
Stories by ChrisGeyser

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Travel chaos brings mother and son closer.

4.48 81.4k 107 9 155

An accident, a dare and unexpected consequences...

H 4.7 153.7k 257 32 405

A son decides to help his depressed mother...

H 4.56 168.4k 217 25 292

Mom visits Japan, discovery ensues...

H 4.71 150.5k 277 22 364

Introducing Mom to tumblr...

H 4.53 144.9k 214 29 304

When your hot online date turns out to be your mother...

H 4.5 108.6k 242 40 295

Lusting for his mother, he decides to take action.

4.47 291.6k 138 19 189

She wants her poolside treat...

by ChrisGeyser
Romance 04/01/2010
3.98 26k 4 3 5