Who Are You?

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Husband considers wife's bizarre request.
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This story features approved extra-marital sex. It is a story that is heavily built upon thought processes, although there are some very hot sex scenes as well. It is too long, but that's tough. If any of these are not your thing, please don't waste your time reading it, and don't bother commenting and rating if you don't read it.

As always, my stories are complete works of fiction, and all persons are of legal age. Your votes and comments are important to me, so after you read it, please share with me!


"Honey, we need to talk."

That was the absolute last sentence I ever expected to come out of my wife Kim's mouth. We'd been married for 30 years after all -- in fact, our relationship was so close that we have only had sex with each other -- we were both virgins when we met each other during my first year of college. I thought our sex life was pretty good -- although I didn't have any way of comparing what we did in the bedroom to the experiences of other couples.

But I did know that she had uttered one of the biggest cliché statements there was. I knew that it could mean there were problems in our marriage, and in the most extreme instances, it could mean she's cheated on me. I honestly didn't think that was possible. Sure, there were times when I could not account for her activities when she's away from me, just like she can't know everything about me while I'm not with her.

But I thought being each other's one and only partner meant that we trusted each other so much that there was never any reason to suspect otherwise. From my vantage point, I certainly look at other beautiful women -- I believe a woman's body is one of the most perfect forms of art, and I'm not afraid to say I take opportunities to view them from time to time -- usually from the safety of my laptop. And to be truthful, I would not feel threatened in any way if Kim chose to do the same with the male body.

And we are not what I would consider to be "cheat-worthy" -- in other words, we are okay looking people, but we certainly don't stand out as being part of the beautiful people crowd. I'm 50 -- just under 6 foot tall, and I've let my body go over the years. Kim is 5'6" tall, a couple of years older than me, and has also left the skinny lifestyle behind, although I do know there are guys who like a curvy woman much better than ones without curves.

I thought our marriage was strong -- stronger certainly than what it must have seemed to her, anyway. So without any other prior thought, all I could do was blurt out the first response that came to mind.

"Are you cheating on me?"

Kim started laughing, although I saw no humor in the situation. She looked at me from across the kitchen table where we were eating our Saturday lunch and said, "Of course not, silly -- where did you get that idea? And who except for you would want to have sex with me?"

I've told you that we are average looking people, but Kim treats herself too harshly. She doesn't think she's beautiful at all, and doesn't think anybody else would ever want her. However, I knew differently - I could think of at least a couple of guys who wouldn't mind getting their cocks into her generous pussy. But I didn't think that was going to be the focus of this discussion.

So I asked another question. "If you're not having an affair, then what is it we need to talk about? I don't think you would say that if something wasn't wrong."

She became more serious now and said, "There's nothing wrong -- at least not from my vantage point. Do you think there's something wrong?"

I hate it when women come up with this kind of logic. She's the one telling me we need to talk, and when I ask if there's something wrong, it immediately comes back around to thinking I must not be happy. I said nothing to indicate that at all!

"No, dear -- but you have to admit when one spouse says 'we need to talk' to the other spouse, there is going to be questions come up. I'm just trying to get answers to the questions I have with your first statement."

Kim shook her head. "There are no problems, Daniel. I love you more than anything, and I always will! In fact, it's in that love that I want to talk to you. We've been married for 30 years now. We own our own home. We've raised two wonderful children. We both have careers that we love, and because of that, we're going to be able to retire early and enjoy each other's company as we travel or do anything else we want. Life is really perfect, and nothing could be more perfect than spending the rest of it with you."

Her words were calming, to say the least. I really do feel fortunate to have found my perfect partner and soulmate on my first try. Everything she said was true -- life had been very good to us. But still in the back of my mind, I knew she was about to tell me something that might give me cause for concern.

She continued to explain why we needed to talk. "You know I married you when you were just 20 years old and still in college. Well, I always felt guilty that you didn't get the opportunities to enjoy some of the fun things college life offers. Basically, there were no parties with friends or no Greek life for you, and you've told me there we no other girls. When we got married, I took away a lot of important things in a young man's life, and I've always felt bad about it."

I had to stop her -- first of all, she was talking about things that were a long time ago, and I'm not sure why it was important to her now. Second of all, she was making it seem like I had no say in the matter.

"You didn't FORCE me to do anything! I did what I wanted to do because I loved you then and I still love you now. I wouldn't change anything in my life! Besides, you and I both know that there weren't a whole bunch of girls lining up to have their way with me."

She replied, "I know, but it still bothers me sometimes, so much so that I want to make it up to you, and I have an idea that I think might show you how much. Now I don't want you to freak out or anything, but I've been thinking about this a long time, and I think we will both like it. But promise you'll listen to me until I've explained the whole thing."

I had no idea what she was going to say, but I figured this was going to be the whole reason we started to have this conversation in the first place. It was obviously important enough to her to risk a negative opinion from me, if she was asking me to listen without stopping her.

So I said, "Okay -- I'll listen. I have no idea what you are going to say and I may not like it, but the least I can do is listen."

