Working Wendover. Millie Cashes In


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"Sure things are $300."

"Three Hundred for bareback and I cum in your pussy."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

It was business. Neither mentioned his wife or her husband. He lasted about ten minutes before that bareback load of cum was deep in her cunt. He got her off and then again as she felt the spurt of his cum in her. It was clean up and move along.

She felt elated with cum in her cunt and cash in her purse and a husband at home with the kids and no clue his wife was now Jennifer Conrad, Wendover hooker.

Twenty minutes later she was downing another rum and coke and telling the story about her light bill.

"My husband got drunk and I put him to bed in our room. That doesn't mean Jennie can't still party."

She gave the man a smoldering flirty look, raised a knee enough to show some pussy under her dress.

"Wow! How much is that light bill?"

Even though to Jennifer business was business she liked this man a lot. He was showing a nice bulge in his pants even before she flashed him a look at her snatch. If she was right she wanted that thing stroking up her cunt. "Every good businesswoman needs to put something on sale from time to time." She mused.

"It's $185.00."

She stared into his face to watch his reaction.

"Let me do $200 and I cum inside you?"

"What's with these Mormon men wanting to cum inside a gal?" She wondered.

"Whatever it takes to keep the lights on!" She giggled.

The stranger put his hand up her dress touching her naked cunt. Then he pushed two fingers into her wetness, sawing them in and out of her. With the table concealing what he was doing Jennifer let him continue until uttering to him.

"God, if you keep that up I'm going to have an orgasm right here with all these people around."

"You ever cum from somebody fingering you in public?"

Jennifer grinned a sly smile.

"No, let's do it!"

She opened her thighs to give him better access. With the music playing and people dancing some still noticed the hotwife off in the corner give the man getting access to her pussy.

She could have orgasmed the first minute with all the people nearby. She chose to make it last for over five before gushing onto his jabbing fingers. By then he had three into her and she rolled and shimmied against them. She left herself in quite a mess with some leftover sperm leaking out, but mostly her own juices.

"I hope you have a room nearby."

"Sure come on."

She tried to wipe at her snatch with the little napkin from under her drink. She left it soaked in cum for the server to clear away. They got in the elevator and he pushed for the 5th floor.

"Jesus, you've got me so hot I could fuck you right in this elevator."

Luckily his room was the second door in. In the room, there was a race to get undressed. Jennifer Conrad froze when she saw his cock. She was right about its size.

"It must be nine inches. I've never had a cock in me like that." She thought.

She dropped to the bed in fuck position. He moved in between her thighs to push the head of his cock against her cunt lips. He needed more room than she was used to giving. Not only was his cock huge, but the head felt like a tennis ball being pushed into her pussy.

She wiggled against the size of it and with him pushing she took it inside her cunt.

"Are you enjoying this?" He teased. "I guess it's not like hubby asleep in his room."

"No, biggest cock ever!"


"Oh, Jesus, yes! I promise!"

"Let's get some more of it in you then."

With the huge head leading the way a couple of strokes put half the length inside her. A few minutes later put him balls deep.

The man was a pounder. After a few seconds of enjoying being all in, he started pounding into her cunt. All she could do was wiggle, moan, and try not to scream as about every twenty strokes had her cumming again.

All Jen could focus on was that huge head of his cock and how deep he had buried it. She hadn't realized his fucking her had gone on for twenty minutes with not as much as a minor let up. She rolled from one huge orgasm into another. Her head was moving from side to side as her tongue hung out and slobber ran onto the pillow. She couldn't realize where she was. Jennifer Conrad getting fucked with so much cock was more than she bargained for, but she loved it.

Then the pounding stopped. She hadn't felt him cum in her. She was still stuffed with solid dick muscle."

"Jennifer, you okay?"

"Uh, yes... okay... just fine... never been better... what are you doing to me?"

"Your eyes were rolling up in your head, you were kind of drifting in and out."

Jen looked around the room.


"Yes, that's right. Look. Sometimes it takes me a while to cum. Maybe it was too much."

"You didn't cum yet?"

"No, but I want to cum in you,"

"And, I want you to cum in me however long it takes."

"I've had five marriages. The sex is great at first as every woman has a big cock fantasy. They still like it, but not as often. I used to go to my Mom's three or four a week. You know, fuck her a couple of times and come back to the wife. Then she got a new fellow and he put the kibosh to that. Mom's still young and really enjoys cock in her. You can have a lot of women, but nothing like fucking your Mom."

