Betrayal Book 02


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'I found out afterwards that she was old enough to be Sharon's mother, and her name was Betty. Her Husband was called Ted and he was even older than her and slightly overweight. Betty's body was still ripe and full, even if her breasts sagged more than a little. I was not to fuck her that evening, I just couldn't get it up again, but I was to sample her charms at a later event.'

'The party finally wound down and everyone started to dress and depart. Arrangements were made to meet again the following week to celebrate the birthday of Janet. She would be forty and the group consensus was that a milestone like that could not pass without a party.'

'The following week's party turned out to be one of those where the ladies returned to their own homes with their partner for the evening. I was drawn with Betty and we both enjoyed ourselves in bed. At the appointed hour, I started to get dressed in preparation for my departure. Betty looked at me and smiled, then she said, "there's no need to hurry away you know. We don't have any kids to embarrass besides I want to talk to you."'

'So I sat back down on the bed and she said, "you are different from all the other men in our little circle. You actually make love to your partner and take time to ensure she is completely satisfied, the other men, well they just fuck us and are more concerned about their own satisfaction than their partners. I'm not complaining about that, it's nice to be treated with some respect occasionally."'

'She paused for a moment then continued, "We women who participate in this type of lifestyle generally fall into one of three categories. The first, is the coerced wife. She only participates because her husband has pressurised her into it. The second, well she joins in because she knows that is the only way to keep tabs on him as he will cheat at every opportunity. The final type is the wife who wants this type of lifestyle, she loves the sex, loves the feeling of being used and using men for her own sexual gratification. Men however, I find fall into two main categories. The first is the male alpha type who just wants to fuck anything in a skirt and because he doesn't want to divorce his wife, gets her involved also. That way he is absolved of any guilty feelings. The second type is the man who likes to experiment and has fantasises about fucking different women. This type can go two ways, firstly he may enjoy it and enjoy the sight of his wife fucking other men, so he embraces the lifestyle whole heartedly or he finds that once he has tried it, the novelty of fucking other women wears off and he finds that he much prefers making love to his wife."'

'I started to ask her where she was going with this, when she put her finger to my lips and said, "patience, I'm getting there. I have been watching you and though you participate in the conversations and perform more than adequately in the sex department, you do not share the confidences that that the other men do. You are there but apart from them. I think you are of the latter persuasion in my potted analysis of the two male types. You have tried the lifestyle and have decided it's not really for you but your wife on the other hand is firmly the third type of female. She loves the lifestyle and all that goes with it! You now have a major dilemma because you realise that she is getting more and more into it and you want out. I wish you luck and hope you find a way to keep your marriage alive."'

'I wanted to protest that she was wrong, but the realisation suddenly hit me, her assessment was spot on, I did want to stop the partying and I knew that Sharon was getting more an more into it. I moved to leave when she grabbed my arm and said, "one more thing before you leave, the reason that I didn't want you to rush away was that right now, Sharon is entertaining most if not all of the men in your bed. They all went with their respective partners for the evening but congregated back at your house after they had fulfilled their duties elsewhere. The other wives don't know this and I only know because Ted knows better than to lie to me and I saw something was going on earlier and quizzed him before we left."'

'As I left her then to return home, my thoughts as I pondered on Betty's analysis and revelation about Sharon buzzing around my head like a swarm of locusts. I considered what my options might be if the predicted gang bang was in fact happening. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I missed my own front door. I retraced my steps and walked up my pathway to find the front door wide open and to be met by Tim descending from the upstairs bedroom, zipping up his fly as he as he came down. He joked with me that Sharon had invited some of the others to continue the party after the twelve o'clock deadline. I dashed upstairs to find Sharon on her hands and knees astride Andy while Peter was pushing his prick into her arse. She was clearly enjoying this double teaming and urging them to fuck her harder. Off to one side stood Ted getting dressed, clearly he had had his turn and was preparing to leave also.'

