Zach's Nurse

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Paramedic takes care of an injured firefighter.
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Zach's Nurse

This is a follow up to my first story- Head Nurse. It can be read as a stand-alone story or as a sequel to the first story.

The shower water felt wonderful on my skin. It was probably a combination of the warmth of the water and the endorphins that were streaming through my body right now. A part of me was still in disbelief of what I had just done. In some ways, it didn't feel real, how often do your fantasies, especially sexual ones, come true. Even rarer, must be, reality being better than what you had fantasized about.

Ever since I had read the book Scruples as a teenager, I had been curious about and dreamed about blowing another man. This was all fueled by a scene in the book that involved a glory hole and two guys. Over time my interest in that had increased although, I dated women, and enjoyed sex with woman, but as I grew older the curiosity about, and the fantasies of sucking dick grew.

As my curiosity and fantasies grew my ability to be visually aroused by men increased. I would still look at more women than men but certain parts of men, mostly from the chest through their groin, would turn me on. I also really enjoyed looking at pictures of their dicks. A hard, cut, thick veiny cock was a huge turn on to see.

I was pretty shallow in my tastes when it came to my fantasies, I liked the stereotypical hot men; cowboys, construction workers, cops, and especially firemen. When my female friends would share memes involving those types of men on social media, I had to fight the urge not to hit the like button myself while being jealous I wasn't tagged along with the women they shared it with. The firemen fantasy was a little ironic because I worked as a paramedic for the fire department, so I spent a lot of time, a third of my life, around firemen including sharing the shower and locker room area.

Up until a few days ago no one had known I had these desires besides me. It was my deepest secret and one that I never thought I would share. I ended up spilling it to my work partner Anne. We had worked together for three years, she was a little more than ten years older than me, but I was her senior as a paramedic. This had resulted in me being her work mentor and her being almost like an older sister I had never had.

She had been visiting me at my home for drinks, something we did occasionally, and the subject of our deepest secrets had come up. We both had drank one or two to many, so our lips were a little looser than normal. She went first and confessed to a onetime girl on girl experience with a younger woman she had gone to paramedic school with. I confessed my fantasy of performing oral sex on a man and the fact that I found firemen hot.

Afterwards, in typical older sister fashion, she had teased me, good naturally, about the guys I worked with and which ones I thought were hot. I had been worn down and told her that the guys on the ladder truck were hot firemen calendar worthy and that one, Zach, was really hot. The fact was I had a bit of crush on him based on how hot he looked. He was tall with broad shoulders, muscular biceps, and rock hard, washboard abs. He also had a sleeve tattoo on one arm and another over his rib cage on the opposite side.

Zach had suffered serious burn on his hands in a fire a two months ago that had required numerous surgeries and skin grafts that he was still recovering from. He still had to wear bulky compression gloves on both hands that severely limited his use of them.

While he was in the hospital his wife had gotten a hold of his phone and saw texts and photos that had proved that he was sleeping with many different women. She kicked him out of their home and this resulted in him having no place to continue his recovery when he was released. The department's EMS and Health and Safety Chief had asked if I would take him and they had detailed me for a month to help take care of him.

Zach had moved into my spare bedroom yesterday. This morning an older occupational therapist had been here to work with him. She had left, saying that if he didn't knock off his rubbing up against her and making inappropriate comments, she wouldn't come back. When I confronted him about it, he basically said he hadn't gotten off in two months and was very frustrated.

When the home health nurse, who had come later that afternoon, stormed out, I found him on the couch with a hard dick. I made a quick decision to take care of it for him and ended up on my knees, sucking the beautiful cock of one of the hottest men I had ever seen. I had swallowed his cum and left him on couch to nap with the promise I would do it again later and to serve him dinner afterwards.


I stepped out the shower and began to dry off. I went to my room and took a second to decide on what to wear. If it was just me by myself, I would have thrown on a pair of gym shorts and a sleeveless t shirt, my normal around the house and sleeping attire. I decided to up it just a little and grabbed a t shirt that had sleeves. I heard my phone vibrate and picked it up.

