Will You Love Me 'Til I Die? Ch. 10


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Lying between them in bed felt so natural to me now that I almost didn't think of them as two different people. "Suvarna, does Mitra being here with us make you uncomfortable in any way?"

"Absolutely not. She enhances the love you've shown me and makes me more receptive to it. I think she also enhances your ability to love me and makes us stronger. She does this by loving us both and caring about us equally. I don't feel threatened by her being with you and I don't feel like she wants to come between us in any way. I know you love her. And I know you love her as much as you love me and that makes me feel closer to both of you because it helps me to see just how powerful love is. Why are you asking me this?"

"Because you asked me to come and be with you and show you how to love. And that's what I've done. You were happy when it was just us but now there are six people here and I don't want you to feel like this situation is out of control and that you may have lost what we had when it was just us. I want you to be happy more than anything else because we have so little time and if you feel like having more people around us is interfering with your happiness then we can go back to the way we were."

"Oh Prem no my darling. I asked you to show me what love is and everything that has happened since you came to me has been wonderful. I see clearly that neither of us knew what love was capable of doing to us and I refuse to place restrictions on it. These people wouldn't be with us if love didn't want them here. We didn't go out looking for them; love sent them to us. In Vitesha's case she was already with us but we were keeping her at a distance and not letting her be what she wanted to be. We both knew as soon as we met Mitra that she could open us up to new dimensions of love that both of us wanted and needed to experience.

Nothing that has happened has diminished my love for you in the least. Everything has expanded that love. When I knelt beside you in the bed this morning I was saying a prayer of thanks for having you in my life because I love you more with every breath I take. When I told death that I wanted to be with you for as long as I could it allowed me to stay here with you. All of these other people know how we feel about each other and it makes them happy. Our willingness to share it with them is the reason they're so attracted to being with us. Mitra most of all."

Her answer to my question was so beautifully eloquent that I couldn't even think about anything sexual. I could only lie there as tears flowed from my eyes. They both turned toward me and put their arm over me while all of us cried ourselves to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning with both of them still snuggled next to me I felt completely different. Usually when I woke up I immediately started thinking of all the things I had to do. It was a daunting experience made more so on certain mornings by a particularly unpleasant task that had to be faced. But not this morning. This morning I was filled with gratitude for having one more day to share with my lovers. I was brimming with happy energy just being there with them. The only task I had before me now was deciding which one to take into my arms and kiss awake.

That decision was made for me when Mitra opened her eyes and immediately smiled at me. I rolled into her and wrapped my arms around her then kissed her passionately. My cock began to stiffen and she raised her leg to allow my shaft to rest next to her pussy where it quickly came to full erection. Her hand reached down and caressed my balls. I felt her nipples swell against my chest. She moved her hand to encircle my shaft and rubbed the head along her moistening slit. She rubbed the tip on her clitoris and I felt my precum begin to leak onto her.

Her hand then guided my cock to her opening and I pushed toward her to enter her. Slowly I inched into her hot vagina until I was fully ensconced in her pink fleshy cocoon. She lowered her leg as if to entrap my raging erection within her and opened her eyes. "Look into my eyes Prem and let me do the rest."

I felt her hips move slightly back and forth just enough to feel her pussy sliding on my cock. I didn't feel much after that because I soon began to fall into her and all I experienced was the unfathomable depths of love in her eyes. What a way to start the day. On at least two occasions she broke eye contact with me and did something with the muscles around her vagina that engendered an orgasm in both of us. They were deeply felt but not physically intense. I barely felt the cum flowing through my shaft and erupting into her.

As soon as she stopped kissing me and locked her gaze on mine I plummeted back into her. Doing this with her was my favorite meditation. More than any other it allowed my mind to be still, to be aware that I was not my body even though it was engaged with another in a deeply intimate way. It's very difficult to describe because the whole point is to experience it without words.