'I stood and watched and started to feel sick, the bile rising in my throat. Swapping partners was one thing, but Sharon had taken things to another level and the feeling of disgust at her behaviour became overwhelming. I grabbed Peter around the neck and by his hair, what little he had and pulled him off her. He tried to fight back but I thumped him just once in his fat belly and ordered him to get dressed and leave. Meanwhile, Sharon and Andy had stopped their gyrations when they heard my voice and Sharon started to climb of his large member. I grabbed her by the hair and assisted her to her feet. I pushed her into the en-suite and ordered to clean herself up. Andy tried to apologise and said he thought I knew about her after hour's invitation. I just felt weary and told them all to get he fuck out, which they did rapidly.'

'Sharon finally emerged from the en-suite, still naked. I could see the love bites on her tits and all the signs of some rough usage on her face and inner thighs. She tried to explain that it was just an extension to our earlier activities, but I was having none of it. I said, "we agreed to the swapping of partners, I even consented to you having multiple partners, but you deliberately forgot to mention your little private party arranged for tonight. Why not? Did you think I would veto it? That's it for me. I'm finished with the swapping and if you want to remain married to me, you are too!"'

'She was contrite and in tears as she agreed to my demands. The following day, I called Betty and informed her that Sharon and I would no longer attend any parties. She commiserated with me and told me she for one would miss me. She also asked if we could keep in touch as she was interested to see if Sharon and I could make our marriage work. I said of course she could and gave her my mobile phone number.'

'As for Sharon and I, well I thought that we had reached an agreement and though the next few weeks were hard for us both, I believed we had turned the corner. I was wrong and I only found out that she was continuing to see some of the other men on her own when I received a call from Betty. She said, "Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but I told you that my husband knew better than to lie to me and I became suspicious when he changed his daily pattern. I wrung the truth out of him and I'm sorry Gary but it seems that Sharon is still meeting with Ted and some of the others on the days when she doesn't have to go to work. By the way, they have also been taking photographs of the action, so to speak and I will forward them to your phone now."'

'The images confirmed my worst fears! Sharon was prominent in all of them. She was the focal point of a gangbang with four men. I knew them all from the parties we had attended and I felt ill. That evening I confronted her and demanded an explanation. Sharon at first tried to deny everything until I showed her the pictures. She said, "Gary, I'm so sorry, but they kept pestering me and I found myself relenting to their demands. I know I'm a slut, but I just love the way they fuck me!"'

'We talked and talked about it, but she refused my demand to stop seeing them. I felt I had to do something to shock her into realising how badly she had betrayed me, but since she seemingly had no remorse for her actions, I decided that separation was my only option. So that's just what I did and you know the rest.'

Wow, I thought, like mother, like daughter! It seems that Sharon just couldn't say no to any man, just like her mother. Now I had a problem. I promised to try and help Gary and see if there was any way to save his marriage, if he still wanted to save it!

Chapter 3 – Amanda's turn to play the femme fatale

At home that evening, Amanda was in the kitchen preparing our evening meal and I sat down with Gary and asked, "You realise that you are partly to blame for Sharon's behaviour? If you hadn't encouraged her at that first party then you may have still been together! Do you still love your wife, even after all that's transpired?"

"Yes, I'm well aware that I opened Pandora's box but now all I want is to close the lid again! Yes, I still love her and it's driving me crazy not to be with her, but I cannot live with her infidelities. She needs to stop fucking around and promise to remain faithful to me if we are to have any chance at all!"

I pondered my next step and decided I needed to see Sharon and see where she stood. I can't say I was enjoying being an amateur marriage guidance counsellor and I was pretty sure I was going about this in the wrong way, but I could not see any other way to break the impasse that they had created for themselves. I resolved to go with Amanda the next time she went to visit.

After dinner that evening, Amanda and I exchanged a look and smiled at each other. This was a silent signal that old married couples like us had and there was no need for words to express our desire. So we retired early leaving Gary with the remote control and the TV. We must have been feeling horny because no sooner than we undressed and kissed and one thing led to another. As I said, Gary's presence in our home had restricted our lovemaking, but for some reason my normally reserved wife was all over me and she made little attempt to suppress the sounds of our love making. We brought each other to a satisfying climax. As we lay there recovering our breath, I asked her what had caused her to be so forward.

