What the Hell - Payback is a Bitch

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A friend takes care of his buddies wife, because he can't.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/11/2023
Created 03/13/2020
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Author's Note: Okay there is some wife sharing here but not the usual kind. And the way things turn out the husband releases the wife in question from her vows. Enjoy. This is FICTION so please no comments about real world things like AIDS or any other STD.

Copyright © 2023 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

What the Hell - Payback is a Bitch

I had just gotten home from a morning of hill climbing in my tricked-out Jeep when my buddy Dave called me to come over and see his brand-new sports car. I hopped in my Jeep and went right over. Now Dave is a snob. He lives in a nice gated community on the west side of town, and he has to abide by all those stupid rules of a homeowners association. So, my mud-covered primer-painted, jacked-up Jeep was going to cause quite a stir parked in front of his house. When I got there, his nice new shiny sports car was out front, so I pulled up in the driveway all the way back to the garage. Dave came out of the backdoor with a beer in each hand.

"Where have you been Sam?" he asked looking at my pride and joy.

"I was out hill climbing. It was a lot muddier out there today after yesterday's storms."

"It sure looks like it," he replied handing me a beer and hugging me.

It had been a while since we had seen each other. We stood there catching up, we then slowly moved out front to take a look at his new car. Dave was a trader at the mercantile exchange and had done very well for himself and his wife Jen. I was as yet unmarried but, always looking. The car he had bought was a 2020 Mercedes-AMG GT. For some reason, he was obsessed with Mercs. I know he had two in the garage that he and his wife each drove and I know what he had paid for them. Way more than I put into my jeep to go out and cruise through the mud bogs and hills up in Wisconsin.

"Want to go for a ride?" Dave asked.

"Sure," I replied heading around to the passenger side.

We were out for about an hour and a half. When he pulled up in the drive, we both saw my Jeep was gone. Dave's wife came out of the house with a piece of paper clutched in her hand. Both of us got out of the car as fast as we could.

"Jen, what the fuck happened?" Dave yelled.

"Parker dickhead is what happened," she said handing the paper to him.

"What the hell? Parker who?" I growled.

"The asshole that lives across the street, Gus Parker," Jen said nodding over my shoulder.

"He had it towed? It was on my property back by the garage!"

I took my cell phone out and dialed 911 as I walked away from Dave and Jen. I reported my car stolen and told them where I was. When I disconnected a tiny little man was standing on the front porch across the street. I started for him. Dave grabbed my arm and held me back.

"I told you Baxter, didn't I?" the little man shouted.

Just then, a police squad pulled up. The little man scampered back into his house. We explained to the cop, who had my jeep towed. He walked across the street and rang the doorbell. After about three minutes, he gave up. The little weasel was hiding. The cop took down all the particulars and left. I was still steaming, so, Dave, Jen, and I sat in some lawn chairs out front drinking beer. I called the number on the tow notice and found out it would cost me $120 to get my Jeep back.

"That little fucker will pay. One way or another, he will pay," I growled.

As we sat there, a Chevy Impala drove into the driveway of Parker's house. The woman that got out of the car was way, way, way out of his league.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked.

"That, believe it or not, is Parker's wife, Alexis," Jen said.

"Alexis. So, Parker must be Dave?" I asked.

"He is. He inherited it from his mother and father. They only had one child. From what I hear, they gave up after he was born," Dave said laughing.

I watched as Alexis took some packages out of the trunk. She was dressed in a short pleated white dress. As she bent over the trunk, you could see all the way to the moon. Jen slapped my arm as I groaned. Alexis turned our way and waved at us. Jen waved back, and Dave just nodded. I smiled as I thought of the perfect way to make Parker pay. Alexis' face was very pretty and her breasts were just right for her body. Thin waist and perfect legs with an ass that was just perfect. Yep, that bastard would pay.

"Dave, take me to get my jeep, please?" I asked.

"Sure buddy and let me pay for getting it out of hock," he said.

"That's not necessary, I have the money, so no problem, but that dickhead is going to pay one way or another. Mark my words," I said.

"How are you going to do that," Dave asked backing out of his drive.

"I'm going to fuck his pretty wife's pussy until she can't get enough of me. That's how," I said grinding my teeth. "And I'm going to need Jen and your help doing it."

