All Comments on 'Brian and Tammy'

by Just Plain Bob

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blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 5 years ago
Yay!! Bob posts a story.

Very entertaining. Thanks for writing. Randi.

Bebop3Bebop3over 5 years ago

What the fuck is up with Bob's obsession with being in a woman after a number of other men have paved the way and left her lubed up?

At least the MC wasn't eating other men's deposits out of her in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
OUCH! That one hurt.

While I'm glad he is going to divorce the slut, I wasn't happy to see him constantly getting sloppy seconds, thirds and fourths. Too much risk involved and who wants to end up with nasty diseases? And considering the amount of damage her cheating did to his life, $45,000 seems cheap to let all those guys off the hook. Split nine ways each guy got off easy and never did pay a real price for fucking Tammy. Did he collect more money from Frank and Alice on his lawsuit? Or did he forget to file one? It also seems to me that he could have collected more money if he had gone after the Companies of the men rather than the men. That way he's not guilty of blackmail and stood to collect a hell of a lot more money from the Companies deeper pockets. All-in- all a sad tale of cheating and woe. I once again loved that Pauline French made an appearance. Something about that girl and her name just makes me smile. Tammy, on the other hand, had to be one of your worst characters. She was an unrepentant whore and got off far easier than she deserved. Keep them coming Bob.

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

It was an interesting story, but why he'd want to stick his cock in her diseased cunt I have no idea. If superslut was fucking that many guys bareback (and had been for years), she'd have picked up every STD known to man!

If there was ever a story that deserved an epilogue with the whore wife catching AIDS, this was it... simply because it was inevitable after having unprotected sex with that many partners. Passing that on to Alice and Frank, the assholes that corrupted her in the first place, would have been fitting and equally as likely. They were fucking Tammy regularly, so they'd catch all the nasty shit lurking in her fetid holes.

Also, why was Tammy crying at the end? She treated her husband with total contempt and the recordings of her bad-mouthing him with Frank and Alice made her feelings about Brian pretty clear. She even had a well-hung replacement lined up in case of a divorce and actually seemed happy at the prospect of ditching Brian...

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 5 years ago
Stop Dragging My Heart Around (& Perfunctorily Performing in My Sheets )

No surprises as promised by JPB . I wistfully yearn that he had riffed off the rich fictional potenial of real Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez imbroglio / tabloid fodder of the week instead of this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
JPB the Ultimate LW Cliche Author

He doesn't even have to write stories any more.

He just shuffles the words he previously wrote & they end up as a new story.


CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherover 5 years ago

Bob do the world a favor, stop writing, hand your man card in and cut your dick off.

DoNotPassGoDoNotPassGoover 5 years ago
What a stupid unrepentant bitch

Hope the bitch is burnt to a crisp after this. Nice job, JPB

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing...

Great story!

Nice to see you back in the game where you belong!

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

and the ditty that Stubby & Nat were singing. Brian pulled the plug but didn't watch the water go down the drain, TK U MLJ LV NV

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 5 years ago
How did s guy as sharp as Brian . . .

. . . manage to be stupid enough to have missed what was going on for fourteen years? That was the big disconnect I had with the story.

The second biggest disconnect was his claimed rage and hatred yet ability to continue on with Tammy until his plans were complete.

Finally, I expected that Brian would keep his blackmail technically secret by not divulging the tapes, but would notify just one wife, secretly, to get her into spying on what the sales force was doing, and expose all of the cheaters that way. Then again, that would have been an epilogue, and I figured that you saw the last line written as the natural conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

It's three pages too long.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
You create some of the oddest most unbelievable characters.

Real people must bore you.

She's a cheating duplicitous sexual psychopath, but nothing in their 14 year marriage ever gave the husband a clue, until he overheard a conversation, that he immediately believed. Tammy is not human, she is a robot, that just switches personalities like running software subroutines. Loving faithful wife, promiscuous gang bang whore, just like flipping a switch. The character is so inhuman it drains all the pathos and drama out of the story.

Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Like you said...

