Wonder Woman's Sex Adventures Ch. 09

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Wonder Woman meets a mysterious man from an alternate world.
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Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/10/2023
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***This is my ninth entry of my Wonder Woman sexual adventures series.

This story contains elements that is not in the DC universe such as an unknown alternate world, different characters, magical items, secret temples, and so on. Since the omniverse contains infinite possibilities, the situations featured here could be considered some of the possibilities.



Dr. Slade Wilson was in the prime laboratory of Star Labs. There were several scientists and members of the military there who have been working around the clock for weeks to achieve their mission. His team has been using the quantum scanner to search through all the alternate realities throughout the omniverse to find their target.

Big Barda burst into the laboratory. She walked past several people to get to Dr. Wilson. She found him by the quantum scanner with a couple of other scientists looking over their data, getting whatever information they could from their discovery.

"I got your call. Is it true?" Barda asked.

"We found her," said Dr. Wilson. "We can't waste any time. Where is your son?"

"I texted him on my way here; he should be here any moment now," said Barda. "But are you certain you have the correct reality this time? We can't afford to waste our time sending him to capture the wrong person again."

"It was an embarrassing to apprehend the wrong person. We didn't consider there were other Luna Luthor's out there who are also supervillains in the omniverse."

"In hindsight, we should've taken that into consideration," said Barda. "We've dealt with the omniverse long enough to know better."

"But this time we recalibrated the scanner to search for her specific quantum signature, and we found our fugitive."

Dr. Wilson handed her a file on what he was able to gather about the world Luna went to. She was surprised at some of the details.

"This world is thirty years behind us?" Barda asked. "That's unusual."

"Sometimes we don't always go on the same timeline. There are even some worlds that are already ahead of us far into the future."

"So, this means there will be a younger version of all of us in this world?" she asked.

"Assuming they have the same exact people as our world, then you are correct."

A gust of wind moved about the room as a figure appeared before them using super speed. He was a tall, muscular man in his twenties with dark hair and an impressive jawline; he wore a tight black uniform with a blue cape and the letter V labeled on his chest. To his friends and family, he's known as James Kent; to all others, he's Valiant Man, son of Superman.

"James Kent, where have you been?" said Barda.

"Sorry, mother. The Flash asked me to help him stop Soloman-Bane, who was running amok in Gotham again."

"I'm glad you're here, Valiant Man," said Dr. Wilson.

"Please, Dr. Wilson, call me James," he told him. "The whole world knows my real name anyway."

Ever since Superman's secret identity was discovered after his sacrifice, the whole world figured James Kent was Valiant Man. Most people call him Valiant Man, but his friends and family still call him James.

"Well, James, we finally located the alternate earth where Luna Luthor is hiding."

"Then we have no time to lose," said James. "I need to go there immediately and bring her back here at once. Is there any reason why she's in that one?"

"We don't know yet why she chose that earth," said Barda. "You'll have to find out when we send you there."

"What do we know about this Earth?"

"Just like most other realities we've encountered, they're like us but with some differences," said Dr. Wilson. "But in this case, this world seems to be thirty years behind us. So, you'll be seeing a lot of younger versions of the people you know now."

"The most important thing we need is to get her back," said Barda. "President Lois Lane has been on our ass to get her back to face trial."

"Then get the quantum transporter ready and send me over there," said James.

"It will be ready in 10 minutes."

"In the meantime, I need to have a private word with you," Barda said to her son.

James and Barda left for a private room. He could see that his mother was a little distraught.

"Before you go, I need to make sure your head is in the game," said Barda.

"Mother, we've had this talk already," said James. "Luna and I may have had a thing in the past, but that was before that lab accident made her go insane. It's over between us, and I just want to bring her to justice for all the crimes she had committed."

Luna Luthor has a long list of crimes she has committed, but the one in particular that needed to be addressed was her genocide of Canada. President Lois Lane lost her husband, General Bruce Wayne, when he was trying to save the last Canadian refugees from Luna's onslaught.

"I just needed to be sure," said Barda. "Also, I need to warn you that there may be some unforeseen dangers in that world."

