When We Were Young


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Charlie always used to make a major effort with her, and he was making a major effort now, his lips and hands exploring her body, surveying her skin with his fingers and palms. She felt his lips sucking harder and she knew a hickey would likely form and stand out against her pale skin, but there was no way she'd make him stop, a price she'd pay any day.

His lips were on her breasts, gentle kisses becoming harder, her left tit then right, grazing her nipples, sucking upon them, tonguing her nipples too, and she moaned again, a surge of delight and wonder. Charlie could suck her nipples all day as far as Erin was concerned, the sensations making her throb and she knew she was soaking, but he wasn't in a rush to join with her, because he eventually moved further south, lips brushing her belly, then his hands were on her thighs and his face against her cunt, his tongue among her bush, tonguing her slit, lapping her juices, drinking her, and she closed her eyes, feeling his tongue enter her, wriggling, tickling, his lips pushing against her pussy, wonderfully, and then the electric jolt when he moved his tongue up and it contacted her clit, flattening, pushing down, moving around, the pleasure charge running through her.

"I love you so much," she whispered, feeling his tongue against her most intimate parts, feeling the pleasure he was giving her, knowing he was making his best damn effort to make her feel great. She loved his attention, feeling amazing with mounting pleasure, and Erin felt love and joy, and his tongue was incredible, and she knew she'd cum if she let him continue, the pleasure warmth building, but she wanted more, to join with him again, to be one with him, always, forever.

"Fuck me, Charlie," she whispered. He didn't listen, still growling her out, and he felt amazing, and she was so tempted to let him take her all the way like this, but she was impatient, wanting him inside her, right now, to join their body and souls, because there was no feeling greater, no need more urgent. She tugged at his arms, his face coming up for air, grinning with her juices smeared around his mouth, his big blue eyes on hers, her clit still tingling, and she said it again, breathily this time, "Fuck me, Charlie. Fuck me hard like we used to."

Charlie smiled and moved up her body, his face close to hers and she looked into his eyes the entire time, their lips crashing together, and she could taste her cunt juices on his mouth and tongue, and he was climbing shakily over her, between her legs and she felt him, his fatness entering her, easily slipping inside on account of her wetness and his hardness, joining in the most perfect way possible.

"You feel so amazing," she said, because he did feel amazing, feeling Charlie's length, his fat engorged hardness, feeling him touch her special intimate pleasure places, over and over, feeling his soul merged with hers.

"You mean everything to me," he said, eyes on eyes, hearts beating together, then they kissed again with needy hunger, both thrusting against one another and falling into their natural sex rhythm.

Erin bent her legs and whispered, "Fuck me as hard as you can...please, my beautiful Charlie. Fuck me with crazy passion like we used to."

She felt him sucking her neck, his hand hooking around to her buttocks, lifting her and she helped by raising her buttocks and legs, feeling his skin on hers, his weight, feeling his plunge where he was touching her deeply, most intimately, feeling their groins grinding, feeling Charlie's fat hard cock pushing up her again, pressing her from the inside out, touching her pleasure spots, again and again, feeling their pleasure rise.

"Harder," she growled, pushing against him as hard as she could, her pussy stretched and pounded and sore, but in such an amazingly wonderfully beautiful way, him giving her so much pleasure and she knew she was pleasuring him. Because it was Charlie, the only man she'd truly loved, back in her arms, their bodies joined in true love, perfection.

Their love unleashed, totally fucking amazingly beautiful, and like when they were young, they found their groove, their love rhythm building, where Erin felt Charlie going for gold, smashing her cunt with his cock in the most amazing way imaginable, his lips moist on her cheek, then sucking her earlobe, his whisper in her ear, "I want you to feel my love."

"I do feel your love," she gasped, "I really do...fuck you feel amazing...oh, Charlie!"

"Cum for me, my gorgeous, Rin," he whispered again. "Enjoy me, my most beautiful..."

"Oh, Charlie, I'm, enjoying, you...you feel so wonderful..."

She whimpered, groaned, the pleasure build-up approaching the brim, close to exploding, his cock hitting that spot, over and over, his breath in her ear so delicious, whispers of love and adoration and of endless beauty, and of love, and her lips were parting on their own accord, her mouth wide open, under the control of their pleasure, no longer in her physical control, a deep moan from the bottom of her heart, a thrust of Charlie's cock deep within, their intimate connection, his face above hers, and she gazed deeply into the windows of his soul, entwined with hers, his smile, his lips now on hers, and she matched his kiss with ferocious hunger, their tongues writhing, their passion insatiable, and she felt love and warmth, and they burst, overflowing, flooding, spreading, overwhelming her with true and honest ecstasy, wave after wave, and he was pushing and bucking and pulsating with her, their kisses deep, their sticky sweaty bodies embracing, complete connection, their souls woven as one, their love absolute and beautiful and meant to be...