She smiled and said, "I was home early tonight for once and finding the house empty, I decided to have a bath instead of my normal shower. I had not locked the bathroom door as I thought no-one would be home until much later. I had just finished lying in the bath luxuriating in the warmth easing away my tensions and had just stood up to get out, when in walked Gary! Anyway, he must have been desperate for the toilet, because he already had his trousers unzipped and pulling out his cock before he realised that I was standing there stark naked! I had nothing to cover myself with as the towel was on the towel rail opposite the bath. He just stood there with his dick in has hand taking in the view. I was trying to cover myself with my hands, when he reached over and took the towel of the rail. He stood there smiling and asked if I wanted him to dry my back. I grabbed the towel and tried to cover my embarrassment. He had one more good look and left the room after apologising for invading my privacy."

"So that's why he had a big grin like a Cheshire Cat who's got the cream all the way through dinner." I said with a smile.

"I was so embarrassed tonight, I felt as though my a face was Fire Engine red all evening! Do you think he will just forget it ever happened?" she asked.

"I wouldn't if I was him, the sight of your beautiful body would awaken the dead. Did he have an erection?" I asked.

"No, I don't think he had enough time to get fully hard, but it was twitching as he backed out the door." She replied. Then she added with a wicked grin on her face, "It looked as if it would be a lot thicker than yours from the little I saw of it, whether it would be bigger all over I don't know, but would you like me to try and find out?"

I was gob-smacked by this revelation from my loving wife! Was she serious or just joking? I couldn't tell from her expression. Maybe she was just winding me up, but when she reached down and grasped my cock, it was already hardening, betraying me. The idea of her flashing her body to another man had taken me by surprise and aroused at the same time.

"I don't think that would be a good idea." I replied. "He's probably in bed by now and wanking himself at the very thought of your charms on display. He has been celibate since his bust up with Sharon as far as we know, so he must be pretty randy by now."

She just smiled at my response and bent her head down to engulf my burgeoning phallus with her mouth. After that, I was sated and I believed that she was too.

Chapter 4 - Sharon's version of events

I contacted Sharon the next day and arranged to go and see her. I explained that I had been trying to counsel Gary over their marital problems and thought that if she and I could get together, we may be able to find a way forward. She agreed to meet and I turned up at her home that afternoon. I explained how I had approached the issue with Gary and that he found that writing it all down had helped him to express his feelings with a little less emotion than a verbal conversation. I asked her if she wanted to try to express herself in a similar fashion. She agreed and I gave her similar instructions to those I had given Gary.

Three days later Sharon emailed her story to me. As I read through it, I realised that someone was telling porkies pies as her account of the events presented a darker picture than Gary's.

Sharon maintained that their problems had started shortly after their marriage. Again, I will let you judge for yourself as I present her tale verbatim.

'Firstly, let me state that Gary and I were school sweethearts. I never went with any boy other than Gary. I gave him my virginity when I was sixteen and we courted for another year before we moved into together. Not long after we married, Gary started to try and control me. He asked me to dress a little more sexily, both for work and leisure. I was happy to comply. I loved him to distraction and wanted to do anything that would please him. I guess I am slightly submissive and I quite enjoyed the looks my appearance drew from other men. After the kids were born, he got more controlling than ever. He even started to buy clothes for me to wear and some were very revealing. I didn't refuse him and he then started to question my movements and wanted to know how I had spent my day. At first this was OK, I viewed it as concern for me and the kids.'

'This went on for a few months and then one evening he informed me that we were to attend this party. I had reservations about Roberta and Tim. I had heard gossip about their parties and I told Gary about it. I think that this gossip made him even keener to attend. Gary selected the clothes that I was to wear and I protested that my breasts were in danger of popping out if I had to stoop over, but he just said, "So what? You've got to start living a little. Anyway, if the party is as raunchy as you suspect, you will not have it on for long."'

