Wonder Woman's Fantabulous Fuck

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The fantabulous submission of one Diana Prince.
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This story takes place within the DCU and contains the characters of Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) and Harley Quinn.


Strutting between her guards Harley Quinn beamed as she was led along a row of crowded cells. Turning down a familiar hallway the pale blonde couldn't resist wiggling her ass, enjoying the hoots and hollers of the other Belle Reve inmates as she sauntered by.

Captured hours earlier by Batman himself, Harley had not been forced to wear an orange jumpsuit: 'Daddy's Little Monster' still dressed in her figure hugging t-shirt and short shorts, the skimpy red and blue ensemble emphasising the best qualities of her pale body; this was one of the benefits of being one of the Director's favourites. Walking ahead of her Amanda Waller ignored the insane blonde's childish antics; the master manipulator had a greater game in mind.

Cuffs clinking as she walked Harley was delighted when she was led into the enhanced wing of the prison, surrounded by reinforced steel and electrified bars designed to stop even the infamous Killer Croc.Stopping beside a heavy steel door, Amanda finally turned to address the colourful blonde, eying her coldly:

"Now remember; I will be watching everything on a close-circuit camera. If you want to walk out of here you will do as we discussed; no more, no less."


Barely listening Harley blew a pink bubble between her lips, round blue eyes unfocused and far away. Reaching an impressive size, the sticky gum popped millimetres from the Director's weary face. Amanda sighed:

"Just show her your magic trick."

Grinning Harley winked back at the Warden:


Shoved unceremoniously into the interrogation room the heavy door slammed shut behind Harley. Expecting the good cop bad cop routine the blonde's smile grew even wider as she met Waller's guest of honour; coming face to face with the statuesque beauty known as Wonder Woman:

"You wanted me; so here I am."

Holding the blonde's signature baseball bat Diana Prince lit up the dark room. Resplendent in her own red and blue costume, the exquisite Amazonian eyed the inmate sceptically. Giggling Harley clapped her hands; unintimidated by the Superhero's presence, or even the golden lasso on the brunette's hip:

"You gonna slap me around sugar?"

Diana shook her head; even if this bimbo responded to the traditional methods of torture they were not the Amazonian way:

"No; You would enjoy it too much."

Dropping Harley's weapon onto the central table Diana rounded on the low-life criminal. Gripping her arm she twisted the blonde up against the wall, carrying out a thorough search as Harley giggled maniacally:

"Why so handsy Doll? You think I wanna escape or do ya enjoy the rough stuff??"

"This cell was built to hold Superman," Diana responded curtly, ignoring the blonde's assertion as she sliding her hands up and down the criminal's back and sides, the athletic beauty responding in her thick accent:

"I couldn't escape."

Enjoying the brunette's intimate contact Harley made sure to arch into Diana's touch as strong hands slipped around her front. Watching their strange embrace reflected in the room's long horizontal mirror, Harley ground playfully against the Themysciran:

"Nice and cosy..."

Diana checked every inch of the duplicitous blonde for a hidden weapon, though the blonde's outfit was so tight and revealing she was sure nothing was hidden... Fingers slipping over her studded belt, Diana had no qualms about grasping Harley's pert chest, squeezing rounded flesh through the torn white t-shirt as she searched. Running her eyes over the criminal's grungy tattoos the brunette sighed as Harley giggled; this woman was her literal opposite.

Dropping the blonde into a seat Diana gracefully took her place opposite. Glancing up Diana saw a security camera blink away, providing a live feed to an anonymous audience:

"Why summon me here?"

"Well I'm guessing' that was the Devil's doin'. But I've always wanted ta meet'cha!" Harley chirped back, blowing another pink bubble before chewing incessantly: "We're both super ladies after all. And we have so much in common!!"

Diana shook her head in disgust as she considered this new information:

"We are nothing alike Quinzel: I am a symbol for America, that of truth and justice-"

Harley rolled her eyes at the immortal woman's oblique condescension:

"-And I'm a symbol of America too! Except you know... all the crime and depravity! Same difference. We even dress similar."

Diana scowled:

"Don't be a child; you dress like a clown harlot, not a warrior!"

Harley snorted derisively; appraising the Themysciran's revealing feminine armour, the gaudy red and blue colouring matching her own slutty garb:

"Oh please Doll! That top is so low cut I'm surprised your boobs don't pop out! And If your skirt were hitched any higher I could see your breakfast!"

"We are not the same."

