All Comments on '8 Days'

by damonX

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Interesting story. Not really into it though. I already feel bad for the guy. You write sex scenes and stories better than most but this form of adultery, while it may turn you on, just shows glimpses of girls I would wanna stay the fuck away from. It's almost like a disclaimer, if you will.

hansbwlhansbwlabout 14 years ago
One big mistake

made by the writer. She promises him her "virgin ass". By giving her ass to Brett she broke the rule/promise.

He should walk as fast as he can. A continuation of this story is waste of time and effort.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
Please remember

Please remember that not all characters in stories will act the way you would if placed in the same situartions. Some characters act unfavorably because there are people in the world who act badly from time to time. I realize that by adding any cheating aspect into a story, I'm just asking for trouble. But please, try and judge the writing and not the conduct of the characters.

fregenfregenabout 14 years ago
And this is when they love each other the most?

Would/could you expect it to get any better? She is having unprotected sex with a player. She is giving him sex that she never gave her fiance. She is acting the slut and loving it. Can she disrespect you any more than she is?<P>

It's over. Declare it's over and move on.<P>

Thanks for sharing.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor

You guys realize that this is a fictional story right?

Poizon69Poizon69about 14 years ago
Both as daft as each other.

They don't love each other or respect each other. i am so glad I didn't have a girlfriend like this. But if i did it wouldn't be for very long. Bags would be packed the second she came through the door. As for being married to such a person? No I wouldn't get married to such a person, Jenna maybe Lacey? not a chance.

peteinchicagopeteinchicagoabout 14 years ago
Not bad

though I can certianly understand some of the comments. He let himself get played by Barbie. Obviously he'd be better off marrying his friend rather than the bitch. She had promised him her virgen ass and so has already broken the rules. She's been turned out and will always cheat, hell she promised the stripper he could always have her ass. Follow up chapters could be good but I hope he decides to take back his ring and change the locks on the doors.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor

I thought I could avoid these kind of people by not posting in the "Loving Wives" category. But...apparently they are everywhere. Okay. I get it. You don't like cheating. You also seem to object to women portraying any kind of sexuality, and if they do...well then they're whores, right?

I for one, do not like murderers. Does this mean that I hate any movies in which people get killed? Of course not. As I said before, judge the writing and not the morality of the characters.

livingsingllivingsinglabout 14 years ago
Nice Beginning

I have been a fan of your writing for quite a while now and I am glad to see you posting again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

You can't have a "good" story about a cheating, disrespecting whore no matter how its written, thats the story, we like it or we don't. We don't, are you a good writer, I think you can be, do I like your stories? Fuck no, they don't turn me on, I don't like the people in them. Sorry, thats just the way it is, if cheating lying sluts turn you on, than I hope you get one and fall in love, you deserve it. Good luck.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor

Haha, now that's the kind of feedback I've been missing! Irrate, ranting about whores and sluts! And....signed by anonymous. Ahh, just like the good old days. Let me guess? You gave it a 0 % rating as well? Awesome.

Although...this story doesn't actually have any cheating in it. Now this may come as a shock to you, but women actually have just as strong (if not stronger) sex drives as men. Your own wife or girlfriend (if you actually have one) has likely had some pretty dirty fantasies that she would most likely live out if given the chance.

So...if my stories don't turn you on? Why do you keep reading them? Or are you one of those individuals that reads a story, jerks off, and feels sooo guilty that they get angry about it? Keep reading pal. There will be plenty more where this one came from. Then you can send me more of your ridiculous rantings.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
To Anonymous

"Anonymous" just sent me a private email in response to my last post. I guess he was embarrassed to post it publicly, so I thought I'd do it for him.

"Hay Dipshit, this is going to come as a shock to your little ass but wives and husbands talk, share fantasys and take care of them and don't need other people to help them out.No, I don't think much of your stories,quit reading them and just sending you this to let you know not everybody gives a shit about you, your ego, your little fetishs,your love life or lack of one or anything else. Cool?"

Yes anonymous. That is cool. As you stated, people do not need others to fulfill their fantasies. In fact...that's kind of the point of sex stories isn't it? To allow people to live out fantasies that they would never try in real life? Now, I've obviously struck nerve here so let me put your mind at rest. Your wife/GF has never ever thought of anyone other than you and is completely fullfilled and satisfied with your sex life. Happy?

PS Just kidding. She's probably thinking about getting bent over by the mailman as I write this. And next time...get some balls and post your email address so we can discuss things like human beings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
little boy talk ?

after every second comment this writer is so irritated, he needs to make a comment on his own to justify his writing, real user or anonymous, no matter. the only one who's opinion is correct is the opinion of damonx. do you understand guys !!!!!! no one has the right to have another one. fall on your knees, you disbelieving mob, in front of big great damonx, an 8 year old little boy :-).

and damn you all if you did not give him the highest score possible.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
Little boy?

I have absolutely no problem with negative feedback. I just have a hard time understanding the viewpoint of certain readers. There are certain types of stories that I am not interested in. Therefor, I don't read them. I certainly don't seek them out and get violently angry at them. There are people on this site that, for some reason, seek out cheating stories and rant about them. It's funny, because when I write a disclaimer at the start of a story stating what the story is about, the story actually gets more attention from them! To me, this indicates that these readers are looking for something that they know will piss them off. I've tried to understand their viewpoint, but unfortunately they usually sign "anonymous."

