
Stories by sambones88

How a girl enjoys a summer time outdoor concert.

4.23 26.2k 2 5 2

From the church Bake Sale to Naked in Mexico.

H 4.54 190.9k 36 5 49

Halloween party lets shy wife get wild.

4.23 176.3k 35 5 53

Tina describes her 'special' relationship with 'the guys'.

H 4.52 93.8k 1 2 5

Rene & Joe take mini-vacation from marriage woes.

4.22 66k 5 6 7

Woman gets a midnight visitor.

3.82 48.8k 3 5

Poker game turns into a lingerie show.

H 4.51 196k 50 6 78

A surprise end to a usually routine costume party.

4.37 125.4k 48 3 77