All Comments on 'A Hotwife Tale'

by swingerjoe

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I don't think so, Joe

That asshole intro got me to skip the rest of this shit pile, no doubt, as come here to give you a middle finger and a one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Does anyone really read Swingerjoe?

I have my doubts. Taking a shot a Legends' Day is enough for me to give this pile of shit a one, without reading the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Randi has truly gotten into your pysche

Just admit it Joe . You really do seem to have a compulsion disorder , and maybe some other hidden issues ( narcissism in spades , but that's not hidden ) that really seem to plague you.

Or is it that you're just an old fashioned sexist who just can't deal with being one upped by a woman ?

Whatever it is , it's like watching a train wreck , it's very brutal and you know that human beings are being hurt or killed , but you just can't stop watching .

You do understand that most observant people understand what you're doing , right ?

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 7 years ago
Very irritating and abrasive read

Because I wish I had written this. It's not sexy, God knows . The characters are caricatures and the dialogue is choppy which is way most flash stories unwind. But this hits dead center and bullseye on one of my pet themes and swingerjoe put action here to the honesty concept that is big part of my personal manifesto which isn't black and white .

Take RichardGerald's notorious " Another Love " series. The wife cheated while husband was away as during wartime as private consultant in technical capacity ( not soldier ) . Unlike most of Loving Wife demographic, that period of straying didn't bother me .

1) the wife played around over 15 years in past during hubby's absence , then stopped upon his return . The misdeed(s) took those 15+ years to surface and wife used that period of time to make spouse absolutely content during that lengthy interim. Statute of limitations comes into play for me as individual.

1b ) If you're my friend and I catch you filching from my wallet on counter ; we got a massive problem right then, right there. If I find out you took a hundred from that wallet 15 years ago and you've been sterling friend since then with no recidivist theft. The chances are pretty good I'll say F__k it and only make you pay for dinner , drinks, maybe not even that .

That's how I roll. To me , life is too short to sweat decade plus grudges that I didn't pick up on in the moment.

To hearken back to SJ's story, the 401k dealbreaker is wifey still has panties laden with outsider spooey from unsanctioned trysts. Too soon , too bad.

Excellent flash story though.

Full marks * * * * *

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
@anonymous, "Randi has."

The problem is that Joe hates BR1958 for first, deleting his asshole comments, then he wrote her into a story that everyone hated. She responded by writing him into a story everyone loved, mocking him. It made him a little insane. It grinds on his soul to see someone he hates so much succeed, become one of the most popular and accomplished writers around and gain the respect of the other writers. He watched as the person he hates most in the world became great, and he wallowed in mediocrity. He probably had to be institutionalized when she won Best Novel for 2015. This is the only way Joe has to live with the fact that Randi is 100 times the writer he'll ever be. She wrote more stories than he did and had all those little hot marks by them. I'm surprised it hasn't driven him into some shooting in a public place. And, like you said, she's a woman. Joe is a sad little man. That's why I'll give him a sad little one. And, Slam puppy can blow me. He's as big an asshat as Swingerjoe. Two peas in a pod.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
No, no one reads swinger joe

We just give him a FU and a one. No one reads those stupid comments by doggy boy either. Here's your star.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 7 years ago
The Bore-g Anon Collective and mouthbreathing brethren Justgr8 have spoken .

. Shrugs and smiles. You said something with pejorative variant of my Lit name on it. Kudos. It's the only way to get some eyeballs on your droning missives. I would do that too if my iq was diminished by third or so. Have a nice day nimrods.

kimi1990kimi1990about 7 years ago
Speaking of boring

Lord Doggy Boy, you're calling someone boring? Now that's some hilarious irony. Shouldn't you stick to talking about how women enjoy rape? I mean, that's your bag, right?

Nothing worth reading today, so I thought I'd drop my old buddy Joe a line. Still fighting the good fight, huh, Joe? The most unfought battle in the history of the world. One guy aims his sewer hose across the fence at his neighbor, who just happens to have her place covered in plastic and never notices, while the sewage drains back down on the guy doing the blasting. Odd how that works. Don't you get tired of it, Joe? Think about how you smell!