"Mother, you have nothing to worry about," said James. "I'm Valiant Man, I can pretty much do anything like my father used to."

"Speaking of which, this world is thirty years behind us, so they may have a Superman who is still alive," said Barda. "There's a chance you won't run into him, but I thought I should prepare you for that in case you do."

James understood her concern. His father died a few years ago in his final battle with Mega-Doomsday. Superman also killed Mega-Doomsday in that battle, putting an end to his reign of terror.

"I understand what you're saying, mother," said James. "You're worried my emotions will affect the mission, but I assure you they won't. I already expected there might be another Superman there who will remind me of my father, and I am ready to meet him if we do run into each other."

"And there's one more person I think I should warn you about. Someone you're more likely to run into."

"Who are you talking about?" James asked.

"You may run into your mother while you're there."

"So, I'll run into another version of you. What's the big deal?"

"No James. I mean your... real mother."

"I see," said James. "You mean, Wonder Woman."

Barda was not actually James's mother but his stepmother, but she raised him as her own son since he was four years old. Superman and Wonder Woman married in this world and soon had a son. In the last war against Darkseid, when it looked like he was about to win, Wonder Woman sacrificed herself to save the earth and destroy Darkseid once and for all.

Barda, who was Wonder Woman's best friend in this world, started to help a despondent Superman take care of his son. Over the years, a new love developed between them, and eventually, Barda married Superman and became James's stepmother. But they never saw each other as stepmother and stepson but rather as mother and son.

James had grown up hearing about his real mother's heroics. He didn't just want to keep his father's legacy going, but also that of Wonder Woman as well. James possessed the majority of his father's abilities and appeared to be a younger version of him. He was told he had his mother's eyes, as well as her fearlessness and fighting spirit.

"I never knew her, so I think I'll be OK," said James. "If I see her, it may be awkward when I tell her who I am, but--"

"No, my son," Barda interrupted. "I don't think you should tell them who you are. Neither their version of Superman or Wonder Woman."

"But why not?" James asked. "They might find it interesting. Plus, they may be a different version of my parents, but they may be similar, and I'd like to get to know them a little while I'm there."

"It's understandable if you want to get to know them, but I don't think it's a good idea. This could be a cause of distraction for all of you and could hinder the mission."

"I see what you mean," said James, feeling very disappointed. "How about if I tell them after I capture Luna? It can't be that bad if I tell her afterwards."

"I suppose, if there's time to do that, then it shouldn't be a problem," said Barda. "But that's only if you run into either of them. You could just as easily run into their versions of Green Lantern or Captain Shazam. Hell, you might even run into their Booster Blue."

"I won't get my hopes up on meeting either of my parents in that world," James assured her. "I will capture Luna, either by myself or with the help of that world's superheroes, and come back home to you."

"Then I wish you a victorious mission, my son."

They hugged each other and made their way to the Quantum Transporter room. Dr. Wilson told James they were ready and gave James three items. First, a trans-dimensional communicator to communicate with Star Labs back on Earth. Second, there were two trans-dimensional tracking bracelets to help bring him and Luna back to their world. And finally, a quantum signal tracker to help find Luna through her unique quantum signature.

James stepped onto the transport pad and said his goodbyes. A yellow light engulfed him, and, in an instant, he appeared on a completely different earth.

MAIN DC UNIVERSE EARTH (or close to it)

James found himself on a beach that seemed oddly familiar to him. He flew into the sky to search his surroundings. He flew high enough to see that he was on an island, and when he saw the archaic buildings in the center of the island, he knew he was on Themyscira. Being the son of Wonder Woman, he was the only man allowed to visit the island and had spent a lot of time here visiting his grandmother.

He was about to fly out to the city when suddenly, a powerful force knocked him out of the sky, and he landed back on the beach.

"What the hell was that?" he asked himself as he stood back up.

"Who are you and what are you doing on this island?" said a woman's voice.

James turned around and was stunned to see the woman standing before him. She was tall, muscular, and had long, dark hair. He had seen her picture and recordings of her battles all of his life; he was standing before the mother he never knew, Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman.