I also think there is an outdated sexist ideology at work here. I don't think "cheating husband" stories would evoke such angry responses.

By the way anonymous...if you think I am "a little boy" then contact me by email and I will be happy to give you my phone number or address and we can discuss things how ever you may like.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteabout 14 years ago
Author, unless you give away the whole plot....

....hiding behind a supposed "disclaimer", is no excuse. I like cheating wife stories. I like the ones that are written realistically with possible behaviors and likely consequences. Yours is such a one. It is too early to see where it's going. Many people like these stories generally but hate the ones that trend to cuckholdry. Doesn't mean they shouldn't read the damn stories. Unless you want to give us a real disclaimer,such as "those not liking wimp behavior and cheaters not being given harsh consequences will probably be offended."-then when they rant you just reply-"told you so!" Describing the subtext of the genre doesn't constitute a valid disclaimer.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
Thanks Pete

Thanks for your comment Pete. I think the disclaimers I've written have been pretty clear though. And they do seem to actually inflame people more. There are definately men who crave the "revenge" storyline, but there really seems to be those that have a general hatred of women's sexuality as well.

I've always accepted that some guys may be offended by my stories, but this one really doesn't even have any cheating in it. And you're right...its not finished yet. I was going to wait until all chapters were finished before posting, but I jumped the gun a bit. Big mistake I guess.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Remembber Lancegt?

Shut the fucked up aurthor cos yu is gratting on my nevres.

MistyNeedsItNowMistyNeedsItNowabout 14 years ago
Anonymous this is your wife

Anonymous - you think you know what I want baby but you don't. Those "talks" we have - all to inflate your ego. What I want is a real man who will give me WHAT I want WHEN I want it WHERE I want it! So keep reading Damon's stories and maybe you'll get a clue.

Damon - thanks for last night ;-)

KamattlockKamattlockabout 14 years ago

If I was that guy I would never marry that bitch and get together with Jenna and how could his fiance not break the rules when he ass is no longer virgin territory which is what she promised him he could have on there honeymoon. Inconsistent and not much to continue the story with. Damon should just go and be with Jenna end of story.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor

So....what's inconsistent?

tastesgreattastesgreatabout 14 years ago
More of the same...

This tale is a lot like some of your other tales. The gals always behave like selfish sluts thinking only of themselves and nothing of there husbands, fiancee, boyfriend, etc. And what they don't know won't hurt them. After what he knows now there is nothing she could say that would make me want to marry her now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

whatever i enjoyed it, chances are in real life lacey would dominate the fuck outta your male, and he'll have one good week before he submits to a long hell as laceys husband

jasonnhjasonnhabout 14 years ago
Agree with Hansbwl

She promised him her virgin ass. She is a self centered slut. She acts one way with a stripper but with him she doesn't do oral much or anal and gives him "punishment" for calling her a slut. What idiot would lock himself into a relationship like this. I could at least understand a guy tolerating poor treatment if the sex was great but in this case that is not true. Yes mam, please slap me again. Time to call off the wedding.

woodmanonewoodmanoneabout 14 years ago
Most men wouldn't

agree to something like Lacey wanted to do, but then these are your characters and must behave the way you tell them to. I won't comment on what I think is an unrealistic premise but will comment on your writing. You have a nice flair; there is good character development, a well developed plot line, and a good flow to the story. If there are any technical errors they were so minor that I didn't even notice them.

This is not my type of story, however I will read the next chapter just to see what happens. I hope Damon kicks her ass to the curb and takes up with his friend. Lacey dosen't deserve the guy and will give him trouble for the rest of their live if they get married.

Thanks for your hard work.

luckyfuckerluckyfuckerabout 14 years ago
Does everyone here understand how stories work?

I don't normally comment but this is ridiculous. Don't you people understand how this works? He's obviously setting up Lacy to be a bitch, Jenna to be cool, and himself to be sympathetic. So yes, she deserves to be kicked to the curb. That's the whole point. But giving her more power now makes it more of a triumph for him when it finally happens. At first he is passive, then later he becomes the dominant figure. He grows through adversity, and gets the girl we've all been rooting for since the beginning. Which is an old storyline that has been thousands of times before, but in the hands of a good writer, then it works just like new.

Of course, it could be that he's got some totally different ending in mind, but I'm fine either way.

