
Yes, I am female and yes, the image is me as a working girl.
I write primarily for my own enjoyment although when others enjoy my efforts it does give me a great deal of pleasure. That most of my stories are around certain themes is down to the fact that they are, at least in part, based on my own experiences. Draw whatever conclusions you wish to from that.
I also like my characters to be flawed, to make mistakes and to, hopefully be real. After all that's what happens in real life.
I'm happy to receive comments but I'm not interested in you telling me where my story is going when I haven't finished it. Please wait till the end and then say what you think.
Please note that when I submit a series I have already finished the work and, apart from a little editing, all the chapters will be posted within a reasonable time span.
For all those who have commented on my misuse of 'to' & 'too' I apologise profusely, I have always struggled with this for some reason but am trying to fathom out why.
Because of a problem with Outlook I have had to change my e-mail address. Anyone who has e-mailed me previously please check they are using my new address.
Apologies for being away for so long, life has a way of taking over sometimes.

29/05/24 - Chapter 2 of Jessica's Epiphany released to Literotica





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