Erin closed her eyes, feeling Charlie, his pulses, his pleasure, his love, his semen pumping into her, inside her, his kisses, his warm body beginning to relax with hers, against hers, his shakes she'd hardly noticed, and her sustained pleasure twinges, their tight embrace gradually slackening. This part was almost better than the sexual build-up, and every bit as wonderful, coming down from the heights, still joined, lips gently on lips, not really kissing, mouths resting against one another, too in love to ever want their bodies to separate, eventually rolling on their side without parting, cuddling, joined, absolutely connected.

They whispered their love to one another, more times than they could count, and even fell asleep for a while, then woke and Erin realised Charlie had fallen out of her, but she wanted him again and stroked him back to hardness, and he smiled and rolled onto his back, and held his shaking arms to her, and she took his hands in hers, palms against palms, always shaky, fingers locked with fingers, climbing over him, sinking onto his cock, feeling their intimate touch with loving tenderness, despite the soreness.

They were slow and gentle and took their time, reaffirming their connection for over an hour, feeling each other, all the way, their touch, beautiful. She was in control, gently moving around him, feeling his slight thrusts into her, feeling pleasure and closeness, looking into his eyes and seeing him smile for her. Eventually they both came again, not as explosive as the previous time, but always whispering their love to one another, because they were wonderful and loving and perfect.

Eventually they showered together, the warm water running over each other's naked bodies, in such close proximity, with Erin holding Charlie for balance and love, her breasts and erect nipples grazing his chest, his erection sometimes resting against her bush.

Charlie looked into Erin's eyes and said, "I want to stay the night, if you'll have me?"

"Of course," she whispered. "If you don't mind me driving you home first thing in the morning."

"Of course I won't mind," he said, smiling, steaming water running over them. After their shower they were clean, but they were hardly even dry before they fucked again, with sweat and sticky juices of love.

Eventually Erin cooked dinner, a lamb korma, and while they ate it at the dining table, Charlie asked, "How long have you lived here?"

She dipped her pseudo-naan, a flat-bread wrap, into the curry, and thought for a moment. "Five years. I was renting the place for a year, then the owners decided to sell, so I made them an offer."

"It's a nice apartment," he said, "But it's on the second floor. Perhaps you'll consider moving somewhere lower to the ground."

Erin laughed. "I see what you're getting at. Let's take one step at a time and let it happen naturally."

"Fine by me, Rin. We'll take all the time we need."

And later Erin and Charlie took all the time they needed, again making true love for hours upon hours, like they'd once done, back when they were young.


The following day was Monday and Erin drove Charlie back to his house, but returned to her unit to begin processing photographs from the previous Saturday afternoon's wedding shoot.

She sat at her computer, turning it on and preparing herself for a long day's work with her second coffee of the morning, memories of the weekend with Charlie still fresh in her mind and sore in her lady parts, when she noticed a pink post-it note stuck to the side of one of her monitors.

Gorgeous Rin, love of my life! One day I hope you're working on our photographs. Can't wait to see you next. C

Erin smiled and made a note to herself to find another shoe box and perhaps even decorate it.


18 months later...

The bride-to-be was beautiful, as all brides are. Her name was Erin and she sat on a chair in the middle of the room, casually chatting and laughing with her bridal party. She was the only person in the room not holding a glass of Champagne, her hand resting on her belly, only now beginning to show the hint of her budding baby bump.

The young hairdresser finished taming and styling her tousles of wildfire, slightly longer than shoulder length, music playing lightly in the background, Slide, Flame Trees, When We Were Young, and Erin laughed at a joke made by one of her bride's maids, Libby, an anecdote from the old-times, and occasionally there were tears, all of happiness and beautiful magic.

The photographer, Rhiannon, aimed the camera in her direction, taking her photo, and in the back of Erin's mind she knew the light in the room was perfect, softly diffused evenly from the southern facing windows.

They were at a mountain resort, and outside the room was a beautifully restored enclosed horse-drawn coach with rich-red timber panels and yellow timber trim and wheels, tethered to two magnificent Clydesdales who pawed at the gravel drive, occasionally snorting. When she stepped out, the coachman tipped his top hat at the bride, and she smiled back.