Most people don't even realize how much energy is put into looking at things. Doing this meditation allows you to perceive that energy and understand that it flows out of you toward what you're looking at. Mitra has reached a level of consciousness where she can reflect the visual energy back to you without absorbing it and suddenly the energy changes directions. It's no longer being reflected back to you because it's not flowing out of you; it actually begins to flow backward into you.

When visual energy flows backward there is only one place it can go. You feel this as a falling sensation because that's what you're doing. You are falling to your center. The more you do it and the longer you can remain at your center the more you begin to realize who you really are. Eventually you have the most powerful sensation of all, that of being in the world and knowing you are no longer of the world.

Re-read the last sentence in the previous paragraph. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Ninety-nine percent will not understand it even if they think they do. In fact thinking you understand it is what keeps you from understanding it. This is the ultimate consequence of meditation and note that I say consequence and not goal. Meditation has no goal. That's how to tell if what you are doing is meditation. If it has a goal it is not meditation. But it does have consequences and the most important is the profound realization of that last sentence.

Those who do not understand it will live in dreams, their lives will be full of strife and drama and anger and war and crime and disappointment and confusion and despair. They will spend their time in the useless accumulation of things to try and fill the black hole of desire that exists at the center of their undeveloped consciousness and fail miserably in the attempt. In short, they will waste their lives and never know themselves as spiritual beings. Death will terrify them because they never lived.

I wouldn't blame anybody for thinking that all of this is mystical mumbo jumbo and that these events and experiences don't really happen. Until it happens to you that is a very reasonable assumption. It's like trying to tell somebody who has never had an orgasm what one feels like. You can talk all you want but they will never know what you're talking about until they have one. Mitra says it's like trying to describe a color to someone who is blind. It's simply not a mental phenomenon. Help them to see and there will be no need for words. Mitra is an eye doctor in the sense of the Jackson Browne song 'Doctor, My Eyes'. She and others like her help you see in color.

She closed her eyes and once again I felt her soft sensual lips on mine and expected another orgasm to follow but what I got was Suvarna bouncing onto the bed.

"Hey you two, you've been doing this for an hour. I've been up, showered, dressed, had coffee and now it's time to start making plans for our guests this afternoon. Do you think you can drag yourselves out of this bed and join me?"

"Would you let us stay if we said no?"

"If you stay I'm going to join you and then we'll be here when Madeline arrives to help us make dinner for our guests. Do you think she'd like to see her children in bed with Vitesha doing things a mother usually doesn't want to think about her kids doing? Especially not with each other."

"Maybe we could convince her to join us."

"I've actually thought about that but I really don't see it happening today. Now come along and we can get back to this tonight."

Suvarna left to go rouse Vitesha and the twins. Mitra and I indulged in a little more kissing but finally managed to untangle ourselves and get up. We showered together but Mitra made me promise to not get the sex started again.

We all met in the kitchen for breakfast then set to work getting things ready for our dinner. The table in the kitchen was big enough for ten people but there would be more than that so we set the table in the formal dining room, which had twelve chairs. This would be sufficient for the adults and Mitra said she would be happy to eat with the children in the kitchen.

As we were finishing breakfast the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and a man introduced himself as someone Monsieur Leboux had contracted with to begin working on the landscaping. I could see he had a large truck and trailer as well as three additional people to help him. I told him to come in and wait in the foyer while I went to inform Suvarna of his arrival. She asked Jean to accompany us back to the foyer so we could discuss details of what she wanted him to start doing. She laid out a plan for him and he left to begin working.

Madeline arrived about eleven and brought the makings of a feast including an abundance of vegetables since she knew we were vegetarians. She brought chickens for the family and was overjoyed with all the ovens and gadgets in the big kitchen. Our guests were scheduled to arrive at three. Watching Madeline prepare this banquet was a real treat. It reminded me of the movie, 'Babette's Feast'.