"You bet, buddy. He really needs to be taught a lesson. Whatever we can do, we're there for you," Dave said.

"I will need to know where she goes alone. Does she ever have a girl's night out and where do they go? What her name is? Where she's from? Things like that," I said.

"You bet. I do know she goes out alone, a lot but she is never gone long. Except for about once a month she leaves all dolled up at about seven and doesn't return until two or so in the morning."

"Well, we need to find out where she goes those nights and who she is with. I wouldn't be surprised if she is already stepping out on the dickhead."

We were at the impound yard. I went in and paid to get my jeep out of hock. I then drove back to Dave's place. He let me in the driveway first. He then pulled up behind my jeep. We went in the house to talk to Jen.

An hour later, we heard a tow truck out front. We rushed out. Dave stood in front of his car and just glared at the little weasel across the street. I got in my jeep, started it up, and waited for Dave to move. The tow truck driver was blocking the drive. I backed up so Dave could get out of my way. I pulled around his car and waited for him to come up to my window.

"Go tell the driver to move as I'm leaving," I said.

"And if he doesn't?"

"Tell him, I'll just drive over him."

Dave went to the truck and had an animated discussion with the driver. I honked my horn and Dave got out of the way. I floored the jeep, stopping inches from the truck. The driver's eyes got wide. I slowly crept forward until the front tires touched the side of the truck. Putting the axles in four-wheel drive, and the transmission in granny low, I let the front tires creep up the side of the truck. Once on the bed, I just let the jeep continue over the bed and down the other side. Looking out the front windshield, dickheads eyes were wide as dinner plates as he stood on his porch. I then floored the jeep. The roar was deafening, as I headed right at the Impala at a speedy quarter mile a year. Once the back end was clear of the tow truck, I shifted out of granny low, put it in reverse, and cut the wheel to back away from the car.

"Hey, dickhead, you're going to pay for what you did," I shouted.

He just looked extremely nervous as I put the jeep in first gear, put the drive train in two-wheel drive, let the jeep roll a bit, and tromped on the accelerator. I left two strips of rubber on the pavement and a whole lot of smoke.

~~~~ Payback ~~~~

For the next month, I would stop by Dave and Jen's place but drive my two-year-old Bentley. It was black without chrome to mess up lines. I knocked on the door and Jen let me in. She hugged me and kissed my cheek. Dave was in the kitchen setting another place for dinner. We talked about everything but my revenge. Once settled in the family room, with the ballgame on, we started on my plan.

"She is due for another monthly night out. It seems she meets up with three other women from the neighborhood and they go to the club on Archer, out by 55th Street. It's a new place that opened about a year ago. They never leave unless they are all together."

"Well, then, this Saturday, I start my long-term plan. When does she go shopping next?" I asked.

"Tomorrow at about three in the afternoon. She goes to the A&P on 75th Street."

"Good. I like that store. I'll have to meet her there."

"What are your plans for dickhead?" Jen asked.

"Does he ever leave the house?" I asked.


"Good. Then I won't run into him on a girls' night out. As for him. The next big storm we have, I plan to terrorize him to death."

I just sat there smiling an evil smile. Dave was laughing but Jen was looking at me thoughtfully.

"You're not going to kill him, are you?"

"No, no, just throw a little scare into his ass," I said.

"What if Alexis is home?"

"Then she will get scared too."

"I thought you have other things in mind for her?" Jen asked.

"I do. But it won't do her any harm to let her know her husband is a little chicken shit."

Both Jen and Dave both laughed. I smiled as I caught sight of dickhead out on his porch glaring at us. When I got up and started to walk his way, he ran into the house.

"Is Alexis home?" I asked.

"No, she left just before you got here. She didn't leave the subdivision, she headed further into it to go visit one of the girls she'll be going out with this Saturday."

"Making plans then," I said softly. "Have either of you been to that club?"

"No. Maybe we should go over there and scope it out tonight," Dave said.

"If you're going, I'm going," Jen piped up.

"The more the merrier," I said sitting back down thinking.

I left soon after that to get dressed for a night of clubbing with my friends.