I thought this was one of your better stories, and I've been reading since pretty much the beginning. Good use of character, and I like how "My Slut" tells it from the opposite point of view. Please do continue that "Birthday Girl" story too, by the way.

fregenfregenabout 14 years ago
Damon, we know it's just a story

But since you left the comments block open I am assuming that you 'want' comments. We have 2 things to comment about; the style of your writing and the story's content.<P>

You write okay. It's a readable story. You've got the mechanics of writing well in hand. Punctuation, dialogue, etc seem to be pretty good. Story flows well without dead spots or repetition. Is that all you are looking for?<P>

Because for me the fun part is commenting on the actions of the characters in the story. Yes I know it is a story but I still can get caught up in their actions and deeds. <P>

Stacey and Damon are engaged. The engagement period is a period of discovery. Not everyone who gets engaged gets married. Sometime you discover things about your intended partner that may cause you to call the engagement off. It would appear to me that Damon should be at that point right now.<P>

I have no idea what kind of marriage Damon thought he was getting: An traditional marriage, an open marriage, swinging couples, she gets to step out, or otherwise. Hey, it takes all kinds. If they are both in accord that's fair. But from his reaction when she says she wants to have sex with other guys before they get married I would have to assume he was not into sharing. Okay, she convinces him to do it. But as we later learn she had already set up the date with the stripper beforehand. Does that not smack of dishonesty?<P>

And again, from his reaction of seeing her perform through the window I would have to say he is not happy. He learns that she is willing to do more sexually with a third party aquaintance? than she is willing to do for the man that she loves(?). She is a different more sensual sexual person. She sucks, talks dirty, and does anal that she will not do for Damon. Now granted she can be as sexual as she wants but doesn't she owe Damon a little honesty? If she likes to do this, just not with him, shouldn't he know this going into the marriage? <P>

His reaction is to spite her by going to have sex with Jenna. Again not the most honest response that he could have come up with. Shouldn't he have confronted Stacey first? Called it off first?<P>

Both characters are flawed. They do not seem to treat each other with respect. Now guys put up with a lot for great sex but Damon doesn't seem to be getting great sex. And why is Stacey staying with him if he doesn't satisfy her sexually? It seems to be REALLY important to her. Is she planning on getting him to open the marriage to other sexual partners? <P>

At this point in time they are supposedly the most in love they will ever be. Are these the actions of a loving couple? Can this (scheduled) marriage be saved? Stay tuned for part 2.<P>

Thanks for sharing - and for allowing comments. ;-)

pavlovpavlovabout 14 years ago
What's it gonna be?

A good orgy? Glory hole? Gangbang?

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
Good comments

Good comments by fregen and luckyfucker. I think a big mistake that readers make is that the assume the characters would/should act the same way as they would. Everyone is stating how selfish Lacey is, and I agree. But the male character is just as selfish in my books. They both have flaws just like everybody.

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalabout 14 years ago
I like it so far


Your story is superbly crafted: well written; realistic dialogue; and interesting and entertaining premise.

I agree with some previous comments and must state that I couldn't see myself entering into such an arrangement, but I have no doubt that there are some folks who would. It would seem that Damon, in weighing risk versus reward, felt that the arrangement would possess merit enough to do so.

It appears that at story's beginning Damon is not aware of how he truly feels. His description of his friend, Jenna, is gently sketched with fondness, while he harshly paints the picture of his fiance, Lacey, as someone who is just too much work. This may have much to do with how Lacey mistreats Jenna, and why that, in determining the rules for their proposed week-long no-holds-barred fuckfest, she listed Jenna as off-limits to him. In all likelihood she is cognizant of how deep Damon's feelings for Jenna really run.

Prospects for this relationship's survival are, at best, on life support. Love can be only just so blind, so it would seem that, at some point, Damon is going to see the light. Deserving as she may be, I, for one, am glad he has not yet thrown her to the curb. Elsewise there would be no need for story continuation and we readers would be deprived of the pleasure of at least hopefully witnessing Lacey getting her just desserts.

Just as an aside, technically Lacey has not reneged on the conditions ofher offer for anal sex. At the time of her proposition, apparently her ass was indeed "virgin." Nowhere did she intimate that it would be so when Damon collected his prize.

Looking forward to your continuation. Damon, please carry on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This story is scene with the gf and hunky stripper is super-hot, A+ material...really hope you continue it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great story

Please keep putting out stories Damon. There are only a few writers who can engage me on this website and you are definitely one of them. I'm hoping you write a whole series with 8 days. One of my favorites.

CK84CK84about 14 years ago
hot sex, but...

I get where the complaints are coming from. Lacey is just so unlikeable, nobody wants to see *her* enjoying all this kinky, mindblowing sex. She comes off as so totally fucked in the head, and most people don't want to see the protagonist of the story grovelling before such a royal cunt.

For myself at least (though I suspect others might feel this way too), it's not so much the cheating (and doing stuff for another guy that she won't do for him, in his bed no less, IS cheating), it's the fact that Lacey is a total bitch who happens to also cheat. Like when I read Birthday Girl (hot stories btw), I don't mind that there's a cheating girlfriend involved because her boyfriend is a big flaming pile of douche who she should've dumped anyway. But here, Damon seems like a pretty decent guy, other than the fact that he stupidly agreed to Lacey's idea. Which, incidentally, he only did because he thought he'd get her virgin ass. Clearly that didn't work out so well for him...

By all means, let Damon keep assfucking Jenna, let him assfuck all of Lacey's hot friends too. Hell, let him assfuck Lacey's friends and then make Jenna suck him off after while wearing Lacey's wedding dress (sure it won't fit right and will end up getting trashed, but who cares). But please, no happy endings for Lacey, she's just too awful to root for. Because the only real way to make Lacey less of a horrible bitch is to make Damon into an asshole who kicks puppies or clubs baby seals, but then you're left with a story where everybody sucks, and who wants to read a story about two completely unlikeable people?

