Yes Please, Headmaster

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M.I.L.F. uses her charms to get son a place in public school.
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Charles, my husband, hadn't left me much to do when he left for the U.S.A. on a business trip. That was because he was such a brilliant organiser. He planned everything down to the last detail covering the weeks he was away. But, he did leave me one thing to do.

"Just make sure that William's entry form to St. Leonard's school gets there before the 20th of the month," he stressed. "It's the only thing I am relying on you to do."

The only reason he hadn't seen to that himself was that a final report from William's present school hadn't arrived yet and was needed to accompany the application. As it happened, it came the day after Charles' departure and I put both forms in a drawer ready to post off.

All of the male line in Charles' illustrious family had attended St. Leonard's before going off to Oxford or Cambridge. It had been the same for God knows how long. It was so important to the Danby's.

That's his family (and mine too, I suppose after I married him). And Charles, together with his mother and the rest of the family were all looking forward to William keeping up the family tradition.

Unfortunately, I forgot to post off the damn application. I realised what I had done, or in this case not done, when Charles rang me from America. Actually, I was rather pleased to hear from him until he asked me that dreadful question.

"You did remember to get off William's application to St Leonard's, didn't you?"

To my credit, I hesitated for less than a heartbeat, "Oh yes, Darling," I lied, "I got it off in plenty of time."

In actual fact, I was three days late and the application was still in a drawer.

Well, in my defence, I did have a lot on at the time. There was lunch with friends, two or three times a week and visits to my hairdresser and beautician. And there was shopping, of course, one always needed something or other to wear. Then, I was looking at the possibility of redecorating our dreary dining room and oh, yes, there was the opening night of a new play in London that I wanted to go to.

Heavens, one was rushed off one's feet. I mean one can't remember everything.

Well, Charles wouldn't have had any sympathy for me, I know that. In fact, he probably would have killed me. The fact that I had lied to him about it made it ten times worse.

A quick telephone call to the school confirmed my worst fears. No, they said. The deadline had passed. Any new applications would no longer be accepted, as there were many more applications received than places available. The snooty school secretary could barely conceal her impatience at my enquiry. Finally, she took pity on me as I kept on pleading. Either that or she wanted to get me out of her hair.

"I am afraid that your only course of action is to see the headmaster personally, although, I have to be honest and say that I don't see much hope for you."

Well, she fixed me up with an appointment in 2 days time. I was desperate and it represented my only hope of retrieving the situation.

It was unthinkable to have to explain to Charles on his return why William wouldn't be going to St. Leonard's. It would be like lighting the touch paper to a room full of dynamite. My life would not be worth living. For a start he would cut of my allowance and I couldn't have that.

So, I made up my mind, I would not come away from the headmaster's office without securing a place at his school for our son. I was prepared to do anything to succeed... And, I do mean anything. I was that desperate.

My name is Laura, by the way. I have been told by a lot of people that I am very pretty, beautiful, in fact. I suppose you could describe me as a leggy, blue eyed blonde with an ample bosom and a slender waist. In short, I have an excellent figure with superb legs. I would stress that these are the words of my many admirers and not just me.

Anyway, on the day of my visit, I spent a great deal of time getting ready. I put on several outfits, but, in the end selected a cream coloured blouse and a brown skirt. It was the shortest skirt in my wardrobe and that meant short indeed. It was too short, really, for an appointment with the distinguished headmaster of my son's prospective school, but it might help me get what I wanted and that was all that mattered. I knew I couldn't afford to fail.

As the time came for me to leave, I took a last look at myself in the mirror. Not bad, I had to concede. I slowly raised my skirt until I saw the creamy bare thigh tops of my hold up stockings and my silky cream panties. Oh yes, I was fully loaded and ready to get my own way. Mr Brunswell, the headmaster was about to get the full treatment.

Charles had not married me for my money, education or social standing. I had none of these. He married me for my beauty and sex appeal, or so he says. Well, I needed to put my assets to good use and at the age of 29, I knew I still had what it took.