Your usual.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Super story

This crap goes on in some marriages and the husband only finds out by a mistake... Yep a fiction story based upon real life in some marriages... total a 5

RePhilRePhilover 5 years ago
Terrible writing

Sorry JPB I’m a fan, but your recent stories seem to be very lazy and the endings even more frazzled and open than normal. This one could have stood solely with pages 1 and 5. The rest seemed to be simple filler with now bearing on the outcome of the story whatsoever. For a normal writer on the site it would be a 4 star. For someone with your library of stories it is a 1 star. Read ya next time buddy! stay happy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Over The Top

That was over the top even for JPB. 5*

DominantYetServile22DominantYetServile22over 5 years ago

This story should have been a page and a half long, tops. At the end of page one, she sinks herself, admitting not only to the horrible shit she put him through for years when they dated but the fact that she still has monthly gangbangs at work. If filing on adultry and mental cruelty is a thing in that state, it won't take much to get evidence QUICKLY and proceed. If it's a no-fault state, they both work full time and they have no kids, it's an easy fucking split. Have papers drawn, have them served, pack your shit and tell her what a wretched lying disgusting cunt she is on the way out the door, if she has living family, send them evidence of what she really is just to fuck her over. BOOM. So what the fuck were the other 4 pages needed for? reading the rest of that story was like watching a boxer with a game plan of letting the opponent beat the fuck out of him for 11 rounds and then going for the knockout when the dude is exhausted from punching him all night. It was fucking stupid. 2 stars.

The_WatermanThe_Watermanover 5 years ago
Great story!

I love how you weave characters and situations into your stories. Hopefully I can do the same with my next story. You are a very skilled writer and a master story teller. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot! My humble opinion.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 5 years ago
Mr Sworder wrote:

"why he'd want to stick his cock in her diseased cunt I have no idea."

What difference would it make? Her given sexual history has her having been with all of those guys over fourteen years of marriage, so whatever surprises she'd brought home he'd already been exposed to.

"If there was ever a story that deserved an epilogue with the whore wife catching AIDS, this was it... simply because it was inevitable after having unprotected sex with that many partners."

Then Brian has it, too.

Actually, that might be an interesting story for someone to write, how a man suffering from AIDS laments how he caught it from his cheating wife. The story could be set with the man telling the story to his friends, or perhaps one of his children, how he'd been so clueless that his wife had been less than faithful, and naturally he divorced her and burned the bitch as much as he could have, but it was too late: he'd already picked up HIV from her. Perhaps set it in the 80s or 90s, when AIDS was a real death sentence, though it would still work today, as he was having to take the grinding HIV regimen, having already gone broke due to his health care costs.

That'd be a good story for Mr Brooks to write; I'm sure that he could do it better than I could.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 5 years ago
Really bad

Caricatures, not real people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Really horrible god you must be seriously damaged to come up with such perverted shit

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago

"She wouldn't even let me go down on her because she said if I did her I would expect her to do me and it would just cause bad feelings when she wouldn't." - Fair point, LOL!

He should have told her how much he DIDN'T like them.

She was fucking in college, but wouldn't fuck the guy she supposedly loved?

She was fucking Frank 12 or 13 years ago? When was that, high school? She wasn't afraid of him think he wasn't the first one in her pussy, so why was she worried about complete blow jobs and anal?

He should have said no to Frank and Alice joining them. He doesn't have to say why.

Letting them know that they were being inappropriate has nothing to do with knowing about their past. He should have felt Alice up on the dance floor. If Frank and Tammy said anything, say that they were doing it, so he thought it was okay.

Hey, go with the Open Marriage thing! He knows Frank's fucking her, he wants to fuck Alice, and he wants anal and full blow jobs!

I would have been cold to her, let her worry about what he might know.

It makes no sense to me that a woman who is happy to be a slut would hold out on her boyfriend/husband. If she loves sex so much, give it to him! Probably not, but it MIGHT have helped here if he was at least getting his! It's always worse when the cuckold finds out that the lovers are getting what he's not.

"I want to know how you can claim that you love me and deny me what you gave to others." - As I said.

I liked his answer to her bullshit about why she couldn't do things for him that she did for others.

