Wife Wants to Swap

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Special thanks to my Sweet Inspiration, blackrandl1958, for her guidance, advice, and of course her editing.

I was bored. I had just had sex with my husband Bob, and he was snoring away contentedly, but I was still awake, frustrated.

Oh, Bob had gotten me off; he always did, just like the other three or four times a week we did it. Maybe that was part of my problem: doing it so often with so little variety.

We did try different positions, missionary, doggy, cowgirl, but it was essentially the same. We'd get undressed, climb into bed and kiss. Bob would fondle my breasts, somehow managing to stop just as I was getting into it, then move down my body.

His mouth would latch onto a nipple while his hand fingered my pussy, the two sensations somehow canceling each other out more often than not.

Like clockwork, he'd move to eating me out. He did have some skills there, and I would soon be thrashing in my orgasm, and before I had completely come down, Bob would be kneeling between my legs with his rampant cock at my entrance.

I would be so moist that he entered me in one stroke, and would soon be pumping away. He would usually last long enough for me to come again before he did. The rare times that I didn't, he would be diligent in using his fingers or mouth to get me off.

Most of our friends would probably kill for our sex life, but I was bored and didn't know what to do about it.

"You're awfully quiet this morning," Bob said over breakfast.

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Our sex life is boring."

Bob was dumbfounded.

"Boring? You sure didn't sound bored last night."

"Don't get me wrong, you're a great lover, and you get me off every time, but it's still the 'same old, same old.' I think we need to spice things up."

"Just how do you expect us to do that?"

"I don't know. I hadn't thought that far yet."

"Well, why don't you give it some 'thought,'" he said as he stood up and dumped the rest of his breakfast in the garbage. He grabbed his jacket and headed out to his car, not even stopping to fill his travel mug with coffee.

I just sat there shell-shocked, wondering what kind of a can of worms I had just opened. I decided that my first order of business was to smooth things over. I wasn't sure if I was going to continue my efforts to spice things up, but I certainly had to protect what I had.

I decided to make one of his favorite meals. I just hoped that he would be home to enjoy it.

Thankfully, he was right on time, and I saw him perk up when he got the delicious aroma of the broiled lamb chops. I was wearing one of his favorite non-going out outfits, a scoop-neck blouse with no bra, my nipples showing prominently through the thin material. I had on my tightest jeans, and though it wasn't obvious, I wasn't wearing any panties.

I got a frosted mug out of the freezer and poured him a glass of his favorite beer.

"Wow, what have I done to deserve this?" he said.

"Do I have to have a reason to give my husband a special treat?" I said as I bent over to dish some vegetables onto his plate, giving him a clear view down my top. Now, as my husband, him seeing my tits wasn't exactly a rare treat, but for some reason, a "sneak peek" always feels a little naughty.

Bob politely declined seconds, and insisted on helping clear the table over my objections.

"Why don't you get comfortable in the family room while I put away the left-overs, and I'll bring you dessert."

"I don't think I can eat even one more bite," he said, rubbing his belly.

"Don't worry," I said with a wink, "I think you'll find room."

He looked puzzled, but shrugged his shoulders and left the room.

I quickly finished my chores and dashed to the bedroom. I stripped out of my clothes, put on my skimpiest, laciest thong, my highest heels and a spritz of his favorite cologne.

Bob's eyes bugged out as I walked into the family room with my best model strut, then pushed his knees apart and knelt down between his legs.

"What... what's going on?" he said.

"Surely you can figure that out," I said with a grin, as I started to unbuckle his belt.

Unbelievably, he opened his mouth as if to object or something, then obviously thought better of it and leaned back in his chair.

I proceeded to unfasten his pants and pull them down, along with his underwear, and was almost smacked in the face by his erect cock.

He was obviously raring to go, but I decided to tease him anyway. I lifted his cock and gave it a very slow, very gentle lick up the underside before using a little more force as I licked around the head. I felt it quiver, and decided to take some mercy on him by taking the head into my mouth while continuing to lick it.

I slowly took more and more of his cock into my mouth, alternating with pulling back, always keeping the head in my mouth.

He was straining to maintain control as I took more in until my nose was buried in his pubes. His cock was just entering my throat, not quite triggering my gag reflex, when I pulled about halfway off, then plunged back down.