Jen felt his cock get a little bigger when he talked about it. She giggled thinking about herself and her Dad.

"Oh, my God. Do you have sisters?"

"Two. One's in Montana and the other is back East."

"Did you ever?"

"They both cut me off when they got married, but now if we get a chance we are doing it."

Jen felt his cock stir and they started fucking again. All the stretching wider and the depth of his penetration seemed more normal. No longer the victim of too much cock Jen was the participant now, and no matter hard or fast he fucked her she was matching right back at him all the while ripping off orgasms for herself.

Jennifer Conrad was no longer the prey. Her renewed aggressiveness had him explode in her in ten minutes.

"Wow! You can be some fuck!"

"I know. A couple of times I saw your eyes roll back in your head." She teased.

Big cock or not, business is business. Jen cleaned herself and put the little gray dress back on and moved to the door.

"I hated to see you go. I think I've met my match. How do I get in touch so we can do this again?"

Jen gave him the email address she had sat up a few hours before. She smiled to herself about sharing her email. She was Jennifer Conrad to separate herself from being rancher Millie Morgan from Utah. She liked herself as the new Wendover Jennifer.

She checked the time. Quarter until midnight.

"Looks like the old eight-hour shift is over. Time to do some overtime."

She fixed her makeup and looked for someone else to fuck her. A man with glasses keeps watching her. He looked like an accountant or maybe an insurance salesman.

"I'd fuck him." She thought to herself.

Jennifer gave him a little smile. He came to her table and asked her to dance. Dancing was one thing she hadn't done that night.

Out on the dance floor, he was smooth, giving her a dip that made a little cum run from her cunt. They danced two dances and returned to her table. He apologized for staring earlier.

"You look like my ex-wife."

"Runoff with another man did she?"

"Umm, well, no. It was another woman... from work... her work."

"So, I look like your ex-wife that turns lesbian during your watch and runs off with another woman?"

Jennifer smiled wickedly and watched his reaction. He hung in there and ordered them a couple of drinks. They talked about themselves a bit. Jennifer's story was a lie about being an assistant to a lawyer.

Instead of the "got to pay the light bill" story, she told him the story about the fucking truck in their driveway. The whole complete story and stated she hoped to scare up some money to make the payment.

He looked at her and smiled.

"You know, I drove over here to drink and do a little gambling and I find myself on a date." He chuckled.

"It's not a date. I'm here for business."

"Business?" He snickered.

"Yes, business." She rubbed her thumb and forefinger together."

"Business! Oh, my God! I had no idea. I mean, you don't look like a.........?" He paused.

"I don't look like a lesbian either. Do you know what I like in me?"

"Oh, yes! I mean yes. I don't mean... oh, shit, is this going well?"

"Not really. Are you in or out?"

"Uhhh in! Definitely in! How much? Maybe I shouldn't ask. Sorry, it's my first time with a hooker. Not that I think of you as a hooker."

"I don't expect you to make my truck payment. What would you pay for a roll between the sheets with your ex-wife?"

The guy gave a deep exhale.

"Two Hundred!"

"Good answer! Where is your hotel room?"

"Uh, it's in another casino."

"Come on. We can act like a married couple on our way over there."

They walked hand in hand, then arm around the waist with a couple of stops for kissing. As the elevator started to rise a glob of cum rolled out of Jen's cunt and splattered unabated onto the vinyl tile floor. Jennifer Conrad stood with a little puddle of various men's seed between her feet hoping her new friend wouldn't notice.

They watched the floor numbers change until the elevator stopped. In the hallway, she leaned on him as they walked.

"It is like a date isn't it. He smirked.

For kind of a goofy guy, he was a pretty good fuck. It was just hitting two o'clock when the keycard beeped in Jake's hotel room lock. Jennifer undressed and slipped naked into the bed beside him. He pulled her to him from behind, held her, and went back to sleep. It felt good to be held while she slept. As she dozed off sperm ran from her cunt onto the sheet.

Jennifer Conrad's first day in business had been a good one. She could almost make a payment on "that fucking truck". Things seemed to be working out for the best.

It must have been after nine when the sounds of Jake in the bathroom woke her.

