Wonder Woman's Sex Adventures Ch. 03

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Wonder Woman needs Thor's help to defeat Loki.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/10/2023
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***Third entry of my Wonder Woman sexual adventures series. I recently had these stories removed to be rewritten, I hope you enjoy them.


Heimdall had no idea what was going on. With all that he could see in the universe and all that he could see in the future, he didn't know what was going on with the Bifrost, the bridge that could transport people across the nine realms. It was turning on by itself without his approval, something that was not supposed to happen. The only conclusion he could think of was that someone was accessing the Bifrost from somewhere else and was trying to get into Asgard.

He alerted Thor and the palace guards of the possible intrusion, but before anybody could show up, a burst of light appeared from the Bifrost and a figure came out of it. He drew his sword, preparing to defend the Bifrost and Asgard. But before anything could happen, the intruder flew right past him at an incredible speed. He tried to reach out to grab the intruder, but it too fast for him to catch.

The intruder landed outside the Bifrost and onto the rainbow bridge, the path that led to Asgard. Thor was already on his way when he saw this event and landed in front of the intruder who came out of the Bifrost and stood in her way.

"Who are you?" he demanded to know.

"I am Princess Diana of Themyscira," she replied. "I'm also known as Wonder Woman."

Thor got a good look at the woman; she was a tall, dark-haired beauty, nothing like any woman he had ever seen. She was dressed like a warrior with her red, blue, and gold corset and silver bracelets that covered her forearms. She carried a sword on her back and a rope on her side, an unusual choice, but he assumed it had its purpose.

Diana got a good look at the man in front of her; he was tall and incredibly muscular, much like Superman. He had long blonde hair and a beard and wore old Viking style armor with a horned helmet. He also held a hammer in his hand, which she recognized as Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor himself. The man before her looked nothing like the Thor of her world, but she was traveling to a different universe, so even the people she knew from her world would, of course, look different in this one.

"State your business," Thor demanded.

"First, I apologize for this intrusion," she began to say. "It's an urgent matter, but I assure you, I am not here to cause trouble for your world. In fact, I'm here to help both our worlds."

"What's this urgent matter you speak of?" Thor asked.

"It's about your brother, Loki," she told him.

"Damnit," he cursed, and relaxed his guard. "What did he do now?"

Diana did not expect this reaction from Thor. She assumed he would immediately try to defend his brother, but he didn't seem surprised that he was going to be a problem. She was kind of relieved because this meant he could be a good ally to defeat Loki.

She first explained to him who she was and how she was a superhero in her own universe. Thor was surprised and found it interesting that she was the daughter of Zeus himself. Diana also told him about the Thor of her world, who was different and not seen as much. When she was done telling him a little about where she was from, she began to tell him about Loki, who somehow managed to sneak into her universe and steal an item of great power. She didn't care about taking it back to her world; it was something that needed to be destroyed immediately. The Olympic gods of her world sent her here, through the Bifrost, to seek out Thor's help in finding Loki and the object he stole.

When Thor listened to her story, he was impressed to hear she was one of the fabled Amazons, a very respectable race of warrior women. He began to sense that she was indeed telling the truth and that she was not here as a threat but as a warrior out on a quest to stop his brother from causing harm. He considered that he may have just been distracted by her beauty. He had never seen a warrior woman look like her, even among the female warriors he fought with in Midgard, such as Lady Sif. But she was not trying to fight him, instead appealing for his help to stop his brother and whatever nefarious plan he had now.

Wonder Woman also had some misgivings about Thor. She hoped that the Olympic gods would send her to Carol Danvers, also known in this world as Captain Marvel. She had teamed up with her previously when the gods brought Carol to Themyscira to help save her island, and they later had an amazing night together in her bedroom. But the gods sent her to Thor, so for now she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. And even though she wasn't going to be working with Captain Marvel, she had no problem working with Thor, whom she found very attractive, and from his physique, she could tell he would do very well in bed. She thought to herself that if everything went well, she might give him a chance to prove his sexual performance to her.

"I understand why you are here, and I will help you," said Thor. "My brother has caused a lot of problems for both Asgard and Midgard. I have cleaned up after his messes many times, and I know that if he is involved, it will be trouble."

