Wheals of Fortune Ch. 03


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My Mistress, who had been lounging on the sofa, wearing a silk kimono and reading a magazine, put down the reading matter, and stood up.

'Turn around!' she ordered, and I did so.

She had deftly produced a couple of hairpins from somewhere, and pinned up my hair in a moment, then flipped open the bow which fastened my dress at the back of my neck. The dress simply fell to the floor in a whisper of soft silk, leaving me naked and shivering, though it wasn't cold. My Mistress gave my body a lingering, but almost contemptuous caress, and then said, 'Kneel, and put your hands behind your head!'

I fell to my knees, and hardly dared watch as my Mistress strode over to her dresser, and the tray she hadn't moved since the night before. She returned with the one instrument I dreaded, the switch, a thin, supple cane, which I had never yet felt, but knew would hurt terribly.

'I think it's high time you got a taste of a real switch. You'll find it hurts a great deal.'

'Yes Mistress,' I replied, meekly. I was scared of being hurt, certainly, but trusted and loved my Mistress, and knew she would bring me ecstasy too.

Without delay, she lashed me fiercely just below my shoulder-blades. It stung dreadfully, and I couldn't help crying out sharply at the sudden pain.

'Yes, it hurts, doesn't it, she said, 'I know, my dear, I've felt it too!'

Her last words so shocked m that I was scarcely ready for the next terrible, cutting stroke, as it flayed my tender back. I craned over my shoulder and saw that the red wheals it left were of an order I had never before seen on my flesh – livid red stripes which would last weeks. But my Mistress had been caned too! This was hard to digest, and the next cruel lashing was accompanied by the knowledge of her complicity, which somehow added to the excitement – the erotic component which fuelled my inner fires.

My Mistress's fourth vicious stroke made me writhe, but I felt the familiar impending, exciting, surge of a furious orgasm mounting deep within me as the awful pain, and the knowledge of my Mistress's love and togetherness with me, as well as her domination, all combined to take me into a dimension I wanted the whole world to be able to share with me – but knew suddenly that few people ever could. I screamed as I came, and my Mistress knew, knew what she had done to me, as she threw down the switch and cradled me in her arms.

'My dear Julie,' was all she said.

After a long time, she told me to take Pilar to my bed that night, and that then she would think about how to start training the girl from tomorrow.

At dinner, I winced as I sat on the high-backed chair, having temporarily forgotten the fresh wounds on my back, and Pilar asked me if I was alright.

'You can help soothe my pain tonight,' I told her, but she didn't understand, so I took her by her slim wrist, and said clearly, 'you are to sleep with me tonight, Pilar!'

She fairly skipped through the rest of her work, serving the meal with a smile all over her face, and I told her to come to my room at eleven.

I was brushing my hair when she knocked on my door, ready for bed, in my short silk nightdress.

'Get undressed, and have a shower, if you want,' I told her, and when she came back from the bathroom, wrapped in my towelling robe, I gave her a little white baby-doll nightie I had found in the drawer. She turned away coyly as she put it on – as if I hadn't seen her in her transparent maid's outfit already. I reached out and took hold of her wrist, pulling her with me to the bed.

Just as we were getting into the satin sheets, my bedside phone rang. It was Mistress Rosa.

'I hope you two weren't asleep,' she said.

'No, Mistress,' I replied, 'we were just going to bed.'

'Good,' she said, 'because I've been thinking. After your little episode with Ann, I think you can manage to do this. I would like you to have an affectionate night with our little friend, then, first thing in the morning, drag her out of bed and whip her. There's a "cat" in your bottom drawer – use that!'

'But Mistress, she trusts me, and likes me!'

'Andyoutrustme, too, darling, don't you?'

'Oh, I love you, Mistress, you know!' I admitted.

'There you are then,' she said, and rang off. I glanced at Pilar, but she showed no sign of having followed the rapid English of my conversation. I took her in my arms, and she sighed contentedly, then remembered, and, reaching beneath the soft silk of my nightdress, gently traced the lines of my wheals. I fished a pot of balm from my bedside drawer, and gave it to her to administer to me, then shrugged the straps from my shoulders so that she had access to the ladder of stripes I had been given.

She had a lovely, delicate touch, as she worked the soothing ointment into the livid wounds, and after a moment or two, couldn't resist letting her hands wander around to cup my firm breasts, and knead them tenderly, tweaking my sensitive nipples and testing them in her fingers as they grew and hardened under her touch. I turned towards her and kissed her pulling her head towards me, and forcing my tongue between her lips, my silver stud clicking across the crowns of her perfect white teeth as she gasped and yielded her mouth to my onslaught. Next I moved down and gently bit her brown nipples through the thin, transparent nylon of her nightie, causing her to moan loudly, and writhe, thrusting her whole body hard against mine. She was ready for this! I pulled up the hem of her flimsy garment and repeated the treatment I had given her nipples, this time without the minimal impediment of her nightie. After a few seconds, I traced her body with my tongue, down, down, across her flat stomach, down to her naked pubis. I eased her slim legs apart with both hands, and the sweetness of her pussy lay before me. Her lips were neat, the inner ones concealed, and I opened her like a clam, exposing the pinkness of her cunt, its warm moistness already apparent. I found her little clitoris, a hard little bullet, and flicked it with my tongue stud, causing Pilar to moan and groan.

