A Saint and A Sinner Ch. 04

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A new victim for the killer.
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Part 5 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/29/2010
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"I know you RSVP'd the Mayor, dear. I'll be ready to go. Just give me a couple more minutes," he spoke patiently into the phone, the nagging overtones of his wife shattering the euphoria he had felt a few moments before. "Yes dear, we have plenty of time before the opening speeches. I promise, I'll be right in."

He stared blindly at the wall next to the phone, a wall covered by sheets of pegboard where his tools hung neatly and in order by size. Everything was clean, kept that way by his almost obsessive polishing. It kept him fixed, kept him ready at anytime. He was prepared for when the Knife told him it was time.

He looked at the gray filing cabinets that lined the space under the pegboard that were filled with his notes and pictures, his life's work, as the voice over the phone continued to harangue him. He opened one and let his fingers walk over the files, everything alphabetized and titled in his carefully neat block letters. He picked up a file at random, opening it to look at the pictures encased in plastic protectors. Then he fixated on one picture, automatically responding to the demands of his wife in the quiet tones of the subservient husband she thought he was. If she only knew.

The picture was of a beautiful redheaded girl who couldn't have been more than twenty years old. She was actually eighteen and she was dead. She wasn't one of his, instead belonging to another of His chosen. She was a victim of a past killer and beyond him in physical form. But her death, her purpose of death was his to study and to alter as he saw fit through his imagination.

He imagined his wife tied and tortured as this girl had been. Pictured her raped over and over by a man old enough to be her grandfather, disgusting enough to consider as filth. He imagined his wife humiliated, her place as the dominating spouse degraded to cowering slave by an illiterate pervert who would use her as he pleased, urinate on her, use her as an ashtray, starve her and then torture and murder her. And he smiled, though he made sure the smile never reached his voice.

He replaced the file, closed the drawer silently and spoke softly into the phone. "Yes, dear. The sooner I get this work done the sooner I will be in. I love you too dear." He hung up the phone and turned back to the table in the middle of the old fruit cellar that he had refinished and enlarged, adding a steel door and sturdy locks, electric lighting and a bathroom complete with a shower.

It would never do for his wife to find any trace of his time here upon his person or his clothing. So he used the shower here, kept clothing in the modern bathroom to change into when necessary. He never worried about her coming down here. He had brought her down here himself before he had done any of the back breaking work. Had brought her down the rickety steps and taken her into the damp, dark cave full of cold stale air and creepy, squirming bugs. She'd lasted all of two minutes before leaving and telling him that he was more than welcome to the space, she didn't want it.

He thought of his fussy wife, of her fastidious life, of her phobias and irritating fears. If she knew what he did down here, he giggled at the thought, how repulsed would she be then. She thought he was a weak man, that he wouldn't get out of bed if she wasn't there to make him. She thought he had no back bone, no ambition. She would never understand his true ambition, his Purpose. But when the time came, he would make sure that she saw him for who he actually was. He smiled.

The girl on the table cringed at the sight of the smile. He had seemed so nice, offering to give her a ride when the tire had gone flat on her car. He had pulled over behind her, a God's send in her time of need. At that time of day, on the tiny back road they had been on, it would have been hours before she could have gotten help.

Besides, he had been so handsome, outfitted in a classy dress shirt open at the throat, dark hair brushing the collar in the back. His slacks fit well, showing off a nice ass as he crouched down next to her tire to take off the flat. When he had explained that she had the wrong size lug wrench, as if she knew what that was, she had been happy for a ride to the next town to call for a tow.

She hadn't expected a flash of white and the stench of something strong and nauseatingly sweet clamped over her nose and mouth. She could barely breath against the pressure and had tried to fight her way out but had weakened so quickly and passed out without so much as a scream or a scratch. Now, she was awake and mad. She was tied to some kind of table. It smelt foul, felt rough and hurt her back. Her arms were above her head, tied tightly, her legs spread and tied to the corners at the opposite end. There was tape over her mouth and across her cheeks into her hair. It pulled every time she turned her head.