Horace Brunswell sat at his polished oak desk and sorted through the pile of applications for new entrants to the school. As usual, there were more than sufficient to fill all the available places. The fees were steep, but, the people he was dealing with were from the most successful strata of society who could easily afford them. In the English social system, education at any public school really made a difference and meant something. The foundations of a first class education and a successful way of life were on offer. And Brunswell liked to think that St. Leonards, as a famous institution, was up there with the best.

He had the task of recommending the final list to the school governors. It was a formality after that. They always accepted his recommendations. Well, nearly always.

Just then his secretary knocked on his door. "It's Mrs Danby to see you, headmaster. And you have just ten minutes or so before your safety inspection."

The headmaster looked up from his desk "Very well, send her in, please."

Laura Danby was a breathtaking sight as she walked confidently into his room. Her exotic perfume assailed his nostrils as he pushed up from his chair to greet her. He was not used to meeting glamorous females and Mrs Danby was glamorous alright, one might even say beautiful. In many ways, she reminded him of the late Grace Kelly, his favourite movie star. His mouth suddenly went dry and his voice trembled slightly as he offered her a seat opposite his desk. His eyes nearly popped as she sat down and showed a substantial amount of nylon covered thigh.

"Mrs Danby, how nice to meet you," he stuttered. "How can I be of service?"

Laura handed him the school entry application form for her son and went on to explain about her husband's family history of attendance at the school and what it meant to them. Then, lowering her eyes she told him about her foolishness in forgetting to get the application form in on time.

"Well, Mr. Brunswell began, shaking his head "I'm not sure what I can do at this stage..."

"Oh please headmaster," she pleaded looking at him with her amazing blue eyes and crossing her lovely legs, "you simply must help me. My husband will kill me if William is not enrolled here for next term."

He flicked through his papers and sighed before looking up at her. The very picture of a damsel in distress. He could see just a glimpse of bare thigh above her stocking tops. He gulped and slowly shook his head. "Ahhhh" he sympathised sadly.

"I want you to know, Headmaster, that...I'll do anything for you," she said in her sexiest voice ...ANYTHING ..."

Horace looked at her open mouthed as her words and the implication of them hung in the air between them.

Then, she crossed her legs again and as if by magic her skirt rode up higher and he could see her panties.

He was melting in his seat. She was the most delectable creature he had seen in a very long time and she seemed to be offering herself to him in this very room. In normal circumstances there was no way in which he should entertain an application after the closing date. It was unthinkable and something he had never entertained before. But, there again, he had never met anyone quite as delicious as Laura Danby.

At 52, his own sex life was, well, non-existent. His wife was no longer interested in such things. She was a wonderful lady, but nothing like the exquisite sexual creature sitting before him, and who, even fully clothed, was stirring his manhood into life. And that was something that hadn't happened since...God knows when.

Laura's light blue eyes seemed to light up the room as she waited patiently for his response. Her skirt was pulled up to near her waist now, giving him a full view of what she was offering him. She smiled warmly and confidently, oozing sex appeal as she did so. Her instincts told her that a deal could be done with this man. The odds being very much on her side, because, it was a fact, that no living breathing male under the age of 80 would turn down such an offer from her. And he was no exception.

Brunswell gulped as he stared longingly at her stockings, thighs and panties. He was crumbling.

He flicked on his intercom. "Miss Silver...erm, cancel the safety inspection and see that I'm not disturbed, in any circumstances, until...4.00 p.m.?"

"Yes, headmaster," came the reply.

Laura smiled encouragingly at him as he got up and locked the door. It was going just the way she wanted it.

Horace was still in shock. Her words "I'll do anything" were still reverberating round his brain. His imagination was running ahead of him.

He shouldn't entertain her offer, he knew that. All his life he had believed in principles and rules. He had built his life on such things.

Then she crossed her fabulous legs again and he knew he was lost.

But, now he had a problem, how would he go about this? It had to be done with delicacy and a degree of caution. He had his reputation to protect and she was a married woman for God's sake.

He racked his brain quickly, as he looked hungrily at the creamy white thighs she was displaying to tantalise him. Finally, he came up with a game he had played out many times in his fantasies.

"We will play out a game, Mrs Danby, and if you successfully get to the end of this game, I will guarantee your son a place at this school, next term."