Anne was responding to my earlier text that had basically told her I had hooked up with Zach. She had texted- OMG GIRLFRIEND! That didn't take you anytime at all. I can't wait to hear ALL the details, everyone of them! Still on for coffee tomorrow, right? Crazy busy day here hope the night side is quiet.

We had made plans earlier in the day to meet for coffee tomorrow morning at 08:00 after she got off her shift. I sent a quick reply- I am excited to tell you about it! Hope the night is quiet.

I headed downstairs and as I went by the living room area; I saw Zach still sleeping on the couch. He had pulled a blanket over him, but his shorts and underwear were still on the floor. I smiled at the thought of his dick under the throw blanket he had pulled over him for his nap.

I quietly stepped into the kitchen and tried my best to silently slide the lasagna, I had put together earlier, out of the refrigerator and into the oven. Then I sliced up some cherry tomatoes and cucumbers for a small salad and put some garlic butter spread on the loaf of French bread I had. I had the thought; I am pretty sure the way to Zach's heart was through blow jobs, but I figured showing off my cooking skills wouldn't hurt. After I had that thought I realized I really didn't care about his heart, his dick though, that was different.

I was just getting ready to go wake him up. My plan had been to try and get the blanket off him and wake him by starting to suck his dick. I had a girlfriend wake me up once doing that and it was still a favorite memory of mine. I heard some noise from the family room and peaked out and saw he was awake and putting his shorts on. The compression gloves made it a little tougher and he was struggling just a little.

"Hey, need some help? I would rather pull them down first though." I smiled as I said it coming out of the kitchen.

He kind of jumped. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Honestly, I was hoping you would still be asleep when I got done in there." I pointed back to the kitchen. "I had a plan for how I was going to wake you up that I thought you would like."

He was fidgeting and his eyes darted all over the room. It looked like he was trying to find an escape route. I stopped moving towards him and stood looking at him with a raised eyebrow waiting for him to speak.

"Umm, hey listen. I am not real sure how to say this." His eyes still wouldn't meet mine. "What you did earlier was really great and all."

"But?" I knew more was coming.

"Yea, but I don't want that to happen again. I am not gay. Honestly, if I had been thinking straight earlier, I wouldn't have let it happen then." He started to move across the room.

"I told you, I am not gay either. That is the first time I have ever done that, but I liked it and I would like do it again."

"Well, I still don't know if I believe that was the first time you have done that. It seemed way to natural for that. Doesn't matter though it isn't happening again. I don't want my friends to know I am having sex with a fag cocksucker."

"A fag cocksucker huh, I told you I am not gay. And how would your friends find out? Do you think I am going to run around screaming to everyone I got to suck Zach's dick?" I was getting angry now.

"Maybe not everyone. But I am sure you are dying to tell someone, how about Anne? I bet you have told her already. Everyone knows how tight you are. If you weren't a fag you would be fucking her. She may be a little older, but she has fantastic boobs and beautiful eyes. I would love to fuck that."

"Leave Anne out of this asshole and fuck you. Dinner will be ready to eat at 6:30. I will put some on a plate for you and set it on the table. You can eat it whenever you want." I turned and walked to the stairs.

"Hey, I am sorry. I won't talk about her, okay. Stop acting like a bitch."

I was up the stairs in my room by the time he finished. I closed the door and turned on the TV, then took my phone out and scanned social media. I was trying to figure out what was going on in my head. Was I angry because how he was acting? Was it because I wouldn't get to suck his dick again?

I heard him come up the stairs. It sounded like he had come up to my door and stopped for a moment and then walked away. I heard him go in the bathroom. I realized that when the home health care nurse was here earlier, she hadn't bathed him. A nurse wasn't scheduled to come back until tomorrow. I would have been glad to handle that task myself but not now.

I came out of my room a hour or so later and as I walked past my guest room, I heard the TV on through the slightly cracked door. I took the lasagna out and let it cool a little before cutting it, heated up the bread and put the salad into bowls. Eventually when everything was ready, I put Zach's plate on the table in the dining room and put water in the special cup he needed to use along with the utensils he required to be able to eat. I took my dinner out to the deck to eat there. It was the middle of October and the temps were starting to cool a little.

