
Stories by hammingbyrd7

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Two women accept a very strange fraternity invitation.

4.41 1.31M 138 168 231

A journey into a red-light district.

4.16 36.9k 12 8 21

An epic adventure of love and courage.

H 4.86 234.2k 150 57 200

Sequel to 'The Preacher Man'.

H 4.65 88.4k 116 28 149

The world is ruled by a single, global theocracy.

H 4.9 627.7k 1.3k 333 1.6k

A young man comes to terms with remarkable abilities.

H 4.72 175.5k 444 112 525

Sequel to 'Close Encounter'.

H 4.83 47.8k 20 18 30

Mountain train ride takes an unexpected turn.

H 4.59 58.9k 19 6 33

Nobel laureate teams up with an undergrad.

4.47 32.9k 6 5 8

Two shy & gifted teens find each other in battle.

H 4.68 60.1k 47 19 61

Trilogy conclusion of "Undiscovered Countries".

H 4.79 34.6k 28 18 31

Sequel to "Undiscovered Countries".

4.48 361.6k 23 8 28

People trapped in elevators, sure, but escalators?

4.41 48.7k 38 13 44

Young woman & mate pick new direction.

4.38 29.5k 4 6 5

Student nurse helps roommate & boyfriend with sex.

by hammingbyrd7
Group Sex 02/06/2004
4.22 99.6k 20 6 33

The coming of age of a philosopher.

4.4 54k 5 7 5