
Stories by patientlee

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A cereal murder mystery to jump-start your day.

4.35 9.8k 3 7 5

Group gift exchanges are for the birds.

H 4.67 6.4k 1 4 2

I was fucking terrified.

by patientlee
Non-Erotic 10/02/2014
4.1 24.8k 4 21 7

How to make the fantasy sound real.

by patientlee
How To 08/21/2014
4.43 72k 39 5 56

My day stopped being so typical.

by patientlee
Non-Erotic 04/07/2014
3.93 13.4k 9 13 11

She thought he cheated. She tried to get revenge.

4.32 176.8k 182 116 293

Maybe she's not a lesbian . . . .

4.39 17.4k 8 7 10

Valentine's Day snowstorm brings us all together.

by patientlee
Anal 01/25/2012
4.29 77.4k 19 5 29

We take a vacation without kids and return to a hurricane.

4.3 34.7k 7 4 18