When I came in Zach was sitting on the couch with his dinner, watching TV. I rinsed my plates off and put the leftovers in the fridge. Looking out in living room I saw that he had put his plates on the coffee table. I walked out and picked them up.

"Do you want anymore?" I asked.

"No, thanks. It was good thank you."

I didn't acknowledge him and took the dirty dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I filled up his cup and grabbed a water bottle for myself. I dropped the cup on the coffee table and headed up stairs. Climbing into bed and turning on Netflix while still trying to figure out what was going on in my mind. Was I angry, hurt, disappointed?

I woke up early before six and the sun still wasn't up. I was supposed to meet Anne for coffee at eight o'clock. I decided I could get a quick run in this morning if I went right now. I peed and brushed my teeth and quickly changed into some running clothes. The air was a little chilly which depressed me, I was a fan of Spring and Summer and really disliked Winter which I knew would be here soon.

The run had helped me clear my head and my basic attitude right now was fuck Zach. I would hold up my end of the deal of helping with meals, etc. but that was it. I walked down the hallway and saw that his door was still closed. I took a quick shower and went and made my toast and yogurt breakfast. I put a bagel together for Zach along with yogurt and filled his cup with water. I had heard some noise upstairs while in the kitchen.

"Your breakfast is on the table I am going out." I shouted up the stairs and headed towards the door. I hear what sounded like thanks as the door closed behind me.

When I arrived at the coffee shop Anne was already waiting for me and motioned me to her table in the back corner. She had already bought my cup of coffee for me and when I arrived at the table she got up and hugged me. I was a little surprised at that since we didn't normal have hugging as part of our greetings. Interestingly enough, I am not sure why, I definitely felt and noticed her breasts pressing against my chest.

As I sat down, I asked. "How was your night? Busy?"

"No, well we were busy until late but got in bed at around one in the morning and never got up."

"Separate beds?" I offered a big smile as I said it.

While I was detailed to help Zach, they had brought in a new partner for her named Kayla. She was decent paramedic and not bad to work with. She was a big fitness buff and was very muscular for a girl although not unattractive at all. She also had a well-deserved reputation as a very lesbian leaning bisexual.

"Yes, fuck you!" She was laughing in response. "How about you. Did you sleep alone last night? I want every detail! It has been killing me to wait this long to hear what happened."

"I definitely slept alone last night." I looked down as I said it and took a sip of coffee. The inflection of my voice on the word definitely made it clear I wasn't happy right now.

"Uh Oh, trouble with dream boy already?"

"Yes. So basically, what happened was, he hit on both the occupational therapist and the home health nurse when they came yesterday. The home health nurse stormed out of the house. When I went to find out what had happened, he was sitting on the couch with a very obvious hard dick tenting his gym shorts."

Anne smiled and took a big sip of her coffee. I took one also.

"Go on." Anne tone had changed to some empathy and big sister concern. I think because she could tell I wasn't telling the story with the excitement I should be.

"I dropped to my knees in front of him and pulled his pants down and gave him a blow job. He didn't last long because it had been so long."

She smiled. "Was it what you had fantasized about? Was his hard dick as hot as you thought it would be? Did you like doing it? Umm, did you swallow?"

"Yes, to all of those, and his hard dick is, magnificent, at the time I thought all of it was perfect. It actually beat anything I had fantasized about."

"So, what happened afterwards? Obviously, something is wrong now."

"Right afterwards he said he liked it and said he didn't know I was gay, although a couple times the past couple days, he made comments that insinuated I was gay. I told him I wasn't and that was the first time I had done that. He couldn't believe I had never done that before, etc." I stopped for a sip of coffee.

"Did something else happen? That doesn't seem enough of reason for you not to be still thrilled you got to hook up with him."