I picked up my pace, then began massaging his balls, and he released a strong stream of cum into my mouth. I kept milking his cock until I felt it deflate. I pulled off of his cock and opened my mouth to show him his cum on my tongue, then made a show of swallowing.

That was something I almost never did, and he raised his eyebrows. I just smiled, stood up and sat on his lap. I threw my arms around his neck and laid a passionate kiss on him.

That was one of the things that did excite me about Bob; not only did he not mind kissing me after coming in my mouth, he actually seemed to enjoy it, the same with eating me out after he came in my pussy. I once thought that he might enjoy my bringing home a cream pie for him, but the one time I even hinted at it he went limp as a noodle and we didn't have sex for a week.

Bob finished kicking off his pants and underwear, then stood up, taking me with him. He carried me into the bedroom and tossed me onto the bed, ripping off my thong while I was in mid-air.

"You're going to pay for that!" I said laughing.

"I'll buy you two," he said as he dove into my pussy.

He brought me to three orgasms with his mouth before penetrating me with his hard cock. I came two more times before he filled me with his cum.

I was too sore for more, but I wanted to reward Bob for his efforts, so I took his soft cock in my mouth, sucking it back to hardness. I fucked my mouth with his cock until he came with a roar, and I knew that he was done for the night.

We were both too tired to give a shit about the wet spots, and I spooned into his arms as he idly toyed with my nipple. As I dropped off into a blissful sleep, I asked myself again why I thought our sex life needed spicing up.

For a few days, all thoughts of spicing up our marriage were gone, but soon we fell back into our routines.

I still don't know why I didn't try for a repeat of that night. Maybe I thought that it was his turn?

One night, as we were trying to decide what to binge on Netflix, I decided to try again.

"Bob, I've been thinking..."

"Uh-oh," he said.

"Don't be a wise ass," I said, slapping the back of his head. "What do you think about swapping?"

"You mean like I'd swap you for a Corvette? It'd probably be lower maintenance!"

He just barely avoided the pillow I threw at him.

"Asshole, you know what I mean. We'd hook up with another couple, and... you know..."

"You mean that I'd fuck the wife and you'd fuck the husband."

"I don't know if I'd put it quite like that..."

"Well, I'm certainly not going to fuck the husband!"

"You... you, you're hopeless!" I screamed as I left the room while he broke out in laughter.

This went on for a few months. Sometimes we would argue, even fight, sometimes he'd toy with me until I'd get frustrated and storm off.

One day, I don't know what happened, maybe he saw some porn, maybe I had just finally worn him down, but he said, "Yes."

"What? What did you say?"

"I said, yes, I'll try it, but you'll have to find the other couple."

I threw myself at him, wrapping him in a big hug, kissing him all over his face.

"Thank you, Honey, thank you! You'll see, it'll be so much fun. You'll probably want to do it so much that I'll get tired of it."

"We'll see about that," he said. "Let's see how the first time goes."

I was so excited that I didn't want to think about any problems. I just dragged him off to bed and thanked him with the best blow job of my life.

After he came in my mouth, I didn't give him a break. I sucked him back to hardness and mounted him. I was dripping so much that he just slid all the way into my pussy with no problem.

I rode him like a rented mule until he shot his cum into me and passed out, but with a big smile on his face.

I had mixed emotions. On one hand, I had gotten him to agree to a swap; on the other hand, I now had to find a way to make it happen. It's not like I could go on Google and search for "Couples looking to swap."

My first opportunity came about quite by accident. I was on a Girls Night Out. No, not one of those "looking to get laid" nights, just dinner, gossip and drinks. Maybe some dancing, but nothing that wouldn't pass the "husband test," when I saw them come in.

They were an attractive couple, but beyond ensuring that he wasn't a dog, I didn't pay much attention to the man, but to his partner. I wanted to make sure that she would pique Bob's interest, and she sure seemed to fit the bill.

She was a little taller than average, maybe 5'9"-5'10" in her modest heels, with a mass of curly black hair reaching just below her shoulders. Her skin was very light, almost translucent, which set off her bright red lipstick nicely.

She was wearing a relatively modest LBD, but not so modest as to hide her shapely legs.

