Big Bang Theory - Penny Pays the Bill Pt. 04


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Attempting to concentrate on the job at hands, she firmly grasped the black poles beside her head and alternately began to lick their angry purple crowns. They were hanging too far away to actually suck their cocks, but her tongue easily reached their slits. Her entire body was being rocked by the double fucking, but she managed to coax an eruption out of the two pricks in her hands. Their loads flew through the air, seemingly in slow motion, spraying her incredible tits and her blonde mane with copious gobs of white cum. She licked, and sucked every drop she could reach with her tongue into her mouth and swallowed deliberately.

Although originally reluctant, Penny was disappointed when she felt the cock in her ass-hole slide out, leaving only the black pole in her pussy. Without warning though, she could feel the second cock nudge against her battered mound, attempting to penetrate her pussy alongside the first. "No fucking way," she murmured as she realized what he was attempting. The man already fucking her reached down and used his rough thumbs to pry her fleshy lips even further apart as the man under her began to slowly gain entrance into her pussy. Inch by agonizing inch the second monstrous cock was being stuffed up into her tight hole. Penny grasped the ropes to steady herself as she felt herself being split apart by the two giant black poles. Feeling her cunt stretch beyond the ripping point, Penny thrashed her body back and forth, the sensation was unbearable.

Finally Penny was sitting on his groin. His massive cock fully inside her alongside the other. She felt exhausted, spent, her body covered in a sheen of perspiration...and then they began to fuck her. "Oh my fucking God," Penny shrieked as she felt her cunt being fucked by two feet of cock. It felt like someone had jammed their closed fist up her hole as their monster cocks stuffed her cunt, fucking her simultaneously. She looked down and saw that they had stretched her so far that she could actually see the outline of their cocks distending her stomach. She was in sensory overload and actually lost consciousness momentarily as they stuffed her pussy.

Regaining her senses, Penny knew what she needed, "cum in me...I need to feel your fucking cum...fill my cunt...fuck me...fuck me hard." She began to pull herself up on the ropes and then drop herself down, jamming herself into their groins, helping them fuck her. The two anonymous men met her pace and started to forcefully slam up into her pussy, their mammoth cocks spreading her wider with each thrust. Penny's cunt was obscenely stretched and she screamed for relief, "fuck me...fuck me...fill my fucking cunt...I need more cock." Finally, they rammed their giant poles deep into her belly and she could feel them erupt inside her. It felt like their cum was scalding as they flooded and pumped her womb and Penny joined them in climax: "ahhhhhhhhhh," was all she could verbalize.

All three just held their places until Penny could feel their giant cocks shriveling inside her like deflating balloons. They backed away, their shrinking snakes slipping out of her hole, leaving her feeling totally empty. The cameras focused on her hole as their combined cum gushed out in a torrent and then slowed to a dribble. The harness held her legs spread wide and you could see far up her stretched out cunt, her flesh an even more vivid shade of pink after all the stimulation.

Penny was totally spent, and when Jim finally yelled, "cut," Sally and another woman had to virtually carry her over to the pillow and ease her down. Jim kneeled in front of her, "Penny you were absolutely sensational...better than I could have hoped for. I will call you anytime I have work for you. Why don't you take the rest of the week off...I think you need it, and I will call you if we have to re-shoot anything. Honestly though, I think we have everything we need from you. I still have a lot of editing to do, and film the background and such, but basically the main stuff is done. By the end of the week, the rest of the money should be automatically deposited in your account. Thank you for being such a trooper."

She spent an inordinate amount of time in the hot shower before getting dressed. She wondered how long her pussy was going to be sore and how long it would take for her hole to close up normally. When she gingerly walked to the car, she decided to try to sneak into her apartment without being seen; she just didn't want to explain why she could barely walk. Leonard had told her to keep the car the whole week, so that wasn't a problem. She planned on resting in her apartment the next day, using her phone to make plans and inviting guests to the birthday party.