I mean, what's it been, two years? You keep blasting away, you get absolutely no response from your target and it always backfires on you. I'd call that a miss. When you're the only one firing and the other person doesn't even notice, it just seems sort of futile and pathetic. Sorry, didn't read your story. My masochistic streak was satisfied just seeing Lord Doggy Boy's handle there in the comments.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I don't understand nor do I appreciate all the sniping and name calling between commenters on this site, and it's the worst I've seen on this story, with over 90% of the comments simply trashing the author or other commenters personally. Only one comment stuck to criticism of the story.

I come here to escape the real world, not to read about people trashing each other the way they do on TV news all day long. One would think people would be able to be more tolerant at an erotic story site. Instead, some must constantly belittle or deride people for their individual lifestyles, or worse, wish death upon them. I guess maybe that allows intolerant people with small minds to feel better about themselves by thinking they are somehow superior to others. Personally, I subscribe to the "pursuit of happiness" mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, believing that in this country, we can each find happiness in our own way, if we break no laws and do no harm to others.

I thought this was a very good flash story. It makes the point which most people who have been cheated on understand, that the sex is the least of the problems presented to the betrayed spouse; it is always about the lies, the deceptions, the cheater acting as if nothing has changed, not to mention the pathetic excuses/rationalizations/victim blaming offered for the cheating, once the cheater is confronted (although none of those reasons were offered here).

You can even read stories about swingers who have been cheated on, once the rules associated with their less-common marriage are broken. People can set up their marriages any way they want, but there has to be agreement between spouses regarding what is acceptable behavior and what is not. As in this story, where the wife learned, too late, that her husband might have been willing to open up their marriage, if she had broached the topic before she cheated.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Another sick BURN THE BITCH story that should go to fetish.

Why do so many men get off to revenge and hate the bitch stories???

Impo_64Impo_64about 7 years ago
This whole story is resumed in...

This whole story is resumed in: "Because it's not about the sex," he said. "It's about the deception and the disrespect."! I'm not always in agreement with @swingerjoe, but when he writes a good story, I say it and rated it accordingly...4*

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanabout 7 years ago
I'm sure it wasn't intentionally copied, but

this is an abbreviated version of an almost identical story on the site. Don't remember the title or the author, but the gist of it is that guy realizes his fiance is cheating with an ex-boyfriend, makes her believe he wants to watch, then dumps her. His reason for watching is because he knows that if he watches, he will NEVER be willing to take her back, not matter howe earnest her entreaties.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I'm not so sure it wan't intentional

After all his "plagiarism" talk, Swinger Joe steals Just Plain Bob's story idea. Pretty typical for this dirtbag. Nothing but trash. Gonna pull the story now that you've been caught, Joe?

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years agoAuthor

It's funny how someone could read that intro as some sort of slight to the LW legends. It's even funnier that a few people assumed that Randi is the "plus one." How dare you all assume she doesn't belong in that category? Of course she does. Just ask her. ;-)

Lighten up, people. Isn't this supposed to be an entertainment site? Why are you all so angry all the time? This was nothing more than a fun little short story meant to tie you all over until Friday. A simple "thank you for the effort" would have sufficed.

By the way, I've never read another story with this plot, and I don't think I've ever read a JPB story. Apologies if this plot is repetitive, but there are only so many ways to skin the LW cat.

ohioohioabout 7 years ago
Good story--bizarre comments!

I liked the story. It may be short and superficial in terms of "character development," but it held my interest and I liked the unexpected twists in it.

As for the comments--I'm not the first to notice it, but you have a bunch of angry people (most of them anonymous) shouting imprecations at one another, re-fighting old battles from previous stories and comments....who are you people, the Protestants and the Catholics in Northern Ireland? The Tutsi and the Hutu? The Serbs and the Croats? Lighten up, for God's sake, or just spare us your spiteful, immature, hateful outbursts.

Thanks, ohio

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago

"It's even funnier that a few people assumed that Randi is the "plus one." How dare you all assume she doesn't belong in that category? Of course she does. Just ask her. ;-)" - It is snarky remarks like this that drive all the negative comments at Joe.