God, she's hoping to save her marriage and is STILL cheating?!

Why is not disappearing a problem?

He MIGHT have been able ti accept her being a nymphomaniac if she 1) Didn't hold out on him, and 2) was honest with him.

As for taking 75% of the cash, she's getting 100% of the house. Depending on the amount of cash and equity it might still be even,

Yeah, why is she upset? She's planning on dumping him anyway! Why do they always cry at the end of the marriage they obviously couldn't give a shit about?

@Anonymous Re: "OUCH! That one hurt." - Maybe he was too nice, but all he cared about was coming out whole in the divorce, not revenge. Besides, as some of us often say, it wasn't the other guys' fault that she was a slut! He couldn't go after the company, the company didn't do anything to him. SHE could try for a sexual harassment claim, but it might be hard to prove given the circumstances!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Is this a period piece?

Putting fresh tapes in the recorder? Where would he even buy cassettes? Give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this takes place in the Eighties.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Another steaming ile of shit from a has been.

johnadpjohnadpover 5 years ago
Marginal Utility... "Priceless"... And Cost Of Divorce

In economics things aren't always measured in dollars, but are also measured in "utility". An example would be if leisure time or family time has value for you then that has to be accounted towards how much you are willing to work to make money. So things are also measured in utility units, not just monetary units. The reason I bring that up is that if you are in a toxic situation that is affecting your emotional and mental well-being then you have to think about the benefits of ridding yourself from that situation as quickly as possible and not just the dollar cost associated with extricating yourself from that situation.

The reason I bring the above up is because Brian prolonges how long he stays in the marriage worrying about losing $41,000 in a divorce settlement. He even considers simply staying in that toxic situation so that he wouldn't have to lose a few thousand dollars to his wife in an asset split. Then he stays in that situation longer, playing games, putting himself through mental torture of being lied to over and over again by his once thought of "life partner" just so that he won't lose a little money. The simplicity of the American Express commercials punchline of getting out of the toxic situation he was in would have been "priceless". If he had millions or tens of millions to worry about it's one thing, $41,000, just extracate yourself from that toxic situation ASAP and move on.

Also, these LW stories, and maybe men in general love to throw around the idea that men are the ones that get burned financially in divorces. All studies point to the fact that women generally come out much poorer financially from divorces than men do. I've gone into the economics of it in a prior post, so won't go into it here again, but this goes along with the recent gripe from men, especially white men (and I am a white man), having become such fucking sackless pussies that they feel put out because women and minorities now have some rights and do not simply roll over and just take whatever little pittance we CHOOSE to graciously bestow upon them. Yes, it does suck having to pay alimony to a woman that has either cheated on you or leaves you because she doesn't want you anymore. But what Brian says in the story, after advice from his attorney, is that men generally get fucked in divorces. While no one typically comes out ahead financially in a divorce, men are generally fucked less than women in a divorce and make out much better over time financially.

etchiboyetchiboyover 5 years ago
You’re right. “Nothing new”.

For you (JPB) this is, as far as I can tell, very much just your “usual”. No surprises. No twists (unless I’m missing something). It’s a JPB - A then B then C, with very little XXX. That is, it is not even very “hot”, which might have gotten it a bump over the very typical storyline.

For you, where I have scored many of your stories 5-stars and Favorited them, this doesn’t even reach a 4-stars (sorry, but to have to grade you on a curve against yourself).

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

the bitch almost got what she deserved he should put the tapes on the net and give the wives copies after the divorice is over and done and get frank once more

notredame43notredame43over 5 years ago
wow that was horrible

glad i skimmed it no man would keep her after knowing her BS.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
How do you recognize gay masquerading as LW writer?

Cuck stories with a lot of sperm from others. Red-bloded male is not obsessed with sperm. If it belongs to another man it is utterly disgusting. But not to gays or bisexuals. This "sperm obsession" is present in JPB stories, and cuckolding with a lot of wimps. I don't even read his stories any more since I know what he writes already.