He called out, "Jennifer, you need to shower and fuck me before I take you down to breakfast!"

Jennifer... she liked being Jennifer. It came with no complications. No husband, no kids, and she could fuck whoever and how often she liked. Which was going to be soon. Jake was waiting to towel her off after her shower.

"Oh, the hell with breakfast. I see what I want to eat."

"Well, if you were with me last night you might change your mind about that."

"Oh, yeah! They loaded you up, did they?"

"You bet! Loaded up and running out."

"You look like you could use a good fucking!"

"Need a good fucking is right. I'll take whatever kind you've got!"

They got in a twenty-minute session and went to breakfast. Jennifer bought another, cleaner dress much like the first one with more of a V-neck than the gray one and a little higher hemline.

They went back to his room where she fucked him again. She took another shower and put on the new skin-hugging green dress to go to the lunch buffet with him. After they ate Jen mentioned that a guy at a far table was watching them.

"I wonder if the guy is security or maybe the police."

"If he's security you are okay because pussy brings in the business. He's not police because Elko County has legal prostitution. Maybe you are putting out some sort of vibe."

"A bribe? Little old me?" She giggled.

"Why don't I leave? He'll come over here and you can tell him your husband likes to watch. Bring him up and fuck him."

"God, Jake! Are you a fucking pervert or what?"

"I imagine you would like to have your husband watch."

"Okay, don't forget you are Jake Conrad because he will probably ask me my name."

"I'll go wait in the room. Knowing you I'll see you in about twenty minutes."

The guy hesitated about two minutes to be sure Jake wasn't coming back.

"Hi, don't tell me your husband left someone as hot as you unguarded."

"Wow! He is a little weird and doesn't like crowds much. He went to the room."

"What do you do then?"

"Pretty much what I'm doing right now. I like the attention."

"Do you two come to West Wendover a lot?"

"You know everyone calls it just Wendover. Are you from here?"

"No, I don't think anyone is from here. It's more like West Utah. Sin City on I-80 West."

She introduced herself as Jennifer Conrad and told the story about "that fucking truck".

"It was dragging us under and it looked like we might lose the truck and the house. He got us in trouble and now it's up to me to screw our way out of it. Cash, card, or pussy, so to speak."

"I'd be interested in that."

"Two hundred, you can fuck me bareback and I'll let you cum inside me."

"One more thing... my husband likes to watch."

"If he's stupid enough let other men fuck you I guess he can watch."

Jennifer took him up to Jake's room and used the key card to let herself in.

"Honey, I'm back. I brought someone!"

Jake was sitting at that little table by the window, the one where the chair never fits the spot and the plug is just far enough away to not be able to plug in a computer.

"Hi, Sweetie. Who's your friend?"

"Oh, this is....??"

She gave the stranger a puzzled look, realizing she had even gotten his name.

"Nick, Nicholas actually."

"Well, Nicholas. I think you are going to enjoy fucking my wife."

Jake stayed at the table while they undressed. Just when they were well into fucking Jake moved over to the upholstered chair where he could watch Nick's cock go in from her tummy view. Dragging the chair to the foot a few minutes later didn't disturb them at all. Five minutes later he watched Nick's balls tighten and send his seed into her, followed by his cum escaping from around his cock as the fucking was completed.

Nick went to the bathroom to wash his dick off. He returned and began to dress, ending with him holding out the $200 and asking who to give it to.

"Hand it to my husband. He'll be paying on the truck with it."

"By the way, what kind of truck do you have?"

"F-350 with dualies, 2020."

"F-350 with dualies, huh? Nice truck."

Nick was headed out the door.

"Hey, I really enjoyed fucking your wife."

"It sure looked liked you did!"

Jake laughed as soon as the door closed and threw the money at Jen.

"You little slut!"

"You fucking pervert!"

"Bring a couple more of them by."

"You'd enjoy that!"

"I sure would."

Jennifer Conrad would accept the challenge. She brought three more by to let Jake watch them fuck her. After the third left, she checked her email. Nothing from her real husband or friends or family. Then she thought to check her new email for Jennifer.

A couple of spam messages and there it was. An email from mister nine-inches!"

"Oh, you're going to love seeing me with this guy. He's got this big cock... "

"What's Mr. Big Cock's name?"

"Damn it! I need to start asking that!"

"They'd probably lie to you anyway."

