Wife Gets Caught


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With that I walked over to the wastebasket beside the couch and tossed them in. There was not a sound as I walked back to my hassock and restarted the tape.

We watched as Ralph picked May up by the waist and tossed her casually on the bed. Before she had really stopped bouncing, we watched him grab both ankles and yank her legs apart. When he buried his face in her twat, I just used the yardstick to indicate the grimace on May’s face. We watched as Ralph munched on her sex, with some odd expressions on my wife’s face. After just a little over 5 minutes, we watched Ralph pull away from May’s cunt and pull himself up her body, position himself quickly over her body and drive his entire length into her cunt. I stopped the tape at the apex of her obvious pain grimace when his cock pushed through beyond her cervix.

"I’m guessing this face was made when Ralph pushed on into and past the cervix. My own more modest length has been there before, but with a gentler approach I never recall this kind of pain response. May, was that real pain, or am I mistaking pleasure for pain? And also, would you prefer the harder, more ‘masterful’ treatment Ralph is giving you here?"

And I looked at my wife.

May just looked back at me for a moment, glanced at Ralph and then back at me. "No Gary, that was pain. And no, I don’t like pain. You know I don’t like to be hurt. Sometimes too much sensation is painful, but with sex it can turn to pleasure. Real pain does not become pleasurable to any but masochists. I am not a masochist."

She looked down at her hands for a moment, and just as I was turning back to restart the tape she added, "Honey, I crave your loving. It is the only kind I want. I can only keep telling you, this was not something I went looking for. It was not something I felt was missing from my life. It is not what I have been wanting."

I paused for a moment, then responded, "But you didn’t really try to stay out of this thing very much, did you?" Then I restarted the tape.

May sat for a moment, watching herself rutting with Ralph, then she stood up and yanked the TV power cord out of the wall.

"Everyone, shut up! All right, I did an evil thing to you, Gary. No, let me talk Gary!" she screamed when I started to speak.

She continued, "I don’t know why I let myself get talked into this, maybe it was curiosity, I don’t know. It certainly was not because I needed a different and positively not a better lover than my husband."

Standing tall she said, "OK, some truths. Number one and you guys may not be aware of it, but all of us women are told from almost the cradle not to hurt you guy’s little egos. So among other things, we fake orgasms, and tell you how good it feels when it doesn’t and unless it’s pretty bad we keep quiet when you hurt us when you think you are giving us pleasure. So I’ll stop doing that, at least tonight. And Gary, before you ask, I have never had to do that for you because you are always, always so concerned about my welfare."

"No," she said to Ralph, "let me finish. Let us get away from the pain you are so carefully pointing out, Gary. And other women tell me it often comes with the loving. It probably comes with ours too, Gary, but in only small amounts that I can’t remember beyond the orgasms you give me. Yes I remember all those you have pointed out, and some that would show up later in the tape."

"No, all of you! Let me finish," she demanded as Crystal started to say something. "Let’s talk orgasms. And I find this very embarrassing and humiliating. Before you comment, Gary, you always give me many climaxes. There have been times you force them on me, and I know you have not had one yourself. When you eat me, you never stop until I have cum at least twice, and usually three or more. You love giving them to me, and can make me cum sometimes when I don’t even want to. Since we learned to love one another Gary, I doubt if you and I made love when I had less than two of them, and usually more than I can count. Before you point it out in your inimitable way, I had none last night. Nada, zilch, none, zero, I had no orgasm."

"I’m sorry, Ralph. That is the truth," she directed at Ralph who was staring at her in utter disbelief. "If you disbelieve me, we can watch the rest of that God Damned Tape! And before we go to bed tonight, Gary, I want that tape burned. Do you understand me? I have never felt worse or been so humiliated in my life. And the only one I can blame is," here she paused while looking me right in the eye, "myself," she finished in a whisper.

I stood up and held one arm out to May and she almost leaped across the floor to plaster herself against me.

"Well, folks. I guess that pretty much does it. A couple of last thoughts. No Crystal. I am not interested in joining your club. My wife and I are intelligent, well-read and imaginative people. We do not need to dip wicks, and pull trains to improve our sex life. I think we will enjoy that life together for many more years, God be willing."

"The last thing I feel I have to say bothers me a lot because it sounds like I am punishing May. That’s not it at all. But May, as you have said several times today, Ralph doesn’t participate in safe sex. I have no idea the medical condition of all of his many sex partners, nor does he really. What I do know is you are now carrying our child. You are going to have to visit your doctor and give him some kind of story to cover why you feel you need to be checked for STD’s. And this is going to hurt both of us, we can’t have sex together until we have you checked and prove negative. We can’t pass something back and forth between us. Do you understand, honey?"

Looking over at our erstwhile best friends, I continued, "I feel betrayed by both of you. I am not sure which of you I feel more angry toward. In any case we will have to put a kibosh on getting together for the foreseeable future. Maybe some time later we can be friends again, but I certainly can’t forgive you for what was done. Now it’s getting late, and we all have to get up in the morning. I’m sorry for this night, more than you may realize, but good night."

