Zebra Games Ch. 02


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"I can't believe we just did that." I exclaimed into the phone.

"I'll be home soon." Lis gushed into the phone and then hung up.

I stared out at the kitchen floor. It was covered with my cum. I got up and grabbed the mop and cleaned it up. All the while I was thinking about the phone sex. It was something Lis and I had never been adventurous enough to try. We had much more than a plain vanilla sex life but what we did happened in the bedroom. Maybe a little spice was what was needed to ignite our sex life.

When Lis got home there was very little talking. We ended up in bed and engaged in a lusty 69 with Lis on top. She devoured my cock while I lapped up the nectar that dripped from her sopping wet pussy. Lis was very excited and came over and over as I dug my tongue into her. At one point I couldn't stand it any longer. I pushed Lis off me and pounced on her. My throbbing erection easily slid into Lis' slick vagina. She was as wet and as excited as I'd ever seen her. I fucked her with as much force as I could muster. She was more than up to it thrusting her hips back at me with abandon. We went at it for quite a while. Just when I felt I couldn't fuck anymore I felt a twinge in my balls and my body stiffened. I let my cum pour into Lis and the I collapsed on top of her and kissed her. We lay in one each other's arms for a while and talked until starvation made Lis get up and make dinner.

I thought we had sparked some life into our sexual relationship. Yet as the days passed I found that Lis was just as distant sexually. I tried different things such as showing up at her workplace to take her away for a long weekend and even some more phone sex. None of it seemed to work and Lis only blew me off when I tried to talk about it. Many times I fell just short of asking my wife if was seeing another man.

About 6 weeks after having talked to her Catherine knocked on our door. Lis was at a Saturday meeting for work and I was getting some lawn equipment ready for the upcoming spring when I heard our neighbor. I went through the house and got to the front door. Catherine smiled and said hello.

"Hey how's it going?" I replied as I let her into the house.

"I'm fine. How are you?" She asked as she handed me her overcoat. Catherine looked stunning in a navy blue business suit and a pair of black spiked heeled boots that covered her muscular calves.

We sat at the kitchen table and I got Catherine a cup of tea. We made some small talk for a while. It was easy with Catherine. She was so engaging. After going through what was happening with some of the neighbors Catherine got to the point of her visit.

"Denny I had a couple of brief conversations with Lis over the past few weeks. I have to say, in my experience, she sounded like a woman who was seeing another man." Catherine told me her opinion.

"Oh God! I can't believe it. You know I thought it might be true but never could bring myself to really believe it. I just couldn't ask her." I was falling apart in front of Catherine.

"Lis seems to be a bit lost. I really didn't get a chance to talk to her at length. It may not even be about your sex life together." She offered.

"So she didn't actually admit that she was seeing someone else. Maybe we should talk." I was hopeful when I heard that Catherine seemed unsure of Lis' infidelity.

"Well the two of you certainly need to find out what is wrong here. Denny, after I talked to Lis, I wanted to be absolutely positive. Well, I consider you a friend and I wanted to help. I hope you don't mind. I followed your wife. I'm certainly no private detective. I actually felt foolish but I found that she was seeing another man." Catherine explained softly.

"Who? Who is it?" I was torn between crying and exploding.

"It's no one you'll know. At least I don't think so. He's an inch or two shorter than Lis, kind of stocky with a shaved head. He's also black. Catherine informed me.

"Another black guy? I can't believe this is happening, all because of that night." My head was in my hands.

"Yes the fact that Maarq was an interracial lover is important, That and that, black or not, this man is a definite step down for Lis. You wouldn't know whether Lis had other black lovers before your friend Maarq, would you?" Catherine inquired.

"He's no fucking friend of mine. I'd murder the bastard if I saw him today!" I let out with a growl.

"Denny, simple revenge won't get your wife back. What's past is past. Except it is important to know if she has experienced other black men. Do you know much about her past sexual life?" Catherine brought me back to reality.

"Not really. She was an athlete in college. A lot of the female athletes have sex with the male athletes of which quite a few are black. Yet she had mentioned that Maarq was her first and she really had no reason to lie when she said it. I mean I have never held it against her. I'm not a prejudice guy. Catherine, I don't want to lose her. I don't care if the other guy is a step up or down."

