
Hi, all. I will write a few words re my bio in a momment. However a few words to my commentators re my stories. I have waited to write something here until I can assess this site. The site itself is uninteresting but the people are extremely interesting. I have found individuals, from an old writer friend, "Just Bob", whose work I admire greatly and whose talent trancends to insane individuals who are more interested in expressing their inner rage than what the site is really for. For the ones in the middle, I truly appreciate the comments that are obviously meant to actually help my writing. Some seem to get totally invovlved in the actual stories and express their comments from that unique perspective. I love that.
After reading a few months of comments I have found that there are many that are "anonymous". Most have no value whatsoever and are basically hatemail to either me or to some of the other commentators. However, a few "anonymous" comments have had merit and are comments meant to help. I don't understand why anyone would make anonymous comments in the first place. For that reason I will not be accepting any anonymous comments for a while. Lets see how that goes.
- Grew up in the Northeast, Boston
- Several coleges, hated school, none finished and despite a high draft number, enlisted in the US Military, Viet Nam era
- Still hated school but while in the service, obtained two degrees: computer science and electrical engineering
- Obtained a commisioned and served as an officer in the US military
- Got to see and experience a lot of stuff
- Currently I get to travel a lot
- I live in southern California

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12 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
3My Comments

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Dog(s), Cat(s), Bird(s)


All/none/depends, Lol

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