~~~~ Payback ~~~~

I was in the parking lot waiting for Jen and Dave. He pulled up next to me smiling. I could just see Jen on the other side of him. She was all decked out and oh so sexy looking. We all went into the club. The music was subtle and soft. It was music you could dance to. The band was live and it did look like there were more men than women in the house. But it was a weeknight. We found an empty table and a waitress was there as our asses hit the chair. We ordered our drinks, Jen was having soda, I guessed she was the designated driver just in case. We sat there sipping our drinks and watching. The men approached the women and asked them to dance. Most of the time the women said yes, getting up and dancing with the guy.

I did notice a few women asking guys to dance but not many. I also noticed that there weren't any fat men present. All the men, while not all of them were, what could be called handsome, were slim. As I watched the couples on the floor, I wondered what the crowd would look like on a Saturday night.

"What's this?" asked Jen picking up a card that the waitress had placed on the table with our drinks.

I had thought it was the tab but now that Jen held it up, I could see that it wasn't.

"Oh! It's the club rules," said Jen. "Rule 1 - No, means NO. Rule 2 - if the lady slaps you it's your fault. You will be expelled. Rule 3 - If the lady is with a man until he has danced with her, she is off limits. Wow! Rule 4 - If someone cuts in after your first dance is complete, walk away. Rule 5 - NO, means NO! Holy shit!"

Jen passed the card to Dave who read it to himself. He then handed it to me. There was other shit on there about having a good time and how to become a Gold Member whatever that was. I also noticed the closing time on weekdays and weekends. On Saturday, closing time was two in the morning. I laid the card back on the table. A waitress passing by picked it up. My first thought was that this was some kind of swingers club, yet I didn't see anyone leave or go somewhere else. The room was big, huge even. There was the bar, where a lot of the guys were hanging out watching the women. Then there were the tables and then the dance floor. The only other place anyone could go was the restrooms and they were on opposite sides of the bar. So, it wasn't a swingers club.

Then it hit me. This was the place for married women to come, have a few drinks, dance with some fairly good-looking men, rub up against them, and go home to their husbands. All of them worked up and ready to close their eyes as their husbands humped them and they thought about all the big dicks that rubbed up against their hot little pussies. Although nothing was stopping them from going out to a car and getting fucked there. Or any other place to have a good time. Now if all four of them left with guys and met up back at the club after a good fucking then it would seem they were together the entire time. Saturday.

Dave and Jen said that Alexis didn't get home until two in the morning. They could get here, have a good time, rubbing up against a lot of men, and then go somewhere with them at say... about eleven in the evening. Get back to the club between one and two in the morning. Go home and no one was the wiser. I may have to check that out this Saturday. I may have a long wait in the car, but I could take Dave with me. I shook my head as Jen slapped me on the back of my head.

"What?" I asked.

"Where were you?" she asked both her and Dave looking at me.

"Sorry, I was thinking... what do you want?"

"Dave doesn't dance, will you dance with me, so some of those fairly good-looking guys will come ask me?" Dave just rolled his eyes.

"Sure, honey bun," I replied taking her hand.

Jen and I were just good friends, we had never even kissed in passion. She smiled at me as she followed me out to the dance floor. I took her in my arms she sighed as our body touched. This was the first time Jen and I had ever danced to slow dance music. I wasn't prepared for what she did next. She pressed against me like all the other women who were out on the dance floor. I groaned as my cock, all on its own had decided to grow. Jen groaned again.

"You naughty boy," she whispered in my ear.

I tried to pull away but she just pressed into me. I shook my head as I enjoyed being against her as we danced. I was embarrassed and afraid of what Dave my do to me when this dance was over. The music stopped and I felt like six taps on my shoulder. I stepped back from Jen. I didn't go far as I wanted to make sure she was going to be all right. The six guys just stood there looking at Jen. She smiled as she looked at each one of them. She pointed at one and the other five moaned as they walked away. Well, at least they were polite. I turned and went back to our table. Dave was looking at me with his eyebrows raised.

"She wouldn't stop pressing against me," I said sheepishly.

"I know. I love to fast dance with her, but hate to slow dance with her. She would want me to fuck her right there on the floor. Is your dick soft yet?" he asked laughing at me.

"Yeah, it's soft."

Dave was watching his wife. He looked like he was turned on to boot.

"You like watching her?" I asked.