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
Thanks CK84

Thanks CK84 for your comment. I think many readers are focusing on Lacey and forgetting that the male character agreed to the deal so that he could fuck other girls as well. I don't think at any point in the story, does he "grovel" before Lacey. The haters may paint him as a "wimp" as they seem to love to do, but in my eyes, he's just a horny guy who jumped at the chance to get some extra tail before he gets married.

Its nice to see some intelligent feeback and discussion. I guess the guys that send the anonymous, irrational ranting insults have moved on to greener pastures.

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalabout 14 years ago
Damon, no disrespect intended

It feels awkward to disagree with a writer about one of his own characters, but my impression of Damon's acceptance of Lacey's proposal differs from yours.

I don't agree that "he's just a horny guy who jumped at the chance to get some extra tail before he gets married." He seemed to me to be reticent at best to go along with Lacey's proposition. His response to her continued entreaties that he accept her proposal..."It's going to be a hell of lot harder for me to get laid than you"...doesn't indicate that he put much faith in his own prospects for making guiltless whoopee. Be mindful that she deftly and deceitfully assuaged some of his fears by tendering the possibility that she wouldn't take advantage of her temporary freedom. She then painted for him the scenario which would play out in which he would collect his prize. He wasn't thinking of all free nookie that he just might experience. He was imagining Lacey "in my little white wedding lingerie...looking so pure and innocent...on my hands and knees just waiting...waiting for you to take me...and violate use my tight...little...asshole." Can you imagine her voice and her inflection as she described this? Damon's resistance wilted in direct correlation with the growing bulge in his pants.

This week long 'get-out-of-jail-free card' was Lacey's brainchild, and she sold it to him using feminine wiles and guile. I just don't agree that he "jumped" at this opportunity. You may have intended for this to appear otherwise, but this my take on how the arrangement occurred.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
I agree (kind of)

I agree with you. Lacey did manipulate the situation for her own purposes. But it wasn't just the prospect of fucking her ass that made him agree. It was the combination of the ass fucking plus the week of freedom that did it.

In my personal life, I entered into a similar deal such as the one in the story. Two of my good friends (who are also a couple) have done it several times in their relationship. It bothered me a bit at the time, but I really wanted to have sex with other girls. I also didn't think my girlfriend would follow through on her part. As it turned out, I was right. That's kind of what Damon was thinking in the story. ( Turns out he was wrong).

Readers have been focusing on the fact that Lacey promised him her "virgin" ass. That was just a descriptive word to me. I know a lot of people put importance on "being first", and seem to have focused on the fact that she said the word "virgin". But it was just a word, and by using it in that bit of dialogue, I wasn't intending it to be a major point. She never said that she wasn't going to do anal before the wedding. Damon just assumed.

But, yes of course I have painted her as the anagonist. I would expect readers to have negative feelings towards her as they would with any "bad guy" in other stories or movies. I just find it funny that the mere existence of an antagonist in a story somehow makes it a "bad story" in the eyes of some people.

CK84CK84about 14 years ago

A few more rambling points, I've been up for almost 24 hours and I'm too tired to sleep...

First, I just want to clarify that I don't think the protagonist is a saint, but overall he seems like a decent enough fellow who obviously made a dumb decision, but I think most people feel like he was trying to make the best out of the situation. If she's going to go ahead and do it anyway (and we got the impression that Lacey would've done it anyway), might as well get something out of it. He's not perfect, I'm sure he'll have some fuckups along the way, but it's easier to root for a good guy who occasionally does bad and/or stupid things than it is to root for a bitch who always does bad and/or stupid things. And you're right that he hasn't grovelled yet, but a lot of readers are probably afraid it's only a matter of time (probably bad experiences with the Loving Wives section). It would help if Damon refuses to ever sleep in that bed again, that shit was over the top.

About the virgin ass thing. Technically she didn't say anything about it being virgin on the wedding night, but from the way she was trying to sell him on the idea she definitely implied that it would be special. Let's say I've got a mint condition Ferrari 550 Maranello and I'm offering it for one of your kidneys. I'm sure you'd have some reservations, but in the end you figure you can live with one kidney in exchange for this pristine Ferrari. So you agree to the deal. Now, I never said anything about it still being mint when it got to you, and that very night I go out and deliberately wreck the car. Sure you're still getting the Ferrari, but it's hardly the prize you were expecting. Lacey may not have violated the letter of the agreement, but the spirit of it?

Finally, I'm not sure how many chapters you're planning, but I think you'll have a hard time keeping people on board if you've got 8 chapters of Lacey getting the best, freakiest sex of her life. It would be like Heidi Montag winning the lottery, nobody really wants to see that happening. You can certainly offset that by having Damon get his too, but take care not to turn him into a douchebag in the process. The only thing worse than Heidi winning the lottery would be her and Spencer Pratt each winning it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Don't listen to the comments

Arguing with people on literotica is a waste of time. Just forget about them and continue this great story...the sex scene was mindblowing! And some of us think it's actually HOT that Lacey is sort of a bitch and the whole cheating aspect was super-hot.

