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She tucked some hair behind her ear and traced at her throat. "Leaving aside what he thinks, you know... this could change how we are with each other. Change us in any number of ways."

"It doesn't have to. It really doesn't. We've always been close. Always. And, you know, we're both strong people. I don't doubt for a second we can both handle this."

He could tell she did a double-take, and her near hand tugged at his sleeve to make her next point. "You're young, attractive, successful. You can have beautiful women your own age."

"That's not what I want."

With a breathy voice, she said the obvious. "I'm yourmother."

He glanced at her, accepted her pleading eyes, nodded, and then answered. "Yeah, but you know what? Nights like tonight---times like tonight---you'reJuliato me. You are."

Her gasp was loud and full, her eyes first looking up, then around, and then her entire upper torso shifting to sit back straight in her seat, facing forward rather to him.

"You're serious."

"I'm serious."

It was only a couple of more minutes before he was pulling back into her driveway.

He turned the SUV off. "I'm walking you up."

They took the walkway carefully before she stopped at the front door. "This is fine here."

They both grinned at one another.

A hall light shined inside, but otherwise the ground floor was dark.

He stepped closer to her. "It was great seeing you."

Her eyes riveted looking up at his. "Great seeing you, too."

Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, but her eyes didn't waver from his. He stole a quick glance to be sure they weren't being watched from inside, and then he leaned his face towards hers slowly.

Her eyes went from his eyes to his mouth and back, and she didn't move away. He took his time and his hands lifted to her face, cupping her cheeks gently. Her skin couldn't have felt tenderer.

A couple of inches away, he paused and glimpsed her. Her eyes were closed and her lips slightly open. In the seconds of his pause, her eyes barely opened, and while she saw him so close, she didn't move or hesitate at all.

His face closed their space, and their lips joined. Soft and still at first, he lingered. The feel of her moist lips was exquisite, and the realization they were doing this made his blood run hotter. His middle churned with his arousal.

After a couple of moments, he slightly pulled back, but only away for a second before he came forward again. This time, her mouth slightly shifted. His mouth followed hers and they met. There was the same meshing, but then hers eluded to one side. He didn't hold back. His face stayed close, and his lips found hers again. This time he pressed to hers, and this time she responded differently. She pushed her lips back onto his.

Like some line had been crossed, their mouths now became urgent. His lips caressed hers back and forth, and she met his pace. The sense she was responding caused tingling to fire inside him. Emboldened, his lips parted hers, and his tongue slipped forward. Soon as it did, the unmistakable feel of her tongue touching against his hit him, and everything changed. Nothing had ever jolted him as hard in all his life.

He moaned hard and kissed her more fully. To his dismay, she not only didn't resist, but her mouth opened more, keeping a hold onto his but also bringing him in. There was a pull that made him think she was sucking his tongue further inside her mouth. His mouth worked at hers, and their tongues danced against one another. Time didn't matter, and he became completely absorbed in the feel of her. They twisted about and his arms held her tight. Eventually, her hand came to his chest, and she eased just back.

His voice rumbled. "Wow."

She giggled. "Yeah. Wow."

They kissed briefly again, and she forced herself to talk. "I have to go in."

"I don't want you to go."

She sighed. "And I don't want to. But... ."

She retrieved her keys, and the reality sunk in of just how crazy and brazen what they were doing was. He struggled to help her get inside. She swept the inside of the house quickly with her eyes, before turning back to him. "Goodnight."


Once she closed the door, he stumbled away, and it seemed he drifted back to his SUV.

He had to see her again as soon as possible.



Julia climbed the stairs, quietly trying to get to the bedroom and avoid waking Bill if she could. The perfect end to the night would be her stretching onto the couch downstairs and languishing with her thoughts while she tantalized herself, but she vanquished that idea. Better to call it a night in bed and avoid any more appearance of things changing than there already was.

Her steps on the stairs were perfect and fully quiet. The dim, distant glow from a nightlight upstairs gave her just enough to get to their room. The bedroom door eased open and he had turned in. No snoring, but there was dark stillness.