"Thank you. I appreciate any help you can offer."

Thor and Diana walked back to the Bifrost, where they saw Heimdall standing guard. Diana apologized to him if she caused him any problems. He assured her that all was OK, and he now understood why she was here and was glad to help her and Thor get to Loki. Thor saw that she was confused by Heimdall's remarks, and he explained to Diana about his ability to see everything, which she understood. Heimdall activated the Bifrost and sent them both down to Earth, to a secret military base in the United States.

Upon their arrival, they saw hundreds of soldiers on the ground in various positions. The sirens were going off, but no one was moving, and they saw no sign that any assistance was coming.

"Do you smell that?" Diana asked.

There was a faint odor in the air, something unusual.

"I don't know what gas this is, but it must be why these soldiers are asleep," said Thor.

"It must only affect humans," Diana replied. "Being more than human ourselves, we're immune to its effects, or else we would be falling asleep as well."

They moved toward the base to the front entrance, which had two large metal sliding doors. They each took one panel of the doors and pushed them open with great ease, showing off to each other their immense strength. As soon as the doors were opened, they were both struck by two large men who forced them back several feet. The two men came out, along with two others behind them; Thor recognized them instantly as a group of hired mercenaries with great strength, known as the Wrecking Crew. It was led by their leader, Wrecker, who was followed by Bulldozer, Piledriver, and Thunderball.

"You again?" called out Wrecker.

"Aye, it is me," said Thor. "So, you better run away now or else face another embarrassing defeat."

"And miss out on a chance to wrestle with your new sidekick here," said Piledriver.

"What did you call me?" said Wonder Woman, now suddenly very angry. She was a warrior and a leader, not a sidekick who tags along with heroes like Robin does with Batman.

"Don't worry, lady, we'll go easy on you," said Bulldozer. "You won't be breaking your delicate fingernails on us."

With that comment, Wonder Woman flew right at Bulldozer at an incredible speed that none of the Wrecking Crew members had ever seen outside of Quicksilver and struck Bulldozer with a mighty blow, knocking him back a hundred feet.

The rest of the Wrecking Crew attacked Thor and Wonder Woman. Wrecker was going after Thor and was backed up by Piledriver; Wonder Woman was attacked by Thunderball, and when Bulldozer got back on his feet, he came after her as well. The battle raged on for a long time, and the Wrecking Crew were not going to go down so easily.

Thor saw how well Wonder Woman was handling herself, fighting two of them and, in some cases, three of them at the same time. He had fought with many warrior women from Earth, but never one as skilled as she was. Diana was also impressed by Thor's skills; he was more about brute force but had plenty of skills. She was also impressed by his control of his hammer and the electrical forces he was summoning with it to strike his enemies.

Eventually, they defeated the Wrecking Crew, forcing them to flee the battle. Wrecker yelled at Thor that he would get him one day, which was nothing Thor hadn't heard thousands of times before from his enemies. Even Wonder Woman thought his threats were incredibly cliché and laughed with Thor about it.

They entered the building and searched everywhere they could for Loki and where he had taken the device, but they didn't know the layout of the compound, so they didn't know where to find Loki. It wasn't until they ran into an elderly man in a white lab coat who was hiding in a storage closet that their luck changed.

"Oh, thank God, it's you, Thor," the scientist said. "And, I'm sorry, I don't know who you are."

"I'm new here," was Diana's response.

"Where is Loki, the madman causing this trouble?" Thor asked.

"He's in the main laboratory, messing with a very dangerous prototype of a nuclear generator by using some crazy device we've never seen before."

The scientist led them both to the lab area he was talking about, which was several levels down under the base. He told them that Loki was using the generator to connect it to a device that he had never seen before, something not from this world. Diana said it was probably the device he stole from her world, and Loki was probably using the generator to power it up.

In the lab, they saw a six-foot-tall cylindrical device that was connected to the generator that the scientist told them about.

"This is the device that Loki stole from my world," said Diana. "He must be trying to use the nuclear generator to power it up, but he doesn't seem to know how to energize it properly."

