Betrayal Book 02


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Sitting at the computer in the room we used as an office, I considered the next step. I decided to get a drink and went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. Just as I reached the door, I could hear Amanda and Gary talking quietly, but with some vehemence in Amanda's voice in particular. He was standing right next to her stroking her arm and talking to her. I thought enough is enough and coughed as I entered the kitchen. He almost jumped back away from her and broke contact. I asked, "What's going on, you're both very quiet?"

As I asked the question, I was watching Amanda's face and could see a guilty look flash across her face, quickly replaced by a deep blush as she tried to recover her wits. "We were just trying to decide on what to have for dinner tonight." She and Gary exchanged looks and he followed on quickly, "It's either Pizza or spaghetti, you choose."

I made the decision and we had spaghetti. Over dinner I kept glancing at the two of them and watched them as one would look at the other thinking that they were unobserved by the other. What they both forgot about was me! I watched as they exchanged furtive glances and alarm bells were ringing loud and clear in my head. That night we retired at the usual time around ten thirty and for some reason I awoke sometime later to find myself alone. I checked my watch to find that it was just after midnight. Where was my wife? I listened as hard as I could but there was no noise other than the creak of the central heating pipes as the cooled and contracted. I arose and checked the bathroom and then went downstairs to try and find her. She was sitting in the lounge, in her dressing gown and reading a book. I asked what was the matter and she said she was having difficulty sleeping and for me to return to bed. She came with me and we exchanged kisses before falling asleep.

The next day was a Monday and I informed Gary that Sharon had also completed a similar exercise to the one he had written regarding their marriage difficulties and suggested that I arrange for the two of them to meet at my house and exchange their accounts. I would be there to act as mediator and Gary was agreeable to this. I also said that I would be talking to Sharon as this plan had not been mentioned when I arranged for them to write their own accounts. With his agreement in the bag, I phoned Sharon and set up the meeting for the following weekend.

That evening was similar to the previous one. The pair of them kept looking at one another and occasional a secret little smile would play across Amanda's face. At supper time, I walked into the kitchen just in time to see him slip a little plastic container into the pocket of her housedress. He was saying something to her but so quietly that I couldn't make it out. When we retired upstairs to our bedroom, Amanda was first into the en-suite and emerged wearing her little short nighty. She said, "I'm just going to make hot chocolate to help me sleep, do you want me to make some for you?" I said, "That's a good idea, it's ages since we have done that."

She slipped on her dressing gown and went down to make the drinks. I went into the en-suite to prepare for bed and noticed her house dress lying on top of the linen basket when I went to put my soiled underwear for the wash in it. Curious about the little container, I rather guiltily searched the pockets and found it. It was a pill box, the kind the pharmacy uses when dispensing drugs. I checked the label and seen that it was made out in Gary's name! The product name meant nothing to me, so I made a mental note to check on it the following day.

I replaced the container and housedress and completed my ablutions and retired to bed. Amanda had my hot chocolate waiting for me and we talked about our plans for the next day. We kissed goodnight and I went out like a light. I awoke the next morning to the sound of the alarm. This was unusual for me. I'm normally up and about before the alarm sounds, but this morning I was still sleepy and fuzzy headed as I showered and dressed for the day ahead.

At work that morning, I remembered about the little container and Googled the name Triazolam. That was the name of the drug on the container and discovered that it was prescribed for insomniacs! It was a sleeping pill! I read through the product data sheet about possible side effects and then the thought about my oversleeping this morning coupled to the thick head I had on arising, could the symptoms have been caused by this pill? My suspicions were now bordering on the paranoid! Could it be that my own wife had drugged me? It certainly would explain my lassitude this morning or it could be that they were for her personal use? Certainly, she was having trouble sleeping, or so she claimed. I decided that I would need to be more vigilant around bedtime.