Her mind spun from the entire situation. But more importantly, her body simmered from her night with Trevor, an experience she would have never expected until the last couple of days. Tinges of guilt nagged her, but she could not deny a building pull of emotions deep inside her. She wanted to deny it, but the intensity of her connection to Trevor was too strong. As much as there shouldn't be this kind of reaction between them, the truth was that it had developed and that it burned. The more she thought about it the more tempted she became to slip back downstairs and get to the couch.

The outlined lump of silhouette in the bed meant Bill was likely asleep, so she went ahead with changing into her nightshirt. She would leave off her panties. There could still be her sensual reflection. It would just be upstairs.

As she eased into the bed, quick pangs of wonder hit her again about Bill. In the past, he would have become incensed with these same circumstances. Now, his indifference even included her involvement with Trevor. Whether it was a midlife crisis or the attrition of twenty-two years of their being together, the result was the same, and he had been clear what he thought. 'Go with it.' 'This one time.'

In the dark and flat on her back, she still gently shook her head at the improbability of it all. And improbability didn't just describe Bill's reaction. She thought of Trevor and how monumentally surprising he had become in the last several days. The young, dashing personality that evolved in front of her eyes at lunch on Tuesday now matured into this rugged, unpredictable man drawing to her. Parts of him remained recognizable, but another side of him certainly was not.

Memories of his masculine manner and the captivating presence tugged at her. His warm smile and piercing eyes made her question whether there was some underlying comparison she was making still to the much younger version of Bill. That could be part of it, but so could the present distance that existed between her and Bill. Her thinking was interrupted by the feel of her own fingertips tracing at her thighs, with her legs splayed open under the sheets.When did I start that?She betrayed a mischievous grin until Bill's voice sounded from beside her.

"How did it go?"

She froze. "Huh?"

He turned from his side facing away, onto his back, and then rolled over to face in her direction. She let herself glance his way, and was glad his face positioned downward with his eyes shut. Probably half-asleep.

"How was he?" His tone was thin.

Her right hand stayed at her thigh, but her left hand drew her fingers to her throat and rubbed as she thought quickly.How do I put this?

"Uh, he was fine. Nice, very much a gentleman."


"Felt really weird of course."

There was some shifting on his side of the bed, but he still faced her way. "He cares about you very much. I'm sure he adores you."

The idea of that made her want to inch her lower hand closer to her middle, but she waited. "Bill, what the hell has gotten into you? You're okay with this?"

He made a breathy sound, like blurted air, that she didn't recognize. He flopped to where he was on his back, facing up. "Hey, just reacting honestly. That's all. You know, in a general kind of way, I get the younger man attracted to an older woman and wanting what he can't have. Guys are that way."

"Bill, 'general kind of way?' Trevor took me to dinner tonight. He looked at it as a date."

There was shifting again on Bill's side of the bed. His legs weren't staying still. She didn't know what to make of him anymore. His voice dipped just lower.

"What did you look at it as?"


Out of nowhere, his hand left his side and moved atop the covers over her stomach, a move not previously made for months. Several ideas for jabs at him came to mind, but his talking gave her pause.

His voice stayed low. "He was very into it, I bet."

"Bill, are you sure you're intrigued by this?"

He made the slightest of caresses atop her stomach on the covers, and she decided on a different tack.

"Bill, uh, I couldn't believe it, but... It was like he couldn't take his eyes off me. He couldn't."

A muffled laugh came from his side and it encouraged her.

"He made all sorts of small talk." She paused, wondering whether to mention the concern they had shared about Bill. "He worried about your take on it, of course. I told him just what you said."


She shook her head at this, but kept going. "He was glad, actually. Concluded that you approved."

Still silence.

"You're right. He seemed pretty into it."

Bill's words were soft. "And I bet you were into it."

First, she wanted to recoil at his interest, but instead she thought back on her own reaction and the look she had seen in Trevor's eyes. Strong, genuine looks.

Her response was throaty. "Yeah. Okay, I was into it."

"Go anywhere after dinner?"

"He wanted me to come to his place for a drink."

"He did?"


His hand went back. There was movement on his side of the bed.

"I didn't go, of course."

He wasn't staying still.

She took a chance. "Are you wishing I had?" Her voice ended up, like she was incredulous, and she found herself wishing she hadn't sounded like that.

