates are all gone. She goes to the boy's room to take a shower. She does not knock at the door because she assumes no one is home. As she opens the door John says just a minute. Carey quickly shut the door but not before seeing John sitting at his computer pulling up his boxers. Carey sees that there is porn on the computer and that John's penis is hard. Carey ends up taking a quick cold shower in the girl's bathroom that morning. Neither Carey or John discuss what happened. Carey and John barely spoke before the incident but now avoid each other even more.

The last Saturday in October is one of the strangest days of Carey's life. She wakes around eight AM and IMs with Tyler for the first time in a week, However, he has been working a crazy amount of hours and is distracted and grouchy. She then calls her mother and they end up getting in an argument when her mother says that Carey needs to stop feeling sorry for herself about being stuck in Massachusetts for the semester.

Carey then goes to the library and studies until about 1 PM. When Carey gets out of the library she is surprised to find that it is snowing. It is the first time in her life she has ever seen snow and it is a thrill. Carey eats lunch at Subway and then goes back to the apartment. She is excited to show her roommates and wants to go outside with them and play in the snow like little kids. She goes running into the apartment and into her room and gets the shock of her life.

The first thing she sees is Elliott's bare ass .He is carrying Lizzie who is completely naked and has her legs wrapped around Elliott who is thrusting his large hard dick into Lizzie's vagina. Lizzie makes eye contact with Carey and gives her a small smile.

Carey quickly and quietly shuts the door and takes a deep breath. She can not believe what she just saw and does not know what to do next. She ends up knocking on Elliott and John's room. John is sitting in front of his TV playing Play Station 2 as usual . Carey says,

"I cannot believe what a unbelievable fucking day today has been."

John kind of grunts and does not even look away from the TV. This makes Carey snap. She lifts her shirt and bra and flashes John.


John has a look of complete shock on his face. He stops playing the video game and looks at Carey who has put her shirt back down.

"WHY DO YOU NEVER TALK TO ME? The four of us are so alone here we should at least be friends."

"I am sorry. I doesn't know it bothered you ."

"Considering our roommates are on the other side of the apartment humping each other, I think we should at least be able to converse."

John starts laughing "Wait. What does you just say."

"I just accidentally walked in on Elliott and Lizzie going at it.'

John continuing to laugh says "You mean the bible thumper is fucking the study freak."

Carey starts laughing now and says "Yep."

"Are you sure you are not hallucinating?"

"If you don't believe me go into the other bedroom."

"I'll take your word for it."

"The weirdest thing about today is that we just has an actual conversation and I got you to laugh."

John looks away but smiles and says "No the weirdest thing about today is you just flashed me."

It is Carey's turn to blush and she says "Have you ever seen snow before?


"Look outside" Carey goes to the window and opens the blinds. It looks like a winter wonderland to Carey and John with an inch or two of snow on the ground and big white flakes falling from the sky.

John says "Let's go outside." Carey is surprised by his enthusiasm as he gets up and quickly moves out of the room.

"It's cold out. You should put a coat on."

John goes out in a hoodie, Carey has a coat, gloves and a hat she has brought for the winter. When they get outside, Carey looks up and sticks out her tongue and lets the snow fall on it. John follows her lead and also lets the snow fall on his tongue. Carey quickly makes a snowball and throws it at John. For the next few minutes they have a blast laughing and yelling while having a snowball fight even though there is not that much snow on the ground. A couple of other students walk by and gave them strange looks.

John is shivering so they stop. Carey says she does not feel like going back to the apartment. They end up going to Vince's, a bar and grill that is just off campus. They order burgers and beer. At first they talk about the differences between back home and Paul Revere College. When Carey complains about how much she hates it, she is surprised when John says that while he would not want to live in Massachusetts, his attitude is that it is an opportunity to see something different and that they are much better off than others that are impacted by Katrina. Carey has to admit she feels silly complaining when he put it like that. After they get their second beer, out of the blue while avoiding eye contact with Carey, John says

"You intimidate me."

"What. Why?"

With eyes averting Carey, John says, "I get very shy around girls that are beautiful."

"Thank you I guess."

After taking a bite out of her hamburger and a sip of beer Carey says,

"You probably don't remember but I tried to talk to you at freshman orientation."

"I remember. I got flustered. I beat myself up about it the rest of the day."

"You know the reason that I came over to talk to you is because I thought you were cute."

John blushes and looks away. They are silent for a a moment and then discuss their classes a little while.

Carey says, "I hope we can be friends while we are here. The people at Paul Revere treat us like we are aliens and now our roommates are hooking up. I hate it here and I really need a friend."

John holds his glass up for a toast and says "to our new friendship."

After another beer they head back to the apartment and briefly have another snowball fight although most of the snow has already melted.

Carey talks about how Tyler is so busy and asks about John's girlfriend. John says that Polly is an emo girl he met online on a gamers forum. They talk everyday online but have only met twice so being in Massachusetts is not too different for them.

It is about 7 PM when they get back. Lizzie and Elliott are eating dinner when they gets back. Carey feels awkward being around them She thanks John and tells him that she had a good time and gives him a hug. Carey then goes into her room and starts reading a novel that she has been working on since the summer.

After about an hour she gets her stuff for a shower and goes to the boy's bathroom. After her shower she comes out wearing just a long t shirt and panties. Carey is avoiding Lizzie and Elliott who are watching TV so she sits with John in his room while he plays a video game. Carey asks him what he is playing and she watches him play for about 45 minutes while John explains Civilization 4 to her. She could tell that John likes to talk about the video game and has to admit that it is interesting. Since they are all sharing one bathroom they have gotten used to seeing each other in skimpy clothes. However, sitting with John in just her long t shirt feels more intimate, although Carey makes sure to keep her legs tightly together. After a couple of hours Carey says goodnight, goes to her room and goes to sleep.

In the morning, Carey is studying in her room when Lizzie says,

"I knew we were not going to be able to keep that a secret too long."

"It is none of my business."

"I cannot go a whole semester without sex and when I saw Elliott's dick through his boxers I just couldn't resist."

You are going to corrupt that boy."

"It is too late. Elliott is one horny boy that is trying to make up for lost time."

"Since you seem to want to talk about it, do you really like Elliott or is just sex?

"You know I have someone back home. I told Elliott this is just a semester thing. What happens here stays here."

"Do you think someone who is as inexperienced as Elliott can handle that?"

"It will do him good. He is an eager student. Elliott know the deal."

"Like I says you are corrupting that poor boy."

"He is very happy with our arrangement. I see that you and John are suddenly friends. You should make the same deal with him. We are all healthy young people with needs."

"I don't think Tyler will like that. I'll pass"

"He doesn't have to know."

That is the end of the discussion and both get up and go about their day. Over the next few days Carey thinks about what Lizzie said. She constantly has sex on her mind, Tyler is not here and John is cute. Carey figures it is the type of thing that sounds all right and perhaps she will fantasize about it. However, she will never follow through with it in reality. How will she bring it up to John? Will John even be in to it? Could she be sure that it will not impact her relationship with Tyler?