At home that evening and after dinner I made a quick trip up to our room and searched for the sleeping pills. She had not tried very hard to hide them as they were tucked away in the back of the medicine cabinet. I counted how many were in the container to establish a base line. All I needed to do now was keep a check on the number of capsules left and when one was missing, be very careful about what I drank.

Returning downstairs I watched some TV with Amanda and Gary until bedtime. Amanda suggested that we all have a drink of hot chocolate or cocoa again as it seemed to work well the previous night. I agreed and moved as if to go and prepare it, but before I could get up, she was already moving towards the kitchen. When the drinks arrived, I made some excuse about checking the emails before bed and took the drink with me into the study. I had a stashed an empty water bottle in my desk earlier and poured the contents of the mug into it. I had decided to retain a sample just in case. In the en-suite, I checked the pill box and there was one fewer capsule than the night before!

We went to bed and after a short while reading, I feigned a loud yawn and after kissing my loving wife goodnight, turned over and pretended to go to sleep. Well, that's not strictly accurate, I did actually drop off only to awaken when the door to our room opened and light spilled in from the hall. I risked a look through half shut eyes and there standing in the door way was Gary. He was stark naked and his cock was fully erect and he whispered to Amanda to come and join him. The mattress rocked slightly as she arose and went to join him at the door where he pulled her to him and kissed her hard. He broke the kiss and I clearly heard him say, "Don't ever make me come and get you again. You're my slut now and I expect you to be naked when I summon you!"

I heard her whisper a contrite, "sorry, it won't happen again. I just feel awful drugging my own husband so I can go and make love my lodger."

"Let's get this straight right now! We don't make love, we fuck. Now let's go and get down to the dirty."

With that he turned and left and she followed meekly behind him. I lay there, now wide awake and listened to the sounds of them fucking. To my mind, Amanda was far more vocal with him than she ever was with me and I wanted to go and stop this right now, but I realised that there was more to this than just my relationship with my wife. Sharon was telling the truth about him, he was a sexual predator and I wanted to confront her with undeniable proof of her infidelity.

The best way to acquire that proof was to photograph or video them in the act. My mobile phone had those abilities, so I crept out of bed and went to the door of the room Gary was using. They hadn't even bothered to close the door so confident were they that I was well out of it. I started to take photographs and obtained all the proof needed. Amanda was on top of him and slowly riding herself up and down, moaning with obvious pleasure. She started to up the pace and started slamming herself down on his thick cock. She let out a loud scream as her orgasm ripped through her and tried to stop pumping but he was having none of that as he simply pushed her off and ordered her onto her hands and knees.

She moved to comply and he used some of the juices sluicing out of her cunt to lubricate her anus. She tried to twist away from him, but he held her firmly by her hair and growled at her, "Stop pretending that you don't want this! We have been talking for days about my cock in your arse and I'm not going to pass up the opportunity." She stopped squirming around and knelt there passively as he eased himself into her tight bum hole. Once he was fully imbedded he started to slowly stoke her fire and she started having multiple orgasms and pushing herself back to meet his thrusts. He increased the pace until finally with a massive shudder, he released his load into her. They both collapsed on the bed breathing heavily.

I retreated and returned to my bed and plotted the best way to get my revenge. Nothing came immediately to mind, so I tried to get some sleep, but the sounds of the pair of them fucking started again. I got back up and went into observation mode again, this time my phone set for movies and filmed their second fuck of the night. Amanda was having multiple orgasms as he rode her hard, never pausing until he came again. They lay there and he started talking about work and I was about to retire to bed once again, when he started boasting about this new product he was team leading and how he had programmed it that if they ever tried to fire him, he had the perfect way to screw them up.

That brought me up short. I was no expert on our company's products but knew the best way for him to achieve that would be to plant a worm deep in script that only he had access to. Any threat like that, if implemented would cause us loads of problems. The future expansion of IT Solutions was riding on the product launch only weeks away. Now I had something to work with and returned to bed to start planning my revenge for making me a cuckold in my own home. I went to bed and went quickly to sleep, dreaming of how I would confront Gary, but not just on the issue of my marriage but also with terminating his employment with us or any other company in the same field.

