
Stories by Sasha_Vogue

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Housewife catches her sister-in-law screwing a black man.

4.44 198.6k 278 20 420

Vicky helps her boss cheat and ends up having a wild time.

4.22 94.1k 63 12 93

A married couple discovers hotwife-cuckoldry on vacation.

4.22 157k 200 32 285

A young stripper is surprised when her dad visits the club.

4.49 194.3k 238 11 343

A girl accidentally summons a minotaur at work!

by Sasha_Vogue
NonHuman 10/27/2015
H 4.52 87.7k 219 6 295

An elven maiden tracks a mysterious werewolf.

by Sasha_Vogue
NonHuman 10/21/2015
H 4.66 27.7k 70 3 92

Dustin finds his blonde wife in the arms of a big black man.

3.91 121.8k 129 19 181