"We're very curious about this device itself. It's giving off some strange new energy readings," the scientist told them. "If you do know anything about it, maybe you can help us figure it out before Loki gets back."

"Where is Loki, by the way?" Diana asked the scientist. "You said he was supposed to be here."

"He's right here," Thor answered.

Thor swung his hammer and struck the scientist, knocking him into the wall of the lab. When Wonder Woman saw Thor strike an elderly man, she grabbed him and threw him into another wall in the opposite direction.

"What are you doing?" Diana yelled at him. "He's just a scientist and an old man."

"No, he's not," said Thor as he stood back up. "Look."

Diana looked at where the old man was and watched as his image faded away, and he was now looking at Loki himself. He had cast an illusion of a scientist to try to hide from them and lure them to the lab.

"For once, you finally didn't fall for my tricks," said Loki.

"It wasn't your best act," said Thor.

"I do have my off days," said Loki.

"What's going on here?" Diana demanded to know.

"The generator isn't charging the device properly," Loki began to say. "I was hoping to find a way to get Thor to strike the device with a powerful lightning strike to activate it."

"How would you have made me do that?" asked Thor.

"It's not that hard for me to get you to throw lightning at me. You do it almost every time we meet."

Thor couldn't fault him for that logic.

"So, what is this thing?" Thor asked.

"Something you will never find out," said Wonder Woman.

She raised her arms, clasped her fists, and slammed them down on the device, completely smashing it. And for good measure, she smashed it several more times, destroying every small piece of it so that it could never be reassembled in any way.

"So, you're never going to tell me what that was, are you?" asked Thor.

"Not if I can't help it," she answered. "The fewer people that know about it, the better. Where's Loki?"

They both looked around and saw that Loki had run off. Thor told Diana that he was incredibly cunning like that, which was why Loki was rarely apprehended. Diana knows the feeling, with several of her own nemeses back in her own world. They both left the compound and saw that the soldiers were finally about to wake up from the gas that had put them all to sleep. They explained to the commanding officer of the base what had happened and he thanked them for stopping Loki.

"I guess it's time to go," said Diana.

"I'll summon Heimdall to take us away," said Thor.

He called up to Heimdall, and a flashing light overcame them and took them away from the military compound. But instead of taking them back to Asgard, Diana found that they were on a hilltop watching over a jungle that stretched for hundreds of miles around them. Among the creatures in the jungle were several types of dinosaurs that she recognized.

"Where are we?" asked Diana.

"This is called the Savage Land," said Thor. "A most remarkable place of wonder and danger, and a nice place to relax and enjoy a nice meal."

Next to them, she saw a blanket on the ground with pillows and a large assortment of foods and bottles of wine. Thor picked up a wine bottle, poured some into a glass, and handed it to Diana, who took it.

"Should we partake in this assortment of wonderous foods from--"

"Ok, hold it right there, Romeo," Diana interrupted him. "I don't know how many women fell for this, but I'm not one of them."

"I don't know what you mean," said Thor. He had actually tried this once before with Jennifer Walters, also known as She-Hulk, but it didn't work out with her either.

"Save it," she said. "It's a good try. I'm guessing you signaled to Heimdall to set this up to be ready for after we finished going after your brother."

"No, of course not," said Thor. In fact, he got Heimdall to get some other people to set up the picnic for him.

"Listen, I can actually get back to my world on my own. I can just call out to my Gods to take me back, so I don't need you."

"I see," said Thor, feeling very embarrassed about the situation.

"I was going to leave, but after seeing you fight today, I thought it would be great to have some fun sex with you before I go, so you didn't have to do this."

"Oh," said Thor. For a moment, he thought he had lost his chance with her.

"But before we do, please just admit what you were doing here."

Thor laughed; he was surprised by how this was going.

"I'm sorry," he told her. "I underestimated the type of woman you are. I should've known that a great warrior and demi-goddess such as yourself would not have fallen for this. I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness."

"You are forgiven," she told him with a big smile.