"So you are willing to try. Try and keep your wife. You are not giving up?"

"You talk about stepping up or down in a relationship. I consider Lis several rather large steps up above me and it's a lot more than her looks. I'll never meet another girl like her. We can't get divorced."

"I am glad you love your wife so much and there won't be any divorce as long as I am around. If it's true that Maarq was your wife's first interracial lover, it brings about a possible theory."

The way Catherine called Maarq my wife's first interracial lover only angered me that much more. Inadvertently she seemed to be shoving the sexual encounter right into my face. Yet she was an expert in this type of situation and if she was going to help me I wasn't going to snap at her. Besides I was finding it nearly impossible to stop staring at her legs as we sat at the kitchen table.

"So you think there is something you can do? I'll try anything."

"Denny have you ever heard of a sexual surrogate?" Catherine asked me.

"I have but I'm not sure what they do."

"Well a great deal of my job involves working with sexual surrogates. We team up to help individuals or couples overcome issues with sexual confidence, dysfunction, and infidelity among other sexual problems. I'd like you to work with a surrogate and myself." Catherine explained to me.

"What would we do?"

"Well this surrogate is a man, a black man. In the beginning he would take the place of Lis' other lovers." The therapist explained it all with such confidence.

"So trade in one black man for another. How is that going to help?" I was frustrated with what sounded like a pretty stupid solution proposed by Catherine.

"It would help because I believe that we can wean Lis off her desire to be with black men with a professional that will have no emotional connection with Lis. Anytime Lis feels the urge to be with another man this surrogate will be available to satisfy her needs. With the emotion taken out of the equation hopefully Lis will tire of these extramarital affairs. Of course I will work with Lis as well. We have to find out the real reason she has chosen this behavior."

"With all the emotion gone what's to keep Lis from going back to other men?" I asked.

"Well let me tell you about our surrogate. Leon has been working as one for several years. He is 26 years old and has been working with two other clients to increase their sexual self-esteem. He is a wonderful young man and most definitely no one's step down. He is handsome and a superior lover. Yet I have to be honest with you, Denny, if Lis simply wants to stay on this path there is very little anyone can do to stop it. You must be prepared for that although in my experience I am hopeful she will be convinced to stop her behavior."

" I understand that possibility. It also sounds like my wife might have a hard time leaving Leon."

"Well they could be together for a while. Remember you will be her emotional lover, a much stronger relationship than Leon will provide. As beautiful as Lis is you can trust that this man is there as a surrogate only."

"I think this is insane Catherine. I mean, I like you and I know you are just trying to help but this is one weird situation you are proposing." I was far from convinced.

"Why don't you and Lis stop by for a drink around 7pm tonight. We have to at least confront her about these sexual encounters."

I knew that Catherine was right about that and for some reason I felt more comfortable with a professional like her helping me out. If I sat down with Lis on my own I had no idea how things would turn out.

I convinced Lis to walk down to Catherine's that night. As we strolled past Mrs. Herney's house we talked about Joe. We were invited to a party he and his wife were throwing. We missed Joe and were looking forward to seeing him again. As we talked I was reminded why I loved Lis so much. The way we meshed intellectually made us such good companions. "Don't you think it's funny that Catherine's husband is never around?" Lis inquired.

"I've seen Daniel a couple of times but not lately. I guess you're right. It is a different type of relationship. I replied.

"Daniel. I had even forgotten his name." She smiled over at me. As we waslked I had no idea how intuitive my wife's statement was.

I followed Lis up the steps to Catherine's front door. The black boots she wore gave off a polished gleam in the dark as the streetlights reflected off them. They also had long spike heels. My wife always walked like an athlete until she donned a pair of high heels. The result of her well toned legs and a pair of dress shoes was always devastating. These boots were no exception.