She was sick, her stomach roiling, gorge rising into the back of her throat. She was so scared and she wanted to go home. Not home to her old apartment with the bad heating, no air conditioning and lousy hot water. Or even back to Toledo. She wanted to go home to her parents in Arizona. She wanted them to forgive her and love her again.

And now she would probably never see them again. Her mind flashed onto the newspaper images. Men in jackets with the word CORONER emblazoned on the back in big white letters carrying a black bag that contained a body. The body of some girl that they hadn't been able to identify. The second girl that had been found murdered and dumped in old houses. And she knew that she was to be the third.

She didn't want to die here by the hands of some whacko that whined to his wife and played with knives. It wasn't fair. She wasn't ready to go yet. She had so many things she still wanted to do.

She watched as he came closer to the table, stopping by a tray to pick something up before standing next to her. He grabbed the edge of the tape in her hair and pulled quickly, giggling as she cried out. He took the tape, ignoring her cries for the moment and placed it in a large plastic bag, making sure that it was spread out flat, the adhesive side sticking to the plastic, preserving the hair and skin that had been pulled with it. He took a thin black marker and carefully lettered her name across one edge and slid the whole bag into a file, folding it to fit.

"Please don't hurt me."

Those were the first words that filtered through to his consciousness. They fell over him like warm rain on a spring day, flowing into him like nourishment. He smiled gently down at her and placed a warm, large hand on her arm. He pushed her hair back from her face, careful not to pull anymore. He wiped her chafed cheeks, drying tears with the back of his thumb. Then he reached back and picked up the knife.

She screamed at the sight of it and he shook his head.

"No one can hear you scream, but go ahead if it makes you feel better." He thought he sounded like that persona on TV. The program was about some crime scene unit that almost always solved their cases in one commercial interrupted hour. He liked to think of himself as the lead character who always sounded so wise and gentle to all the idiot victims and witnesses he counseled and who almost always found his man. He liked that image, wise and gentle. He was caring without being weak and not afraid to show the world that he could be human, that he could make mistakes.

"This knife won't hurt you, Sweetness."

It was all in the tone of voice, soft and understanding, that did it. He had found out the right tone of voice could sooth anyone, even someone in the predicament that this girl was in. She quieted, sobbing softly.

"Please," she begged, her voice hoarse from the drugs he used to subdue her, tears streaming down her cheeks again. "Let me go, blind fold me. I don't know you. I don't know where we are. I won't tell. I won't call the cops. You don't even have to take me back to my car, just put me on the side of the road somewhere. Please. Let me go."

She looked beautiful with big tears glistening on her soft cheeks, her eyes large and luminous, thick lashes dark and spiky. He leaned back and grabbed the Polaroid camera, getting the picture before she could turn her face away from the flash and ruin the symmetry of those tears.

"Nice," he muttered to himself as he fanned the picture that was ejected from the bottom of the camera. He waited until it was fully developed before showing it to her. "See how beautiful you are?"

The thought entered her mind for the twentieth time since she had looked in his eyes in this place that he was fucking crazy and she was dead.

He marked the picture on the white plastic strip, date and time written with the black marker then placed it in a plastic folder and put it in with the tape, making sure that each piece of plastic lay neatly and didn't fold at the corners before closing the file.

Then he picked up the knife again and turned toward her. He ignored her scream of horror and pushed the knife into her blouse at the cuff, neatly slicing through the seam up to her arm before turning the knife to cut the side seam down to the hem. Then he started on the opposite side, never nicking her skin even though she strained away from him and struggled, pulling her bonds tightly into her wrists and ankles.

"See what you've done," he said softly, pulling a little on the knots to loosen them just a bit. "The more you struggle, the tighter they become. If you lay there, they won't hurt you."

This psycho really believed that she would lay here without struggling while he raped her, tortured her and killed her. As if her hands and feet were going to do her any good unless she could get free. He expected rationality in a situation like this. Fuck him. And she told him so.