CK84...are you sure you're into EROTIC STORIES? This is an erotic stories's for sex stories. Maybe you'd be more interested in a "literary fiction" website. This story is great and no one needs your cheap moralizing. If you don't like the story, there are many other stories you can enjoy, or not.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor

This must be record. I don't think I've ever had this many comments about a story.

No, I had no intentions of turning this into a cuckold story. (Although some readers use the term "wimp" any story in which the male protagonist doesn't freak out, kill her, throw her out in the street, turn her into a hooker, makes her fuck a dog, etc, etc.)

I've always wondered why so many hostile readers lurk in the loving wives section. Perhaps now that there is some actual intelligent dialogue, someone could enlighten me. Do some guys get pleasure out of writing hostile comments instead of finding stories that they actually enjoy? Do they feel so strongly against swinging or cheating that they embark on a crusade against any they feel might be supporting those themes? I mean...what kinds of stories do they think Loving Wives contains?

Its somewhat of a joke among the authors on here. They refer to these people as "trolls" and make fun of them, but I have truly been trying to get their viewpoint. Most authors (including myself) now completely avoid the LW category. I have conversed with a few people who had a hard time understanding how people could engage in swinging behaviour, and so have a difficult time seeing the story as realistic but they tend to avoid the anonymous rantings.

I'm just waiting for my next story to be posted. I'm sure it will cause a bit of a fuss. :)

CK84CK84about 14 years ago
damn insomnia...

To anonymous,

"Erotic" is in the eye of the beholder.

For me, I'm an anal fan (and by all means Damon let the ATM flow freely), but it's hard to really enjoy a scene when I can't stand the character who's getting the good stuff. If she was getting pissed on or mounted by a dog, ok I can gloss over that because I don't care for those things. I acknowledge that the scene is hot on a certain level, but it doesn't do as much for me because I hate the chick on the receiving end.

Also, Damon's "problem" is that he's too good of a writer for me to just ignore the characters in his stories. He's not some scrub writing "then i stuck my 15 inch cock in her ass and then cummed alot and then her friend wanted me to and so I fucked her to and then they went and ated each others pussys and then a doberman showed up and then..."

I'm not asking for War & Peace or anything, but the better the author, the more I need some buildup to the action, some kind of investment with the characters in order to get off. Maybe I'm just weird like that. Some people prefer a 5 paragraph quickie, for myself I need at least 2-3 pages, the payoff is more satisfying to me.

As for Loving Wives, it's been awhile but last I checked it was made up of mainly two types. One was the closeted gay man who secretly wants to suck the giant cock/cocks fucking his wife while he sits in the corner and wanks his 3 inch dick. This guy is a hero to all the bi-curious guys who like to wear their wives' panties and eat their own jizz. The other was the seemingly perfect, mild-mannered gentleman who once scorned would call upon his secret Navy Seal training and come up with some overly elaborate and exotic vengeance on his cheating wife and her dozens of lovers. This guy is a hero to all the militant guys who are ready to kill the woman at the drop of a hat.

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalabout 14 years ago

For what it's worth, I'm totally in agreement with you. I don't direct to this to the previous anonymous commenter, but for some folks any literary merit to a story just gets in the way for them to experience their thrills. Some don't care if they receive their erotic jollies in a brown paper bag. I prefer to get mine wrapped in something more literarily attractive.

You're correct in your assessment of Damon's story. It is too well crafted to ignore how well he constructed his characters; their motivations, etc. I've appreciated your posts and found them to be thoughtful and interesting. I look forward to reading more of your opinions.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
Seeing other people

I just saw a movie last night called "Seeing Other People." It about an engaged couple that decides to sleep with other people in the period leading up to their wedding. Sound familiar? Check it out. It definately has less anal than my story though.

Guys, I'm sorry if the characters' behavior somehow made the story unpleasant for you to read. can't please everyone. Every single time I write a story I have at least one person comment that the character's behavior in unrealistic(even the true stories). I've had a fairly adventurous sex life and am relatively open minded so I generally impart those traits on my characters. Readers bring their own baises and experiences with them when they read a story, which affects they way they react to it. A lot of things that people seem to be having issues with, tend to be the little details that I added to the sex scene in order to "give it color" and were not meant to be major plot constructs.

People say things like "Lacey told the stripper guy that her ass was his, so that means she will let him fuck her for the rest of her life." Its just sex talk. People say all kinds of things when in the midst of orgasm. Its not meant to be taken literally. If stuff like that really ruins the story for you...well I guess I feel kind of sorry for you, since it must be hard for you to find adequate erotica. I like to write hot, dirty sex scenes. It doesn't matter if the character is bitchy, dumb, smart, good, evil...if they're having sex in my stories, I'm going to make the scenes as hot and as dirty as possible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Good try

but barely average reading

CK84CK84about 14 years ago

Don't get me wrong Damon, I don't mean to criticize or judge you personally. You're a good writer and the scenes are hot. I'm just trying to help explain where some of the negative comments are coming from. At the end of the day, you've got to write the story that you want to write. If other people like it then great, if not, well, no skin off your back right?