He was surprised by the uniform she was wearing. In his world, she wore an all-covering uniform, but with the same colors as this world's Diana. But this one is wearing a uniform that is entirely too revealing. She wore the same tiara and bracelets as his mother, but this one was wearing what looked like a one-piece bathing suit that showed off all of her legs and plenty of cleavage on top. James found himself looking at her cleavage a little too long and had to remind himself of who this woman was and why that was inappropriate.

"Hello," he said nervously. "I'm sorry for showing up unannounced, but I didn't mean to appear here at this location."

"You still haven't answered my questions," said Diana. "No man is permitted on this island. Now explain yourself."

Diana got herself into a battle stance, getting ready to fight this unknown stranger. Despite the situation, she thought he was kind of cute and seemed very familiar to her.

"Sorry, I am usually allowed to come here," said James.

Diana thought he was trying to make a dumb joke and didn't feel like playing around. She launched herself at him and struck him one more time, knocking him back a couple hundred feet. James stood back up and put his hand on his jaw, surprised at how badly it was hurting. Being mostly Kryptonian and part demigod, he doesn't get hurt like that too often. He heard his mother was strong, but that took him by surprise.

He saw Diana coming at him again and prepared himself. She struck him with a barrage of punches and kicks like he had never seen before. He defended himself against her, countering all of her moves. He didn't want to fight her; he was hoping to team up with her.

Diana wondered why this man wasn't fighting back that much; all he had done so far was defend himself from her attacks. He was good at defending himself, so she knew this meant he must be just as good offensively, and she was ready for anything he might throw at her.

"Who are you?" she demanded to know as she kept hitting him.

"My name is Valiant Man," said James, still countering her strikes. "I don't want to fight you; I just want to talk."

"We can talk after I defeat you."

James felt he had no choice; if he was going to get help finding Luna, he was going to have to fight his own mother. He didn't like the idea of having to fight her, or any woman, for that matter, but right now it's necessary. Besides, she was attacking him, so he had no choice but to fight back.

Diana kept pummeling James, and as soon as he saw his opening, he landed a right hook on her face. He hit her so hard that she was knocked back just as far as he was when she hit him. Diana was surprised yet impressed by how hard he hit her. The only time she felt a punch like that was when she sparred with Superman; this made her wonder if he was a Kryptonian himself.

James flew right at her to continue their fight. He landed another shot at her, but it was only a ruse to get him close enough for Diana to land a few more blows of her own. He then pretended to be losing just to draw her in for his own strikes.

At one point, he managed to kick her hard enough to force her back, giving him a chance to fire heat vision from his eyes. Diana saw this coming and quickly held up her arms so her bracelets, made of Amazonian steel, would block the energy coming at her. James continued to use his heat vision as he flew right at her, thinking he had a chance to defeat her while she had her arms up, blocking her view. But Diana knew what was going to happen, and as soon as he got close enough to her, she gave him a massive uppercut. The hit disoriented him enough for Diana to strike several more blows at him. He was nearly defeated before he got his bearings back and got back into the fight.

The battle went on for several minutes without either side giving up or slowing down. Diana was having the time of her life fighting this man. James could see that she was impressed with his fighting skills and was glad to see that his mother approved of them.

Finally, there was a break in their fighting for them to have a brief word with each other, but they still prepared themselves in case the fighting resumed.

"You're very strong," she said. "By any chance are you a Kryptonian?"

"I am half-Kryptonian," he revealed. "My name is Valiant Man, and I'm from another reality. That's what I've been trying to tell you."

This took Diana by surprise. "You wouldn't happen to know a Luna Luthor, would you?"

"Yes," he said, surprised to hear that she already knew who Luna was. "She's a dangerous criminal in my world. I'm here to take her back to face justice."

"Ok, I'm willing to believe you," Diana said.

"Good," said James. "Because I don't know what she's doing here, but if she's up to no good, then we need to stop her and send her back to my world."

"All right, let's talk about it, but not on this island. The Amazons aren't going to take kindly to a man being here."