I tend to stay out of it, because it's like having a battle of wits with the unarmed.

foolscapfoolscapabout 7 years ago
I might have read this story but...

I'm caught in the doldrums of SJ ennui

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. What the fuck is this "previous comments, and previous stories?" The fucking comment is right here, written in the introduction to THIS story, written by swingerjoe. Get pissy at him, not people who respond to him.

We don't have to "assume" Joe is taking a shot at Randi, we KNOW he's taking a shot at Randi. He always takes a shot at her and has been ever since she started writing. The rest of us are sick of it. Get a fucking clue or shut the fuck up. I'll be happy to give this dickhead a one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Cuck crap

# 1 Just go ahead and suck a dick Joe. Your stories are loaded with fag innuendo .

luedonluedonabout 7 years ago
Wasted words?

The length of Joe's story was a-page-and-a-bit. ie, a few thousand words. Literotica's story minimum is 750 words.

It seems to me that Joe's stories fit into three broad categories. Some are written as quality stories that readers may find interesting and enjoyable. Others are written to illustrate an opinion -- to push an agenda if you prefer. And then there are stories written to enrage the commentariat.

Would I be wrong in assuming that this story fits into the third category? If so, it certainly is achieving its aim. However, it has got to the stage that any story with the author shown as SwingerJoe will get the same response. Maybe a SJ story containing 750 random words would suffice?

Joe provides a valuable service to the perpetually outraged members of the commentariat. The glee with which they seize upon each of his stories is palpable. It must have really made their day to see that there was a SJ story in today's new stories list.


Ps: We all get our entertainment here one way or the other. Mine comes from reading the outraged comments. Thanks, Joe.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
HaHa - more Swingerjoe trash and more of his whining.

The story was just ridiculous. Of course she'll take option B and get half. Then she'll sue him for stealing the video from her and publicly humiliating her. You don't think a jury of her peer awards her damages? He'd be lucky to have a nickel left after even a mediocre lawyer gets done with him. This was neither clever or entertaining. And the ongoing feud SJ has with some other authors is so funny I'm STILL laughing. You're on a porn site on the world wide web. No one and I mean no one cares! Think about who's on this site? Real smart, highly educated people? On a porn site? That's why the LW section is so much fun! The trolls run amok!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Reply to LSD (Lordslamdawg)

LSD - I re-read Another Love series by Richard Gerald and found you are incorrect. Wifey continued her physical affair with her boyfriend until he died of a stroke. Here is quote from the second story: "For the next twelve years, we remained close friends, almost family. I called him every other week at a minimum. I arranged a monthly out of town trip so we could be together. When a stroke took my Philippe away, I was distraught."

My question to you is: Would the fact of bi-monthly calls and monthly sex sessions all thru your marriage change the tepid response you said you would have in your comment. It would me. I rank the series a 5 but I still could not accept being a cuckold and a co-husband for 90% of my marriage without my knowledge.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
More cuck shit from swingerjoe

Of course the Queen of cuck county ohio would love this shit. And thanks anon for giving the arrogant prick the slap he/she deserves.

tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 7 years ago
Too clever by half.

The Jekyll/Hyde flip is hard to take. It just totally drains away any hint of eroticism that may have been building, and suddenly we are reading a revenge tale wherein the oh-so-clever husband triumphs over his wife. The story falls flat.

SJ has decent writing chops but this is little more than a smug toss-off. SJ can do so much better if he works at it. And the constant sniping at other authors has moved from tiresome to genuinely annoying.

luedonluedonabout 7 years ago
Other authors, TenesseeRed ?

Or other commenters ?

Yes, SwingerJoe does have occasional snipes at Randi and he did have that running battle with her and Vandemonium which was less than edifying for all involved. But Joe's gripe is more with the monotony of the themes pursued in many Loving Wives stories than it is with the authors.

He aims his barbs more at the mindless members of the commentariat than at those who make the effort of writing a story, and he can be constructively encouraging towards new authors..

And I can't say that Randi doesn't deserve the occasional less-than-favourable comment. She can be a delicate flower on occasions and can take anything less than praise for her stories as personal criticism.


LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 7 years ago
@ anon 1 ( respectfully )

First of all I'm going to thank you for correcting me on the particulars of the infidelity particulars in the emotion inflaming series by RG ' Another Love '. It appears though the affair continued on a greatly limited basis nearly up to time of Philipe's death with greatest intensity ending upon Robert 's return from war. It's been a long time since I first read the story and my memory played me up. My bad.

In answer to your thought provocative question - I'm going to have to annoy you with dual answers. If I were Robert , I would forgive her. Ultimately the tipping point ty o divorce or reconciliation is " am I happier with or without her ".

Frankly I mentioned in my comments that although the husband was a mechanical savant and a decent enough fellow - emotionally he bordered on being autistic. Long story short he's better off with his far more vibrant and dynamic wife who accepts and : understands his limitations and nurtures him .

If you remember the Robert got tutored carnally by her ( post affair ) before hubby was a borderline 2 pump chump with no inclinations to step up his game.

It's my general rule of thumb good men after 40 are much harder to find then women in same age range. But this is an exception to that rule , it's my interpretation of the characters that the stiff and socially awkward husband would have had much harder time replacing her, then she with him..

What would " I " do ? That's hard to say . I have had experience on the shitty end of the infidelity stick . The woman , a few years later, made overtures and I gave her a miss. But she was a very hurtful during that painful period. Attractive women can get away with a lot and I assure you , C. was a looker. Let's just say I would forgive Meryl Strep ( if she were my age ) , but send Kimi1990 ( regardless of annums ) packing. Lol.

Apologies to swingerjoe for using his story for preceding stream of conciousness riff . Hope my 5 star rating for this story allows me some latitude.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I like it

As flash stories go, this is a good one. I enjoyed it. Thank you for your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Drink a bottle of bleach you fucking dumb fag cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Damn luedon and LSD

Get your heads out of his ass and call it a day. Aren't you afraid you'll suffocate.

This story was written strictly for sarcasm and disdain. Period. The personal agenda is ongoing. Nothing more, nothing less. Save your breath for the upcoming fiesta of hall of fame authors, past and present. Friday should be a welcoming day for most LW readers. I can also sense a few will have reservations, after all willing cuckolding will not be the main themes, or at least we'll hope not.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 7 years ago
If Ohio liked this story ...

That trumps one million brick-a -anon brats hurled in comment section by my lights. The reason Bore-g Anons are in their miserable collective is because they don't want to be held accountable for sum impression left by total comments of even a virtual persona. I don't get angry - they have seated themselves at the childrens' table and should be held no responsible for bad behavior then infants.

I'm sure you anons would do better if you could and probably had rough childhoods, along with evident spotty education. It can't be easy being an anon ( or justgr8t, kimi, HIV ) . You all honestly have my sympathy and I hope one day things get better for the collective lot of you..I mean that. No sarcasm intended ( maybe a teeny bit, but I'm working on that ).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This country won't be better until were allowed to round up and gas fucking fag cucks like this and the rest of this section. Thank God we're on the right way to that, we can't be rid of sick deviants like this fast enough.

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 7 years ago

This is short, well-written and has a moral outcome. And still your cheer squad rips you apart. What sad, bitter specimens. I guess they come here because they can tear at their betters under the cloak of anonymity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Friday's coming !

Nuff Said .

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago

MAYBE I could have forgiven the affair, doubtful because: 1) Ending only with lover's death; 2) Involving the sons - it's never stated explicitly, I believe, but it is strongly implied that his estrangement from his sons is because of the lack of respect they feel for the father.

But what I could NEVER forgive is the display of the painting, showing the world his cuckoldry and the intimate involvement of Avril in their on-going lives. Reconciliation would have required the destruction of the painting (or at least storage for decades) and the banishment of Avril from their lives. A confession to the sons wouldn't hurt, either!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

How many times are you going to rave? Give it a rest, nobody really gives a shit. Get out your thesaurus and dictionary and write us another letter. Some other time please. We had enough of you for one day. A wise man really should know when to quit. The question now becomes, are you wise?

