When Hate Turns to Love

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A brother and sister that used to fight become lovers.
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When I was thirteen she broke my nose. That wasn't just extremely painful, it was also embarrassing. She was two years older than me, but even so, losing a fight against a girl was hard to take, especially when that girl is your Sister. I told my Mother that I'd fallen out of a tree, and thankfully, my Sister kept quiet.

And that was the start of it. Our relationship, that had been mostly OK until then, took a downward spiral. Even now, with me being nineteen and her twenty one, we don't get on. With some effort from both of us, we can be nice to each other, but it never lasts for long, sometimes not even a day.


With her face only inches away from mine, and looking daggers at me, she shouted out, "Where is it?"

I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders, and then I said, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

As I knew it would, my calmness made her even angrier, and that amused me. Her fists were now clenched, suggesting that she might strike me with them. However, I wasn't worried. Since that time, many years ago, when she'd flattened my nose with a lucky punch, we'd often fought, but only with words. Today wouldn't be any different.

"I'm going to tell Mother."

She then stormed off.

She could tell whoever she wanted. I didn't care. Of course, I did know what she was looking for. It was her watch. She was always misplacing it. This time I did know where it was. It was down the side of one of the armchairs in the living room. I'd noticed it sticking out when I'd sat down, but since I hadn't put it there, I didn't feel that I was under any obligation to tell her where it was. And if my hand had 'accidentally' pushed it further down, so that it now couldn't be seen, then that was her problem and not mine!

It was half an hour before she found it, and I knew that she had, because after finding it, she came to me straight away.

After giving me a triumphant look, she said, "Next time you need to find a more difficult place to hide it."

I just ignored her, and she left. But then I thought about what she'd said. Was she challenging me? If she was, then I wasn't going to accept it. It would be too easy to hide it in a place that she would never find it.


I was in my bedroom when I heard Mother calling me from downstairs.

"Richard, please come down, I want to speak to you. NOW!"

So I was in trouble, but what for? It didn't take me long to work it out. In the morning, while Mother was at work, I'd argued with my Sister. It was over something trivial, but it had quickly escalated. She'd been nasty to me, but I'd been worse. I'd called her a bitch and a slut. That had wounded her, and before she could defend herself, I'd delivered the fatal blow.

"You're nothing but a fucking cunt."

When that made her cry, I was surprised, but also elated. I'd won. But not long after, I felt ashamed. Making your Sister cry wasn't something to be proud of, even when she was someone that you hated with a passion.

As I entered the dining room I was ready for my dressing-down. Judith was also there, sitting next to Mother, and she was smirking. I'd been willing to apologise, but not anymore. I was now going to fight my corner.

"You said some terrible things to your Sister."

"Yes, but she deserved all of it."

Then my Sister chipped in with, "He called me a cu ..."

Mother interrupted her, just in time, with, "I don't want to hear it."

She then went on to tell both of us a few home truths. The most important ones were that we were living in her house, and only paying a low rent.

"Any more of this nonsense and both of you are going to have to move out. And I mean it."

As much as I'd like to have my own place, I knew that I would struggle to afford it. I had a good job, but it wasn't currently paying enough for me to be independent. Hopefully, in a year or so, I would get a promotion. Moving out would then be a more realistic option.

"I'm sorry, from now on I'll be on my best behaviour."

When I'd said it, I'd meant it, but I could tell that Mother wasn't convinced.

While giving me a stern look, she said, "I'll believe it when I see it."

Then she addressed Judith.

"And you can take the smile off your face. You're just as bad as your Brother. Perhaps even worse."

Because she also couldn't afford her own place, she apologised as well.


Until it happened, I would have said it was impossible. We'd managed to go a whole week without arguing. Even more impressive, was that we were actually talking to each other, and it wasn't just idle chatter. On one occasion I'd even managed to make her laugh at one of my silly jokes.

The next week was more of a challenge. Once, we'd come close. Before our promise to be on our best behaviour, what had started with a difference of opinion would have quickly got nasty. But we managed to contain it. It was brief, and by our standards, only minor. That should have been a warning, but to me, it was proof that we could control our emotions.