He agreed, and they flew away out into the sea. He told Diana that he had a device that could track Luna by her quantum signature, but it still had to be within a specific range to track her. She told him that Luna was last seen in America, so they should go there first.

At one point, while they flew across the ocean, Diana flew ahead of him, and James got a good look at her backside. He saw how much of Diana's ass was showing and was impressed by it. It took him a while to realize what he was doing and stopped looking at her like that.

Diana sensed that Valiant Man was checking out her ass and liked it. She thought he was very cute and kind of wondered how he was in the bedroom. She had just spent the last few weeks on Themyscira, where she hooked up with a few beautiful Amazons, and was ready to fool around with a man again.

As they got closer to America, she got a better look at Valiant Man. From his features and the way he flew, she suddenly realized who he was and felt stupid for not seeing it earlier.

"I know who you are," said Diana.

They both stopped in midair.

"You do?"

"You're Clark and Lois's son from your world, aren't you?" she asked.

James felt there was no point in denying it since she already figured most of it out.

"Not exactly," he said. "My name is James Kent; I am Clark Kent's son. But my mother is not this Lois; I have no idea who she may be."

"Here, he is married to a woman named Lois Lane."

"Lois Lane?" he asked, feeling very shocked at that revelation. "He's married to the president of the United States?"

"President?" she said, just as equally surprised. "She's a journalist here."

"I just remembered; my world is actually thirty years ahead of yours. Our Lois Lane did start as a journalist before she got into politics. So, there may be a chance she could become president here as well."

"She does have the chops to be president, I have to admit. But if Lois is not your mother, then who is?" Diana asked.

James really wanted to tell her he was her son, but he remembered what his other mother, Barda, told him. It was best not to let their relationship get in the way of their mission until after it was over.

"Big Barda," said James. It wasn't a lie; to him, Barda was his mother, but it wasn't the answer Diana was looking for or needed to hear at that moment.

"Really? Big Barda?" Diana asked, looking very perplexed. "We're good friends with her here, but I never thought of them as a possible couple."

"Yeah, well, you know how it is. Infinite worlds, infinite possibilities."

"That is true," she said. "Now that I've gotten a better look, you do kind of look like her too."

James simply smiled and remained silent in response to that remark. If he got to tell her the truth later, they might have a good laugh about what she just said.

They continued flying back to America until they got to Metropolis. James turned on his scanner and got a weak signal from Luna; she was somewhere in this country but too far away to get a good lock on her.

"We are close, but we need to narrow down the search to find her," said James. "By the way, how do you know Luna?"

"She showed up here a few months ago, causing a lot of trouble," said Diana. "When we captured her, she told us who she was and where she was from. We almost didn't believe her because that woman is all sorts of crazy."

"Yeah, ever since the lab accident, she hasn't been the same," said James.

"Of course. It's always a lab accident."

They both shared a small laugh at that remark.

"Anyway, last week she escaped and stole a very dangerous device called the Moraticron. It's a powerful alien weapon that can wipe out a large amount of land in an instant," said Diana. "They determined that its destruction could be about the size of Canada."

This made James gulp in fear. He wasn't entirely sure about it, but he was afraid Luna was going to cause another Canadian genocide.

James' communicator began to beep, and he answered it.

"Valiant Man, I mean James, how are things going?" said Dr. Slade.

"Everything is going well so far, Dr. Wilson," said James. "I met up with one of this world's superheroes, and we're tracking Luna now."

"OK, keep us posted," said Dr. Wilson before signing off.

Diana couldn't help thinking that voice sounded familiar.

"Who is Dr. Wilson?" she asked.

"Dr. Slade Wilson," said James. "A world-renowned physicist and engineer who developed trans-dimensional travel."

"Slade Wilson?" Diana said, looking very shocked.

"You know him?"

"We've crossed paths."

Diana didn't know how to tell him that in this world, Slade Wilson is a sociopathic supervillain known as Deathstroke who has caused a great deal of death and destruction. Hearing that he was a well-respected physicist in another world and a friend of James was a complete shock to her.