Why’d You Ever Have to Say Goodbye


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"Where? When? More importantly, how?"

"The bench. Maybe twelve, if that's ok. I will get a taxi." Her eyes glittered as she looked at me.

"I will walk, give me a chance to use my stompy boots." I replied. "I meant, I am still working out the how this happened." I blushed.

"I know, but don't. You're funny and sweet. Plus, you have a bath, this makes you all the more attractive."

"Hmmm, like that is it?" I replied and she smirked. "But... you kissed me before you knew I had a bath."

"Busted." she giggled. Her hands rested around me, our faces close enough to feel the breath of the other. "Don't think, just do." She whispered and I moved my mouth to hers and her lips opened to welcome me, her tongue entering me the moment we touched as a hand pulled my head closer. My hand found the pocket again and slid inside and her body pressed tight to mine as her soft moan filled my lungs.

"Don't move, just look right." I whispered and Lisa did that. "I meant my right." and she laughed quietly against me and her eyes turned.

"Oh, one of your friends is checking us out." She whispered, her eyes widening. I turned to look again at the small figure sitting down the street, it's size and shape disguised by being backlit against the streetlight, but the pointy ears giving the game away. The white on its chest noticeable against the darker fur.

"He's seeing if you behave." I whispered.


"Well, he looks happy enough, so you're doing a good job." Lisa turned and her nose rested against mine, our lips brushing.

"Will he be upset that I have not invited you in?" She whispered straight into my mouth.

"No, he is patient, he knows it will be worth the wait."

Lisa's eyes showed some uncertainty. "Maybe, I mean..."

"It will be." I whispered back to her lips and they opened wide in a smile that turned to a kiss. I squeezed her bottom again and her hips moved to press on me and I felt my blush, worried she would feel how hard I was.

"Sorry." she mumbled, "Just..." She blushed now and I realised she had felt me. "Hope you can walk back ok." she giggled and her hips moved away and I breathed deeply.

"Well, I mean..." I tried to think of something to say, but just stood glowing red under the yellow streetlights.

"I guess the kissing is good then." There was a big smile on her face now.

"Yeah" I blushed more, which I thought was impossible, "You can tell, huh?"

"Yup." Lisa blushed. "If it makes it any less awkward, it's good for me too. Just not as obvious." Her eyes looked into mine and the warmth poured out and I actually managed to get harder. Then the eyes flicked away as the shyness washed over her. "Too much info." she giggled.

"Never enough." I replied in a whisper and gave her bottom another squeeze and my fingers ran over the edge of her knickers underneath the trousers.

"Think they are still dry that high up." She whispered and then went bright red and buried her head against my shoulder.

"Never enough." I whispered as I put my arm around her back and pulled her close.

"Sorry, just didn't want you to feel alone in your, erm... liking of the kissing." she giggled, her face still against me, hiding her blush.

"So, see you in ten hours then." I said, trying to sound serious.

"That long?" she giggled. "How will my lips survive?"

"They will need a rest." I said as we brushed our mouths together.

"Ready for round two." She replied and I nodded. "I don't want you to go, but..." Lisa took a deep breath, "I am liking this... flirting." she giggled. "I feel like a teenager again."

"Me too. Let's go slow." I replied. "I mean, not that I don't want..." Lisa nudged her hips forward and I laughed.

"Yeah, I can tell." she sniggered. "Plus..." the blush swept over her again. "I will be doing some serious washing of this underwear." she mumbled and her head went to my shoulder again to hide. "Jeez, did I say that out loud?"

"No. It was all in your head." I giggled.

"Good, I mean, a woman should never admit a guy's kissing has made her... you know...." Lisa lifted her head and pressed her nose to mine, her eyes bright. "Moist." she said and it was only our kiss that stopped us roaring with laughter on the quiet street.

"So, in nine and a half hours then?" Lisa said as we made another attempt at parting, the fox long gone. "Time for one more kiss, then we HAVE to go."

"Ok, see you in nine hours." I whispered as my hand slipped out of her back pocket.

"Yeah." Lisa sighed and her hand left the back of my head. "Hope you get home safely, there's not many buses around this time of night... or morning." she said and her smile lit the sky. "Text me when you get in." She added.

"I haven't got your number!"

"That's because you never asked."

"Can I have your number please?" I smiled at her, my arms still around her.

"No. Too late." The smile was gone from her lips, but her eyes betrayed her. I pouted a little and she giggled. "Give me yours. I have never asked a guy for his number before." I looked at her and smiled and then stepped back a little.