I guess my only critique of your writing would be to be more mindful of the words you use. What you may intend as meaningless dirty talk might take some readers down an unexpected and unwanted path. Just something to be aware of.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor

I have had no problem with the last bunch of comments. It's been a good discussion and everyone has been intelligent and respectful. As a writer, I often get bombarded with a lot of negative, insulting comments that don't really make much sense. (See the one I posted previously that was sent by anonymous email). Those are the ones I can't stand. I've developed somewhat of an anti-fan club, in which they repeatedly vote my stories as 0% and accompany them with the odd anonymous insult. I have no problem getting feedback and discussing my viewpoints, in fact I enjoy it. But when you get some idiot ranting about how the female character should get AIDS and die or that the male is a wimp because he didn't murder his cheating wife, it becomes a little hard to stomach. (This type of feedback only comes on literotica by the way).

I've realized that many older, male readers have a few different ideas of what a sex story should contain, but they generally seem to be pretty civil about things. I generally take a 0% (or a 1/5) rating as hostile though since it implies that the story has no redeeming quality whatsoever, and is generally given as an insult and not a form of feedback.

I don't know why, but for some reason its the older male readers tend to judge stories based on minor aspects of the plot rather than the overall story and quality of writing. Different demographics generally look for different qualities in the stories they read.

CK84CK84about 14 years ago
Thanks for the reminder

The guy needs to murder the cheating bitch with a nuclear car bomb that also gives her AIDS, otherwise he's a fucking wimp and you're a pussy who secretly wants to blow your wife's lovers. And since you're the worst person on earth, I hope you and your whole family die of AIDS.


Anonymous Internet Tough Guy (who's also an ex-Navy SEAL)


AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Enjoy your work. Thank you. The string of comments is also quite entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
why bother

the gay( yes i wrote gay) happens to like humiliation and can only get it up watching another man fucking a woman. again another closeted guy hiding behind a woman because he is too wimpy to ask to be fucked in the ass. probably cant cum w/o a huge dildo up his ass.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
There we go

And just when I thought all the idiots had said their piece, we have the stupidest, most ignorant comment to date. Do you people even read the stories you comment on? I don't seem to recall any humiliation aspect in ths story at all. If you're going to make homophobic rants about "wimps" and such, at least find a story that actually fits before you make yourself look like a mental-defective. Your level of anger is baffling and indicates some unresolved issues or emotional problems. You should get some therapy or a hug or something before conversing with human beings.

PS You don't happen to be an ex-navy SEAL do you?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
As interesting as your comments have been DamonX...

I wish you would spend the time finishing this work so we can see what happens next. For the record I also got the impression that she was offering him her "virgin ass". I think they are both pieces of work but dont have to like them to appreciate the quality of the story. Well written. In Missouri

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor
Good Point

Good point anonymous. I have been writing alot though. The massive amount of negative responses this story has attracted has somewhat decreased my desire to spend a lot of time on this story however. I will finish it, but there will probably complete all chapters before releasing them.

tastesgreattastesgreatabout 14 years ago
Good Writing!

That being said I can identify with some of the remarks that have been made here. To start off he never should have agreed to this 8 day deal. That being said they should have agreed on the ground rules before starting off on this adventure. It's easy for readers to get into the tale and forget it's a story. They identify real world actions and behaviors with storybook characters that don't operate like real people. It's like most people wouldn't even dream of this type of behavior 8 days before their wedding, it just doesn't compute for most of us. I really am waiting to see what you do with this group of unpopular characters so please don't make us wait too long. Thanks for sharing with us...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Depends on how it finishes!

In the end I'd like to see the protagonist attach himself both emotionally and physically to Jenna, as she has shown a genuine affinity to him. Even for a story like this on Literotica, I'd rather not see a couple like this get married. But I do want to see every raunchy second before whatever decision is made. It's definitely going to be a good ride watching what the engaged couple does to one another, or rather with other people.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor

Thanks for your comments. Seems to be a common theme, that many people ahve a hard time understanding the characters actions. As I stated previously though, please understand that myself and others I know have put ourselves in deals such as the one in the story before. These are definately not "storybook characters." There seems to be generational and cultural differences between readers that makes certain story actions unbelievable to some. I think the big mistake was making the deal so close to the wedding date. I wanted the story to take place over a short peiod of time though.

MareCrisiumMareCrisiumabout 14 years ago
lighten up

I enjoyed the story. I jerked off while reading it and thought it was great. Those who take exception to the moral character of the actions performed in this story need to lighten the fuck up. The moral turpitude of the characters only enhances my arousal when reading this *FICTITIOUS* account of extreme sexual relationships [Damon's far-fetched allegations that it's all autobiographical notwithstanding]. Evil is sexy.

damonXdamonXabout 14 years agoAuthor

Hold on there. I never said this was autobiographical. The characters are based on real people, and I have made similar "deals" with girlfriend's in the past. But this is in no way a true story, nor have I claimed it to be.

I agree with your comments though. I have always found "bad" guys to be the most interesting characters. I still get baffled when people rate a story low due to the conduct of the characters, but I guess people look for different things in stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Dude, keep writing!!!