We knocked on Catherine's door and she came right away and greeted us. While I was as nervous as I had ever been in my life, Catherine was as effusive as ever. She took our coats and complimented Lis on the black wool skirt she was wearing. My wife immediately returned the compliment regarding Catherine's green silk blouse. Although Catherine was wearing slacks they seemed to be an expensive wool that went with the pair of alligator pumps she was wearing. Between the two women I felt a little underdressed in jeans and an old oxford shirt.

We looked around the house while Catherine made us drinks. Lis was especially taken aback by all the zebra references in the house. The three of us ended up in a spacious study that was walled with filled bookcases. There was a good size desk on one side of the room and two overstuffed chairs and a couch on the other. They were matching pieces that were upholstered in brown leather. Lis took a seat at the end of the couch while I sat next to her in one of the chairs and Catherine sat in the other chair. We made small talk while I sat anxiously waiting for the hammer to drop. I was hoping against hope that Catherine wouldn't bring up the surrogate idea. It would have made us look like fools. In the end Catherine was rather blunt approaching Lis' infidelity. I guess it was the only way to do it.

"Lis I thought you ought to know that Denny has come to me over the past couple of months for some advise on your relationship." The statuesque blonde started.

"Really? Why?" Lis gave me an incredulous look.

"Well this is what I do and he was worried that a great deal of the spark had gone out of your sexual relationship." She continued.

"We've both been busy at work. I get tired. My God Dennis!" Lis rarely called me by my full name so I knew I was in big trouble.

I was about to say something when Catherine interjected. "Lis are you seeing another man?"

"Jesus! Are you two crazy?" Lis howled. She looked at me and then at Catherine. I am pretty sure that my wife figured she could fool me but that there was no way she was going to get around the psychotherapist. She looked down at her hands.

"How long has it been going on?" Catherine asked so calmly that Lis slid right into an unbelievable answer.

"Oh Denny I'm so sorry. I started seeing Maarq after that night." She admitted.

"What!" I exploded but Catherine gave me a look that told me it wasn't my turn to talk yet.

"How long have you been seeing him?" Catherine inquired.

"I haven't seen him for awhile. Those business trips I took before we got married? I would go spend a couple of days with Maarq In New Jersey. When you proposed I broke it off. He wanted me to marry you and still be his sex partner but I couldn't do it." Lis said.

"You've been with other men though, haven't you?" Catherine stayed very calm and confident through the whole process.

"One day about six months ago I was at lunch downtown. I got up to use the ladies room and as I walked past the bar this black man whistled at me. Oh God I couldn't help myself. On my way back I gave him my cell phone number. I am so ashamed. That day, the day of the last blizzard. We talked on the phone. I was naked in bed with him! I was turning you on and he was lying on top of me, inside me while we talked. I don't know why this is happening to me!" Lis had broken down completely and I was barely holding it together.

"Lis, the fact that you confessed this matter so easily means you want things to change. Am I right?" Catherine soothingly asked.

"I would do anything to stop this madness." She returned.

"I've told your husband about a way that might wean you off this sexual predilection." Here it came. I couldn't believe I was going to listen to this idea again.

"I'll try anything at this point. I just want to live a normal life with Denny." Lis looked at me hopefully. I wanted that same thing. I reached out and took her hand.

"I am going to suggest that you see a sexual surrogate. He will be there to support you in a sexual way only. Denny is your husband where you have your emotional bond. As time goes on he will regain your sexual bond as well. Catherine explained.

"You mean you want me to openly have sex with another man?" Lis looked at me.

"Don't look at me. I'm as perplexed by this whole thing as you are honey." I chimed in hoping it would deter the way things were going.

"Let me introduce you to your surrogate and we can talk further. Leon could you come in here please?" Catherine called out to the living room.

"You mean he's here?" I asked dumbfounded.

With that, in walked a tall lanky black man. The fact that he was good looking with cornrows and a very dark complexion was unnerving enough to me. What made the whole scene surreal was that he was buck naked. He walked in and sauntered up to me first.

"Hi Denny I'm Leon." He held out his hand and I shook it. If this had all fallen apart I was confident that Lis would know I had no part in the planning of this introduction by the look on my face. Yet what I was hoping was that she didn't notice me checking out the long ebony member that swing flaccidly between his legs. This guy was hung. There was no other way to put it.