I was startled out of my examination of her attributes by my friend Jane shaking my shoulder.

"Abby, we're leaving, are you coming?"

I held up my half-finished glass of wine, and said, "I'll be heading out shortly, I just want to finish my wine."

"Do you want me to wait?"

"No, it's fine, you go along, I'm sure Paul is anxiously waiting for you," I said with a wink.

She just laughed. "Knowing Paul, I'll probably have to wake him up to come to bed."

"I don't think you'll have any problems there," I said, as she went off laughing.

I looked at the couple and had a germ of an idea. I chugged the last of my drink for some Dutch Courage and headed to their table before I lost my nerve.

They were eyeing me warily, and I decided that I'd better speak up before she clawed my eyes out.

I looked into his eyes and said, "Excuse me, but would you mind if I asked your lovely companion to dance?"

They obviously weren't expecting that, and looked back-and-forth at each other. He finally said, "What the Hell, take your best shot."

I held out my hand, and to my pleasant surprise, and I think to his shock, she took my hand and stood up. I led her to the dance floor and we began to dance.

It was a fast number which didn't lend itself to conversation, but we exchanged nervous glances.

She was every bit as pretty as she had appeared from a distance. She was a very good dancer, just a little shorter than me with a very nice figure, not overly endowed, but everything worked together very nicely.

The fast dance ended, and as a slow dance started, she turned to leave, but I pulled her back into my arms.

We didn't dance overly close, but we were close enough that I could tell that her breasts were firm, and I felt my nipples hardening.

She said something, but my mind had wandered.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I said, 'What is your game here?' You should know that I don't swing that way."

"Neither do I," I said with a laugh.

She stopped dancing and pushed me away.

"I don't appreciate being toyed with!" she said angrily.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention. Why don't we go back to your table, and I'll try to explain."

She looked dubious, but nodded her okay, then turned and strode away from me. Things didn't look promising, but in for a penny, in for a pound, and I hurried to catch up with her.

She was already sitting up close to her husband, glaring at me, while he simply looked bemused.

"May I sit?" I asked.

She just shrugged her shoulders, and I sat on the edge of my seat.

"This is going to sound a little strange," I began.

"You have a keen sense of the obvious," she said with more than just a hint of snark.

I gave serious thought to just getting up and leaving, but I had gone that far, I decided to see things through to their conclusion.

"My husband and I..." I saw her eyebrows go up, I guess she didn't notice my rings. "My husband and I, I guess more me than him, have been talking about, well, spicing up our marriage."

My "fight or flight" instinct was kicking in at the look on her face.

"So, we, I, thought that we might want to try swapping..."

"I think you should leave now," she said with ice in her voice.

"Don't you think we should hear her out, Honey?" he said before she shut him down with a look.

I looked back and forth between them, he just looked scared shitless, while she had a predatory look; I think she was hoping I wouldn't give up.

Discretion being the better part of valor, I stood up.

"I'm sorry if I upset you, I meant no offense," I said as I beat a hasty retreat. I had a feeling that hubby wasn't going to be getting lucky tonight, unless you define lucky as not getting your ass kicked.

Bob was still up when I got home.

"How did it go, Honey, did you have a good time?"

"Yes and no."

He just raised an eyebrow.

"The first part was fun, just the usual, a few drinks, some dancing..."

"I assume that was the good part?"

I nodded.

"So what happened that wasn't so good?"

"Well, I hung around for a bit after the other girls left, and saw a couple that I thought we might be able to try a swap with."

"I take it that things didn't work out so well?"

"That's putting it mildly. I approached the wife first, I think she thought at first that I might be a lesbian. When she found out what I was looking for, I was afraid she might want to do me harm. I think her husband might have had some interest, but she shut him down pretty quickly."

"Maybe that's a sign that we shouldn't be doing this."

"Come on, that was just my first try, you have to give me a little more time."

"Sure thing, Honey, but right now it's time for bed,"

He stood up, took my hand and led me to the bedroom where he made me forget all about swapping, at least for that night.

I probably should have just left well enough alone, but I was on a mission.

Sally Rogers was one of the younger girls at work; she would often regale us with tales of her wild nightlife with her girlfriends. Despite this, she seemed reasonably discreet, so I took her out to lunch and told her my problem.