He tapped her gently on the nose, acting shocked at the language then he pulled the shirt up and over her head, pulling the back out from under her. He folded it neatly and it went into another bag which was labeled and put into the folder. He was nothing if not careful in documenting his cases, working out theories, drawing conclusions with the soul of a scientist. He wasn't the one that felt the rage. He was gentle and loving with the case studies. It was the knife that hurt. But the knife wasn't there now. It was gone, it was put away and wouldn't be out until it called to him.

He reached under her, carefully avoiding the slivers he knew were there, and undid her bra, then carefully cut the straps close to the back. It was bagged, labeled and filed.

Then he took the picture.

Her breasts were beautiful. They were firm but not the fake firmness of implants. She had nicely shaped nipples. Pale pink and about the size of a quarter around the areola. They were soft now, but in a few moments they would be hard and he could take another picture of that.

He liked her stomach, it was softly rounded. Her skin was taut but not too tight like those girls who did all those exercises and didn't know how to be womanly. He touched it, warm and smooth, slightly tanned. He smiled and took another picture, labeling it with his findings before putting it away.

She cringed away from his hand, her mind shying from the thought of what he was doing. If he was going to rape her, she wished he would just do it so it would be done. And if he wasn't, she wished he would go into his wife and leave her the hell alone. She swore at him again, making sure he knew what she thought of him.

He wasn't as kind this time, and the blow that landed on her face left a red mark across her cheek. He turned away and she prayed he was leaving. But he wasn't through with her. He just needed control, he had to get the beast in control or he would hurt her too soon.

When he finally found it, he touched her again, his hands gentle this time as he spoke of how beautiful she was, how round she was. He stroked her nipples and she cringed as they tightened against her will under his caressing fingers. He praised them, taking pictures of them, leaning over and kissing them, causing her to shudder in disgust. He licked her breasts, nuzzled his face against them, between them, took his time playing with them to his heart's content.

He stroked her stomach, leaving her jeans on for the moment. He kissed her abdomen, licked the inside of her belly button, telling her of her taste. He nibbled at the soft flesh just above the button of her jeans, pressing his face against her skin and breathing in deeply as he saturated his senses with her.

He stroked her arms and her neck, talking to her, his voice getting gravelly and rough as he got more excited. She could feel his erection against her side when he leaned over her to touch her arm. It seemed almost alive inside his pants, moving against her as he did. Her mind desperately tried to turn off but every time she got close to the dark oblivion to escape this terror, his voice would bring her back, leaving her no escape from the horror of her present.

His mouth was on her neck below her ear, telling her what he wanted to do to her in every tremulous little detail. His hands were cupping her breasts, squeezing gently, his fingers stroking over her nipples twisting them and enjoying the little shivers he invoked.

She was crying in shame, desperately trying not to be sick. She had wet her pants in her terror, unable to stop herself as the insidiousness of his black thoughts flowed over her. He wanted to carve her up, to slip inside her body and lay in her warm flesh. He wanted to slice off her nipples and hang them up to dry. He wanted to drink her blood from the wounds as if he was a newborn infant. He wanted her blood on his hands, to bath in it, to become new again in her.

He picked up the knife again, bending over to suckle on one of her nipples as his hand slid on the inside of her jeans. He didn't try to unbutton or unzip them, he slid the knife under the waist band on the side at the seam and let it slice through fabric, careful to leave her panties behind. He let his arm go as far as it would without letting go of her nipple, his tongue curling around it, flicking rapidly across it then suckling hard on it. His teeth nipped and pulled and then bit down a little too hard drawing a cry from her battered lips.

When he finally let go, he looked up at her, catching her eyes with his as he finished the cut down to the hem. His face was flushed, his breathing raspy and harsh above her own. He was sweating, beads falling from his face to land on her skin. He wiped them away with his hand and then shook his head so that more fell on her.

"I'm baptizing you with my body fluids," he rasped. "But don't worry, when I'm done, I'll wash you down so that when you're finally found, they won't be able to find a trace of me on you."