"Up to you."


He didn't immediately answer.

She dropped her voice even lower to where it was barely audible. Thick. "Better be careful."

He smirked.

"After all, lonely woman. Vulnerable. Handsome, strong young man. Hey, no one's perfect."

His hands were moving under the covers, and she fought to control her shock at him so she could keep the teasing going.

"And, let me tell you. Even on my best behavior... . He's got this look about him. It's like I don't even see it's Trevor most of the time. I see this virile, hard man who is, like, almost primal or something."

The covers on his side were moving.

"He'd have an effect on any woman. He just would. I can't help it. I mean, if I wasn't his... ."

"Did he...?"

"Did he what?"

"Did he make a pass at you?" His voice was ragged.

"Uh, yeah. Oh yeah. You mean, after he tried to get me over to his place?"

He didn't respond, but hearing herself say this out loud and getting that Trevor had tried this pushed her own hands to her middle.

"Yeah, after he propositioned me to come over to his place," she was wet, "he brought me here."

There was no longer any subtlety from his side any more, as the covers pushed up and back.

"This guy, my Trevor, he doesn't just drop me off. Walks me right up to the door. Finishing our date right, I guess."

There was the unique patting sound next to her.

"When he got me to the door, of course, I'm terrified. This is all crazy, you know? But he took control and he calmed me."

No response from him. And, her own hands both plied at her and she wouldn't last long.

"Bill, it was amazing how he took his time. Took me in his arms, kept my eyes locked to him. Brought his mouth on mine."

He panted beside her.

"His kiss was beautiful. Tender as it could be."

She was feeling jolts of tingling already. She thought she heard him moaning beside her.

"Well, his first kisses were tender, I mean. Then, then it was different. He actually kissed me like he would any woman. Pushed his tongue in my mouth. And that's when it first hit me."

He began rattling a cry beside her as he started, and she was right there with him.

"When I felt his tongue... that was when I first thought about really fucking him."

Bill's groan grew loud, and then they both shook hard. Waves and waves washed her, as she arched her back, shaking through her release.

She absolutely could not believe this had happened between them.



Saturday morning, Trevor woke up thinking about her, and he didn't stop. Their dinner. Her gazes to him. The kisses goodnight.I've got to have her. What did Julio say? 'Give her a fucking she'll never forget?'

At the oft chance a workout might settle him down, he went to the gym. By the time he got there, he figured it was safe to text her. He asked how she was doing.

Up on the stair master, he kept an eye on his phone but got nothing. A hot blonde climbed atop the one next to him, and he didn't acknowledge her. Instead, he pondered his next moves. This whole thing was crazy. He got that.

Even crazier was that his Dad was being cool. But, in a way, he got that, too. During college, he had a girlfriend for a year and a half. Turned down all sorts of other women only for them to break up eventually anyway. As attractive as the girlfriend had been, eight or nine months in, a kind of complacency set in, and he found himself restless, or even at times bored. He couldn't imagine what twenty-two years would be like. Plus, it wouldn't shock him a bit if his Dad had something going on. It just wouldn't.

Thirty-five minutes into his cardio, his phone buzzed. She said hey, and wondered what he was up to.

He answered about working out and told her last night had been great.

She sent a smile and agreed it had been great.

He broke into a huge smile and let the machine wind down. He'd hit some weights and keep texting her. He checked if everything was still okay at home. Felt he should be thoughtful of how things were going on her end.

Luckily, she came right back with 'fine.'

A couple of minutes passed, and he started some sets. The need to act subdued with her collided hard with his wanting to line up seeing her tonight. He worried he was about to shock her with what he had taken it upon himself to set up.

Maybe he had screwed up. After all, maybe they had plans for Saturday night.Shit.

He almost dropped a dumbbell at the thought of his worrying whether his parents had plans together. He hit the keys thoughtfully.

"Hey, that play you've talked about. You've still never seen it, right?"

Several moments passed.

Then, "No."

"Bought two tickets. Let's go tonight. Dinner at six. Play at 8."

He drew a deep breath and hit more weights. Maybe he had gone too far.Nope, this is what I want. Might as well put it out there.