I was sound asleep and when the alarm sounded I awoke to find Amanda beside me and starting to stir. I realised that I would need to act as though completely unaware of her infidelity. I decided that the best way would be to get out the house as quickly as possible denying her any opportunity for the usual pleasantries. I jumped up, showered shaved and dressed before she realised what was happening. I paused long enough to give her a quick kiss goodbye and pleaded that I had an early meeting.

This would not be a lie as I had to see our MD, Brian Whittle and appraise him of the information Gary had inadvertently revealed last night. I suggested that we needed to get him out of the office for a few days to enable our techies to go over the new product with a fine tooth comb. We had to identify and negate whatever worm or virus he had planted. Brian said, "I know just how to do that! We are BETA testing the new product at one of our launch customers based in Edinburgh. Jenny Adams was going along to act as our launch manager, but she will be suddenly be taken ill this morning and Gary will be her replacement. It's scheduled for three days this week and he will be conveniently out of the way. That will free up Jenny to conduct the investigation, next to Gary, she knows the product better than anyone."

We discussed what the next steps would be should we find the proof that Gary had abused his position. Brian was all for firing him on the spot just as soon as the evidence was uncovered. I then explained about how I acquired the information and asked if I could be allowed to handle the confrontation in my own fashion. He asked what I was planning and when I revealed my plans, he was more than happy to accede to my request.

My marriage to Amanda was over. It may have been just a passing fling to her and I may have gotten past that. After all, I was trying to help Gary and Sharon continue with their marriage despite their joint infidelities and it would be hypocritical of me not to try and save my marriage given the similarity in circumstances, but she deliberately drugged me to enable her nights of passion with her lover and there was no way that I could forgive her duplicity.

That evening when I returned home, Amanda was dressed in a sexy plunging dress that I had never seen before. Almost as soon as I entered our home she was all over me kissing and caressing my body. It had been years since she had behaved in this fashion and I decided that I may as well take advantage of the situation. She was practically pulling my clothes off right there in the hallway! I stopped her and asked, "What about Gary? He may arrive home at any minute!"

She giggled and said. "He's already come and gone. He's had to go to Edinburgh until Friday, so we have the house to ourselves again." I needed no further urging as I feigned ignorance about Gary's whereabouts and dragged her upstairs into our bed. I stripped her quickly and in seconds my clothes were beside hers on the floor. I stepped back to gaze at her naked form and was surprised to see her pussy was shaved bare!

"When did this happen?" I demanded looking pointedly at the junction of her open thighs.

"I did it today, I thought you would like it." She said sensuously caressing her exposed pubes. "You do like it, don't you? She asked.

I just nodded and delved between her legs to worship at her fountain. She tasted of sex, I could smell it and so withdrew slightly to look more closely at her pussy. I noticed it was swollen and that her labia glistened with moisture. I resumed my efforts with my tongue and she was soon writhing towards her first orgasm with me that afternoon. I moved up her body and noticed that her breasts also looked swollen and quite red. I wasn't sure but I thought I detected a slight bruise on the underside of her right tit. She was fully aroused now and soon she demanded, "Don't torment me, just fuck me hard!"

I did as ordered and found her cunt to be very loose and well lubricated. I was pretty sure Gary had left a deposit in her before I got home. I knew he had a five o'clock flight to catch and that he had left the office at ten to pack for his trip to Edinburgh. Since we lived no more than thirty minutes from the airport, that meant he had plenty of time to fuck my wife before his departure. It was the school half term holidays so Amanda was at home and obviously very willing.

For my part, I was taking advantage of the situation to fuck my loving slut of a wife because after this week, I would be seeking my sexual release elsewhere.