He said it as if he were doing her a favor and she should be grateful.

He reached across her and pushed the knife into the other side of her jeans, drawing it down the side of her body so that the material parted like butter, coming loose at the bottom hem.

He started to pull the pants away when he realized she had wet them. Instead of being outraged and angry, he pushed his face into her crotch, breathing deeply of the aroma of her urine and her fear.

"You arouse me, sweetness. More than the others ever did." He breathed the bitter smell of her urine as if it were ambrosia pushing his nose deeper into her softness. His hands were on her bare legs, pushing the material aside and off, leaving it on the side of the table forgotten as he reveled in her fear. He pulled at the sides of her panties, his hands no longer gentle but eager and harsh. His mouth bit at her thighs, hurting her, bruising her flesh. He didn't care now, the rage was almost there. She would realize his power, cry out in rapture when he entered her flesh, spasm against him in orgasm at his purpose.

She jerked to the side away from his biting teeth, trying to get away, not caring that she could no longer feel her hands because of the pain. She had to get him off of her, away from her. If he raped her, she would want to die. She fought him, not realizing that every move she made called to the knife and bitter, agonizing death.

The phone on the wall buzzed impatiently, breaking through the overwhelming tide of lust that painted his vision red. He stood up, his chest heaving, his eyes wild. He threw the knife he still had in his hand hard against the wall, sending it clattering wildly across the hard dirt floor.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he yelled at the ceiling, hands clenched down at his side. He stared at the phone as it continued to buzz, trying to calm down enough to answer it. He shook himself, walking away from the table taking deep breaths. When he picked up the phone, he thought he sounded okay, not quite steady yet but he was working on it.

"Honey, you really need to come in now to get ready if we're going to get there on time."

He cringed at the sound of her voice, reedy and thin with impatience, and wished that he could wrap his fingers around her skinny neck. He would like to tear out her lungs and feel them wilt in his hands while she finally realized the power with which she had lived.

"Yes, dear." Bitch. "I'll be in right away." Stupid, fucking bitch. She'd find it hard to nag at him if he cut her lips off.

He hung up before she said good-bye and stood there, shaking, feeling the last of the all consuming lust fade away, the erection that had strained to be released and felt so powerful ebbing into a tiny appendage of slack flesh. He looked back at the girl and hurried to the table, stopping to pick up the knife he had thrown. He picked up her jeans, folded them carefully and placed them in another of his endless supplies of plastic bags. He labeled them and placed them under the file of other things he had gotten from her.

Her hands were swelling from lack of circulation and he carefully pried the bonds loose, patting her on the cheek as she cried out at the pain. He left her in her urine soaked panties, throwing a blanket carefully over her to shield her from the cold and damp. Then he went into the bathroom and meticulously cleaned himself up, washing the stench of desire and smell of fear off of his body.

He came out and smiled at her as he passed her, reaching for a roll of duct tape that he kept on his tray. He tore off a long strip and held her jaw while he smoothed it across her lips, bending over to place a firm kiss on the tape.

"I have to take my wife to a government function, Sweetness. We'll have to start over later on." He grinned, a hungry predator hidden in the guise of a mild mannered public servant. He walked away, stopping at a shelf next to the door and fiddling with some switches. He hit the light switch, leaving the room in complete blackness, walking out the door and locking it behind him as his voice came out of speakers carefully hidden in the wall. His voice, the voice of the benefactor, speaking of love and kindness mixed with the voice of the knife who spoke of pain, torture and death in the same rapt, fascinated tones.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I think it’s a 50-60 year old man medical job of some kind may be even morgue and sick son of a b but I gave it 2 stars found it hard to stomach and I have a strong one

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Sorry but this chapter I could only give 2 stars I found this chapter hard to stomach and I’ve got a strong one

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 4 years ago

Surprised she didn't scream for help when he picked up the phone.

DaniellekittenDaniellekittenover 8 years agoAuthor
Want to know something a bit strange

I wrote this...novel? And I don't remember who it is. More coming soon!

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