Damon...the real question is why do people read these stories then rag on the author. They know what the stories are about b4 they read them. Craziest of all is that they seem oblivious to the FACT that this is a story, which proves how good a writer you are because these boneheads are reacting like it's a real event that they witnessed and were affected by. You consistently write good sex stories...period. Keep writing! Personally, I'd like to see a "cream pie/cum fart" eating threesome (or more) party with Lacey and Jen as they try to out slut each other...but that's just me. Or is it?

bowman44bowman44about 14 years ago
Explore the Bag

Loved the story and can not wait to read more. So far this is one of the best stories I have read this year. The dynamics and competitiveness of the two women could make this really interesting. The most intriguing part of this is the "bag" of Lacie's. Since she liked it rough, the bag should offer some excellent opportunities to test her limits. At the same time, Jenna can be the "outlet" for many frustrations. Great job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Damon, you have a gift for this stuff. I love your stories.

john_26_2001john_26_2001about 14 years ago
best one so far

Ive said before your my fav literotica author. You ever want to write a user requested story let me know

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I hope you are going to continue with this story. Your stories are great!

PolyLvrPolyLvralmost 14 years ago

OK, first I'll tell you what I didn't like. Lacey is a minipulative bitch. One that cares only for herself. She doesn't really care for her fiance, only for the fact that she can control him.

What I did like was your writing. It was so good that it actually induced emotions as I was reading. I ached for him to tell Lacey to fuck off, and stay with Jen.

I haven't read any of your stories before, but I'll be sure to check them out.

Terrific writing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Okay, I'll be completely honest with you. I loved this story. Your writing is an inspiration. While I was reading this story, I could actually feel myself stepping into the main character's POV and really put myself in the situation. This allowed me to feel his anger, his jealousy, lust....just about everything else he was feeling. Though I do not agree with their views, I do understand what someone's problem could possibly be with this story. The fact is, they want a little fairy-tail or something like that. They don't want to see the characters as simply average hot Americans (and yes, I do believe they are American) who just want to have a little fun. However, what I want to see is what Lacey is going to have to do to try and fix this when these eight days are over. Especially if she's going to be a little whore for the rest of the days. See, maybe this is just my opinion, but in all honesty, at the end of this little deal, If it were me, I probably wouldn't want her anymore. He pussy would probably be all loose and saggy. Her ass would be stretched to the point of no return....and she might just come out with a disease. All in all, I wouldn't want her if this happened.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Hey Damon,

Are you planning to complete this? Mike in Missouri

damonXdamonXalmost 14 years agoAuthor

Yes, I will be continuing the series. But I will complete all the remaining chapters and then post them all at once. Stay tuned....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Good News.

A multiple and all at once. Bless you. Thanks. Mike in Missouri

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Oh well.

Guess this is dead. To bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good writer

I just finished your story and all I have to say is wow. I can picture everything that happens. You sir or mam, idk, are a good writer. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Normally I try and be more eloquent in my literary criticisms, but considering the venue, I think that my profanity is acceptable, and, considering the quality of the writing, it is warranted. That was amazing. Beautiful detail, a perfect balance between emotional and physical turn-ons, brilliant timing, perfect length of exposition and character development, and, above all, it was HOT. Bravo. I look eagerly forward to the continuation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
to be continued

This story made me cum so hard im still gasping for air!

I think he should dump his cunty fiance and get with Jenna. Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
you're one of the few excellent male writers on this site.

Your stories are, without reservation or qualification, excellent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
In my opinion

I don't think you should even bother to argue with these people. You do give a good idea of what your stories are about and they read anyway and keep reading. That being said, I love this story and can't wait for the follow up. I love all your other stories too. I've read every single one at least thrice especially when I'm in need of a cum. They can get me hot and bothered in no time flat. And I am female and not ashamed. I don't usually comment or vote but after all the negative comments, I wanted to remind you that you do have fans. So you can ignore the haters and keep writing because I will be reading.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Don't listen to the other comments, this was both heart breaking and thrilling at the same time. Can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Idiotic. What sane guy would marry a bitch like that? Use her but marry her? Naw. A relationship is war? So much for a loving wife....

HappyAssManHappyAssManabout 11 years ago

When you ganna write more stories?

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 11 years ago
He would be a damn fool to marry this bitch.

And would deserve anything she did to him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
No war

And no marriage. She cast the die, she can live with the results. He sure as hell isn't marrying that slut. Although it would be nice if the author actually FINISHED the story.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Time to just kick the whore in the cunt so hard she wears it for a hat

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago

Instead of waging some war, why not just call off the wedding. A simple solution to the problem. No need to play any games. She did promise him her virgin ass.

"You started it. Now...this means war." If I'm not mistaken, she started it.

Well written and clearly unfinished.

TonyKiwiTonyKiwialmost 10 years ago
she did break the rule

she promised him her virgin ass, she lied and therefore broke the promise. The wedding is off. Finished.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

Why did I read this? Oh yeah, because of the sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

She hath no idea what fury a man has that is cuckolded against his will..

He sets up hidden video to record her activities... Then edits them into a video to be shown at the wedding projected on large screens in the the middle of the ceremony. It starts out all nice and sweet but then turns to her ugly affairs. As the guests are horrified, he turns and says he'd nevervmarry the slut and walks out and runs into Jen's arms...

