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"That sound?"

"That sound of you flirting with me."

A quiet laugh came from her. "Is that what I was doing?"


"Ahh. See, I didn't realize that."

"Well, it's true."

Her tone changed to more of a purr. "Cause I thought it'd be more like flirting if I said something about remembering last night, the kissing, or maybe, missing a feeling from last night."

Now, he laughed. "A feeling from last night? Hmmm. Wonder what you're talking about."

She giggled. Another low purr came. "That feeling of how anything can happen."

All the air pushed from his body and he felt himself bulge. "Is that right?"

"That's right. I mean, anything can happen if... you lose control, I guess."

His hand gripped himself in his jeans.

Her voice turned breathy. "But I can't let that happen tonight. It's only our second date and all. What kind of woman would I be? No, I'll have to be careful."

"You don't have to worry which date it is."

"No?" For a moment, she tried to fake a serious tone. "Are you trying to seduce me?" Then, she let loose another gorgeous giggle.

He laughed, too. "I'm not trying."

She was definitely smiling. "See you later. Oh, and I'll meet you atPrizzi. Not here."




Trevor walked intoPrizziand he may as well have been entering another world. The lighting was dimmed, but there were candles and lamps casting a glow. Well-dressed people were placed all around, whether they were diners sitting nearby or the servers floating all about; there was a normal but stilted air about the place. And of course, the hostess sat them at a prominent front table, at once special but yet exposed for whomever they may know.

His heart pounded in his chest. Smoothing his shirt to his chest for likely the tenth time, he made small talk with the server while he waited. This place was great and feeling familiar finally, but this was a night like no other.

He took satisfaction from their returning toPrizzi, because he was sure it was her favorite. They'd just been there Thursday, but she loved the feel and the food. If she wanted to come back there, then hopefully that meant she wanted the evening to be different. He certainly did. He aimed for it being nothing less than the night of their lives.

Julia had treated it the same apparently, and the impression reached him at his core. Her blue eyes beamed brighter and her red-lipped smile dazzled brilliantly when she was shown to the table. He gulped and choked back self-loathing when he first saw her, because he couldn't help taking in the full sight of her. The blonde hair brought up in her dressy way, the subtle but certain make-up that cast a feminine delicacy about her, the effect reached down into his gut and his loins.

When he stood for her at the table, he knew he had gawked at her, but he had absolutely no choice about it. His eyes devoured the black stretch dress that must have been wrapped to her, tight about her like a second skin. It hit him hard how lean she looked. But it also struck him how smart the dress was. There was little cleavage revealed and the dress covered past her knees. At the same time, the dress fit so closely that it may as well have been painted, as there was smooth, thin material showing natural contours of her body with no lines for anything underneath. This meant when he examined her from head to toe he plainly saw the curves of her chest, the flat dip of her stomach, and the rounded tight figure of her hips. He was certain there were no lines anywhere.

He flinched when he caught himself staring, and he hurried to help with her chair, knowing he was likely drawing even more attention to his awkwardness. Hopefully, his dark blue dress jacket and thin trousers didn't betray the bulging hardness that grew immediately from the sight of her. As he got back to his chair, he could've sworn he caught her stealing a glimpse at the crotch of his trousers as he lowered back in his chair. The wool middle there was no doubt tented. Her eyes were wide and arched as he sat down.

They both smiled nervously and said hellos and pleasantries, getting their evening underway with a shared energy that couldn't be denied. Thankfully, there was a lot to be said about the restaurant, the play they were to see, and the arts overall, which she relished. Nothing was said of societal norms, her husband, his father, or the obvious fact that they both considered this a romantic date. Something singed in him about that.

After dinner, he went from the dimly lit restaurant to the majestic, older theater where at least Julia remained by his side to balance out the uncertainty. She was right as she remarked he should go to the theater regularly, even if he couldn't articulate why she was right. It seemed like something he should do.

Their seats were great, and while he was glad for the view, what mattered to him was how impressed she was. Her smooth expression eased into an appreciative smile, as they waited for the play to start, and he loved that. She glimpsed up to him from her seat, and he adored the sparkle in her bright blue eyes.