However, after only a day into the third week, I found out that I couldn't have been more wrong!


"Your skirt is very short."

That was just an observation, said without any malice, but her reaction to it was as if I'd insulted her. I could see the anger on her face. As far as I was concerned, I hadn't done anything wrong, but in order to keep the peace I was going to apologise.

"Sorry, I didn't mean ..."

As I fell backwards I screamed, and then I landed heavily on the sofa. I couldn't believe it. She'd pushed me over. But that wasn't enough for her. She quickly straddled me.

"Remember when you fell out of that tree?"

I hadn't. My nose had been broken because she'd sucker punched me. Was she going to hit me again? It seemed as if she might. I needed to put a stop to this before that happened. When I held both her wrists she tried to free herself, but she couldn't. I was a lot stronger than her. She'd only been able to push me over because she'd taken me by surprise.

"Let me go."

I shook my head, and then I smiled. That infuriated her. I now had a wild animal sitting on me. It was an effort to restrain her. She kept that up, for perhaps as long as a minute, then suddenly, all the fight went out of her. When, exhausted, and with her eyes closed, she slumped onto me, I almost felt sorry for her.

She wasn't heavy, so her being on top of me wasn't uncomfortable. And now, because of how she was lying on me, I wasn't just tolerating it, I was enjoying her being there. But in a way that I shouldn't, because she wasn't my lover, she was my Sister.

Her breasts were squashed against my chest. For a small woman they were big, so them being where they were, wasn't an unpleasant experience. In fact, being honest, I'd have to admit that I was enjoying it. But it was where her bottom was that I was trying not to think about. It was on the top of my legs, very near to my crotch. Of course, the inevitable happened. My cock started to grow. I was excited, and I wanted it to continue, but I quickly came to my senses. It was time to end this before it went too far.

After releasing her hands, I said, "You can go now."

Her response to that was to open her eyes and scowl at me, but she didn't move. Then she did, but in a way that took me by surprise. She sat up, and then she started grinding her pussy against my cock!

I knew why she was doing it. It was to make me feel uncomfortable. And it was working. I was enjoying it, and that was wrong. It was her way of getting back at me. Because of what she was doing, she was expecting me to have those mixed emotions, and when I was to push her onto the floor she would see it as some sort of victory. But I wasn't willing to concede anything to her.

Because I hadn't reacted in the way that she'd expected, her gyrating continued. My cock was now rock-hard, and despite my best efforts to ignore the pleasure I was getting from her, I was fighting a losing battle. When I gasped, she smiled, because she knew she'd won. She could now stop, but it wasn't enough for her, so she continued, but with more intensity.

To torture me even more, she moved again so that all her weight was on my cock. Enough was enough, I was going to push her onto the floor, and if that meant that she was going to hurt herself, then so be it. It would be her fault.

My hands were going towards her stomach, but she moved her body before they got there. They ended up on her breasts, one on each of her big tits. My palms were flat against them, as if I was fondling them. Both of us froze. We now weren't just looking at each other, we'd made eye contact. And it seemed that both of us were reluctant to end it. It lasted for only a few seconds, but it felt a lot longer than that. She'd closed her eyes, and when she did, that was when I noticed that my hands were still on her breasts. Why hadn't she tried to remove them?

Compared to what she was doing now, what she'd done before could only be described as half-hearted. With her eyes still closed and her head flung back, and a wild expression on her face, she was grinding her pussy against my throbbing cock as if her life depended upon it. And while she was doing that she was thrusting her big tits against my hands. Hands that were enthusiastically groping them. I could feel her stiff nipples pushing against my palms. It was her that was doing all the work, but I was breathing as heavily as she was. Up until now, I hadn't believed that it was possible to be as excited as this when both of you are fully clothed.

I was now close to reaching it. It wasn't going to take much more of this to make me come. And I would have, if she hadn't got there first.

It wasn't unexpected, but it still took me by surprise. She suddenly stopped, and then she made a strange noise that seemed to come from deep within her. That was followed by, "Oh fuck." It ended with her slumping onto me, so heavily, that it winded me. While she lay there whimpering, I stroked her head.