He turned his head away. I just sat there watching Dave and Jen. She was smashing her pelvis up against the guy with which she was dancing. When the song was almost finished, there were five guys on the dance floor waiting to tap the guy with her on the shoulder. I just chuckled as I watched. Dave was moaning as he watched. Well, it looked like I had learned something about my friends that I really didn't know. Dave and I started to take bets on which guy she would pick next at least until there was only one left.

"Go, tap that guy on the shoulder and dance with her again," Dave said pushing me.

I got up and stood with the rest of the guys. They were once again going to cut in and let her pick who. They all groaned when I stood there with them. When the song ended we were all right there, tapping the guy on the shoulder. He backed away and Jen looked at us all. With her eyes glazed and her nipples hard, she was also breathing hard. When she saw me she picked me. The guys all moaned and went back to the bar.

"Do you really want to dance?" I asked as she almost fell into my arms.

"Yes. But then I want you to take me back to Dave," she said softly.

I nodded and pulled her in close. She moaned as my hard cock pressed against her pussy. The song we were dancing to was slow and romantic. She was leaning against me heavily.

"You know I love you," Jen whispered in my ear.

I was shocked as I pressed against her just a bit harder. She moaned.

"Does Dave know?" I asked.

"Yes. I have told him multiple times while he was fucking me. Oh god, I shouldn't be telling you this," Jen whispered with a moan at the end.

"Would you like to fuck the both of us at the same time?" I asked.

She shook in my arms as an orgasm ripped through her. I just held her until it was over. When she was calm again I helped her back to our table. The six guys watched as she sat down and put her head down. Dave rubbed her back.

"What happened buddy?" he asked.

"She told me something I can't repeat, I then asked a question, and then she had an orgasm right there on the dance floor. She looked magnificent."

"So she told you she wants to fuck you huh?" asked Dave.

"I have never..."

"Don't worry about it. Could you get her some water?"

I went to the bar and got three glasses of water. When I set one down in front of Jen, she looked up at me. I just smiled at her as I placed another one in front of her. I then placed the last one in front of Dave. Jen sat up slowly, still looking at me, she picked up a glass and drank it down. As she gently set the cup down in front of her, she picked up the other and sipped at it all the while looking into my eyes. Nodding I looked at Dave, he was watching Jen intently. Looking back at Jen I saw she was looking at her husband nodding. I could only guess what that nod meant.

"We should get her home," Dave said softly.

"I don't want to go home. I want to dance with Sam," Jen said.

"We're going home dear..."

"Just one more dance, okay?" pleaded Jen.

Dave looked at me. I nodded at him.

"Okay, dear," replied Dave.

I got up and helped Jen to her feet. She was gaining more strength every minute. By the time, we were on the dance floor she was like her old self again. The guys at the bar looked our way. Jen shook her head no. They all frowned, shoulders slumping. I chuckled as I pulled Jen gently against me. She moaned again as she wrapped her arms around me. My cock wasn't even hard. After what she told me I was scared to death to even be out here with her. Not that Dave posed any threat to me. I was bigger and stronger than he was. After all, I was able to throw around a big heavy jeep in the mud and up and down steep hills. Dave drove Merc's.

"I do love you, Sam," Jen whispered in my ear.

"I love you, Jen," I said. I really did love her, just not as a sex partner.

"Why?" she asked.

"Why do you love me?" I asked her.

She pulled her head back looking into my eyes. I just stared back trying to keep my eye uncommitted. She pushed her lips to mine. I pulled back quickly. She looked confused. I felt like I was ruining her and Dave's marriage. Then Dave was there cutting in. I nodded and stepped aside.

"Why did you let him cut in?" one of the guys at the bar asked.

"Because he's her husband." They all groaned. "Just feel lucky you got to dance with her once gentlemen."

I went to the table and sat down. I grabbed one of the waters and took a drink. I then took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I was wondering if I should just start walking home. Then I saw Dave and Jen coming back to the table. I sighed as I sat there waiting.

"Let's go home buddy," said Dave. Jen nodded.

I got up, settled the bill with the waitress, although she had disappeared, and followed Jen and Dave outside. I watched how each of them walked. I looked at myself as I walked. I felt like I was more sober than they were.