"Go on then." I chuckled.

"Hey super scientific tour guide, can I have your number please." she said and her grey, or maybe green eyes sparkled. I told her and she typed it into her phone and then hit a button and I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. "There, you have mine now too so you can message me when you get home." She looked up and smiled and I kissed her again.

"See you in." Lisa looked at her watch, "Eight and half hours, give or take. I mean, we could meet later, if you like."

"I plan on just standing here until midday." I said and she smiled widely and gave my chest a gentle pat.

"Go to bed, you have a long day tomorrow, today, there may be more kissing."

"Plus I need to check your bum." I replied.

"Better do it one last time before you go then." She laughed and I pulled her to me and my hand went into her pocket again. "There might have to be a flood warning down there soon." she chuckled and I kissed her deep red cheek as she blushed.

"Eight and a quarter hours to go." I said as I stepped back. "I'll text you."

"Please do." she whispered. and she took a step back onto a garden path and looked around. "This is where I live, in case you need to come and rescue me."

"What from?"

"The tomato plants." she giggled and then moved forward to kiss my cheek. "Goodnight, John. Thank you for a great day and see you later." I kissed her cheek and stroked the other gently and then stepped away. I could still reach and touch her, but this was the furthest we had been apart for hours.

I walked away, turning to wave every few steps until a slight bend took her out of sight and I looked ahead and suddenly felt very sick, but also very alive. The sky was already glowing as I walked east and I stopped on a corner to look into the eyes of another friend as it paused its patrol when it saw me. I said hello and it sat and looked for a few seconds, then stood and trotted by a few feet in front of me.

"Hi, It's John. I am home safely." I hit send. I had no idea what to write and felt oddly nervous as I replied to her 'hi' message she had sent after I gave her my number.

I was still looking at my message when "GOOG" popped up. "I mean GOOD" came another few seconds later. "Sorry, too flustered to type properly." I laughed and then started to get ready for bed. There was another ping. "Oh, by the way..." I waited. "THESE ARE RUINED!" I looked at the message that made no sense. I was about to reply when a photo of a pair of pink knickers appeared. They were on, what looked like, her duvet, the shadow of her taking the photo just to the side of them. They looked perfectly normal, but I knew they had just come off of Lisa and my cock got very hard. Another message popped up as I started at the photo. "Too much info?"

"Might need a cold shower now," I replied.

"Be careful of the tomato plants."

"You saw, there are none here." I replied.

"They grow VERY quickly."

"I will check before I get in. Thanks for the advice."

"Anytime. Talking of time, seven and a half hours." She replied and I wondered if it was worth going to bed, I wouldn't sleep anyway.

"Might as well just stay up and chat, or watch the foxes." I messaged Lisa and seconds later the phone rang,

"This is crazy, huh?" she giggled. and I had to agree. "Please don't ask what I'm wearing though."


"Because...." There was a soft giggle. "The answer is nothing."

"Prove it!" I laughed.

"Ok. I'll hold the phone up and you can see." Her voice got quieter. "See" she laughed, "See, naked as the day..." Her voice returned to normal.

"You know this isn't a video call, right."

"Oh, sorry, my mistake, you'll just have to take my word for it." she laughed. "Anyway, what are you wearing?" she chuckled.

"Is this just a ploy to see me naked?" I replied.

"Busted again." she giggled.

"Well, it failed, I still have clothes on."

"Take them off." her voice was very soft and made me very hard.

"Ok." I replied, "You can watch." and I put the phone down and pulled my t-shirt off, talking to her as I did so. Then I stripped out of my trousers and picked up the phone. "Just my underwear now." I said quietly.

"Oh my." she whispered back and I reached down and pushed them off.

"Naked too."

"Nice, isn't it?" she said softly and I could visualise her lying down, curled next to me.

"Yeah, very nice." and I realised it was much better without it being a video call, more, trusting and tender. "Sorry about the underwear." I chuckled.

"I should say the same to you." She laughed and then there was a sigh. "I did actually think of this being a phone sex thing, but..."

"I understand, I just feel relaxed now, although..." there was a giggle at the other end.

"Yeah, I mean, she was ready for action, but now, she's just dozing in your arms." I knew who she was referring to and my cock twitched a little, but started to sleep too. "Also, I haven't done phone sex, so didn't know what to say!" Lisa laughed quite loudly at the other end of the call and I could see her blush in my mind.