Finally trudging up to the forth floor, cursing the broken elevator and vowing to ask Leonard what had happened to it, she saw a familiar styrofoam cooler in front of her door. She pushed it inside her apartment with her foot, not even wanting to bend over, and sat on the sofa as she opened it. Inside was an assortment of take-out food, beverages, and assorted fruit. There was a folded note: From the Desk of Leonard Hofstater, reading, "thought you might be tired, hope there is something here you like. See you soon." and it was once again signed, "Leonard Hofstater," but this time the smiley face had been replaced with a small heart shape, done with a pink highlighter.

"Oh my God," Penny gasped, reaching for some strawberries and a bottle of ice tea, "I think I love this man."

Penny did not leave her apartment at all the next day, actually calling out "sick" from the Cheesecake Factory. Her pussy was incredibly sore and she had bruising on her thighs; she actually put an ice pack between her panties and her pink shorts. Jim called and asked if she could come in the following day to shoot a scene where she was returned to the hotel "unharmed." He assured her that there was no sex involved, all she had to do was change into her original wardrobe, exit the van and walk up the stairs. He inquired about her health and said he was not surprised to hear she was sore, "rest assured that it happens to novices in this business, until you get used to the constant , rough sex." She wanted to tell him that she hoped she would never have to do something like that again, but decided to keep it to herself.

She called Leonard's cell, knowing he was at work and told him she would only need the car for one more day. He readily responded, "oh just keep it the whole week and we'll exchange keys on Friday night...if that's OK with you."

"That's great, thank you so much again," Penny graciously answered, "but I won't be able to visit, I have a shift Friday night."

"That's too bad, but maybe I'll see you on Saturday," and she could hear his almost pleading tone, hoping she remembered it was his birthday.

She felt incredibly guilty for lying, "gee, I kinda have plans for Saturday," and even more so when she could sense his immediate depression when he answered.

"Oh, well OK...well have a great day at the shoot tomorrow. I'll see you when we exchange keys," he dejectedly replied.

Penny felt so bad for disappointing him and just hoped the party would make up for it. she spent the rest of the day laying on the sofa calling all those invited to the party to make sure they were going to attend. Planning to spend all of Friday running errands and making final arrangements, Penny drifted off to sleep and spent the entire night on the couch.

Thursday, she only spent about two hours in Compton wrapping up her requirements for the film. Jim assured her he would send her a DVD of the finished movie and she drove home feeling a sense of relief. On the way she stopped to buy some party supplies, plates, napkins, some balloons and a small tank of helium. She also bought Leonard a birthday gift and she couldn't resist purchasing some sexy underwear for herself.

On Friday, she pulled up her checking account and found that Mitchell Bros., Inc. had deposited her entire was more money than she had ever had in her checking account...maybe even more than the sum of the money she had ever had in there. Penny was ecstatic and the fact that she was feeling nearly completely recovered from her film experience made her day even better. She really immersed herself in the party planning, enjoying the anticipation of joy on Leonard's face when he entered the apartment. When she ducked into 4A on her way to work she exchanged keys with Leonard and despite his huge smile, she could sense his disappointment that she wouldn't be with him on his birthday. It was all she could do to not confess tomorrow's plans.

Saturday morning the plan was for the three other nerds to meet in Penny's apartment to go over the preparations. Howard was responsible for getting Leonard out of the apartment so Penny and Raj could decorate. Sheldon had even arranged a secret knock for Penny's apartment...but no one could remember it. When they were all gathered, Penny asked what they all got Leonard for a present. Howard was giving him a book by his favorite physicist, Raj had purchased a limited edition Batman figure and Sheldon replied, "I don't do gifts."

"Are you kidding," Penny exclaimed, "he's your friend."

"The whole concept of mutual gift giving is ridiculous," Sheldon replied.

Howard whispered to Penny, "tell him it's a non-negotiable social convention."

Penny tried it and Sheldon responded, "OK. Wait, it's Saturday and the only places within walking distance are a taco stand and a gas station...someone is going to have to drive me to get a present. By the way what did you get him?"

"A sweater," Penny admitted.

"I bet he returns it," Sheldon smugly told her, "he always returns all his presents."

"OK, fine, I'll drive you," Penny acquiesced in exasperation, "now Howard please go get Leonard out of the apartment so Raj can decorate. Leonard was playing a video game against someone in Sweden and stubbornly did not want to leave so Howard faked eating a granola bar with peanuts, triggering his extreme allergy. Leonard rushed him to the Emergency Room while Raj decorated and Penny drove Sheldon to the electronics store.