'I was stunned and just stood there for a moment. He told me to get a move on or we would be late. I stopped him and asked, "Am I to understand that you want me to swap partners at this party, so you can screw another woman?" He replied rather vaguely, I thought, "Let's just go with the flow and if it happens, it happens." Then he said, "Our sex life is getting a little stale, maybe this will spice things up for both of us." I was getting curious about this new side to Gary, so I again repeated my question and he was clearly getting a little pissed at me when he replied tartly, "You need to learn to loosen up a bit. Yes, if the opportunity arises, I want you to fuck another man tonight. I certainly want to try a different pussy and if you refuse then we may have bigger problems to face!"'

'Now I was getting totally pissed off at him. Clearly he wanted to try this swinging thing and the dark threat was out there threatening our marriage if I did not comply. I resolved to attend with him and do as he asked. If the right opportunity presented itself, I would go with the flow as requested. So we went to the party and the people we were introduced to appeared to be pretty nice and after a few drinks, I found myself enjoying the bawdy comments even if some verged on crudity. I watched as Gary started openly feeling up Roberta. I glanced around and saw that several other pairs had split off and were starting to get it on. I pondered what to do and thought, well if he wants me to go with the flow, lets see how far he is prepared to take it!'

'I let the boastful one screw me first and after him, Tim wanted his turn, so I let him take me as well. To my surprise I really started to enjoy myself and I also realised that I had the power within me to control these randy men. A little word of encouragement or a demand for them to perform had them practically drooling for a chance to screw me. I had not given Gary a single thought until he came looking for me when it was time to go home. Once home, Gary was so excited by the night's activities that he started to question me about what I had gotten up to. I gave him the abridged version and he started to go down on me, sucking the combined juices of my lovers and I from my pussy. I had another massive orgasm as he did this. Poor lamb, I could not get his cock to stiffen again that evening no matter how hard I tried.'

'We discussed the party the next day and agreed we would like to attend another, if invited. I was pretty sure we would get invited as two of the men, who did not get their chance with me had pressed me to commit to coming to the next party.'

'As the next party approached, I decided that if Gary wanted a slut for a wife, then I would oblige him. Gary's probably explained about what happens where the participants had young children and this event was one of them. I took it a bit further and invited all the men to stop by my house when they had finished with their partner for the night. I told them it would be open house and anything goes and they were all happy to accept. I never told Gary about this arrangement, he wanted a slut wife and he was going to get one!"'

'When Gary finally turned up, just as the lads were finishing me off, he was furious! It seems that he had changed his mind about this wife swapping business and demanded that we stop attending any future parties. I played along and agreed, but I had had a taste of the orgasms that multiple partners can provide a highly sexed woman and was determined to find a way to continue with my new lifestyle for a little longer. I didn't want to continue with that particular lifestyle for too much longer, I was worried about STD's and we had failed to take even the most basic of precautions. I had only known one man sexually and that was Gary, but after that first party I now wanted just a little more before stopping.'

'Of course, I was caught out and this is what led to our splitting up. Do I still love Gary, I'm simply not sure. He's changed and the control freak within him is starting to dominate us. He used to be considerate and understanding, but now he is morose and domineering. If you can see a way out of this mess, then good on you, but there will have to be changes!'

Chapter 5 – Betrayed

I have to admit that her statement threw me more than a little. That her version of events differed from Gary's was only to be expected but her assertion that he was a control freak and had manipulated her into the wife swapping party scene left me wondering who to believe. Certainly I was sure that he had not displayed any such tendencies whilst he has been resident in our home, but then again, I hadn't really been that observant. Then there was the incident in the bathroom with Amanda, had he deliberately sought the opportunity to embarrass her? By her own admission, Sharon had taken to this new lifestyle and through it had found a kind of independence from her husband. I wondered where to take the issue of their marriage from two such conflicting positions.