"Why that's wonderful," she smiled. "And the game is?"

"It's called... Yes please, headmaster. And the rules are these. Whatever, I ask you to do. You must only answer using any or all of those particular words."

Laura didn't need to think too much about it. All she needed was to finish the game and William was in the school. Her big problem would be solved and she could face her husband with a clear conscience when he returned home.

"O.K. let's do it," she replied with enthusiasm and stood up in readiness.

Horace closed his eyes at her acquiesce and surrendered to his lust.

She stood before him like a real life fantasy. He cleared his throat. "May I call you, Laura?" He asked.

"Yes, please headmaster," she responded quickly.

That showed she was up for it and they were into the game. But, he still needed to be certain that they understood each other.

"I rather think you need to adjust your stockings, am I correct?"

"Oh...yes headmaster," agreed Laura. Then she raised her skirt and put one foot on the chair, before fiddling with her stocking top. At the same time she was giving him meaningful looks with her amazing blue eyes.

The headmaster licked his lips, as he admired the lovely leg on display. Now he knew there was no mistake. She was ready and willing to play.

"Laura, now I want you to stand over there and raise your skirt to waist level. Would you do that for me please?"

"Yes, headmaster," she said, as she slowly lifted her skirt, higher and higher.

She held it around her waist, as he dropped to his knees before her and ogled her thighs and sexy panties at close quarters.

He remained there so long, enjoying the view and staring at her, that she thought he had turned to stone. Finally, he spoke again.

"Laura, I'm going to unbutton your blouse and take it off. Is that alright?"

"Yes headmaster."

Standing up again, his trembling fingers fumbled with the buttons and got them loose. He took it off her and threw it on the chair.

"Would you like me to unzip your skirt for you?"

"Oh yes, please headmaster."

He found the zip and soon had her skirt falling around her high heels.

She stepped out of it and placed it with her blouse on the chair.

"Is everything alright, Mrs Danby?"

"Oh yes, headmaster," she replied cheerfully. "Please proceed."

Horace feasted his eyes once more on her lovely long legs framed by a pair of silky cream panties. He was breathing heavily.

"Now I want you to remove your bra, will you take it off, please?"

"Yes headmaster," she said and unclasped it at the back.

He gasped as he watched her large breasts tumble free. He dabbed at his forehead with his hanky. Was it his imagination or was it getting awfully hot in the room.

His throat was so dry he had to sip some water.

"I would like to handle your breasts, Laura, would you like me to?"

"Yes, please, headmaster," she replied without hesitation. She knew that once he got his hands on her there would be no turning back.

He reached out and cupped her breasts in his hands. They were soft to the touch but with an underlying firmness. He toyed with her nipples feeling them harden under his fingers. He kissed and licked them as she just stood her ground with an pleasant expression on her face. Then his lust got the better of him and he opened his mouth greedily and took in as much of her breast as he could manage. She made no move to interfere with his pleasure. So, he carried on playing with her titties for several more minutes. "Are you enjoying this, Laura," he asked.

"Oh yes headmaster," she replied enthusiastically.

The game was going well.

His cock was so hard now it was almost painful. It was time to move on.

"Would you like me to remove your panties, now, Laura?" He asked.

"Yes please headmaster"

He tugged at the elastic of her panties and manoeuvred them down her slender legs. Immediately, he saw that she was shaven down there and gasped with pleasure at the sight. He didn't know it, but Laura had done it with him in mind that very morning.

It always made her feel especially sexy and naughty.

"Would you like me to play with your pussy, Laura?" He managed to ask through his constricted throat.

Laura bit her lip and blushed, but, her answer was already on her lips.

"Yes please, headmaster," she responded, managing to emphasise the word please, much to his delight.

It seemed as if she was enjoying the game as much as he was. She stood her legs apart ready for his intrusion.

Horace sighed with pleasure, as she submitted to him. He felt like a rich roman lord playing with a beautiful female slave.

He stroked her slit with his fingers before finding her clitoris and concentrating on getting her excited.

After several minutes of his expert handling, Laura felt her juices flowing. Then she gasped as more of his fingers slid into her wet vagina. He heart was pounding and her breasts were heaving, but, he wasn't finished with her yet.