"Okay, Abby, what's so special and secret that it's worth treating me to lunch?"

I was tongue-tied, but it was time to fish or cut bait.

"Well, I, I mean Bob and I, mostly me, I guess, want to spice up our marriage and want to try swapping, but I can't seem to find other couples to do it with."

"And you thought of me? Why?"

"I know you're single, you always seem to have a racy story to tell, I thought that you might know somebody."

She was silent for a minute, seeming lost in thought.

"Let me get back to you. I think I may know somebody, but let me check it out. I'll let you know soon."

"Thank you," I said, "I really appreciate it," and I ordered another round of drinks.

The next Monday she called and asked me to meet her in the break room. She was sitting in a corner far away from anybody who might overhear.

I was bouncing on my seat as I sat down, and she had to wait until I calmed down.

"I know a couple who might be interested, but they're a bit embarrassed, so they want to meet via Zoom first. This is their email address, send them an invite between seven and seven-thirty, they'll be expecting your call."

"Thank you, Sally, I don't know how to thank you."

"Just give me all the gory details afterwards if you pull it off."

I blushed. "I'm not sure if I'll be comfortable sharing all the gory details, but I'll share what I can."

"Fair enough," she said, and we headed back to work.

Bob and I had a light dinner; we were both too nervous to eat, especially me.

Right at seven I sent the invitation and there they were. Neither of them were knockouts, but they were reasonably attractive.

Nothing was said of great importance other than agreeing that they would join us after dinner that Saturday night.

Saturday night came, and I was so excited! We were going to have our first swap! Nick and Nora Roberts were coming over after dinner to get acquainted, and if all went well, we'd be swapping partners for sex.

We obviously hadn't met in person before, just spoke on the Zoom call, but I wasn't expecting any major surprises.

There was a knock on the door: Show time! I pulled myself together and went to let them in.

I hope I hid my disappointment; they weren't nearly as attractive in person as they were on the Zoom call. They were both shorter than I expected, Nick had a bit of a paunch and Nora had gone a little too heavy on the make-up.

The men shook hands and Nora and I exchanged cheek kisses.

"Can I get anybody a drink?" Bob asked.

Nora and I asked for white wine, and Nick asked for a Bud Light.

"I'm afraid I don't have any Budweiser," Bob said with what I hoped was well-disguised disgust, "Would you like a Miller Lite?"

"Sure thing, beer's beer, right?"

Things weren't starting out well, Bob's a bit, maybe more than a bit, of a beer snob. Well, if things went as planned, they wouldn't be spending much time together.

After a couple of rounds of drinks and a few munchies. I decided to get things moving.

"Well, if everybody's ready, why don't we get things going. Bob and I want to keep the master for ourselves, so, Nora, why don't you and Bob take the first guest room and Nick and I will take the other."

Steve took Nora by the hand and headed down the hall, and Nick put his arm around my waist and we went to our room.

As soon as the door closed, he put his arms around me and laid a big kiss on me. I won't say that he was a bad kisser, but I've certainly had better.

As he thrust his tongue nearly down my throat, he grabbed my boob, a little rougher than I usually prefer. Not wanting to blow up the whole game, I gently pushed him away.

"Easy there, Cowboy, we have plenty of time. Why don't you sit there on the bed and let me put on a show for you?"

He sat on the edge of the bed with a big grin as I started swaying seductively, slowly removing my blouse and skirt. When I got down to my bra and panties, the tent in his pants told me that he was approaching critical mass.

I approached the bed, got down on my knees and started unbuckling his belt.

"I'd better take care of this bad boy before he makes a mess," I said grinning. I was going to say "little monster," but guys don't like to hear the word "little" used when referring to their cocks, regardless of the usage.

When I got his pants undone and pulled them down to his ankles, I was disappointed; not by its size, which was respectable, but because he shaved. I know some women like it because they don't like getting hair in their teeth, and some men think it makes them look bigger, but I think it looks silly.

At least he was clean, and the way it was throbbing I knew he wouldn't last long, so I skipped my preliminaries, took the head in my mouth and started sucking. I hadn't taken more than two inches in, and was on my upstroke when he blew. There was nothing remarkable about the taste, and he wore a big grin when he saw me swallow.