Like this author, you and luedon have an agenda. Admit it or not, but move on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
@anon-Friday's coming


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
re: twenty seven-amazing

I took the liberty to quickly glance at your bio. Imagine my surprise, when I learned absolutely nothing about you, not even your sex. A bunch of "nothing" and more of "nothing". Amazing, isn't it, and you complain about anonymity.

No, this wasn't a badly written btb story but consider who wrote it. Come on twenty seven you aren't really that dense, are you? (just call me anonymity)

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 7 years ago
@ sbrooks103 ( respectfully )

I see your point in terms of how " you " would interpret Philipe's painting of the wife and why you would feel disrespected . But you and Robert ( the cuckolded husband in the story ) are very , very different characters from my perspective. As I have,stated before Robert had many good qualities as a provider and a person who did the best for his family that he knew how.

Sometimes , however, one's best isn't good enough. I had the size, enthusiasm for sports and similar body shape of the best athletes in my class. But my less then average kinesthetic coordination forestall any hopes of progressing past junior varsity and intramural sports. Likewise the character of Robert was borderline autustic and emotionally tone deaf to his wife and sons needs.

Can you imagine Robert's utilitarian engineer character having the hobby of writing and critiquing stories on Literotica as you ? The honest answer is no. He had empathy problems - that's what left the void that Philippe stepped in and filled with the wife character.

I respectfully disagree with Phillippe being the reason there was emotional distance between Robert and his sons. Robert was in his sons' life time wise 10 times as much . He was a distant father in terms of relating to his children beyond a superfluous level. As the son of an excellent and skilled engineer who taught at university level , I know what I'm talking about in terms of fathers who are there but aren't really " there " as parents.

I don't expect to fully convince you to converting to my viewpoint. Just as you are not Robert the character discussed. We are not the same . But I have done my best to explain my outlook and have listened to your points. Good luck to both of us. I hope I can summon the gumption shortly to write stories espousing my views as you do . I definitely envy you in that regard.

honeylicker1124honeylicker1124about 7 years ago
Good story, even if it was a flash story!

I would have enjoyed it if it had been 5-7 pages long. I started reading it on my smartphone at the coffee shop, and stopped and came home. I finished it at home and had been wondering why she wasn't more reluctant, or why she didn't resist more. That question was answered.

At least you can spell and can write grammatically correct. 5 *'s

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I still can't decide if she'll go for the money or the revenge. She has no guarantee that he won't post the video anyway, after the divorce. On the other hand she can bank the $250K and still fuck Brad, until they get caught, which they will, eventually. And then, being the cruel selfish bitch she had become she can claim sexual harassment and sue the bank. And if she is that shallow and attractive and in the banking business she will have lots of opportunity to latch onto some rich old fool as a replacement.

Hmmmm . . ., decisions, decisions.

Thanks, it was well done.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 7 years ago
@ the anon who wants me to " give it a rest "

Why should I take a breather ? I'm not tired. Apparently you are . That's a shame . It's only natural though because likely due to iffy education and emotionally traumatic childhood , you have trouble keeping up and comprehending my mini- missives. The pain you suffer must be horrific because of aforementioned disadvantages mentioned. It's not your fault. You have my fullest sympathies.

Let me please try to help you , help yourself. Next time you see a comment with my Literotica ' nom de plume' next to it . Skip it. Move to the next anonymous comment , if at all possible. Those are so much less strain to read and cause much less cognitive dissonance which we all know you Bore-g Anon Collective have minimal capacity for. Cheeriobye for now

- your friend ( but not your equal )


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
man you have a lot of haters

This story was ok. Better than average but not the best. But I don't think it deserved all these crazy comments. It was a quick flash story with a nice twist at the end. The problem is that you've gained an unpopular reputation, whether deserved or not. I guarantee if this story was posted under a different name, its ratings would be much better, not that I put much thought into ratings either.

Anyway don't let the haters get you down. Also don't stoop to their levels, you just belittle yourself.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years agoAuthor
@ Anon

You must be new here! Yes, I have a very large following of readers who love to hate me. You mentioned that if I had submitted this story under another name it would've scored higher. Actually, a while back I did just that. I typed out a quick flash tale with my thumbs on my cellphone and submitted it under another pen name. The score on that story remains above 4.3 (last I checked.)