She asked Sheldon what he was getting and he replied, "I think a new dual band, high speed digital router."

"You know the gift should be something personal, something he wouldn't buy for himself," she suggested, "does he need a new router?"

"Oh you mean like a sweater," Sheldon sarcastically replied. "A new high speed router would be cool...and it would speed up YOUR wi-fi," he stared at her alluding to her "stealing" their signal.

"Yeah OK, I guess a new router would be cool, and you know what, you may be right about the sweater," she agreed, "I have a couple other things I could give him."

"I bet he returns them," Sheldon declared.

The visit to the electronics store turned out to be a nightmare for Penny because customers kept approaching Sheldon for advice on their purchases; which he was more than happy to accommodate. "Come on Sheldon, we have to go," she urged, "remember...the party."

"Well someone has to educate the ignorant masses," he answered, now in his glory with people admiring his knowledge.

That wasn't the only problem: at the Emergency Room, the admitting nurse had ignored Howard and Leonard was threatening to leave. Howard called Penny and she ordered him to stall Leonard, "listen if you keep him there longer, when you get to the party I will point out which of my friends are easy."

There was silence on the phone, then Howard answered, "don't toy with me woman."

"I have one friend who punishes her father by sleeping around; another with self esteem issues who is a sucker for a compliment; and another who is an alcoholic and is two shots of tequila away from letting you wear her like a hat," Penny tempted him.

"Consider it done," Howard reassured her...and promptly actually ate a bite of peanut-laden granola. Unfortunately, the Emergency Room staff was overly cautious and when Howard and Leonard got back to the apartment, the party had long since broken up. Opening the door, Leonard found Raj singing "True Colors" on karaoke with no audience. Sheldon was sound asleep in a chair and Leonard's dream girl was curled up on the sofa sleeping.

Leonard thought she looked like an angel as she slept and gently covered her with the afghan from the back of the sofa. He leaned down to kiss her smooth forehead, afraid she might wake up and be angry if she felt his lips on her skin. "Thank you for my party, my angel," he whispered and went to bed.

Sometime during the night, Leonard was startled awake and was surprised to see Penny standing in his doorway. He could tell she had been to her apartment because she had changed into the clothes she usually wore to bed: her favorite pink shorts and her Hello Kitty tank top. Even in the pale light from the moon and the street lamps shining through his window, Leonard could see her incredible nipples poking through the thin material of her shirt. Her long legs looked perfect as she stood there in the classic pose with one knee bent. "I'm sorry I missed your party...thank you so much," he apologized.

"You're apologizing to me," she asked, "you missed it to help your are an incredible person Leonard Hofstater; and how do you know it was me who planned the party."

"You've met my friends," Leonard replied, "none of them would go to that much effort for me...thank you Penny."

"Happy Birthday sweetie," she whispered, "but how dare you go to bed before I could give you a birthday kiss. I saved you a big piece of birthday cake...German chocolate...your favorite. It's in my apartment whenever you want it. You know, I have a couple presents for you, and Sheldon bet me that you would try to return them. " She crept toward the bed, reached down with both hands, gripped the bottom of her tank top and proceeded to pull it up over her head and toss it aside.

"Oh my God," Leonard whispered as he stared at her magnificent naked tits. He watched them jiggle as she threw back the covers and crawled into his bed beside him. He wanted to reach for his inhaler, but didn't want to spoil the mood.

"Happy Birthday," Penny breathed as she leaned forward and planted her plump, moist lips on his. He hugged her into him, enjoying the feel of her breasts crushed against him. He lost count of the Mississippi's as they kissed, their tongues playing with each other.

When they came up for air, they both dropped back against the pillows, lying next to each other. "You know, you can play with your presents if you's OK," Penny invited him

"Happy Birthday to me," Leonard whispered, "you know I feel like the luckiest man on earth right now." He pulled the covers down to Penny's waist and sucked in his breath as he inspected her tits up close...they were absolutely magnificent. Still firm, but they spread out on her chest as she lay against the pillow making two perfectly round mounds of silky flesh. Her pink areola were the size of half dollars, capped by darker pink, gumdrop sized nipples. Leonard sat up, leaned over and began to tenderly knead her wonderful globes; reveling in their size and warmth. He cupped them and weighed them, watching them jiggle against her chest. Her skin was as soft and smooth as silk.