She had all of us acting as her staff, which was an incredible experience. Sharing this time with her made me realize what a sexy, intelligent, loving person she was. She liked to touch people and when she did it reassured you and made you feel at ease. There were a lot of dishes and ingredients but the most important thing she put in her food was love. If you've ever helped your mom make cookies you'll get some idea of what it was like.

At three o'clock the Merciers arrived in two vehicles. Andre and one of his sons with his wife and two kids were in one and the other son and his wife and two kids were in the other car. They were all excited to meet us and at the prospect of actually living in such a magnificent home. Suvarna, Vitesha, Jean and I led the group on a tour of the house and grounds while the kids stayed in the kitchen where Janelle entertained them.

Andre asked a lot of questions as did his sons and they could hardly contain their excitement about being able to get the vineyards growing so they could make wine again. Andre wanted to know if there was a particular type of wine Suvarna wanted him to make. She told him that would be entirely up to him as she would not be around to taste it. He asked her what she meant and she told him about her condition. A tear rolled down his cheek and he told her how sorry he was to hear that. One of the sons' wives could speak English pretty well and told her later that the old man had not even cried at his own wife's funeral.

After about an hour of exploring the estate they arrived back at the house where the dinner was ready. While everyone was enjoying the fabulous food the arrangements for the family to occupy the house were discussed. They couldn't believe they were going to be able to live there rent free and devote their time to wine making and raising the children together.

Suvarna explained that the house would pass to me when she died and that she would leave it up to me to decide the long-term disposition of the estate. As far as she was concerned it could be signed over to them lock stock and barrel if they kept it looking like she thought it should and managed to get the winery operational within five to seven years. She emphasized that her one wish and only condition was that they live in this house as a family and be happy.

Andre told her she had made him the happiest and the saddest man in France. Happy because he would get to die doing what he always wanted to do, sad because such a wonderful young woman would die before him. Suvarna put her arms around him and told him that she would be watching him from heaven and would try to send him good weather for the grapes. He started crying again while he held her. All of us had tears in our eyes as we watched them. We made arrangements with them to meet us at the house in four days early in the morning as we were leaving so they could get the keys and ask any last questions they might have.

When they had gone we all pitched in to clean up and when that was done we went out on the terrace in the back of the house to watch the sunset. Madeline brought out a bottle of very nice Cognac and some small brandy snifters. She poured us all a glass and said we should toast to what had happened this day. She told us that she had known the Mercier family all her life and there was not a finer bunch of people in all France. Then she added that they would have to share that title with Suvarna as long as she was in the country.

She came over to Suvarna and put her arms around her. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you have done. I am so sorry we will not have time to become great friends because I already love you like one of my own children. There is something very special about all of you that I have never encountered before. I feel privileged to have met you. From this day I will pray for you every night before I go to bed and I will light candles for you on Sunday when I go to church."

She looked at Suvarna then leaned in and kissed her. Suvarna responded to the kiss with passion and when their lips parted Madeline seemed a little nonplused about what the passion in her kiss implied but then she smiled as the love in Suvarna's eyes both soothed her and intimated that she would be receptive to more passion. She actually blushed at the veiled invitation but appeared to be more intrigued than offended by it. I wondered what she would think if she knew how her daughter had responded to Suvarna's offer of intimacy.

We all went back in the house and helped Madeline gather up the things she had brought with her to help prepare the dinner and took them out to her car. She spoke to Jean and Janelle in French and they hugged her and said goodnight.

We went upstairs for the evening meditation and Suvarna's visualization then we divided up for bed. Tonight Janelle would sleep with Suvarna and me. Jean would get Mitra and Vitesha. Suvarna, Janelle and I headed for the bathroom to take a bath together but first Suvarna wanted Janelle to help her give me an enema. She said she had something special in mind for us when we got back to the bedroom. Suvarna made Janelle do the actual enema while she gave her directions. She said it excited her to do this to a man and while I was on my hands and knees to receive the warm water she caressed my balls as it flowed into me causing my cock to get almost painfully hard.