I turned the TV off, and popping the tape from the VCR I gave it to May. She grabbed today’s newspaper sitting unopened on an end table, wadded up a number of sheets, placed them in the fireplace and lit a match to them after adding the tape to the pile. She and I stood and watched the fire melt and then burn that thing, with May feeding more paper to the fire until only burned black ash remained where the video tape had been. I promised myself I would do the same to the two remaining tapes I had made today. But it would be tomorrow, after May had gone to work. She need not know about the copies.

When we turned around, we found ourselves alone. Our former friends had left while we performed our ceremonial burn. May stood in the living room while I locked up and turned out the lights. As I walked back through the living room she took my hand and followed me down the hall. Once in our room we stripped down to go to bed, and May made no attempt to hide her body from me.

She had huge purple marks all over her breasts and a small but nasty cut on the bottom of her breast as she had told us. I had expected those, but not the other bruises coming out on her body. Her inner legs where they met at her sex seemed to be a mass of bruises where Ralph had pounded into her. It must have hurt like hell, and it was no wonder she kept giving the little screams, which I at first mistook for pleasure.

I was very glad I had not seen them while Ralph was around, or he would not have walked back out to his car. Where before I was despairing, I now felt hope again. But with the bruises I felt hatred. It would be quite some time before I could trust myself to be near Ralph.

Taking a deep breath, May began talking. "A couple things you need to know Gary. You’re right, I did some things for Ralph that I’ve been reluctant to do for you, and some I have never done for anyone before. Some as you saw he forced on me.”

“As of this moment, I will do anything you ask of me. Anything. I am trusting you to be fair and gentle with me, not to hurt me. But you always have, and I believe you always will."

She took a deep breath, "About the anal sex, Gary. That was straight rape! I had already refused him more sex. I wish I had waited a little longer to wake him up, maybe if it had been 10:30 he wouldn’t have felt he had time to do me again. After he began raping my ass, the only thing I could think of was to get it over. It hurt so much! I did everything in my power to get him to finish.”

“If you want anal sex, it is your right, but please be gentle. I am so sore today, and I have been careful every time I’m in the bathroom to see if I had rectal bleeding. I think and hope I’m OK, but I’ll have to have Dr. O’Lansky check that, too."

“May,” I began tentatively, “I’ve got to say one more thing, and I feel kind of funny doing it.”

“What is that, Gary. It sounds to me like we may have found a good thing out of the mess I’ve made of myself this week.”

“Honey, I… well I guess we’ve kind of come down hard on Ralph. Not that he doesn’t deserve it. And pretty much tossed out their ridiculous key club, but there is another aspect here that I hate to mention. But think I have to. I love you too much to leave anything to chance.”

I kind of stumbled and fumbled for a minute. “You know I made it sound like I’m the greatest lover in the world, and I’m not. I think I am for you, but you are the only one to judge that.”

“May, Ralph was and is a very selfish, rough lover. Not all men doing the things he does are like that. I love you and want to…”

My wife interrupted me here, “Stop right there, buster! I am aware there are others out there who are patient and tender and care for their partners. But there is only one you. I am not looking for someone better. For me, I don’t think there can be any one better. Gary, I love you, and I know that love and the caring for one another is probably half of the joy I get out of our sex. You won’t lose me looking for the greatest orgasm possible. Counting all we’ve had, and the other things we have I already have the greatest orgasm possible, for me. Let’s leave it there, and get on with our life together, OK?”

And we did.

Several unexpected things occurred over the rest of that week. Number one, both May and I took the rest of the week off. We were both so emotionally burned we didn’t think we could face the rest of the world so we didn’t. I didn’t get to burn the remaining tapes until the next Monday.

May had herself tested the next day, and she was fine, but we didn’t get the report back until the following Wednesday.

Which turned out pretty good too, actually.

The next day we spent talking, and getting to know the people we had become since our marriage. We had both grown over the past few years, and each in some ways differently than the other had understood until our long discussions. I had loved her before, and now I adored her.

The next evening, Thursday, I sat down and wrote a little joke contract from me to her. I contracted to give her a minimum of 3 orgasms for each orgasm she gave me. Giggling, we both signed it.

Friday, just after lunch I was lounging in the living room in my good recliner, as opposed to the one in the garage, and wearing just a set of warm ups. I was grousing about how long it was going to take to get May’s STD test results back, when the lady in question put down her magazine, stood up and slunk across the living room at me.

Man was she sexy. And I was so damned hungry for her, now that we had worked everything out. When she got in front of me, she dropped to her knees pushed my knees apart and knee walked between them. My wife reached up and grabbed the waistband of my warm up pants and with one mighty yank pulled them down below my crotch. I don’t know how they came out from under my butt, I just know where they ended.

I was wearing jockey shorts, and she did the damndest thing there, too. She reached in the cock flap with both hands, and took hold of each side of the opening in the jockeys with her hands. As I watched open mouthed, she took a deep breath, tensed for a moment and then yanked apart my jockey shorts. They ended in two pieces, and the elastic waistband, which was still around my waist.