The first half of the play moved along and was fine. The romantic plot wasn't overdone, and he followed things well. But the truth was he stayed keenly aware of her presence and the way their shoulders leaned together.Control yourself.

Intermission came just at the right time, and he went to the men's room. Afterwards, they got drinks, and started back to their seats. They were almost to the aisle when someone called her name.


Julia jerked her shoulders where she could view the woman who said her name. It only took a second, and Julia's posture braced. The poised smile returned.

"Gladys! Great to see you!"

A couple of steps behind them was a woman in her seventies and her husband, the woman elegantly dressed and bejeweled. 'Gladys' had a pleasant enough smile beaming back at Julia, but her eyes were raised, and she did a quick 'once-over' of Julia, unable to hide her surprise.

"You look... stunning," Gladys shot her eyes to Trevor.

Julia struggled to speak, but stammered back. "Th-, this is Trevor, my son."

"It is?" Gladys put her hand to her chest.

"Nice to meet you." He shook her hand and then did likewise with her husband.

Gladys and Julia chatted briefly about the play, but intermission was ending and they soon returned to their seats. Gladys didn't pass their seats out in the aisle so they must have been in a row behind them.

In their seats just as the lights came down, he forced himself to face forward, but he still stole glances her way. Trying to gauge her reaction discreetly, all he could tell was that she sat straight and also kept her gaze forward.

Unable to resist, he teased by whispering in her ear, "are you wearing panties?"

She looked down, grinned self-consciously, and covered her mouth, before looking back up. Bringing her mouth back to his ear, she whispered back, "No."

With a strained tone, she added, "I can't believe we ran into her. She's in the City Women's League."

"Don't let it bother you."

She breathed a small sigh and then closed her eyes a moment. When they re-opened, she peered at him with only the slightest turn of her face.

She waited a moment and then her mouth was back at his ear. "Areyouwearing underwear?"

He chuckled back. "Yeah."

Her hand rose to her neck and then a couple of finger tips drew a line to her chest before resettling back into her lap. Then, her face was back at his ear with another whisper. "Are you hard?"

His breath rushed from him. "Yes. I am."

She gave the slightest of nods. Her lips barely curled up. Her attention looked forward, back up on the stage. He struggled to think of anything but her naughty question to him. She kept surprising him.

After the play, they left without having to engage with Gladys, much to his satisfaction. The drive from the theater started quietly. He headed to his place. As he did, her words came softly from the dark front seat.

"Trevor, what are we doing? This is wrong." Her hands twisted in her lap.

He tried his best not to be affected. "We'll go have a nightcap. I can bring you back to your car whenever you like."

She leaned her arm against the passenger side door window and propped her chin on her hand. Her hand brushed over her face as if trying to wipe away some stress.

"Hey," he tried to help, "stop worrying. Our situation... this... is different."

Her face glimpsed up to his and he saw her eye brows arched.

He kept a low tone, trying to be gentle. "He essentially agreed, you know."

Her eyes batted a couple of times at that.

His words stayed low. "Have you heard from him tonight?"

She pulled out her phone. A quick glance and she was shaking her head.

"He knows where you're at, right?"

Her hands felt at the phone a moment. Finally, she nodded.

The street lights occasionally flashed into the SUV, but otherwise the front seat stayed dark.

She looked ahead and when his hand rested on her thigh, her eyes went immediately there. Her hand stuck onto his and held him from drawing higher. He didn't move away.

He brightened his look and spoke a little higher. "You've been so, um,energizedthese last few days. You really have."

They remained quiet for some time. Her hand loosened its grip and moved from his hand higher onto his arm, where it touched to him but didn't hold him. He adjusted his hand just higher to rest more at her hip.

Her eyes briefly closed, but she said nothing. She didn't try to stop him. For the rest of the drive to his place, he didn't push it by moving his hand over her leg towards her middle, but he didn't withdraw it either. It just stayed up on her hip.

And the rest of the ride home was silent.