It seemed like it took her forever before she responded. "That is so sweet. I don't know whether we should though."

As he lifted more and considered his reply, another text came from her. "Plus, can't be the same play. The one I was talking about is ending. Last shows are sold out."

He grinned broadly. "Bought these tix scalped. Good seats."There.

He couldn't stop smiling.

Another message from her hit. "Didn't think you liked theater."

Probably feeling too confident, he banged out his reply. "Thinking I should go for it, experience something different. Been doing that a lot lately."

Right back, she answered. "LOL. Yes, you have."

He didn't waste any time. "You should, too."

The same hot blonde lingered by him, but he kept to his weights and the phone. Couple more moments passed.

Finally, the buzz. "Maybe so."

He circled around his weight bench and tried to maintain himself rather than fist pumping or some such ridiculous thing. How to reply.Remain calm.

"Will pick you up at six."

He pushed out some doubt.Nah, going strong and staying strong on this.He smiled.

Two more sets and he hadn't heard.

Walking across the gym floor, he decided to stretch and call it a morning. He was into his stretches, glancing his phone in between each move. Nothing.

Questions started surfacing, and he tried to resist them. Has Dad intervened? They already had plans? Maybe, she's too reluctant.She just said she had a great time last night. Her text said 'maybe so' when he teased about trying new experiences. What the hell?

With the stretches over, he toweled off. Time to hit the showers. His body felt damn good after sweating out last night's beers. He shook his head.

Then, that buzz. "Okay. See you then."

This time he did pump his fist into the air.



Her call came at two. He was in his SUV. He lightened when he saw her name on the caller ID. He clicked right away.


Her voice was strained. "Hi. Sorry to do this. But I can't do this tonight."



"Damn it." He couldn't help it. His heart sank.

"I'm sorry. I really am." Her voice convinced him.

"What happened?"

"Um, an issue has come up." He wondered whether she was where she could talk.

"It's okay to say if you're just not into going." He meant it.

Her reply was instant. "No. No, that's not it."


"It's your... it's Bill." She sighed hard. "He's talked to me, and... he said he doesn't want me to go."

"He doesn't? I thought... ."

"That's what he said."

"Unreal. Fuck." He couldn't remember having ever said that around her before, but now was not the time to apologize.

"Hey, I'm not happy about it either, but... ."

"Is this just about tonight, or the whole thing?"

"Good question. Couldn't really tell."

"You can't talk, can you?"

"Not really. We're both here and all. I think he's upstairs."

"Damn it. Guess it was too good to be true."

"Trevor," her tone grew very concerned, pleading, "please don't feel bad. I don't want you feeling bad about this. I don't."

He sucked his chest full of air. "Hey, don't worry. I'm fine. Really. All's good. Listen," he drew another full breath, "I'm gonna drop these tickets by. They'll be in your mailbox in an hour. You guys go."


"Yeah, let's not let them go to waste. This is a chance for you guys to get out. Relax. Have some fun. Go, you should. Have a good time."

"Trevor... . I'm not doing that."

"Yes," he chuckled, hoping he was putting her at ease, "yes, hell, you are. Believe me, I'm fine. Believe me also---Iwantyou to see this play. It's important to you. So, go have fun."

She sighed again hard. "Trevor."

"Call or text me later on."


He clicked off, and slowed the truck. A cantina nearby may have been beckoning, and he thought of drinking hard, and then taking Uber. Maybe it had all been a dream. Definitely too good to be true.

He shook his head and remembered he needed to drop the tickets by first. He would run them by, drop them off, and then go to the cantina. Wasn't a great plan, but it was his plan.

His phone rang. It said, "Mom Cell."

He was quick. "Hello?"


"You alright?"

""Yeah, I'm fine. Listen, I've changed my mind. We're going. You and me."


"Yeah. That's what I want."

"But, he---"

"He's being weird again. I mean, he said he didn't want me to go, but yet, it didn't sound like he meant it. It's like he was just saying he was against it, but wasn't really sure."



"Then, I don't know."

"Yes, you do." It sounded like she was smiling." "Do you know?"

He pulled the SUV over to the side and grinned. The teasing in her voice made him throb in his jeans. "I like that sound."