Quickly, I threw my leg over her shoulder, trapping her in a '69' position, and practically forcing her to plunge her tongue into my own pussy, as I now did intohers.

I loved the tight velvet sheath of her hot little cunt, and almost roughly pulled her arse-cheeks apart to open her to me, so that I could lap her completely, between my deepest thrusts. When I knew she was about to cum, and my own juices too were welling up, for the second time in a very few hours, I opted for thecoup de grace, and rammed my finger straight into her virgin rectum, as deep as it would go. She screamed and shuddered as she came, her fluids evident around my face.

I needed a little longer, and told her to carry on. She obeyed, and soon brought me to a gentle, gratifying climax. I let her go to the bathroom, and then followed her there. Afterwards, we slept, entwined in each others' arms. I was secretly very glad of having someone else in my bed at last – it had been a long time since I had slept with anyone. At some stage during the night, we were both awake, and we masturbated one another gently for perhaps twenty minutes of sheer joy, our silk- and nylon-clad bodies rubbing together sensuously as we kissed.

I had put what my Mistress told me out of my mind until morning, but when I awoke to the new day, I knew it had to be faced.

'Come on, get out of bed!' I said, harshly, thinking – I really, really, don't want to do this!

Pilar looked totally shocked, but let me drag her out of bed, without resistance. I made her bend over the back of the sofa – her baby-doll fell down over her head and arms, and her naked buttocks were presented to me. I quickly went to the dresser and took the leather flogger from the bottom drawer. Back at the sofa, I raised Pilar's head by means of a handful of her long black hair, and showed her the instrument.

'Oh no!' she gasped, 'I good girl!'

'Yes,' I said, 'Mistress Rosa says you must learn.'

I gave the 'cat' a trial swish through the air, and then rained it down hard on her pretty, rounded arse. Not accustomed to being whipped, she squirmed, and yelled, so that I had to threaten to gag her, but she somehow managed to endure five more strokes, by which time the flogger had made its characteristic tracery of fine red lines on a background of nice pink skin, and I thought my Mistress would be satisfied. Pilar was weeping softly when I told her I had finished, and she came into my arms and kissed me feverishly, as if I had just given her a wonderful present.

'Mistress say I may be slave,' she said, 'and now I am whipped. I be good slave, yes?'

'You have a lot to learn, Pilar,' I told her, 'but, yes, you will be a good slave, I think.'

As soon as she had dressed, I sent her off to prepare breakfast, and report to Mistress Rosa, who I knew would want to inspect my handiwork, and would probably think I had been too lenient.

Sure enough, when I saw her over coffee, she smiled and said, 'I have inspected Pilar and see you are no dominatrix, Julie.'

'No, Mistress,' I said, my eyes cast respectfully downwards.

'Thank you for trying, anyway,' she said, 'you have made a start.'

When the young Spaniard came to take away the dirty plates, Mistress Rosa caught her wrist in a vice-like grip, and spoke to her in rapid Spanish. The girl looked scared as she scurried off to the kitchen with her tray rattling in response to her nervous tremble.

'What did you say to her, Mistress?' I risked asking.

'I told her that I should personally continue her training this afternoon. And you should be present, now that I think about it, yes!'

She went on to tell me that she had promised her sister that Pilar would be ready to go to her in about a week's time, so we had little time to lose, if we were to prepare her properly to serve Maria and her husband.

It was the first time I had heard that Maria had a husband, and I asked about him.

'Oh, he's not often there,' said Mistress Rosa, 'but when he is....' She rolled her eyes, and I was left wondering what that signified.

After lunch, I was summoned to the library by my Mistress, and found her there talking to Pilar, both sitting in armchairs, for all the world like two friends having a chat. But when I arrived, she said, 'OK, Julie, you did your best this morning, and made a start on this little slut, but she needs to be shown what to expect from my sister, who is much stricter than I am.' She turned to the little maid, and said in harsh tones, 'Undress!'

Shocked, Pilar stood, and slipped out of her apron and little black dress, and started to peel off the hold-up stockings which were her only other items of apparel.

'You can leave them on!' snapped Rosa, and bade me fetch a bucket from the adjoining closet.

'Now, piss for us,' said my Mistress, and Pilar squatted obediently over the bucket, but nothing happened.