"Well..." I mumbled as my cock stirred a little, but my brain was still just happy to be naked and relaxed as we spoke.

"I mean, I guess we would describe things, but... I am quite tired and I'd rather wait." I agreed with her. "I will tell you, just for the record, I did a little check when I got in and you did a good job with the kisses." There was a laugh and I knew she was blushing deeply. Then there was a sigh. "Just had another check, but she wants to wait."

"Say hello to her from me." I whispered and Lisa sighed and then moaned gently.

"She says hello back. Jeez, I want to, but also..." She sighed again.

"It's ok, I know,"

"Are you?" She said and I knew the rest.

"Not like earlier, but yes."

"Say hello from me." she purred and I reached down and squeezed my cock and it stirred again.

"He says hello, he liked meeting you earlier." I chuckled, my hand moving up to stop getting hard again.

"I hope to meet him again soon." She whispered and my hand went down again and I let out a small gasp. "Oh, sorry." she giggled.

"It's ok, natural." I mumbled and then I heard a gasp from Lisa.

"Yeah, very natural." she muttered. "Sorry, she wanted to play again... thinking of him." Lisa let out another soft moan. "Do you want to...?"

"I don't know. Yes and no. How about you? I whispered, taking my hand off my cock again.

"No and yes. I am..." there was a silence and I could almost hear the blush "Very excited." I wanted to say something, but knew it would steer the conversation into strange waters. "But..." Lisa sighed again, "I want to wait and..." I heard the blush again. "You know." she giggled. "Feel you."

"I know. I am very excited too. But, I am tired, so it will be easier to deal with."

"Yeah." Agreed Lisa. "I mean, I am not really horny, just VERY turned on. I guess I wanted you to know what a good job you did with the kissing." she laughed.

"Yes, same here. I quite like the idea of going to sleep very turned on and wanting more."

"YES!" Lisa said. "Oh yes, the yearning inside." She cooed.

"Inside... don't start me up again." I laughed. There was a brief silence and then a little groan.

"Sorry, had to." was all she need say and my mind did acrobatics in my spinning head.


"Yes." she whispered. "It's ok, she says she can wait."

"Until next year?"

"I believe you have jumped to the head of the queue." She giggled.

There was quiet, just breathing and my erection calmed

"Six and a half hours" She whispered, her words causing my eyes to flick open. Light was coming in now, the day was getting ready for us and we hadn't finished with the night yet.

"See you in six hours and fifteen minutes." I mumbled and the call ended. I pulled the duvet over me and dreamed of a pair of eyes that shone with different colours.

Chapter 3:

There is no need for an alarm on a Sunday, unless you are meeting a beautiful girl. I was awake well before it chimed and ran back to the bedroom to shut it off. I had showered and was making breakfast. My fingers hovered over the phone, itching to send a message, but not wanting to wake her. Maybe I would just wait until we met at the bench.

Her reply came quickly after my message. "Yeah, all good, see you there. x" I suddenly felt sick with nerves.

I checked and double checked everything before I left. Then I checked again and headed off. I saw Lisa just ahead of me on the path, two people meeting somewhere where there are only two ways of getting to stand quite a good chance of bumping into each other. I walked behind her and watched her bottom move, thinking of how I had touched it the day before, even kissed it, all through the material. I wanted to do it again, but just to the bare skin. I realised I needed to banish such thoughts as it made walking hard.

She was wearing a blue t-shirt and dark trousers and her hair was tied back and bounced as she moved. I could see her neck as I got closer and yearned to reach and touch it, to kiss it, bite it even. Again, I reminded myself to stop those thoughts as my feet stumbled.

"Excuse me, Miss. Can I help you?" I called as I neared Lisa and managed to take my eyes off her bottom. She turned and tried to look concerned.

"Oh, yes. I need a tour guide. Hopefully one that is super scientific." She said in a matter of fact manner.

"Well, I am such a person." I said and puffed my chest out.

"Superb. Do you know of any good benches around here, I wish to sit and watch the river?"

"I do indeed, if you would like to follow me." and I held out my hand and she took it and we strode off along the path together.

"Well, the fucking cheek of it!" I turned and stared at Lisa as she glared ahead. "I mean, the utter fucking cheek of it." she continued to stare at the couple who were on the bench. "Do they not know?" She turned to look at me and I laughed. "It's not funny!" she giggled. I pulled her away for fear she'd launch a frenzied attack on the couple and walked to the slipway. The tide was low, but rising and I walked down a little way and then sat on the concrete, Lisa, mumbling obscenities, sat next to me.

