
Stories by GradStudent

Effective penalty for avoiding chores?

4.36 18k 4 1 8

Hidden camera backfires

3.84 55.1k 12 32

Caught peeking, I am taught privacy.

4.14 28.2k 4 2 9

There were no girls in evidence, so I sneaked in.

by GradStudent
Group Sex 11/16/2010
3.52 134.3k 15 25
126.4k 11 18

Dinner among friends leads to demonstration of wearing a rubber.

3.87 35.9k 6 10

"Peter, you have such nice thighs. Are they sensitive?"

4.26 25.7k 1 2

I assumed that since Wendy was invited to dinner, the group...

4.33 25k 1 1

What they did to me during the week.

H 4.52 39.6k 3 5

Housemates come up with a birthday present.

3.83 32.4k 2 6

Games at the pool with new girlfriend.

4.01 43.2k 7 3 12

Star law student finds his right position.

3.85 21.9k 2 1 4