Chapter 6 – Revenge

I contacted Sharon and arranged to meet her later that day. When we met, her sister Mandy was also present. Mandy and her husband Adam have not featured in this tale as their marriage, as far as I was aware was a happy one and their lifestyle did not overlap that of her mother or sister. I briefed Sharon in general terms about the situation. She took the news far better than I had expected and told me that she had more or less decided that her marriage was over. What I had just told her reinforced her resolve. I asked if she was prepared to help me get a little of my own back by meeting with Gary and reviewing their situation. She wanted more detail on what I was planning but I refused. I said, "Just trust me. You won't be disappointed." She just nodded and as we parted she gave me a hug that lasted a little longer than usual. I could feel her firm breasts pressing into me and I instantly felt myself get hard. She felt it too and smiled broadly before kissing me full on the lips before she turned and fled. I must admit I was aroused and wondered about the silent promise in her kiss or was that just my imagination.

Next, I followed up that meeting by emailing Gary with the details of the proposed meeting. I suggested to him that Sharon was more than ready to accept him back into her life. A blatant lie, but I felt he needed a carrot to entice him to attend. I was confident that his ego was such that if he thought he could return to his marriage and continue to fuck around with my wife, he would be unable to resist the opportunity.

Thursday evening was almost a replica of the previous night, except this time Amanda greeted me stark naked apart from a pair of four inch heels. She was a bit tighter that night, probably because Gary was not there to loosen her up first.

Friday evening I returned home to discover Gary and Amanda already there. I must have almost walked in on them embracing as they practically jumped apart when the heard me approach. They were in the kitchen and could not have heard my entry into the house for the music coming from the radio.

Gary was the first to recover as he smoothly said, "We are just discussing where I should take you out tonight for dinner. You have refused to take any rent for my board and keep in your house, so I would like to treat you to dinner."

I almost laughed in his face. He wanted to take me to dinner in lieu of his board and lodging? What about his fucking my wife? How much was that going to cost him? More than he knew at the present that was for sure, but my time was coming.

As Amanda and I dressed for our evening out, I quizzed her about what they were really discussing, but she insisted it was about the choice of restaurant. I dressed in shirt and slacks as we were going to a diner that specialised in country music, so there was no need to get dressed up. Amanda chose to wear jeans and a fairly plunging top that enhanced her generous breasts. Gary insisted on driving and Amanda and I did not raise any objections as this meant we could both have a drink. Dinner was excellent and I must have drunk the best part of a bottle of red wine followed by several brandies. Amanda was more fastidious and only had a few glasses of white wine. Gary was an excellent host and kept us entertained throughout the meal. There was a small trio playing and some couples were up dancing. I was too mellow by this stage to be bothered but Gary insisted Amanda owed him at least one dance and with my consent and encouragement they went up to dance. I watched them dance and they seemed to be having a serious talk until the music changed to a slower number and he pulled her into his arms. I paid a bit more attention at this point but he refrained from doing anything that would arouse my suspicions.

When we returned home, Gary poured me another brandy and had a generous measure of my best malt whisky for himself. I reminded Gary that we had arranged a meeting with Sharon to review their respective writings on their breakup. Amanda and I would be there to offer support and keep the meeting constructive and he said that he welcomed the chance to resolve that issues with his wife.

With that all I finished my drink and kissed Amanda good night before climbing the stair into oblivion. I was not as drunk as I had pretended as I had only appeared to be knocking it back. I doubted if the nice planter beside our table would survive the amount of wine I poured into it. I pretended that I didn't hear Amanda coming to bed but I did. She slipped into bed and cuddled up to me and kissed me. I gave her a half hearted response and pleaded tiredness before turning over. I guessed she just wanted to make sure I was sound asleep. She lay there for about five minutes before she arose and crept out of our room and into his.

I was really pissed off at her, the bitch! She was that fucking eager to get more of his cock couldn't even wait until I was sound asleep before leaving our marital bed and joining her lover! Part of me wanted to go in there and confront them, but the more responsible part of my mind counselled that revenge was a dish best served cold, so I bided my time. It was not easy as the sound if their fucking was clearly audible through the thin plasterboard walls.