
Most of what I write has has an element of the autobiographical; things I've done, things I nearly did, things I wish I had.

I am married now and have calmed down a lot from when I was younger.

This is me.

I�m five-ten, a bit willowy and lacking in the boobs dept, but my butt and legs are a compensation for that genetic blip. My hair is a shade of straw and is a bit more than shoulder length, dense and wavy. When I've just washed it, it becomes unruly, so I strangle into French plaits. If I let it down you�d better watch out ( *smiles sexily*).

I keep out of the sun, so my body is the shade of a skinned banana, but still silky-soft. But my face is showing my age -- though I still have a girlish dash of freckles over my nose and cheeks. When I was younger people said I was really pretty. Nowadays, when I look at old photos of myself -- especially from my teens -- I see what an English Rose I once was. I�m in my thirties now and waste too much money on skin-care products, a battle I'm starting to lose.



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