
Stories by darkmaas

by darkmaas
21.8k 9 2 16

Three quickies with a theme.

4.3 23.3k 2 1 7

Champagne, blood and a thousand mirrors.

by darkmaas
NonHuman 12/09/2004
H 4.73 27.1k 4 6 8

A naked pale mystery.

4.09 18.7k 2 3 2

Cold steel, hot panties.

by darkmaas
Fetish 03/08/2003
4.22 34.5k 4 1 4

Tropical heat, damp silk and the chance of getting caught

H 4.56 23.9k 2 1 6

The French call an orgasm the little death.

by darkmaas
NonHuman 12/23/2002
4.13 28.4k 5 3 7

The morning after their sweet love.

4.38 20.7k 2 3