Jen emailed him back that she was with her husband.

"You should come over and give him some pointers."

"You mean he likes to watch"

"He sure does!" She winked over at Jake.

Jennifer replied with her room number and the 9-inch guy was there in ten minutes. She met him at the door wearing just panties.

"Hi, this is my husband Jake. I don't think you told me your name."

"Jerry Winslow."

Jerry handed her two hundred dollars. Jennifer did a short ass-swaying walk to give the money to Jake in his role as husband. Then she turned around and peeled her panties to her ankles and stepped out of them, leaving them on the floor.

"Come on, Jerry. My husband wants to see what I'm going to be fucking."

Jerry stripped down and Jake let out a low whistle. All he could say was, "Jesus Christ!".

Then Jake added. "Jen, I don't think you can take all that."

"All ready did. Watch and learn, Babe! Watch and learn!"

Jennifer started to crawl onto the bed and get into fuck position.

"Whoa, Jennifer! Hold right there. Let me get a good look at what I'll be fucking."

She froze in the spot and wiggled her ass a little."

"Damn, Jake. Look at this sweet like cunt on your wife! And, you're okay with other guys fucking that?"

Jennifer was leaking a little bit of wetness from earlier and her outer lips were visibly flowering open in anticipation of his big cock.

"I think I'll fuck her from right here so you can see it going it. You're going to freak when you see the whole length buried in her."

"Jerry sure is quite the showman." She thought. "No one has fucked me doggy, yet."

Not even her real husband back on the ranch in Utah, although her dad loved to pop his cock in her from behind and pound away in his daughter.

Jerry started to push into her cunt with little resistance. Jake got closer to watch, almost bumping into them. The big cock kept moving deep into her stroke by stroke until, as advertised, the nine-inch cock went all in.

Jake moved behind Jerry and peeked under, past his balls, to watch it come out to only go deep full length again and again.

"You might as well have a seat, Honey. J erry usually takes a while before he can cum. He was in me an hour last night before I got his seed in me."

That narration and the view of Jennifer taking his cock up her cunt had him done in about half that time. Jake had a jaw drop that was going to take some time to get back in place.

"Oh, my God, Jerry. You're drowning my uterus! What got into you?"

"I guess having someone watching and fucking some really great pussy!"

Ten minutes later Jerry was dressed and out the door.

"I thought you'd have him stick around for seconds."

"That would be nice, but business is business."

Jennifer showered and took Jake to dinner. It was a nice break, but she was getting antsy.

"You okay? You look a little apprehensive looking around the room."

"I was wondering who the next guy might be to fuck me."

"Maybe you should change casinos."

"I thought were set up here pretty well."

"No problem getting another room."

"Jennifer laid $100 across the bill tray."

"I can cover that." He offered.

"You watched me fuck all those guys and not try to get a freebie for yourself, hubby."

"It's been fun being Mr. Jennifer Conrad." He smiled.

She smiled back.

They checked in as Mr. and Mrs. Jennifer wondered if that was his real name as if that would be a problem. He flashed a frequent visit card and got a pretty good deal. She couldn't see the name.

The lady behind the desk said, "Thank you, Mr. Owens."

"Owens is it?" Jennifer chided as they went to the elevator.

"I can hardly schlep around casinos and use my real name."

Once in the room, Jennifer asked he wanted to knock the edge off a little.

"No, thanks. I want to see you dying to get the next one up you cunt."

"Yeah, well me, too!"

And, off she went.

Jake didn't hear from her for a while.

"Several guys were checking me out. I was so horny and the guy's room was close so I fucked him there. I'll be up in a few minutes. This guy's wife is with him so we are dodging her."

The lock chirped when the keycard went in.

"Hi, Honey. I brought a friend."

"Hey, she told me about the truck and all."

"Truth be told she wanted that truck as much as I did."

Jennifer gave him a "what the fuck do you know" look.

They were quickly naked and began to fuck. For a man with a smallish dick, he knew how to use it. Even the cunt wrecking that Jerry had given her didn't take anything away for the needy little slut. The load of cum in her rivaled anyone she had ever had fuck her. She seemed a little stunned and surprised by the load of seed that escaped from her snatch before she could get to the bathroom.

The guy was gone a few minutes before anything was said.

"At first, when I saw his dick I thought I might as well be back in Utah with my real husband." Jennifer quipped.