
I'm a professional fiction writer. I enjoy delving into the dark, and slightly twisted. No matter the response, if it affects someone on an emotional level, then I'm satisfied.

I enjoy feedback of all kinds. Good, bad... doesn't matter. Be forewarned though that if you leave disparaging comments towards others, that your comment will be erased. Example: "People are sick for fantasizing about rape". I'm accepting of all inner desires no matter what they are. That's what fiction is all about. Letting your imagination go where ever it wants. So, please leave any hatred towards others at the door. Thanx.

So, basically, if you're only into one fetish, and you decide to start attacking the other ones... it's going to offend people... and I'm going to erase that shit. (Winks) - T.M.

Fun Fact - When I sat down to try to think of what to call this damn series, I was listening to music, and one of my favorite songs came on. "Slept So Long" which was written by Jonathan Davis. The words to the song fit the story perfectly, and it inspired me to call it... The Hell In Your Eyes.

Update - 09/26/16 - Alright... The last chapter to The Hell in Your Eyes is pretty damn long. Originally, I had intended to just post it as one piece because I liked that round number 10 being the ending of the story, but as many of you know... I took a break from writing. That has created some very mixed reactions... So, this is what I'm thinking. I'm going to break it up a little so that the ending gets posted over a few chapters. It'll give you guys some relief, and it'll help me focus on the next part that I'm trying to bang out. It will mean that Chapter ten won't be very long, but once I edit it, I can have it posted within the next day or so. Thoughts? - T.M.

Oh, before I forget... I was going to answer a few of the questions that I've been getting through email. The Ache of Rapture will eventually have a spin off with Travis as the main character. I've already started it. The Broken Mind will also have a Chapter 3. I've started that too. Until The Hell in Your Eyes is fully completed, neither is going to be a top priority, but they will be coming out at some point. - T.M.

Random Creative Thought - I'm thinking about writing a story that's written entirely in Pig Latin then posting it in the Non English section... lol.

Update - 4/29/17 - I'm just doing a quick update for those who have been following me for a long time. As many know, I took a break from writing last year because a relationship that I was in for about eight years came to an end. That made it difficult to write about anything in general. We ended up working things out, and I got back to doing what I love most, short stories. This update is to let you know why I need to take a short break again. Last month... He passed away... and I am seriously fucked up from it. So, I'm taking a break. Not forever, I just need some time to deal with everything. Hopefully you understand, and if not... Go fuck yourself. Lots of love. - T.M.

Update - 08/05/17 - I'd like to thank everyone who's been very supportive this year about my time away. All of the emails, and comments have done a lot to lift my spirit through this horrible time. I'm trying my best to heal so that I can get back to doing what I love most... writing.

Update 07/01/19 - What's up, everyone. I'm putting an update up because a lot of people have asked me for one. I haven't been on the site for a while. I kept trying to get back to that place, and couldn't. Part of me felt guilty for not being able to live up to people's expectations, and part of me was a little irked because certain people were beginning to act like I owed them something for simply existing. Shrugs. I realized that neither were constructive, and to stop making promises. So, I'm just going to do what I've always done. Concentrate on creativity on my own terms. No pressure. No deadlines. No expectations. I'm glad everyone has gotten some enjoyment from my work. It's nice to see the joy that it brings to people's lives. I'm not going to apologize for not pumping out stories like a machine though. I'm a person just like everyone else, and sometimes bad things happen. It's part of life, and people take breaks. I've always been kind of an emotionally volatile writer, and you can't do that well if you're walking around as an emotionally volatile person. The sadism would reach a scary place that no one would like to experience. Trust me, lol. Fortunately... I feel a lot better, and bought a new lap top. So, I'm sure I'll come up with something relatively cool soon. Lots of love. - T.M.

Also, this is the ONLY site that I post on for free. The ONLY one. So, if you see my work on another site... That person illegally stole my writing without my permission. Feel free to degrade them, and humiliate them to your liking.



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