While I sat on the toilet Suvarna filled the tub with Epsom salts and bubble bath. They were already in it when I came over to join them. The tub was plenty big enough for two people but three made for a cozy fit. Janelle lay on top of Suvarna at one end and I lay back on the other end. This kept half of Janelle's body out of the water but put her pussy at exactly the right height for my hard cock to lie against it between her spread legs. She playfully stroked it and pressed it against her slit while Suvarna ladled handfuls of warm water over her tits and massaged them.

"Suvarna does the something special you have in mind for Prem involve his putting his hard cock inside my tight little pussy?"

"It most certainly does my precious young love."

"Oh good. I was hoping it did. My pussy wants a hard cock in it tonight."

"Prem do you think you would like to oblige Janelle and let her have your hard cock in her tight little teenage pussy?"

"It would be my pleasure to do that for her, as often as she wants."

"How would you like to have a hard cock inside you while your cock is inside Janelle?"

"I think I'd like that very much. Are you going to do that to me?"

"I sure am. You're going to get to fuck and be fucked at the same time."

I used my hand to slap Janelle's slit with my erection. She twitched each time it contacted her clit.

"Prem move back a little and hold your cock in your hand."

I did as she asked. Suvarna enclosed her tits in her hands and began to squeeze them.

"Oh Suvarna yes that feels wonderful. Pinch my nipples. Ooooh yessss. Prem, Would you like to watch me cum? Do you want to see me cum for you while you squeeze your cock and think about putting it inside me?"

"Ohhhh Yes Janelle. Show me how you cum. Open those pretty legs wide and let me see your pink pussy while you make it cum."

She moved her hand to her clit and started rubbing it. Her head lay back against Suvarna and she raised her legs to put her feet on each edge of the tub. Her hand continued to move as her fingers slid back and forth across her clit. Her eyes were closed so I told her to open them.

"Look at my cock while you pleasure yourself Janelle. Imagine what it will feel like when it's deep inside you. Think about what your vagin will do to it as it slides in and out of you." I pushed my cock forward and wiped the tip across her labia.

"Ooooooh, Ooooooh, Ooooooh, oui, I can feel it Prem. It's like your hard cock is pulsing inside me and my pussy is throbbing all around it. Ohhhh, oui, oui, je jouis, je jouis...I'm cumming Prem, I'm cumming for you."

Her hips rose up and I watched her labia vibrate as her orgasm caused her pussy to tremble. It was all I could do to keep from joining her but I wanted to wait until I was inside her to cum. We got out of the tub and quickly dried off then headed back to the bedroom. Suvarna got the strap on dildo out of her suitcase and began to put it on. She brought the bottle of lube with her to the bed. I told Janelle to lie on her back and spread her legs. I lay between them with my mouth inches away from her young twat. She had already begun to secrete her sweet juices and they coated my tongue when I took my first lick of her slit.

"Oh my God Janelle Mitra was right. You are as pink, sweet and juicy as a watermelon. I have completely forgotten how delicious teenage pussy is. I was in college the last time I had my mouth on one. I sure hope you're not in any hurry to get fucked because I want to lay here and eat you for a long time."

"Take as long as you want Prem. I love to have my pussy licked."

I ate her pussy like a condemned prisoner eating his last meal and sucked every drop of her scrumptious secretions into my hungry mouth. While I was doing this Suvarna was pouring lube on my ass and pushing it into my asshole with her finger. When she had done this a few times she added a second finger and began to saw them in and out of me. Her fingertips pressed against my prostate and elicited a moan from me, which she heard despite my mouth being glued to Janelle's vagina.

"Raise your hips up Prem."

I pushed my pelvis up and pulled my knees forward to raise my ass up. Then I felt the lubed fingers of her other hand encircle my scrotum and begin to fondle my balls while she continued to finger fuck my ass. After a few minutes of this she told me to spread my legs and she poured lube on the tip of the dildo before placing it against my anus.