This was hard to believe, almost surreal. My Sister that I'd often wanted to murder was lying on top of me. She'd just used my body to get herself off, and I was being affectionate to her while she was recovering from what had obviously been a big one. I was smiling. Very soon, it would be my turn. I was hoping for a blow job, but I wasn't going to complain if she was only willing to jerk me off.

Instead, all I got was abuse!

As soon as she'd recovered, she quickly got off me. When she bent down, so that her mouth was close to mine, I thought that she was going to kiss me, so I puckered my lips.

"You're such a bastard, I can't believe what you've just done. I'm going to tell Mother."

Then she stormed off, leaving me bemused, and also leaving me with a cock that was still fully erect. Despite her threat, I wasn't worried. Mother wasn't home, and she wouldn't be back for at least two hours. When she did return there was no way she'd tell her. My Sister had started it, and she'd been the one that had climaxed. She'd been a willing partner to everything that had happened. If anybody was to complain then it should be me. I was the one that had been left hanging.

My Sister had gone to her bedroom, shortly after, I went to mine. As soon as I got there I was stroking my swollen cock. While doing it, my eyes were closed. I was reliving what had just happened with Judith, but with some 'improvements'.

My hands were on her big tits, but this time she was topless. And even better than that, my cock was inside her sweet pussy. She was riding me, and it was wonderful. It was almost as good as the real thing. Within a minute I was close, then only seconds after that I was shooting wave after wave of hot cum deep into her. At the end it had been so vivid, that when I opened my eyes, I was half-expecting to see that my Sister was actually with me.

Now that my cock had been taken care of, I was going to try and make sense of what had happened. Her being angry at what I'd said was an overreaction, but that wasn't unusual for her. And it would have just become another one of our countless number of arguments, if she hadn't pushed me onto the sofa and then sat on me. But why had it become sexual? I'd held her wrists tightly and she'd been unable to free herself. That had frustrated her, so much, that she'd done something that was outrageous. Something that was meant to annoy me. But it had backfired. She hadn't just excited me, she'd also excited herself. That's when it had got out of hand!

That was the explanation, but what about the consequences of it, and more importantly, was it going to happen again? I had no way of knowing. Only time would tell.

I didn't see her again until we were having our evening meal. She didn't appear to be angry with me, but she wasn't her normal self. She was subdued. Mother picked up on it. After looking at each of us in turn, she said, "Have the two of you been fighting?"

That got a quick no from both of us. We hadn't been fighting, but we had done something that she definitely wouldn't have approved of.

The next few days told me all that I needed to know. There were no consequences, because both of us behaved as if nothing had happened. And there wasn't even the slightest indication from her that she wanted to do it, or anything like it, again. It had been a one-off, and since we were Brother and Sister, then, even though it had excited me, that was for the best.


It took me a while to notice it. It was after three weeks, and that was a lot longer than it should have been. It was further proof of something that I was already aware of, namely, that I wasn't very observant. My Sister was being kind to me, but not with big gestures. It was more subtle than that.

On the morning that I was nursing a massive hangover, she'd got me the painkillers without me having to ask. When we'd accidentally bumped into each other, and the papers that I'd been carrying had ended up on the floor, she'd picked them up for me, even though it was caused by me not watching where I was going. There were other examples, and for all of them, including the two that I've just mentioned, I hadn't realised their significance until today. It happened half an hour ago, and that's when the penny dropped.

I'd been out running, and while I was doing that I'd slipped. Fortunately, I'd managed to break the fall with my hand so I hadn't fallen heavily. My only injury was a grazed knee, and it wasn't serious. I was even able to complete the run without my knee hurting. When I got home my Sister was there, and she noticed it.

"I'll clean it and dress it for you."

I said that wasn't necessary, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. While she was doing that I had my epiphany. Her kindness was more than I should expect from her, especially with all that had happened between us over the years. And her kindness was genuine. Thinking about it, it wasn't the first time that she'd acted in this way. All of them after that 'incident' on the sofa.