TonyKiwiTonyKiwialmost 9 years ago

promised a virgin ass, she broke the rules, marriage cancelled full stop. TK

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“I just kind of see what else is out there?" – Why? What if there is something “better”? Are you going to call off the marriage? And even if you DON’T find something “better” – maybe you just didn’t find it yet – maybe you need to keep looking!

“She had already set up her clandestine rendezvous, prior to suggesting it to me!” – Or she was at least planning on it, if she could get him to agree. Maybe he should have taken the card, just in case she hadn't set up the date yet!

And doing it in their bed, and acting all slutty, which she never did for him, are deal benders if not breakers, too!

"You never said I couldn't." – YOU said you couldn’t, when having your VIRGIN ass was the price for going along with the deal!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
To damonx Re: "Fiction"

I know this story is old, so you probably won't see this, but you deride some commenters because they're complaining about characters in a fictional story

You DO realize that believe in, and care about, characters and situations in a story, that that is a COMPLIMENT to the writer?

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago

"You can't fuck Jenna." – So, SHE can do whatever she wants, but sets restrictions on him?

As I said in my earlier comment, I don’t know why, when she said he never said she couldn’t do anal, that he didn’t mention that in return for the 8 days, that she would give him her VIRGIN ass, and now it isn’t virgin, so she can’t fulfill her part of the bargain.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 7 years ago
Second time through...

Reading FTDS a second time through. Not sure the continuation is much improvement. An absurd scenario. They are not married. Simple solution is to end the relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

DO NOT READ THIS AS IT HAS NO ENDING! Geez if Damonx isn't the worst author on this site then I don't know who is. Not that the technical writing isn't good. It is. He can write. What he can't do is FINISH! SO many of his stories have no endings. I wish Literotica would never post another story this is unfinished. It just pisses me off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
That was the end

If he married her he is nuts.

bworth1943bworth1943over 5 years ago
know now

The follow up story to this is they break up . Because sex is not a weapon . He should try for a relationship with Jenna who really loves him .

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago

Laugh in her face and dump her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

He is an idiot for agreeing he should have dumped her straight away. Bye bye bitch.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 3 years ago

"Uh...yeah," I muttered. "What is all this stuff for?"

"It's my supplies for the week," she explained, crossing her arms and staring at me with an emotionless glare.

(Quick end for after that:)

"Don't worry about it."

"What do you mean," she asks.

"While I broke the letter of our agreement, you broke the spirit of it. You can be a slut for the rest of your life but you're never going to be my wife."

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Stupidest storyline ever. There is not an idiot on this planet who would agree to let his fiance fuck whomever she wanted for a week before his wedding. Most would call off the wedding for her even asking to whore around. Just a poor excuse to write about the sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Despicable characters. Damon is a wimp. Lacey is a devious slut. Damon should either dump her ass now, or marry her, fuck her ass, then immediately divorce her. Only two stars ⭐️ for this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The 3 page story has 4 characters:

1. Demon: The hero. Tore between two girls. One fiance, other girlfriend. A good hearted, but confused personality. Might be a little submissive too.

2. Lacey: One of the two heroine. She is to me is 'EGO-CENTRIC', I, ME and MYSELF type. Arrogant. Self - Centres. Confused. Sex Addict.

3. Jenna: The other heroin. Demon is her world. Unconditional love. Rational and practical. Calls a spade a spade. Hates Lacey, but natural. Lacey is bad, and stolen Demon from her.

4. Brett: Lucky bastard. Got a virgin ass. That too 8 days before her wedding! Did his job to perfection. To me a typical MCP!

FINALLY 'damonX' - The author. With 60+ stories and 2800+ followers, which by no means a mean achievement.

Your characterization of all the main characters are absolutely fine.

Your story line is fine.

Readers are a bit confused as to whether it is a CUCKOLD story, or LOVING WIFE story, or BETRAYAL story, or REVENGE story.

Something readers are hurt and confused as how coolly, willingly, happily Lacey surrendered her virgin ass to a stranger! That too 8 days before her marriage! After promising her fiance! Then denying her promise!

To me 99% of stories in Literotica are fantasy stories. Are meant for light, casual, entertainment reading.

No seriousness should be involved.

Personal comments, personal attacks on authors / writers - simply unacceptable. Racists comments, derogatory remarks show the commentators class, family background.

Finally to me it's a 5*****. I enjoyed the story. Now from here how and where the author will take it is a big challenge. End of it, it's an author's baby. It's his whims and moods as to how he / she would like to take his story. But the veto remains with the readers. That the authors should not forget.

Janrene3Janrene3over 1 year ago

I agree with Ambivalence - I would react like he describes!

Lacey is way out of line and over the top ... BUT just not a slut for her coming husband.

HE has to beg - unlike the others... I can't see any compatibility in those two people?!

She will be running around all corners with him, if they ever get to marry.

The author is a good writer. I just don't think the premise for this story holds ... they are just TOO different from the start of this story.

This will not be a happy marriage ...

DrgwngDrgwngabout 1 year ago

This guy would forget to breathe. Stories where the mc has a single digit iq are not entertaining . Author was likely maxed out creating this stupidity’s

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Truly sophomoric! Why not complete the trifector with MC fucking her mother's ass? Rarely have I read worse, are you still in high school?

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