Kim cleared her throat and looked me straight in the eye. "First of all, I want to remind you again that I love you, and will always love you, and that I feel I'm the luckiest woman in the entire world to have you. I've spent my life working in partnership with you to make sure we never forgot our love for each other.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I don't know exactly why I feel this way, but I do. I keep thinking there's something wrong with me for wanting this, or that you'll feel badly about me because of what I'm going to ask you. But it all comes back around to doing this for your pleasure and mine, which may actually enhance our marriage.

She paused for a long time, as if she still wasn't sure she wanted to say what was on her mind, before finally blurting out, "Daniel, I want to watch you fuck another woman."

Did you ever have an occasion in your life when something totally unexpected happened, and you had no idea how to respond? This was certainly one of those times. All at once, several different thoughts crowded into my brain, each striving to be the one that I uttered out loud. Even if I had wanted to sound rational and composed at that moment, it just wasn't going to happen.

So I did the next best thing -- I looked down at the floor. I knew the answers weren't down there, but it gave me a chance to look away from my wife as I tried to process what she had just told me. I knew I had to get my thoughts in order. I hoped looking at the floor would at least allow me time to get my mind straight.

My first thought was that she was crazy. What wife in their right mind wanted to watch their husband with another woman? Weren't women supposed to be more jealous than men of the possibility of their spouse with someone else? I knew in the past that when she'd catch me looking at some sexy woman, it would bother her enough that she let me know that I belonged to her, and not to some tramp walking around in suggestive clothing. Of course I also believed that she knew I wouldn't stray, just as I was sure she wouldn't step out on me.

However, that raised my second thought -- perhaps she WAS cheating on me, and seeing me with another woman might assuage her guilt over being unfaithful. If a normally sane wife wouldn't want her husband to be with any other woman, and yet she was being unfaithful with another man, wouldn't she feel better about her own affair if she could get her husband to have one of his own? Of course this didn't explain her desire to actually watch me with another woman. But at this point, the confusion I was experiencing didn't allow me to consider minor points such as that.

My third thought was the polar opposite -- perhaps she was setting me up for some kind of test of my devotion to her. What if she was asking me that question in hopes of tipping my hand that I needed more sexy fun than she could give me? If I answered "Why yes, that would be amazing -- I'd love to fuck another woman," I was afraid she'd believe that I had been thinking about it before she asked the question, and would then question my love for her. If I said no, would she be upset that I wasn't taking her request seriously, which meant I didn't love her as much as she loved me? So with that in mind, there was no way I was going to express any excitement over her statement.

With all of those thoughts clogging the processing centers of my brain, I looked back up at her and answered in the only way possible -- "Who are you, and what have you done with my wife?"

Kim just laughed, perhaps trying to break the mood of this obviously awkward situation, but I didn't laugh back with her. Instead, I waited to hear what I assumed would be her explanation as to why she thought I would want to make this happen.

She replied, "I get it, I'm sure that's the last thing you ever thought I would say. And hearing me say it now makes me realize just how crazy it is. But I've been giving this a lot of thought, and even though I can't completely explain why I want to see it, I just know that even thinking about you with another woman turns me on like few other things do! Believe me, this is not easy for me to say anything to you about this, but for some reason I felt I had to let you know...and that hopefully you would at least consider it."

She was completely serious, but I still wasn't sure what her motivation was. Then I remembered what she had said before she dropped the bomb on me -- she felt bad about me not getting the "college experience" with the party scene or the opportunity to be with other girls. After 30 years, I would have thought those concerns would have been buried with time. So as I considered everything she had presented to this point, I still wasn't sure I was getting the full story. I decided to press on using that logic.

"Kim, this is just about the craziest idea you've ever had! What is your motivation for this? What makes a loving and faithful wife of a loving and faithful husband think she wants to see her husband fuck another woman -- and watch while it happens? This is so bizarre! You need to make sure you're telling me the truth here, because I'm not sure I've heard everything yet."

She shifted in her chair for a few seconds, and then reached her hand out and placed it on top of mine. "Honey, I'm not cheating on you. I would never cheat on you. In fact, I don't think I've ever had even a remote opportunity to cheat on you. I want to make that clear that this isn't about that. And I'm not suggesting this because I want to fuck other men, so by giving you permission, I would get it back in return. Quite frankly, I have no desire to ever fuck anybody else. You provide me with all I need as far as sex goes.

"But a few years ago, one night when we were making love, I was fantasizing in my mind. As you know, I don't do it often, but I know we both do that from time to time, and we're not afraid to talk about it. This particular night, I was conjuring up a fantasy, and I don't know why, but instead of me being fucked by someone else, in that instant it was me who had changed, and suddenly my fantasy was that you were fucking another woman. As that picture developed in my head, I got more aroused than normal. That night I came way before you did, and it was one of the most intense orgasms of my entire life!

"After we had finished and you went to sleep, I lay there thinking about how strange it was getting off so strongly while thinking about you fucking someone else. I was still aroused enough that I masturbated next to you and had another strong orgasm. I was ashamed, and yet the intensity of my arousal was too strong to ignore.