"Well sure there are differences; I use a bat, you use a whip. Kinky choice, by the way."

"The Lasso of Hestia?"

"Whatever you say Doll face."

Diana grimaced, caught off guard by the girl's unwanted comparison. Was this why Waller had put them together? To shame her?? Diana knew to be wary; Harley Quinzel was a former Psychologist who used her skills to worm into people's minds, to expose their vulnerability. Even an immortal being was not immune to her charms:

"Enough! What are you not telling me?"

The blonde smirked. Wriggling her eyebrows suggestively Harley flirted with the perfect creature, her adorable Brooklyn accent rising a full octave:

"You really wanna know??"

Diana nodded; this blonde was wrapped up in more criminality then the biggest mob bosses in Gotham; Harley's experiences meant she knew more of humankind's darkness than the brunette herself. If she could just get her to talk Diana could learn so much.

Raising her hands Harley's cuffs clinked as she beckoned for the Goddess to lean forward, motioning with a single finger as she teased the Warrior Princess. Leaning over the metal table Diana expected Harley to whisper in her ear; Instead the blonde licked her cheek.

Taken by surprise Diana shuddered as Harley tasted her face, pink tongue gliding over the brunette's perfect olive skin. Having easily slipped free from her cuffs, Harley grabbed and held onto the brunette for several long seconds. Pushing her away the psychotic criminal giggled manically; red lipstick smeared on Diana's face:


Cackling the blonde sat back in her cheap plastic seat, resting her heeled boots casually on the metal table between them.

"Just playin' Princess! I thought you gals from Lesbos were into that sort of thing?"

Wiping her cheek Diana shook her head, annoyed by her opponent's child-ish antics:

"Nice Magic Trick."

Spinning the open cuffs around her finger, Harley blew another large pink bubble. Unimpressed, Diana shook her head:

"I am from the Isle of Themyscira not Lesbos. And you are not my type."

"Cos I'm a Gal?"

"No; Because you are a clinically insane whore."


Harley pouted dramatically as Diana stood; clearly this interrogation was going nowhere. Whatever Amanda Waller had intended to achieve by bringing them together the experiment had failed. Striding toward the door however Diana paused when the criminal spoke up:

"So you think being a real 'classy' broad makes you better than me? You're the Good Guy and I'm the Bad guy right? What'cha willing to do to save lives??"

Diana grimaced, considering the question reluctantly before taking her seat once more:



Determined to test this statement, beneath the table Harley slipped her foot free of her boot before creeping up the inside of the Superhero's leg:

Feeling the blonde's encroaching presence Diana balked:

"What are you doing??"

Passing her bare knee Harley's foot disappeared under the hem of the Amazonian's pleated blue skirt, toes gliding gently along the brunette's inner thigh:

"Just seeing how good you really are..."

Harley bit her lip, smiling naughtily through her exaggerated make-up:

"I bet lil' Miss Virtuous' never been to the wild side huh? Evah tried anything dirty??

Diana shook her head dismissively:

"I know about the pleasures of the flesh."

"Really? Even the naughty stuff??"

Toes gliding into Diana's apex, the brunette held firm as Harley pressed her foot against her core, the blonde brushing deliberately against her. Diana growled but did not pull away; this was obviously a test of resolve designed by a horny criminal. But if she could overcome these shallow advances perhaps she could learn the truth. Biting her tongue Diana's eyes shimmered as the blonde squeezed her clit between surprisingly agile toes:

"I will not debase myself for your amusement Quinn; I am a Goddess, I have experienced things you would not believe! All the right forms of bodily pleasure documented in the 12 volumes of- Ugh!"

Hooking her toes into the folds of Diana's undergarments Harley dragged the blue leather down, brushing against downy hairs as she roughly descended. Feeling the heat throbbing where their flesh met Diana swallowed, a hint of arousal blushing her olive cheeks.

"Now whose bein' childish..."

Not responding as Harley teased her Diana shuddered as the blonde released her clit only to press her heel between the warrior and the seat, wedging her foot into the brunette's slit. Facing off across the table the hero and villain locked into a battle of wills; the blonde using her sexuality to bring the Goddess to heel. Harley's fishnet stockings stretching beneath her blue and red armour, Diana gasped; it seemed this girl did indeed know a few things.

Tipping her ankle Harley pressed the ball of her foot against the brunette's lips, Diana feeling the intense heat radiate off of the perpetually aroused criminal as she cruelly stimulated her nethers.