It's very easy to be a popular and highly-rated writer in Loving Wives. It is far more difficult to be as universally despised as I am and STILL write stories that score over 4.0.

(By the way, what happens now is that all of my "fans" reading this will actually take the time out of their busy schedules to one-bomb every story I've written. It is hilariously entertaining to watch! I must have a dozen stories rated at 4.49, because every time one of them is pushed past 4.5, one of my fans will one-bomb it!

What none of them realize is that I don't care. I don't write for them, and I couldn't care less what they think of my writing. I'm endlessly entertained by the fact that they seem to care more than I do!)

Thanks for your supportive comment. I do appreciate the rare support from those who can at least acknowledge the time and effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

A couple more days and the real writers on this site will participate, in a all day bash. All these trash stories will be history. Watch the cuckold lovers have a field day bitching all day long, because the little boys won't have anything to read. What a shame. The ludon and her dog will turn blue with envy.

SystemShockSystemShockabout 7 years ago

You say you "don't care", but then you mock your detractors at every opportunity, frequently get drawn into pissing contests with commenters and other authors alike, and have just admitted to obsessively checking the ratings of your stories, as well as posting a story under a different name just to see what kind of rating it would get.

This is not the behavior of someone who doesn't care. It's the behavior of a child trying to save face on the playground. Actions speak louder than words, JoeJoe; people who don't care don't write five paragraphs comments about how much they don't care. If you *really* didn't care, you'd be ignoring those people entirely.

I'll show you how it's done, JoeJoe. I don't care about your response to this. I've said my piece, now I'll move on. You don't exist to me anymore. Good luck with your strange obsession with ratings. Maybe one day you'll figure out how this "internet" thing works and realize that none of this matters in the slightest.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years agoAuthor
Dear ShockShock

You don't get it. Let me try an analogy. Imagine you're watching the Three Stooges. You note that Moe seems to slap Curly more often than Larry. You don't care about the injustice and arbitrary unfairness of Moe's abuse. You're simply amused by it all.

Does that make sense? Oh, you've left? Sorry, what was your name again?

Oh, well. It doesn't matter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Wow, you nailed it! Friday is coming!! Hey, joe joe (thanks for that, SS) do you think Mainefiddleheads and Blackrandl will let you comment? Whew, I couldn't stop laughing for a minute there.

Obo1Obo1about 7 years ago

I enjoyed it Swingerjoe. Quick little palette cleanser. When I first started reading I thought you were going to do a send-up of this kind of flash BTB tale, but you ended up playing it straight! Unless I'm missing something and I need to look deeper. Well done in either case. Of course I'd like to see more of the why's and the how could yous and gnashing of teeth and all the fallout, but it was a flash story.

As to the clique warfare that goes on in the comments now? WTF? It used to be sort of funny but now it's just strange.

And what's with LSD dredging up the ghost of RichardGeralds Another Love in the comments? I like some of your comments but you ride RG's jock pretty fiercely sometimes. I don't see what it had to do with SJ's story. And your assertion that you would react in X way to a long ago infidelity being discovered is ridiculous. Unless you've been there you don't have a clue how you'd react. Most people react pretty fucking poorly.

tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 7 years ago

You are correct, the sniping is directed mostly at other commenters. Some authors feel the need to punch back but it's generally classier to leave it alone and let your work speak for itself. Authors deserve our thanks and respect regardless of the quality of their stories. They aren't in it for the money, and they freely share their hard work with us. I try to offer some constructive criticism when I comment, even if the story is a stinker.

Luedon, yours is the first comment I have commented on! The LW comment section, I think, reveals the intensity of feeling regarding marriage. Marriage is still a big deal fifty years into the sexual revolution, and it survives despite all attacks.

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 7 years ago
Speaking of Dense

To my Anonymous admirer. You could be anyone of a number of people. I am always twentyseven. Does that help clarify things for you, sweetheart?

Obo1Obo1about 7 years ago

Hey Joe, I am not trying to hassle you on this. I'm genuinely curious.