The black man stepped around me and took a seat right next to my wife on the couch. Lis' mouth hung open. She was as shocked as I was to see this naked black man walking around Catherine's home.

"Hello I'm Leon." The black man held out his hand. His voice was fairly high pitched.

"So I've gathered." Lis replied in awe. "Are we on some sort of X-rated game show?"

Catherine and Leon both laughed. I didn't know how many times they had tried this before but they had to know it was pretty weird to bring a naked guy into an otherwise civilized conversation between three other people.

"Lis there is something beneath the surface that you and I have to bring up, the actual reason for your attraction to black men. Until we discover that reason I think it's a bad idea that you date men that might want to claim an emotional stake with you. That's why Leon is here. I don't think your sexual desire to be with a black man is going to vanish simply because we are exploring the issue, not at first anyway." Catherine surmised.

"Is this really a treatment?" Lis looked at me.

All I could do was shrug. I actually felt very strange. Before that night with Maarq I would have grabbed Lis and dragged her out of there. Tonight I had confirmed that my wife was sleeping with another man and our psychotherapist neighbor had come up with an incredibly odd solution to the problem and all I could do was shrug my shoulders. I was looking at the two of them sitting on the couch and there were butterflies in my stomach. The kind you get when there is a nervous excitement in the air. Lis looked so prim and proper in her button down white blouse, skirt and black boots. While the black man was just raw sex sitting right next to her with his long dark penis resting on one of his upper thighs. My God did I actually want them to fuck?

"Lis whenever you feel the need to be with a black man I want you to call on Leon. He will be there physically whenever possible as well as a support to talk too during those times of extreme desire." Catherine explained.

"Do you have any experience with this sort of thing?" Lis asked Leon as she began to weaken to Catherine's reasoning.

"Leon is currently working with two other women." Catherine interjected.

They have issues which are different than yours but to answer your question I have experience." Leon answered.

"You're so young that's all." Lis was close enough for Catherine to make her move.

"Lis what I would like you to do is take off your clothes and sit back down next to Leon." Catherine asked.

"Really? Honey I'm not so sure." Lis looked at me again.

All I had to do was take her hand and bring her home. That would have been the end of this sexually mutated scenario. We could have worked through Lis' affairs ourselves or seen another therapist but I couldn't do it. For some perverted reason I had to see my wife naked with this black man. After all, it didn't necessarily mean they were going to have sex. What harm could it do?"Lis I don't have any answers myself." I acquiesced and out of the corner of my eye I saw a broad smile form on Catherine's face.

Lis got up and began unbuttoning her blouse. Her bra landed on the arm of my chair and she shimmied out of her skirt and panties.

"That's fine for now dear you can just leave the boots on. My goodness you are in incredible shape." Catherine commented as she admired my wife's well toned body. She motioned her back next to Leon who could no longer control himself. His penis had begun to harden on his leg. "Now I'd like you to do a little role play for me. Lis do you have a fantasy about a black man you haven't let screw you yet?" Catherine was getting vulgar again.

"Sure, Jamal Zoe." Lis replied immediately.

Both Leon and Catherine gave her a quizzical look.

"He plays guitar down at Samson's Grill once every two weeks or so." I added. I wasn't surprised at Lis' admission. The part time guitar player had the good looks to go with the bad boy reputation.

Excellent Denny you know him too. That's important. What turns you on about him?" Catherine inquired.

"Well he's a guitar player first off. You know shaved head, nice muscles, great stage presence and he wears these leather pants that when he gets worked up just right. Well let's just say you can tell he's hung real nice. The pants certainly don't hurt that sweet black ass either." Lis described shamelessly. I could tell something was happening to her. She was sexually turned on as she checked out Leon's now fully erect dick but there was something different about my wife.

"You two have seen him perform together?" Catherine asked.

"Sure and sometimes on my own." Lis replied. I was surprised. I had never known that Lis had gone to that bar alone to see some black guy play guitar.

"Did you ever get turned on in front of your husband?" Lis delved further.

"Of course Jamal's fucking hot." Lis slurred.