Inside his apartment, Trevor put on some music and then went to the kitchen to get them a glass of wine. She lingered in the living room, taking a look at some pictures he had put on his mantle. There had been a recent guy's trip to the beach, and there were some pictures from a business dinner.

Returning with the wine, he couldn't help but admire how sleek her dress was, stretching from her shoulders down to just above her knees. It was like a second skin on her. There were no lines. Her hair looked luxurious, still up but with a few strands straying from the hold. For the first time all evening, he really took in her black heels and appreciated just how provocative a stance they struck.

"Thank you," she said, taking the glass and sipping the red blend he had brought back. Her eyes searched his as she swallowed, and for a moment, he didn't have a clue what she may have been thinking.

His voice came low. "I enjoyed the play."Straight ahead. I'm going to be myself. This is the night.

"You did?" A light chuckle escaped her. She watched her wine swirl in the glass, as she diverted her eyes from his. Her left arm wrapped around her stomach, and her right, holding the glass aloft, perched onto her left.

He pushed on. "Yes, the actors did a great job. Especially the female lead. She was elegant. I'm glad it ended well for her."

Her eyes came back up to his, and for a moment, her expression seemed doubtful, but it softened somewhat. "I liked it, too. They did a great job."

He took a drink as did she, and when her glass had lowered, he noticed a speck of red wine at the corner of her mouth. Without hesitation, he reached to her face. She froze a second, but when he paused with it near her mouth, she relaxed. In the slightest of gestures, she tilted her chin up, like she was making it easier for him to wipe there.

His finger dabbed the corner of her mouth, but it also went to graze her bottom lip. When he brought his hand back, he drew it to his face. Her gaze fixed on his finger as it went to his mouth. Just inside his lips, he sucked the wine from the fingertip.

A slow grin appeared from her and her eyes blinked. Her head moved back and forth.

The music changed, and the pace went from a jazzy sound to a slow one. He took her glass, set both of their glasses down on the table, and then took her hand in his. Drawing her close, he started swaying them with the beat of the song. She moved with him.

One hand held her hand to the side, and his other hand rested on her back near her waist. Cradled close, her smaller frame first just brushed to him, and then meshed closer. A lovely lilac scent wafted about as his head pulled near her face. Their easy back-and-forth kept time, and their closeness soothed him. It didn't take long, and the song was over.

As they parted, he kept his face close. She noticed and paused, her head angled slightly away. When he moved towards her, she stayed still, her eyes darting to his. He met them and took a second. When he again moved her way, she didn't withdraw.

Her lips felt as soft as he remembered them, and she seemed to kiss him back. The touch lingered and he adored how she felt. His mouth instinctively pressed, and he gave the slightest of moans when she pressed back.

For a couple of moments, their lips traced about one another's. His arms eased around her, and his hands rested where her hips started. Her body brushed about the front of his, while his arms gradually enveloped her.

The pounding in his chest grew stronger until he finally needed more of her. His lips parted hers, and his tongue slipped into her mouth. To his surprise, her tongue eagerly met his and pushed. His arms pulled her tight, and she threw her hands behind his shoulders. Her enthusiasm enthralled him. This he had not seen from her.

They twisted together, and his tongue explored about her mouth. Her tongue lashed back at his. The intensity drove him wild, and by the way she clung to him, the same thing was rocking her. His palms squeezed her ass and pulled her against him, giving her a graphic feel of just what kind of effect she was having on him.

A few more seconds into their kiss, he couldn't stand it any longer. He broke their embrace and grasped her hand. Leading her out of the living room, he rounded a corner into the hall. Neither of them said a word. Her hand felt good, gripping back at his. Three or four more steps, and they were into his bedroom.

His bedroom had light shining in from the hall behind them, and across the room, there was a glow from where a window let in light from the night sky. Otherwise, the room was dark. With the music stopped, there was nothing but silence.

She took a couple of steps toward the window, and was looking out it, as he brought his feet up, one at a time, to shed his shoes and socks. Facing from him, her head angled back in his direction, where it must have registered on her that he was undressing.