I'm going through your library and refamiarizing myself with some of your works. I happened to take note of a comment you left on your How to BTB story. You had a few things to say that didn't jive right with me about the folks who write tales just like the one you've written here. I was just curious about how you reconcile your opinions with the fact that you've written, what appears to me, to be a pretty classic and straightforward BTB story. The comment was made in response to sbrooks and posted on 12/19 if you care to peek back.

Again, I enjoyed this story so your thoughts sort of surprised me.

Obo1Obo1about 7 years ago
One more

I got the date wrong anyway so I went ahead and snagged the part that caught my interest.

"4) As I've mentioned before, I believe that the purpose of the BTB genre isn't to provide a cautionary tale or social commentary on the hazards of cheating. The purpose is to bash women in literary form. The women in these stories are always portrayed in the same way: selfish, stupid, amoral, and sex-obsessed. The typical BTB reader gets off on seeing these women humiliated and (either physically or emotionally) beaten.

I believe the reason is that the men who read and write these stories were emotionally damaged by a woman (or women), and these stories serve as a fantasy type of "revenge." I'm glad to know that you aren't one of those men. I suspect that maybe you simply pander to that audience because you know such women-bashing stories will be well-received by that crowd. You wouldn't be alone in that regard."

patilliepatillieabout 7 years ago
thought this was pretty good

Tight writing, lots of info conveyed in a small tale. Comments back and forth among the commenters a bit over the top. We will see how Friday turns out, as a number of the HOF writers have had a fair bit of "misses" with more recent submissions.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years agoAuthor
@ Obo1

Thanks for your comment. I should probably explain why I wrote this story. I recently came across an old video that would be extremely incriminating and would destroy a marriage if it landed in the wrong hands. That got my wheels turning, and gave me the inspiration for this story. As I wrote in the intro, I've been obsessed with writing another story for months, and I've been stuck in the mud on that one. This story was simply meant to give me a little push out of the mud.

That said, your point is well-taken. I suppose that this story does follow the old BTB template in some ways. Specifically, the wife in this story doesn't seem all that smart. To be fair, though, we don't know a lot about her, as this is a "flash story" without much character development. I can assure you that the woman on whom this story is based is far from selfish, stupid, amoral, and sex-obsessed.

We don't know why Nicole cheated in this story. If I had put more time and effort into this story, we would know a lot more about her and her motivations. As it stands, it does come across as a "classic BTB." And again, as I've stated many times, there is nothing wrong with BTB stories -- so long as they don't stick entirely to the repetitive template. I don't think this story has much in common with that template aside from the possibly brain-dead wife who can't keep her legs together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Yes Sir. You hit the nail smack dead center. Joe, whines a lot, but loves the attention. The better writers don't waste their time feuding with the readers. There is just no way that any writers can please everybody and the serious ones know that.

A lot of the feuding could be avoided if this site just made a few changes, but that will never happen. The more discontent, the better the website business is for these owners. Loving wives has always been too broad a category, but doesn't matter, this subject has been hashed to death already.

There must be something to the saying, "he who protests too much" Nothing more needs to be said. I've always claimed, since the first day I've read this category, the comments often are better reading than the actual story.

Obo1Obo1about 7 years ago

Thanks for responding. Look forward to reading the one you've been work on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Who cares why you wrote it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Got to be one of the most uncussessful writers in the history of Literotica

This story and the author constantly commenting on his own story tells why.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years agoAuthor
@ Anony re. "most unsuccessful"

574 followers, over 1,200 favorited stories, 23 stories scored 4.4 or higher, and over 2 million views.

Suck it, Anony!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
This is not a hotwife story

This is not a hotwife story. This is a story about a jealous and deceiving husband. Two thumbs down.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago
@LordSlamdawgg Re: "Another Love"

It wasn't just a 15-year-old indiscretion. She had been fucking Jacques on a regular basis until his death. She had posed for a painting which was going to publicize his cuckolding to the world. She had brought Jacques into a parent relationship with her sons while lying to them about their father knowing about it, putting a wedge in their relationship with their father. Whew! About the only thing she DIDN'T do was cut off his balls and put them in a jar on the mantle! I was going to include feeding him cream pies, but it's been a long time and I don't remember the time line!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago
Sorry For Repeating Myself

I hadn't finished going through the old comments!