That evening, while I was in my bedroom, I made a decision. I was going to make an effort with my Sister. I would be kind to her as well. The next day, I got an opportunity to do that. And as they say, strike while the iron is hot.

She was sitting on the sofa, leaning forward, so that she could rub something onto her feet.

"I can do that for you."

That surprised her, and she didn't immediately respond. When she did, it was to give me a nice smile, and then simply say, "Thanks."

Both of us were now on the sofa. She was lying down with her legs on my lap, and I was applying the cream to her feet.

"Rick used to do this for me."

Until two months ago he'd been her boyfriend. I liked him. We'd got on well together, even becoming friends, but I haven't seen him since they split up. I should call him and arrange a night out together. I might even do that tomorrow.

"Afterwards, he used to massage my legs."

"Then that's what I'll do."

Five minutes later, after finishing with her feet, I started on her right calf.

"That's nice, but don't forget to do the other one."

I sighed, as if I was being asked to do something that I didn't really want to do, and that made her laugh. I then massaged her other calf.

"Finished, now you can get your fat legs off me."

I'd been smiling when I'd said it, so she knew that I was joking. And even if I hadn't been smiling, she would have known that, because her legs were slender. Nobody would ever call them fat.

"What about my thighs? Rick did those as well."

Just because he used to massage her thighs, it didn't mean that I should. I was her Brother, so there was a limit to what I could do to her. I was about to say no, in the nicest possible way, so that she wouldn't be offended, but before I could, she moved her legs. That was a game changer. Now I wasn't going to say no, I was, despite knowing that it was a bad idea, going to continue the massage.

She'd pulled her knees up so that her legs were no longer on my lap. With her feet on the sofa next to me, and touching each other, she'd then moved a knee to each side. That had opened up her legs.

"Isn't that better?"

My mouth had suddenly gone dry, and my heart was now racing. I took a deep breath, and that composed me enough so that I could say yes. It was indeed better for massaging her thighs, but what had got me agitated was that it was also better for fingering her!

My hands were now on her thighs, but my eyes were focused on what was between her slender legs. She was wearing a red skirt, and because of how she was sitting, it was as if it wasn't there. Her pussy, only covered by a small pair of white panties, was clearly visible. Just looking at it was making me think about my Sister in ways that I shouldn't. If she wasn't who she was, then I now wouldn't just be thinking about what I'd like to be doing to her pussy, I'd actually be doing it.

At first, I was convinced that she wanted more than a massage, but as I continued to touch her thighs I was starting to doubt that. Apart from how she was sitting, there was nothing to suggest that she wanted me to touch her inappropriately. When she started a conversation about what we should eat tonight, I realised that I must be mistaken. There were better things to talk about if you wanted to have sex with someone.

"It has to be Mexican."

With both my hands high up her legs, only inches away from the hem of her panties, I disagreed with her. Mexican was OK, but not my first choice.

"No, burgers or chicken."

"Mother will want ..."

She started again, but this time she only got as far as the first word. She then uttered a low moan, and that's when I realised what I'd done.

My fingers were on her pussy, and they were moving!

It hadn't been intentional. We'd been talking, and that had distracted me. Without thinking, I'd gone too high up. Hard to believe? Yes, but it was true, so my conscience was clear. However, continuing to enthusiastically explore her pussy, through the thin material of her panties, was another matter. That was deliberate. I was doing it because it was exciting me, and her as well, perhaps even more so.

She now wasn't my Sister, she was just a woman. One that was eager for sex. In front of me was a willing pussy, and because I was young, only nineteen, I was going to make the most of it. Sex was still new to me so I can never get enough of it.

When I'd done as much as I could to her pussy while her panties were still on, I put my hands on her knees, and then I pushed them together. That confused her, then her face changed when she realised why I'd done that. She was now smiling. I hadn't closed her legs because I wanted to stop, it was so that I could take her panties off. However, I didn't have to, she did it for me. She'd got off the sofa, and then, as if I wasn't there, she slowly removed them, and not just her panties, her skirt as well.