"Yes, just giving you the back story. I am getting there. So, after I was done, I told him to take a nap and that I would get dinner ready and pretty much told him I would suck him off again later." I looked up and saw Anne smile at that. "I went and took at long shower, got dinner all prepped and went back to where he was sleeping on the couch, I had actually planned to wake him up by starting to blow him."

"I used to do that for Bob" Anne quickly interjected. I saw a strange look on her face after she said it, sadness maybe.

"Well he was awake when I came back in. When I told him I was disappointed, and what I had planned he told me that he was wasn't gay and if he had been thinking straight, ironic choice of words huh, he wouldn't have let me blow him."

"Oh, I am sorry. That had to sting a little."

"Yea, it got a little worse. I told him again I wasn't gay either and he reiterated that he didn't believe it was the first time I had done that. He then said he didn't want people to know he had sex with a faggot cocksucker.'

"Wow, what an asshole." I could see some anger in his eyes.

"Yea, he also said if I wasn't a fag, I would be fucking you." I grinned a little at that. "He also said he was sure I had already told you what I had done. So, he was right about at least one thing."

"Fucking me? What? Why? Never mind." She took a deep breath. "As a man you probably know this but in case you don't, lots of men have guilt after they get off. Not sure what happens in their brain after the get off, whether is from jerking off, fucking, or in this case getting a blow job, with someone they wouldn't normally, they are fine while it is happening but afterwards, they feel really guilty about it." She reached her hand out and grabbed my hand.

"Yea, I did know that. It happened to me all the time when I would jerk off after reading gay erotica or looking at dick pics when I jerked off."

"So you know, I am sorry that happened with Zach. I was so excited for you after I saw your text yesterday. I guess one good thing happened, you got to experience something you have only dreamed about for years, and you know that you liked it." She reached across the table and took one of my hands in hers and gave me a big smile. "You also found out that, when it comes to sex, men are inconsiderate assholes who normally only think of themselves. So welcome to the club girly."

"True. He is definitely an asshole. Thanks." I smiled at her. "So, you said you had something to tell me also."

"Maybe I should tell you later."

"Why? I am fine. Come on tell."

"Okay. So, I had my dinner date the other night with Bob. Ever since we have had kids, going out to dinner has pretty much meant we would be having sex later. During dinner I asked him if there were any fantasies, or things, he had always wanted to try but never told me."

She had stopped for another sip of her coffee so I asked her to continue, it was obvious she had more to say.

"He hemmed and hawed, and I told him to just to say it. He eventually told me he had a voyeur fetish and that he fantasies about watching me with someone else."

"Really, does he just want to watch, or does he want to participate?"

"I asked that. He said just to watch but, if I was with another woman, I could twist his arm and he would join in. He said it like a joke because he was really nervous, but I think he is interested in a threesome with another woman. I did ask if he would join in with another man and he said no."

"Wow. Do you think you could do that? Have sex with someone else with him watching you?"

"I really don't know. I know that I got really turned on while we were talking about it. And our sex later that night was better than it had been in years."

We smiled at each other and sat in silence for a few minutes finishing our coffee.

"How are you going to deal with Zach?"

"I went on an early morning run and pretty much used it as a time to clear my head and figure it out. I decided I will live up to my deal. He can stay with me for thirty days. I will help with his meal prep, etc. but that is it."

"You know princess. It is going to be really tough seeing your crush in your house all the time and not being able to do things with him." She smiled as she said it, but her eyes had empathy in them.

I was happy to hear her say princess. She had just started teasing me with words like that after I confessed to her I wanted to have sex with men. It was a bit of turn on for me and for some reason made it feel like we were closer.

"Yea, I know. I will just have to limit my contact with him and make sure I don't see him shirtless." I smiled at the end.

"The problem is this. Men are complete asses, but they have dicks and dicks sure are fun to play with aren't they." Anne grinned.

"Yes, they definitely are fun to play with." I acknowledged.

We both stood up to get ready to leave. She stepped over to hug me again and again I noticed her breasts pushed up against me chest.

"Thanks for being my friend. I am really glad I have someone I can talk to this about."