"Bend over my desk with your hands and arms flat on the surface. Also lower down your head with your legs straight and feet apart. Laura did as she was told without question. Then, he adjusted her position to his satisfaction. "I want your bottom higher" he commanded. "And feet slightly wider apart."

He stood back and observed her. She was naked apart from stockings and high heels and perfectly positioned for his next round of pleasure. He loved it when she obeyed him so instantly.

From behind her, he slid his hand slowly up past her knee and up the inside of her thigh. He felt her quiver as his hand went higher and higher. He kneeled down directly behind and was rewarded with the perfect view of her vagina. He pushed his finger inside again and wiggled it in further. Then he added another finger and as she wriggled her bum and moaned he thrust in a third.

"Do you like that?" Laura.

"Oh yes headmaster ...yes, yes," she gasped, whimpering with pleasure.

After a while, he withdrew his fingers. They were covered with her love juice. It was obvious she was ready and willing for penetration.

But first he had another fantasy to fulfil.

"I'm going to spank you now, Laura. You deserve to be punished, don't you?"

"Yes, headmaster" she whispered.

"I think 3 would suffice, don't you agree?"


Moving quickly to his cabinet, he produced his favourite cane, perfect for use on her shapely buttocks.

He did a practise swing through the air and Laura winced in anticipation of pain.

"If you get up before I've finished, we start all over again. Do you understand?"

"Yes, headmaster," she sighed. Oh the man was so delightfully masterful.

The first swish caught her perfectly on her right buttock and she just managed to prevent herself from shrieking out. She didn't want any interruptions now they were this far down the road. So she wriggled her bum as she felt the pain, but stood her ground. A second blow criss-crossed the first and was intensely painful. A red mark seared into her lovely flesh. Horace stood back and admired his work. To whip this pretty woman with a perfect ass was giving him unbelievable pleasure and a gigantic hard-on. He would have to do something about that really soon.

He swished the cane through the air for the third crack and landed on the left side of her bum. It was almost unbearable for Laura and she had to grit her teeth as the agony of it gripped her. She felt tears in her eyes, but, willed herself not to move. She felt pride as he mumbled his admiration at how she had taken it.

"Excellent" he grunted as he gently patted her on her rump.

His erection was demanding satisfaction now and he let his lust take control.

He made her kneel down in front of him and he waved his manhood in the direction of her mouth.

"I think you know what to do, Mrs Danby," he muttered.

"Yes headmaster," she whispered as she took his hardness into her mouth and began to lick and suck. She was no stranger to the art of fellatio so she set about her task with expertise. Her mouth and lips felt soft and pleasurable as she dragged them up and down his shaft. The sensation was so good he wanted her to go on and on, but reluctantly he stopped her. There was an even greater treat awaiting him, if she would permit him to go that far. He was about to find out.

Would you like me to fuck you, now, Laura?"

"Oh, yes please, headmaster..."

Her words were like music to his ears.

So, together, they got her into her previous position, bending over the desk. He moved behind her and slowly pushed his throbbing cock into her welcoming love channel. It was moist and receptive for him and he plunged it in, right to the hilt.

"Oh, headmaster," she gasped. "That is so good"

He began to thrust in and out, slowly, stroking deep each time. Her little moans were telling him she loved it, loved it a lot.

He felt in control as her body responded to him, thrusting back and picking up his rhythm. Soon, they were fucking like well practiced lovers as the passion built. She was making more noise now, but he was past caring as he ground into her relentlessly.

"Yes, yes," she cried, as she felt her body quiver in delight.

He continued to pummel into her wet pussy while his hands gripped her hips. At the same time, he could not resist holding and toying with her big tits so invitingly displayed at her front. Also, while he did that, his fingers teased at her stiff nipples, while she groaned with pleasure.

She was perspiring freely now, her hair matted to her hot face. She felt the first spasm of an orgasm ripple through her loins. As if on cue, Horace suddenly increased his driving force and felt the first signs of his own climax. Then it was on them both, as they groaned in unison, their bodies erupting in ecstasy. He spurted into her, jerking and shuddering as he did so, until he was completely spent.