She drank her wine and threw the glass away. She then walked up to Thor and kissed him hard on the lips. They fell to the ground, clinging to each other and not letting go of their kiss. They rolled around in their passionate embrace until they were at the edge of the cliff and fell off. They plummeted nearly 500 feet to the ground, landing in a clearing next to a river. The impact of their fall caused a massive quake that scared off all the creatures of the savage land. This all happened without letting go of their kiss.

Wonder Woman started ripping off Thor's armor, revealing his massive muscular chest to her; she had to hold back her excitement at seeing such a powerful body. Thor tried to take off Diana's corset but had trouble removing it. No matter how hard he tried, it was immovable. He now knows how other people feel when they try to pick up his hammer and it will not move even slightly.

"It's enchanted by the Olympic gods, and only I can remove it," said Diana.

"I see," said Thor.

During their battle with the Wrecking Crew, he did wonder how she could fight so much in that outfit without her breasts falling out on top, and now he knows why.

Diana stripped down to her underwear and showed Thor her flawless naked body. Thor was astounded by her nudity; he thought she was a work of art brought to life.

Thor stripped off the rest of his clothes, revealing his massive erection to her. Diana nearly squealed like a schoolgirl when she saw it, but quickly controlled herself; as excited as she was, she wanted to still behave like a warrior, not like a human woman who couldn't control her emotions.

Diana grabbed Thor's dick and began jerking him off with such vigor and speed that he had never felt before. He's been with plenty of superpowered women before, but none of them jerked off his dick as perfectly as Diana was doing right now. Thor reached up and grabbed her breast. It felt so perfect in his hand; he pinched her nipple, which she definitely loved. Diana moved in closer to Thor, getting herself ready for him to enter her body. Unfortunately, they were interrupted by a loud rumbling that was coming from the jungle. From above the trees, they saw a large Tyrannosaurus coming their way.

"I don't think so, you foul creature," said Thor.

Thor reached up his hand, and his hammer flew into it. He then pointed the hammer at the T-Rex but pushed his hand away.

"Don't you dare hurt those endangered beasts," said Wonder Woman.

"I would never even think of doing such a thing, my lady," Thor assured her.

When Thor pointed his hammer back in the direction of the T-rex, several lightning strikes hit the ground all around the T-rex. It struck and destroyed several trees, but did not hit the dinosaur itself. The bursts of lightning scared off the T-rex, making him run off in another direction and away from Thor and Diana.

"That was impressive," said Diana. She suddenly found herself more attracted to him after seeing how he humanely dealt with the near-extinct creature.

She kissed Thor hard on the lips and made him get on top of her. She was now ready for him to take her as his lover. Thor pushed his massive erection hard into her body. It was excruciatingly painful but exhilarating. Thor began pounding away at Diana, making her scream into his ear. They were causing a massive rumble on the ground beneath them, so powerful that it was scaring off other animals in the jungle, especially other dinosaurs that were originally approaching them.

Diana wanted to have her turn and forced Thor to turn over on his back. She began riding his dick, gyrating in various ways that Thor had never seen before. He was impressed by her skills and was more than glad to have her in control for the time being. Her hair was flying everywhere, and her breasts bounced around as she was going wild on his dick. She wanted to have as much fun as she could being on top of him and in control.

Diana was eventually forced off of Thor's body, and he made her get on her hands and knees. She always thought doggy-style was a degrading position for an Amazon to be in, but she accepted it this time. Thor held his hand firmly on her hips and began pounding away at her from behind. Their screams of passion were heard for miles around them. She commanded him to go faster, and Thor was more than happy to comply with her orders.

This went on like this for hours, getting each other into various positions of control and pleasing each other to the best of their abilities. Eventually, Thor was on the verge of finishing, and Diana sensed that. She let Thor be on top of her for the ending, and he rapidly pounded his dick into her; he tried to get as much time with Diana as he could before he finished. He couldn't hold off much longer, and he shot his cum into her body. Diana enjoyed the sensation of his hot ooze filling her body. She had never felt the cum of another god flow into her body; it was as if she were being filled with ambrosia.

Thor got off of Diana, and they looked at each other as they tried to catch their breaths. Their love-making exhausted them more than most of the battles they'd ever fought. They both hadn't been that tired from sex in a long time. They got up and went to the river to wash themselves up before putting their clothes back on.