"See you only tried out the light..." Harley smiled smugly as her big toe to press down on the Amazonian's clit, Diana twitching under the insistent pressure:

"-But me? I'm all about the dark..."

Masturbating the literal Goddess beneath the table, Harley giggled wickedly.

Struggling to remember why she was here, Diana was all too aware this was a ploy designed to manipulate her senses. Harley was a palm, a concubine whose entire visage was designed distract through filthy sex appeal. And yet the girl's inappropriate propositions were... intriguing. Was there something to be learnt here? Of course Diana was still glad the camera couldn't see everything in this cell, especially under the table; The famous symbol of empowerment could not be recorded in an act of kinky submission:

Leaning forward Harley whispered into the warrior's ear:

"I bet in all your decades livin' with us humans you never once embraced your kinky side huh?"

Circling Wonder Woman's pussy Harley brushed teasingly back and forth before twisting her ankle upwards, toes pressing between Diana's lips, giving the beautiful woman a foot job mid-interrogation as the brunette shuddered breathily.

Grinding her toes into the Amazon's clit Harley giggled:

"Lemme show you how good it feels to be bad..."

Squeezing her eyes shut Diana focused; she would not give in to these filthy carnal desires. Slamming her fists on the table Diana dented the metal surface as Harley flinched:


Summoning her inner strength the Amazonian overcame the intensely dark arousal, unclenching her jaw as her eyes snapped open.

Pushing Harley's foot away she pressed her olive thighs together abruptly, glaring back at the infuriating criminal:

"Your technique is sloppy."


Deflated Harley sat back in her chair.

"Tell me what I want to know." Diana growled.

Rolling her eyes Harley crossed her arms and pouted:

"Why? There ain't nothin' you can do to me Doll face! Its not 'your way' right? See this is what happens when sum-one unstoppable like you, meets sum-one stubborn like moi! We just go 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round..."

Watching the crazy blonde repeat herself over and over like a broken cassette player Diana ground her teeth; the proud brunette refused to leave this room empty handed. But in a way Harley was right; they were stuck at an impasse. There was simply no point in trying to negotiate with someone so irrational. Unless she could give her what she wanted... Considering her situation the Amazonian sighed, making up her mind; after all, it was only sex. Glancing up at the security camera once more Diana nodded, making sure the red light on its base flickered out before making a proposition of her own:

"-If I give you what you want, you will tell me your secrets??"

Cutting off Harley's endless chattering loop, the blonde's big blue eyes brightened as she beamed back delightedly:

"Well duh! I just wanna play honey!"

Considering the variables one more time, Diana scowled; there was no other way:

"Then let's play."

Harley grinned triumphantly; standing up from the table and kicking away her chair:

"Wooooo Girl Power! Now lets have sum fun!"

Striding around the interrogation room Diana shook her head. Grasping the impetuous blonde the Amazonian thrust her opponent up against the wall, pressing the air from the criminal's lungs as for once she smiled back:

"We'll see who has the 'girl power'."


Taking Harley in up-close for the first time Diana realised that beneath the layers of make-up Harley was truly beautiful; If she wasn't a pyschopath they would make quite a couple. But attraction was irrelevant; for now the Amazonian would have to settle for crazy.

Taking initiative Diana flew forward, capturing Harley's ruby red lips with her own mocha-coloured purse. Sealing their mouths together the warrior practically sucked the air from the blonde's lungs as she used her incredible strength to gain control.

Powering between gasping lips, Diana's tongue ran over pearly white molars before diving into the girl's gullet. One hand gripping a pink pigtail, the Warrior Woman tugged the blonde's head to the side, deepening the kiss even further. Enjoying the rough embrace Harley grasped the Amazonian and responded in kind; sucking face for several long seconds. Hissing as Harley bit her lower lip, Diana accepted this challenge with renewed determination; keen to prove which of them was truly in charge.

Struggling in her strong grip Harley was impressed by the Amazonian's assertiveness, the brunette literally lifting her off the floor as they wrestled for control. Still held up against the wall, Harley felt Diana's long elegant fingers slip into her blue red shorts:

Stretching the flimsy fabric, Diana ran her fingers through downy blonde hair before grasping Harley's pulsating wet peach. Supporting the entirety of the criminal's weight on one toned arm; Wonder Woman literally had Harley in the palm of her hand.

Panting for breath the dyed blonde went cross-eyed:

"Ugh-Heyyy not so fast WW! Momma wants to enjoy herself..."

