
I'd like to have a conversation. I try to write stories — mostly incest — that involve flawed characters, bad decisions, and tumultuous feelings behind each character's actions. Nine out of ten readers here at Lit, however, appear to want vacuous, sex-crazed sluts jumping up and down on irresponsible, sex-crazed, cardboard guys, all with inhumanly large genitalia, as if incest or any other fetish is something that most people indulge in the aisles of their supermarket while doing their weekly shopping.

Am I that different? How many of you are there that would rather read about fucked-up, struggling lovers than bubble-gum, molded-plastic sluts and studs?

I'd also like to better understand the different reasons why people gravitate towards different incest fantasies, both what leads them towards those fantasies, and what they feel they enjoy when a story is fleshed out and brought to life.

Please contact me if you have an opinion.

The Monster Inside Me (a father/daughter romance) has been published (4 chapters total). It's a bit bold and unusual, and I'm a little disappointed in how it's been received, in particular how few readers, how few votes either up or down, and mostly how few comments. I very strongly welcome any and all feedback, positive or negative.

Please realize that my stories are all fantasies, meant to indulge dark desires in a purely safe, imaginative fashion.

I always welcome (crave) intelligent feedback from readers, and occasional (again, intelligent) conversation. Please feel free to contact me, especially if you have a sense of humor.

A note on my works:

Mouse is among the most popular. It is an incest-romance with flawed but likable characters.

A very popular story is It Doesn't Count and it's two sequels.

Like some other stories I've written, that particular story has been written several different ways, with different characters and relationships, so that a reader can choose the set up that most appeals to them.

My own other personal favorites are Little Red Riding Wood, Twas the Night, any of the Nebemakst stories, and The Flower Girl.

Some of my stories are very, very short. Many are not meant to be erotic. They contain sex, but they're really meant to make you smile or feel or think, not to get you aroused.

Please vote on any story based on what it is, not what you expected it to be. My writings are fairly varied, so no matter what one story was like, the next may be very, very different.


Between the lines



Author Stats

16 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
20My Favorites
23My Comments
7Series Published

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Good Girls With Bad Grammar, Bad Girls With Good Grammar

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