"How was your night?" I asked as she squeezed my hand. I was slightly nervous today.

"It was..." Lisa turned to look at me, "Different." she blushed a bit. "I am glad we didn't do anything, I think I was carried away on a tide of playfulness." she added.

"Yes, it seemed ok at the time, but I'm glad we stopped. It was hard to, but.."

"Hard for you, yes." she laughed and I looked at her and blushed. "Soft and wet for me." she whispered and went bright red.

"Fuck!" I mumbled and she laughed.

"Anyway, what's the plan today, my tour guide. I'll skip the super scientific part as my mouth will get tired from all the words."

"We don't want that, do we?" I looked at her and slowly moved closer.

"No... Not at..." then her lips were on mine and the world was fine again. "I mean, I need my mouth for other things." she giggled and kissed me again.

We kept glancing back, between bouts of kissing, but the others were still on the bench, worst still, they seemed to have sandwiches.

"Fucking hell, they brought a picnic!" Lisa grumbled and I laughed at her outrage. The water was sloshing higher as the tide came in, the rains of last week seemingly having washed down to embark on a battle and the river was slightly lumpy.

"We need to go anyway, or we'll be wet." I mumbled as I watched the river get closer.

"Again?" Lisa giggled. "Sorry, I still feel slightly childish about last night." She smiled at me and gave me another kiss. "Also, I am a bit nervous."

"Tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, so advanced apologies for any shittyness and weird mood changes."

"Noted. I will try and stay close to a supply of cakes as possible."

"Or kisses. Plus, you need to check my bum, remember."

"Oh yeah. To be honest, I did when I was walking behind you earlier." and I smiled at her.

"So you were behind me and checking out my bum as I walked?" She stared, I nodded. "Did it look ok?"

"It looked perfectly edible." I said and regretted it slightly.

"Well, keep your teeth off, for now, hands only." She smiled and added, "Possibly lips."

"Ok, no eating of the bottom, yet." I laughed and received a soft slap on the arm in return.

"Where shall we go?" Lisa asked, still looking back n snarling at the couple on the bench.

"We could walk that way." I said, pointing to the way we had walked to get here. "Go down to the next bridge."

"Wait, what now?" she gasped. "There? The NEXT bridge?" She stared at me. "I hear there be dragons an' stuff!"

"True, but there also be cake and coffee."

"You sure?" her eyes sparkled as she spoke and my heart fluttered. I nodded and she sighed. "Ok, I trust you, tour guide. Lead on."

We stood up and turned, the couple on the bench still eating and showing no signs of going. I looked down and realised Lisa had dirt on her bottom.

"Hmmm, hold still young lady, I have work to do." I said and bent to gently brush my hand over her rear. "It seems some dirt has dared cling to your cute behind." and Lisa bent forward slightly as I continued to move my hand over her, trying not to think of how she would look naked in such a pose. She rested her hands on her knees and laughed as I gently knocked the dirt from her trousers and then wiggled as I stroked. I would have trouble walking if this continued.

"All clean?" Lisa asked as I stopped and just rested my hand on the curve of her bottom. I nodded and gave her a quick squeeze. She stood and then turned and put her arms around my neck and her lips to mine so softly I daren't breathe in case I blew them from me. "Thanks sweety." she whispered and I knew I really would have trouble walking.

We ambled down the river path, joggers, dog walkers and families enjoying the Sunday sun as we ignored them all to stroll hand in hand. We talked of holidays, places we had been, or wanted to go. We had some in common, a slight fascination for Italy and Sweden.

"I haven't been to Stockholm for years." Lisa said.

"Nor me, but there is good cakeage there." I replied.

"Really? Oh my. Well worth it then." She laughed and suddenly I was walking down narrow streets in the Old Town with her by my side.

"Wait, need to check up on things." I said and looked around at the empty path and then stood looking at Lisa. She stared and looked confused and I stepped towards her and put my arms around her waist and dropped my hands down to cup her bottom. She looked up at me, concern in her eyes.

"All ok?" she asked softy.

"Yes, but it needs more attention." I replied and she agreed and reached back and undid the zip on her rear pocket. We continued our walk with my arm around her, the hand in the pocket, feeling the soft, firm bottom. Lisa reached around my back and I felt her hand tugging at the pocket zip and then her hand snuck in and she gave my bottom a little squeeze and laughed.