I definitely don't buy the "Robert borderline autistic" crap.

I can't remember, did she bring her new-found bedroom skills back to Robert? If not, that's another knock on her!

We're never shown his relationship with his sons as children, only their adult relationship, so I think you are unfair imposing your paternal relationship on him.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 7 years ago
@ sbrooks103

Robe rt was a VERY happy camper as a husband for 25 years until the day that painting was delivered. I hope we can agree on that much. If you eat at steakhouse daily for that duration of time and think the experience is fantastic , then find out that the chef has hoodwinked you into thinking the ground chuck was New York strip. That's upsetting.

Nevertheless you were in state of bliss exiting that place for a third of a lifetime. That's better then most couples I know. My argument stands that if they had broken up - the artful , sexy albeit deceitful wife would have replaced the socially maladroit husband far easier then the other way around.

It all boils down to are you happier with or without her . I think Robert chose correctly.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago

God, there's such crap that I'm reduced to reading and responding to comments!

Maybe, MAYBE I cojld take her back, as you say, happier with her than without her.

But NO FUCKING WAY is the evidence of her betrayal put on public display during my lifetime, and no way is her accomplice in our lives!

You say that's me, not Robert, but re-read the first two parts. The Robert portrayed there would do EXACTLY what any self-respecting man would do. The problem 90% of readers have with the story is that the Robert in Parts 3 & 4 is a 100% TOTALLY different person than the one in Parts 1 & 2.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago
@swingerjoe Re: "most unsuccessful"

For a guy who claims not to give a shit about scores and such, you seem to have yours right at your fingertips!

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years agoAuthor
@ sbrooks

It's only one click away, man! Hell, the new interface makes it easier than ever. It's almost impossible not to see the scores, number of followers, etc., anymore. I just get a kick out of folks who use dopey statistics to convince me that I suck, and then when I use stats to prove otherwise, they shout, "Ha! You DO care about statistics!"


ChuckEPooChuckEPooalmost 7 years ago
Another BTB story

Great writing but the story wasn't my cup of tea. Plus I can't believe her lover would actually let himself be videoed. What a dumb fuck.

cabbage01132cabbage01132almost 7 years ago
"Well...I guess I'm just tossing the idea out there to see what you think."

stopped reading at that point and just scanned.

i can read about wimps, weaklings, cuckolds, revenge, reconcilliation in fact anyone who is unknowing unaware or unable to do anything about their situation but all that hotwife, sharing, bbc, cuckqueen shite is just too stupid for words. theres no betrayal here, once a dumbass says "Well...I guess I'm just tossing the idea out there to see what you think." he gets all he deserves.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago

I came back to this since Joe was pushing it in some recent comments, and I have been reviewing the comments.

One of your statements about Another Love I believe is inaccurate. You say that Robert was a "two-pump chump." I'm disinclined to go back to the story to check, but my recollection is that SHE had a bad case of post partum and was unable to get pleasure from sex. NOWHERE was it indicated that Robert was inadequate as a lover.

I stand by my assertion that her including their sons in her deception HAD to have lowered their respect for their father and likely led to their distant relationship.

I never saw any indication of his near-autistic relationships that you seem to see.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
You sure

Are.You sure you wrote that Joe? I liked it. Who doesn't like a little BTB. The comments give me an idea about all the bad blood on LW. Can't find anything wrong with this, even if you meant it as a joke. Simple minded folk like me can't tell the difference.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I'm A Had One Too

Hot story. Love the way it played out. Sounds like she loved her new lover anyway. Could have did been my ex. Well, I finally outlive her and two more. Would to have you stick around here. You write so well. Even any novels you might come up with would be worth the time to read. Some times revenge is worth it all.

shopratshoprat16 days ago

This was a good one! Nice straightforward burn.

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Update, 4/23/19 Every once in a while, I forget why I don't write here as often anymore. Then I submit a story and remember, "Oh, yeah! That's why!" This site, and especially the Loving Wives category, used to be a great deal of fun. But then some spammer began leaving anonym...