"I thought it would be a one-night thing, and I would go back to normal when we fucked again. But the next time, there it was -- a different woman this time, but in my mind, you were fucking her instead of me. I came again with another mind-blowing orgasm! At the time, you made some comment about how suddenly you were a fucking machine making me cum like a slut in heat, but I couldn't tell you exactly what was happening to make me be that way.

"I can't get it out of my head. I can't stop thinking about it, and it's driving me crazy! I almost feel as if I am holding back on you by not telling you about this fantasy. But I can't hide it any longer. I can't continue to face this alone. I needed to tell you, hoping that even if we didn't go ahead and make this a reality, at least we could have fun with it in the bedroom. I still cum hard when I picture that you're fucking someone else -- somebody famous, or even someone we both know. I hope that getting you involved means you'd be willing to play along -- basically, I'm giving you permission to fantasize about any other woman, and tell me who it is so we can both enjoy the fantasy.

"But more than anything, I still want you to fuck another woman, and I want to see it happen."

I looked down at the ground again, still trying to avoid eye contact. It was so much to think about! But at the time, thinking about it seemed much easier than talking about it. I was beginning to grasp the possibility that Kim really just wanted to see it happen, and that there was no underlying trickery involved. But even if I could get past that part, the idea of actually going through with her request had so many pitfalls in front of it. I couldn't see any way this would be possible, even if I wanted it.

Kim could tell I was thinking, and I don't know if she wanted me talking out loud or not, but I was pretty sure if I had been asking questions, she would have had answers for me. So my next thought was that maybe I needed to press her with questions. Maybe I needed to try and get her to reveal her true motive. I still couldn't believe she just wanted to watch me fuck someone else. So I raised my head and looked at her. I started with what I thought was the most obvious.

"Kim, you have to understand that this isn't a normal thing for a wife to want from her husband. Because of that, I'm afraid to answer. If I answer yes, I'm afraid you're just testing me to see if I'll remain faithful to you, and consequently fail. Is this a test? Are you trying to find out if I still love you and want only you? Because that's the answer to the question -- I don't have any desire to be with anybody else. I chose you for a reason -- because I love you, and I pledged to be with only you for the rest of my life."

Kim smiled at my words of faithfulness, but she still wanted more. "I know you did, Daniel, and I know that you'll have no trouble keeping that pledge for the rest of your life. But I'm allowing you to add an amendment to that pledge, with me signing off so you can do this for me. If you want it in written form, we'll make it happen, but I would hope that you've loved me long enough to know that I wouldn't lie to you or try and trick you."

I thought about that for a few seconds, and then offered my second point. "What if I say no? Isn't the fantasy during sex enough? You've said more than once about how that fantasy causes you to have particularly strong orgasms. We've shared fantasies before, and it has really created some great times in bed. Isn't this fantasy good enough? I'll even pick the woman I want you to be as I'm fucking you, if that will help."

I think she could see that I was really trying to find a solution that wouldn't involve me with another woman. But I could also see that she wasn't going to let this die without a fight. "Daniel, you're right -- I would love to act out this fantasy with you deciding who you want to fuck and me playing that out in my mind. In fact I hope we can do that later today. I think I will probably have incredible orgasms in that scenario. But how crazy would the fantasy become if I actually got to watch you fuck someone else, and then played that back in my mind again and again?"

A new thought flashed in my mind -- one that needed to be addressed. "Is this your way of telling me that YOU want to fuck someone else? Are you thinking that if you grant me permission and I make it happen, that it will be your turn next? I'm still not completely sure why you want me to do this, but I know it doesn't work both ways -- watching you fuck someone else would tear my heart out!"

I know she wanted to laugh out loud, but she was afraid to hurt my feelings, so instead, she chuckled as she answered, "Believe me, Daniel -- you're all the man I want and need! In fact, I have a feeling if you make this happen for me and fuck someone else, our sex life is going to crank up so high that you may become too much for me! But I'm willing to risk that!"

I countered with another question. "But what if I do agree to this, and as you're watching, you find out that the reality is that you don't want to see this? Once we start, it's going to be too late to stop, and if you find that you can't stand what you're seeing, you won't be able to erase that memory."

"I've thought about that as well," she replied. "I realize that's a possibility, but I'm very sure that won't happen. So sure, in fact, that I've risked a lot just to bring this fantasy of mine out in the open. If I wasn't completely sure I wanted to see it, I wouldn't have ever brought it up to you."

She had really thought this through -- of course, she told me she's been thinking about it for a long time. I knew I probably had one more point to make that would be the one most likely to put a stop to this. I just wasn't what I would call "affair-worthy." I'm not a catch. I'm not what women see walking down the street and go "Oh yeah, I need to fuck that." When I was younger and in better shape, I wasn't getting offers. Now that I'm older and have added several pounds, the prospects had to be even more limited.

So I sprung my high card on her. "Kim, even if I decided to say yes, and let you watch me fuck another woman, we both know there's not going to be anybody jumping at the chance to fuck me. I feel lucky to have found you! Even if we thought we were going to do it, how do we go about finding another woman? As many men there are that want to fuck, the women who are willing would be able to find someone much more desirable than me."