Scowling Diana squeezed the criminal's sex, watching those blue eyes roll over as she groped the blonde's wet nethers. Slipping her fingers between the folds of Harley's sex, Diana curled upwards skilfully.

Spasming in Diana's grasp Harley swooned, moaning delightedly as the brunette flicked her sensitive clit with her thumb whilst her other digits found her G-Spot.

Masturbating the psychotic low-life Diana swallowed her rage as she concentrated on the girl's pleasure. This was demeaning! And yet the infuriating blonde was dangerously inviting. Increasingly riled up Diana worked her hand in earnest, determined to see this interrogation through.


Gushing Harley flexed against the wall as Diana rallied. Realising how vulnerable she was becoming the blonde clenched her jaw. This brunette knew how to please a woman; but she didn't just want to orgasm; not if she could further humiliate Wonder Woman in the process:

"No, No NO!! You're making' a meal of this!"

Pushing Diana away the impetuous blonde stamped her foot and crossed her arms.

Surprised Diana stared back at the crazed criminal; sometimes the foreign Warrior struggled with American expressions:

"Am I not pleasing you?"

"Just don't rush honey! I want this to be a night to remember! And you can't just skip to desert!!"

"I do not understand... You want me to eat something??"

Confused Diana watched as Harley rolled her eyes. Gripping the hem of her blue red shorts she wriggled the tiny slice of fabric over her bottom before letting it fall around her ankles. Standing upright, the blonde placed her hands on bare hips, standing half-naked before the amazed Amazonian Warrior:

"Eat me Wonder Woman!"

Faced with this greater act of subservience Diana was speechless, unsure how to respond to such a brazen display of slutty sexuality; the blonde's implications suddenly clear:

"You wish for oral stimulation..."

"Duh! Now come on! Show me what you gals do on Lesbo Island!!"

Swallowing her pride Diana dropped gracefully to her knees, the brunette's face becoming level with Harley's pulsating pussy.

Watching as Diana crawled into position between her legs Harley looked up at the security camera. Seeing the red light begin to flash once more the blonde winked back at cold lens.

Shuffling forward Diana grasped the girl's thighs, a hand cradling the blonde's pale behind as the other opened her pale pink flower. It was pretty... Back on Themyscira Diana had spent much time in the pleasure chambers, learning to master the female sex. Perhaps this was why? Focusing her mind the brunette silenced her misgivings:

Tracking slowly, sensuously down her tattooed abdomen Diana tasted the criminal with her tongue; producing a deep moan from Harley as she circled her belly and in her navel. Moving downward the brunette kissed the girl's belly, eying Harley's flower as the blonde's lips parted; ready to meet the Amazonian's mouth.

Harley grinned at the sight of the beautiful brunette between her thighs, brown eyes now staring intently at her waiting pussy. Looking up Diana gave the blonde an unsure glance. Unwilling to wait any longer however Harley grasped the brunette's golden crown; pressing Diana's face into her hot nethers.

Mouth sealing against Harley's lower lips Diana gasped, instinctively flicking out her tongue to be met with the girl's insides.

Responding with a most unladylike grunt, Harley swore:

"Ugh Fuck yeah!!"

Finding her rhythm Diana began to lick dispassionately, applying a strong pressure with her tongue that drove Harley into a lust-crazed frenzy. Falling backward against wall, the blonde cackled in delight as the Amazonian began to eat her pussy, the soft squelching echoing around the cold cell.

Shuddering in place the successful villain moaned lustfully as the embarrassed hero lapped away. Soon Harley out of her mind with need and anticipation for more; these Amazonian's really knew their way around a vagina! Diana strong skilful tongue twirling between her folds, it wasn't long till the brunette found Harley's pleasure spots, the blonde's big blue eyes rolling as her opponent pressed against her G-Spot.

Mewling in joy as Diana's tongue worked over her tender parts Harley writhed hard against the cell wall, her fingers, face flushed as her head jerked, pigtails whipping from side to side like the crazy person she was:

"Oh Yesss!" Harley wailed: "Fuck! Come on Wonder Woman! Show a bad girl a good time!! YES! Unngh- your driving me crazy!"

Sucking determinedly Diana tightened her grip on the blonde's pale white butt cheeks as she worked her tongue, flesh jiggling in response to her incessant licking. The criminal's pussy was on fire, her inner tissues vivid pink and glistening with juice, lips swollen and protruding, licking deep into her molten centre.