
Artworks by Cherry_Rose

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Life drawing of athletic woman in profile, graphite,

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 10/11/2018
4.25 11.4k 1 1

Life drawing, nude woman leaning forward

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 10/10/2018
4.43 12.1k 3

Woman side on life drawing

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 10/04/2018
4.17 9.6k 2 6 2

fuller figured woman relaxes on the sofa.

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 07/06/2013
4.31 27.3k 2 2 2

Playing with poses with a friend

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 01/16/2013
5 17.5k 1

graphite sketch

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 08/04/2012
4.09 38.8k 4 2 4

a couple lay intertwined on their bed.

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 08/04/2012
4.43 45k 4 4 4

close up of Justin's shoulder

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 08/28/2011
3.71 34.1k 1

arse and thighs

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 08/28/2011
4.33 56.3k 1 1

Justin gave me permission to sketch some of his photos.

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 08/28/2011
4.5 60k 3 3 3

Justin spreads his wings...

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 08/28/2011
4 51.3k 1 1

A profile look at a yummy male behind.

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 08/21/2011
4.42 66.4k 5 2 5

She stands proud in all her glory.

by Cherry_Rose
Erotic Art 07/09/2011
H 4.52 125.5k 28 21 28