"Erin, you are positively glowing," he said.

"Thank you, Jack," she replied with a beaming smile. The bridal party climbed on board, while the photographer took several photos of the entire scene, misty mountain clouds threatening, but the women were all comfortable on the cushioned bench-seats in the enclosed cab. Rhiannon, who Erin not only considered a trusted employee, but also a friend, and thus very much a part of the bridal procession, climbed on board with them and took more photographs. Soon she left them, driving a Gator down the gravel road, ahead of the coach.

The doors were closed, and the horses began clopping over the gravel, the coach rocking and rolling. The entire bridal party smiling with happy faces, and most of all, the bride's heart was happy and full of bliss.

Their destination was a renovated chapel, the coach pulling up out front, bell miner birds chiming to one another in the nearby forest. Rhiannon kept taking photographs while the bride's mother, Lisa, climbed down with the help of the coachman, followed by the bride's maids, then the beautiful bride, Erin.

Yes, all brides are beautiful, but Erin's husband-to-be would spend the rest of their long and loving lives together telling her and anyone who'd listen how she was next level gorgeous, always, but especially at their wedding. And everyone who was there would agree with him, because it was true.

Erin couldn't wipe the smile from her face, with tears of happiness and emotion welling when she approached the chapel door.

Two page boys, Cooper and Tyler, and Billie the flower girl walked in the lead as the bridal procession walked through the doors, between the rows of standing guests.

As a professional photographer, Erin attended over a thousand weddings through her career, but this was her own. She was nervous, butterflies in her stomach, a feeling she couldn't help, but she knew how to control it and didn't let it show. Indeed, she told herself, You shouldn't be nervous.

She shouldn't be nervous because she was marrying Charlie Moss, the one and only, who she'd grown up with, her first and only true love, the man who still knew how to make her feel special and loved and who was her everything, every single day. Not only would they be husband and wife, but they would be parents again in another five months, their first child together.

And there he was, Charlie standing at the end of the aisle, down front with his best man, Grant, at whose wedding they'd run into one another, several years previously.

Erin felt she was gliding, seeing her family and friends, her brother Connor in the front row with his also-pregnant partner Rebecca, both smiling. And her soon-to-be parents-in-law, Debbie and Mike where there too, and later Debbie would tell her this was exactly as she'd dreamed their wedding would be, over twenty years previously.

With her mother at her side, she was floating, like stepping on air, and then she reached Charlie, who leant on his crutches, and they smiled at each other, and he took her hands in his.

Connor moved in, taking the crutches, and Charlie swayed and was a little shaky on his feet, but he balanced, because he could, yet Erin held him up, feeling his tremors, slight but always a part of him. Charlie's eyes were dreamy, as was his smile, and she felt the love his smile conveyed and the love in her heart, and he whispered, "You made it!"

"Better late than never," she whispered in return, the smile on her lips matching his.

"You're next level gorgeous, Rin. You're my everything. You are my universe!"

"I love you, Charlie," Erin said, oh so softly, gazing into Charlie's eyes with adoration. Her smile was beyond her control, a smile of complete and utter love and whatever is more than love, her heart full to the brim with the stuff, overflowing, and she whispered again, her voice and eyes full of bliss, "I can't believe we're doing this!"

She looked into his eyes, her heart bursting, completely, deeply, hopelessly in love with the only man she'd ever hoped to spend eternity with, knowing this was no fantasy, but very real, and he gazed back with his dreamy eyes, smiled and whispered to her, "This is our best idea ever."

Right before the celebrant spoke to marry them, Erin whispered, "Yeah, this is gonna be epic!"

"Yeah, better than what we ever thought possible, back when we were young!"

And they were epic, together, forever...


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Too fucking long

6King6King3 months ago

⭐⭐ 1/2 Way too long with a fucked ending.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow, this was a damn fine read. It was entirely captivating, through and through. The characters were great, the story flowed slowly but purposefully, outstanding on the whole, thanks for sharing...!

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2IC10 months ago

This is beautiful love story. Now one of my favorites. Well written with believable character dialogue. Where their emotion's come across the page to the reader. Sadness, sorrow, anguish, hopefulness and joy to name some. Thank you for the time and effort you gave to allow Erin and Charlie to tell their story. Cheers

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

5 stars BUT the end was too rushed....18 months came too soon

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