Part of him anticipated a question or a concern from her. His intention was clear. Once he straightened from taking off his shoes and socks, his hands went to where his shirt was tucked into his trousers. He yanked at his shirt, freed it, and pulled it over his head.

The shirt fell to the floor, and he finally saw her move. There wasn't a sound as her hands went from her sides up to the back of her head. Her fingers reached into her hair and tugged at a clasp there. Her blonde hair loosened and dropped down, her hands then teasing it about to get it to relax and go to her shoulders.

Seeing this exhilarated him, and his hands worked quickly at his belt and fly. His trousers peeled smoothly off, and his boxers yanked down to where he could step right out of them. Blood surged into his middle and his dick, now freed, pulsed in her direction.

Sensing him but still standing angled away, her face appeared to wince a bit at his now being undressed with her. He stepped to right behind her. First, he rubbed her shoulders, but his fingers soon moved to the zipper at the neckline on the back of the dress.

His fingers pulled the zipper downward, and he saw her eyes close. They stayed closed until the zipper reached her waist. Where the dress parted behind her only her bare back appeared. With the zipper all the way down, her eyes fluttered open. Holding the unzipped sides of the thin garment, he started drawing it down her, away from her shoulders, down her sides, and over her waist. Three pushes of the tight dress down and it was crumbling to the floor.

Instantly, she brought one arm up and across her chest, mashing her breasts to billow at her front, while her other arm stretched to put a hand to cover her crotch. For a moment, she stood that way, shielded. A deep breath shook her.

Standing behind her, he drew to her back, reaching one arm around her, while his free hand went to her chin. A gentle touch moved her face to the side and his mouth met hers, as he hugged her close. He cradled her to him from behind, as his lips pecked kisses on her mouth. His mouth pressed onto hers, and as it did, something in her relaxed. He turned her to him and embraced her, as he was kissing her deeply once more.

Hugging her, his arms first braced her, and then moved her arms away. Taking them, he put them atop his shoulders and kept massaging his mouth on hers. His erection throbbed between them, and the press of her belly at it gave him an idea.

Still kissing her, he took one of her hands down from his shoulder, and he guided it between them. Her hand didn't go on its own where he intended, so he took her hand with his. One shift backwards gave him the space to put her onto his hard cock. He closed her fingers onto his shaft and she flinched hard.

Breaking their kiss, her face shot to stare down. It lingered and then she was peering back up at him. Her hand didn't leave his cock.

She half-whispered to him. "You're going to have to be gentle with me."

He smirked.

"I'm serious." She blinked. "It's been a long time for me."

"Sure, sure."

He walked them over to the bed and she eased down onto it. Her hips scooted along the sheets and gave him room, while her hands pushed into the mattress lifting her higher to where she'd be at the pillow. She watched him climb on the bed with her, her eyes staying on the sight of his hard-on waving around with his movements. It looked like she swallowed hard.

As he started to get over her, he got his first good look at her chest. While she had never appeared especially large on top, her breasts were now obviously ample. Even more, for the first time, he was seeing her nipples. Light red, they were large, seeming to almost cover the end of each tit. They protruded into points that made him strain even harder.

His lips at once dropped to the softness of her chest, and he drew lines from high on her down into to the cleavage of her. He licked and kissed, finding deep between her globes and then kissing out to get to her nipple. Takin his time with each one, he brushed with his lips, drew it in tight between his lips, and then alternated between sucking and massaging, giving her repeated feels of his wet mouth and tongue.

He fixed on her second nipple, when he noticed. His mouth had parted and gathered a long stretch of her breast and sucked inward, when he detected her legs move. Propped at her side, his hips hadn't quite squared over her. As his mouth was full of her soft, firm tit and the thick nipple was wiped with his tongue, her legs stopped clinging together. Both legs raised barely at the knees, off the bed and separating, following to the sides when her feet drug apart as well.

At once, he shifted to center over her. His knees planted inside her thighs, and then looking in her eyes, his legs spread further apart between hers, making her legs give more space. He held her look a moment longer as his face descended onto her belly. His eyes had to leave hers, when his lips slid over her stomach. He was planting kisses downward, getting to her waist, when she nudged him.