'Piss!' yelled my Mistress, and Pilar shook, but nothing transpired, and Mistress Rosa stood and gave her a resounding slap across the face.

'When I say piss, you piss!' she rapped at the poor embarrassed girl, who now managed a paltry yellow trickle. The Mistress put her hand into the little stream and brought it to Pilar's lips, making her taste her own piss.

'That's what you'll drink if you don't obey me!' she said, dramatically. I saw that she was deliberately humiliating Pilar, to prepare her for her new life of servitude.

My Mistress handed me a pair of wrist-cuffs, and told me to put them on to Pilar's slim wrists, and then hook her up to the ceiling-chain. I did this, and Mistress Rosa immediately stood up, made sure that the maid could just about touch the floor, thanks to hr stilettos, and said to me, 'Right, Julie, come on, let's go and have a cup of tea!' Before I could reply, she was out of the door, and I had no choice but to follow, with a backward glance at the poor little girl, semi-suspended, tears rolling down her cheeks.

The Mistress chuckled wickedly as we ordered a cup of tea from the kitchen staff.

'I'll have her licked into shape in no time, you'll see,' she said. I didn't doubt it.

We didn't spend long over our tea at all, but were soon back in the Mistress's room, where Pilar had composed herself, and was now looking much calmer, awaiting her fate. But deftly, behind Pilar's back, Mistress Rosa now produced her favourite riding crop from her dresser, and, in three quick strides, was up behind the Spanish maid. Tenderly, she stroked her breasts with her left hand, and then, with completely unexpected, vicious force, stepped back and lashed her lower back with the crop.

Pilar cried out loudly, an awful, wailing scream, as the leather crop bit into her unmarked young flesh, raising a scarlet welt the whole width of her back. Rapidly, Mistress Rosa produced a ball-gag from somewhere, and passed it to me. I quickly buckled it around Pilar's head, forcing the big red ball between her teeth, as she gasped and gagged at its acute discomfort.

A soon as it was fitted, my Mistress whipped her again, just above the first stroke, raising another red wheal, and causing Pilar to dance and writhe under her bonds. The sound that came from her showed that she would have dearly loved to scream, but the gag did its jib. Mistress Rosa discarded the crop, and picked up a slim leather paddle, then turned her attention to Pilar's small breasts, giving her three sharp, stinging blows just above and between them. Broad pink stripes appeared across her pale skin, and she struggled and pulled against her chains, tears now flowing down her cheeks. Her breath was coming, however, in short gasps, and I could tell she was starting to feel the heat within the very centre of her, as the punishment continued. After all, she hadwantedto be a slave, and must have known what the regime would entail. I knew, only too well, the thin line between pain and pleasure, the line that could never be defined.

As if she was reading my mind, my Mistress, without putting down the paddle, felt Pilar's crack with her free hand.

'Wet through!' she announced, with a smile, and rained a stinging slash on her buttocks with the paddle, causing the maid to draw in breath quite noticeably and shudder hard, so that I was certain she had just had an orgasm.

Mistress Rosa unclipped her victim from the overhead chain, and told her to get dressed, ignoring her as if she were of no consequence, while she chatted to me about domestic matters. She appeared then to notice Pilar, as she stood awkwardly in a corner, and said, 'Don't just stand there, girl! You are free for the rest of the day. Tomorrow morning, I shall take you to be fitted with a corset. From today, you will be whipped daily, and you will wear clamps on alternate days. In a week, you must be prepared. Now go!' I noticed she now spoke to her in English, and took that as an appreciation of my teaching ability.

During the next few days, I noticed a gradual change in Pilar's comportment. She took on a haughty air as she walked about, and when I asked her how she was getting on, she proudly unbuttoned her silk blouse, and showed me her silver nipple-clamps, tightly screwed down, their connecting chain dangling over her cruel, whale-boned black corset.

'I have clamps here also,' she said, patting her pubis, and I couldn't resist raising her tiny miniskirt. True enough, two clamps were tightly screwed onto her outer labia, and were connected by a length of silver chain, which only just failed to show below the hem of her skirt. Her lips were thus dragged down and stretched, so that she must have been in constant pain from them. I also saw that she had a small butt-plug inserted in her anus. With the corset pulling in her 24" waist to a mere 22", and a pair of the highest stilettos available, she must have been in permanent acute discomfort. I asked her about it.

'Yes, Julie,' she said, 'but I learn to enjoy pain, yes?'

She told me there was nothing she enjoyed more than when she was tied up and whipped every day, and I felt a pang of jealousy, as my Mistress had neglected my own punishment for the time being, though I knew it was temporary.

The day came when Maria came to collect Pilar.

'We'll have to find another servant now,' said Mistress Rosa, 'you can help me, my dear!'

I looked forward to that.

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