May gave me the most triumphant smile before pulling my cock up and swallowing it into her mouth, while she kept her eyes locked on mine. For some reason that is one of the most erotic sights, to have a woman suck you while looking up adoringly into your eyes.

I soon realized I had never before known what a real blowjob was. It seemed I went from just relaxed to swollen and diamond rock hard in an instant. And then she went to work. Sucking, licking, teasing me, she even gently sucked both my balls into her mouth. She kept bringing me close to the point of ejaculation, and then easing off enough that I would fade just a bit from the peak. Then she would do it all over again. I have no idea how long she pleasured me, for she wouldn’t allow me to even fondle her breasts. But I do know when I blasted off into her mouth she couldn’t swallow fast enough.

When I had finished and tried to stand to clean the mess that still remained she pushed me back onto the chair. She then proceeded to lick and suck every drop of sperm from my body. The woman who didn’t want to give me oral sex, took such pleasure in pleasing me I swear she orgasmed herself. When I was clean of all but her saliva she pushed the chair back and climbed up into it with me.

Open mouthed, gasping and post-orgasmic, I asked her where she had learned to do that. She pointed to the magazine she had been reading. One of the women’s magazines, I can’t remember which, but I pulled out a subscription card that afternoon and sent it off with her name on it the next day.

We both napped there until after 4:30 and I have no idea how long it was that we slept. Later I realized her oral sex wasn’t really safe sex, but at that point who cared. And by mutual consent, we ignored the proscription against May giving me oral sex from then on. I guess I could never pout to myself that she never initiated a blowjob with me again.

That evening May had me sign an IOU, admitting to owing her 3 free orgasms, because of the blowjob she had given me and as I had contracted earlier in the week.

Over the next several days we learned how to pleasure one another without swapping bodily fluids. And I kept falling behind in my orgasm indebtedness. I’m not sure those weren’t the sexiest, most sensuous few days in my entire life. I was looking forward to paying my orgasmic debt off in the near future.

So the outcome of Crystal and Ralph’s planned seduction of May ended far differently than they had planned. It did not lead to my seduction and our joining their deluded little swap group. Instead we learned how deep our love really went. We learned how to physically love one another without use of the traditional means, and most importantly we both had drilled into us how to expand our intimate life.

In many ways I feel sorry for others, like the swap group, who haven’t really learned the greatest and most pleasurable sex organ is the human mind. And who never learned the true worth and glory of having one true friend to share it with.

Incidentally, I have gifted May several lingerie sets since then. I am glad to say they have all been worn to a frazzle, and I was there to make it happen.

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AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Pure crap. Don't waste your time reading it.

chasbo38chasbo3825 days ago

Gary is unbelievable.

His wife is a cheat.

Maybe they deserve each other.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Near the top of any worst of all time story discussions. I can be tough on writing that has zero plausibility. Where characters say and do things that just make no sense. It makes me wonder how many people sit down and write something like this particular piece of trash and say, well I’m going to do the opposite of everything that seems logical because it will be unconventional and more interesting which does not work that way. The other possibility is that some of the writers really don’t have a clue or common sense. Not a drop. That’s the scary possible explanation. Apparently this writer thinks a monster who rapes is very sexy! Yeah, no.its just fucked up like I’m guessing many of your ideas are. It’s kind of difficult to disgust me when reading stories here. A story can be bad or the writer inept but there aren’t too many that check off every single box for terrible beyond words. I showed the story to my husband and he said is this a joke or did this writer just purposely put every bad idea you could think of in one sad little attempt to write a story? If this is an example of a puss oozing abscess kind of a story you plan on writing I’d brace yourself for some real honest to God vitriol. What I just said will be one of the nicer comments.

mdadaminmdadamin27 days ago

the story started well but turned to shit from the middle till the end

the husband is a wimp, he watched his wife being fucked and raped and did not do anything at all

any ma should immediately put a stop to all of this and kick her lover and her out immediately

the wife is a lier and cheater, she keeps telling her husband that her night of sex with her lover was not important and she did it only to honor her promise, so what about her vows when she got married, why she did not honor them,

she dressed for her lover

she seduced her lover with her sexy voice (come fuck me voice)

he deep throat her lover, swallows, and shows that she loves every drop

she allowed him to rape her ass ( she could push him away if she wanted that )

and for the husband

any real man should beat the lover and kick him out of the house

he was very gentle with them and even after they left he told his wife that he felt sad because he was hard on the lover??? what kind of wimp this man is

he did not kick his wife out

he did not do a DNA test to be sure that he is the father (her words mean nothing, she is a lier and a cheater and can not be treated)

the story is illogic

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Very disappointing from an author I previously enjoyed.

The rape was too much. To make it worse, with video evidence, it was was not reported to the police.

Essentially they were turning a raping monster loose to severely damage other women.

The author should remove this disgusting story from the internet.

Not a Member For A Reason !

This story is a prime exhibit!

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