
A light-skinned brotha who had an unexpected experience that changed my life. Love chat, intelligent conversation, and humor. No, I will not EVER be into Race Play, so don't ask. Nor do I do Scat, toilet, BDSM, Futa, furries, or Dom/Sub (nothing against those of you that do...just not my bag). But if you are into a little naughty talk, hit me up

While I am not an expert at RP, I have indulged once or twice. Though I admit I am not even close to being an expert. Furthermore, if we get into a conversation, please understand a conversation is a back and forth exchange of ideas. It gets VERY BORING to have to come up with questions that eventually turn into a monologue. If I wanted to talk to myself, I would stand in the bathroom and have at it. For the most part, I am an open book. If you want to know something...ASK! I won't rip your head off! If you've gotten this far, you're a real winner on the edge of discovering a good friend!

*Update: I initially came to this site in hopes of penning out my erotic thoughts and sharing it with like-minded individuals. However, since I started, I have found that my stories have become long and numerous. In order to increase your satisfaction with reading my posts; here is the order in which to read what I call....The Morrison Saga:
1) The Little Phoenix
2) A Port in the Storm
3) And One More Makes Three
4 The Decision
5) The Devil's Due
6) Return to a Place Called Home
7) Legacy of my Father

As of this writing, the next story "Sleeping with My Enemy," is a stand-alone story that is unrelated to the Morrison storyline (although the area and some of the businesses are the same). I will try to have admin fix this for the future.

P.S.: Yes, I realize that in many of my stories,, I have serious editing issues, grammatical errors, and a few writing miscues. I will try to fix these issues for future entries, however, please don't allow this to take away from what many consider a good read. Any way you slice it...for those that have read my stories, Thank you...for everyone else....ENJOY!!!


Dirty South



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A Long Time AgoUpdated
63My Favorites
178My Comments
7Series Published

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