His fingers traced circles around the beautiful mounds, getting closer to her nipples with every circle, but not touching them. He leaned in and began to nibble on her left tit, gripping the flesh gently between his teeth; pulling it out and then releasing it, watching it snap back and jiggling her flesh. Penny could feel the dampness between her legs begin to grow as he massaged and manipulated her tits. He nibbled and bit all the way around her left breast and then repeated it with her right. He licked each wonderful mound, stopping short of touching her nipples, which were engorged and begging for attention. Penny was squirming beside him as he fondled and massaged her tits.

She thought, "my God, he's making love to my tits." She had never had anyone pay this much attention to her breasts: most of her boyfriends merely mauled them for a few seconds while waiting for her to spread her legs. Her pussy was tingling as he continued to squeeze and bounce her incredible mounds of flesh. Suddenly he leaned over, took her left gumdrop into his mouth and tenderly ground it between his teeth. "Oh God, yessss," Penny muffled a scream as she felt herself orgasm, her legs twitching against his. Never before had she climaxed from just having her tits stimulated. "Holy shit, this man is special," she thought and then saw the look of concern on his face.

"Are you OK...did I do something wrong," he begged.

"I've never been better," she smiled widely reaching up to cradle his face, then bring it down to meet her lips. She kissed him for what seemed like an eternity, his hands still rubbing her perfect tits.

"You are so beautiful," Leonard declared when they had broken their kiss, "I'm just afraid this is all a dream and I'll wake up alone."

"It's real sweetie," Penny soothed him, "and I'm hoping you will want to get used to it."

Every time she moved she could feel his hard-on stab against her side, through his pajama bottoms. She had never wanted a man to fuck her more than she wanted Leonard at that moment. She craved the feel of his cock inside her, pumping his seed up into her belly; but for the first time in her life, she wanted a man's respect more than she wanted sex. For the first time, she actually was thinking about spending the rest of her life with someone. Laying back against the pillow, she ran her hand down over his pajamas, caressing his chest. She was not a size queen, she didn't care about his length, but she could tell by the tent in the sheets that he was more than long enough. But as she slipped her hand down into his pajama bottoms, she hoped that he was nice and fat...she did like a cock with some girth.

"Yessss, he is," she shouted in her mind as she smiled and grasped his fat cock. Her fingers did not reach around it and she formed a mental picture as she squeezed his hard meat. No sooner had she tightened her fingers and his cock jerked in her hand and she could feel something wet oozing around her hand.

"Sorry...I'm so sorry...I don't just turn me on so much...I'm so sorry," Leonard kept apologizing, embarrassed that he had cum in her hand.

Still gripping his cock, Penny leaned in and kissed his cheek, "sweetie, no explanation's OK. You saw what you just did for me, and you never even touched me below the waist. There will be plenty of more times...I hope you will want to be with me for a long time."

"Eternity," Leonard put his arms around her and drew her into him; her bare back against his chest. "thank you for today, it was not only the best birthday of my life, but the best DAY of my life."

" mean," Penny corrected him.

"It will be pretty hard to top," Leonard admitted.

"I think we can do it," Penny grinned.

Reaching around her, he began to gently caress her incredible breasts as they "spooned," and he thought, "she even smells vanilla and strawberries," and eventually drifted off to sleep. Slipping into sleep, Penny had never been more relaxed or comfortable in a man's arms.

Sometime later, Penny woke and reluctantly decided to return to her apartment. As she was sliding out of bed, she heard Leonard's voice, "it was wonderful going to sleep with you in my arms."

"For me too sweetie," she soothed him, "I just didn't want to deal with Sheldon in the understand."

"Definitely, but you know with his Vulcan hearing, he probably heard everything we've said," Leonard explained.

As she was putting on her shirt, Leonard added, "Sheldon was wrong you know."