The real BTB writers like Winterfrog and Papatoad would never do this kind of stuff, too bad they are not around any more. Vandemonium is focused on "burning" part. But JPB is focused on cuckolding and sperm. If you like his stories ask yourself about your own sexuality.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
How do you recognize gay masquerading as LW writer?

How do you recognize gay masquerading as LW writer?

Cuck stories with a lot of sperm from others. Red-bloded male is not obsessed with sperm. If it belongs to another man it is utterly disgusting. But not to gays or bisexuals. This "sperm obsession" is present in JPB stories, and cuckolding with a lot of wimps. I don't even read his stories any more since I know what he writes already.

The real BTB writers like Winterfrog and Papatoad would never do this kind of stuff, too bad they are not around any more. Vandemonium is focused on "burning" part. But JPB is focused on cuckolding and sperm. If you like his stories ask yourself about your own sexuality.

muncher354muncher354over 5 years ago

This story could have been done in a page. Drawn out for no particular reason.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Hey Bob,

I enjoyed the story. Thank you for not dying and still writing! 🤪

Can I ask for a favor please; would you be willing to re examine your story My Redhead and either add to it or rewrite it with this theme in mind? Pretty please! With sugar on top!

rodryder44rodryder44over 5 years ago
Poor Brian

A classic BTB tale with a solid storylne. I thought then'period piece' comment was cute by mixing tape recorders and cell phones. The story still 'reads' well. I felt sorry for Tammy in the beginning, but every time Brian 'went away' she was back at it. What a nympho. Brian's attorney asking for the okay to 'sniff' suggests you don't hold attorneys in high regard. Solid four star score.

kiteareskitearesover 5 years ago
All that and the others get off...

Sorry, images/videos would be posted to all the neighbours so they knew what the trio were up to.

As soon as the divorce was settled all the sales team's wives would have received copies of their videos.

As for the lolyer asking if he could try it on after she had been served...that's one bill not being paid (yes, given her level of BS I would be recording most of what was said around me).

During his 'Miami' trip a call to the police to report a gang rape...after all darling, you promised, followed by a trip to the local BDSM stockist to get a chastity belt for her. I did consider this a course of action after he threw cunt into the roses.

And I would not have given her the option to buy me out on the house, I would have forced the sale.

Not sure why he couldn't have her served after he was in Denver and everything go through the lolyer, but hey.

Twas OK, but think it could have been reduced to 3 pages.

SkubabillSkubabillover 5 years ago
The Master is Back

In my opinion JPB is the master of erotic fiction. This is another story that proves it.

DogFuzzDogFuzzover 5 years ago

I didn’t see anywhere that he ever used sexually protection. He is screwing her immediately after she has screwed dozens of other guys. It looks like an edpidemic of sexual diseases is forthcoming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I think it would have been more dramatic and realistic for the mask to slip and her to go into attack mode once she knew he was leaving. I mean, the tears were for whose benefit, exactly? It was already shown that she didn't actually give a shit about her husband or marriage, and she knew that he knew it.

The sloppy seconds got disgustingly detailed, but JPB stories sometimes go that way. No bitches were burned. A few bulls got mildly singed. Thankfully, no RAAC either. Our main character is moving on to a hopefully better life. All in all, another solid entry in Bob's extensive lineup.

Thanks for the story.


breville1breville1over 5 years ago
College Changes People

She went crazy at College. Young people free to do as they please....with no worries about future consequences. Anyone remember?

Some good thoughts about why she didn't give him blowjobs and ass but in the end snakes just stay snakes, you cant change the spots on a leopard, etc, etc.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Easy to see why this is the most popular author in this category

Another 5 stars to add to a great legacy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very entertaining 5*

Way to go Bob - ya had us going for a short while thinking that he might change his mind and keep her - NOT!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Writes an idiot better than JPB. His men - more often than not - are brain dead fools, lapping up the lying swill of the women in their lives. Sad.

francis_toliverfrancis_toliverover 5 years ago
Have to agree with Skubabill

There is only one JPB. Like all authors he has his themes and they tend to be pretty dark, but by most reasoning, he has, by sheer volume and quality if nothing else, a place as one of the masters of the LW section. I for one am glad he is still writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Where’s all those. Disease she surly picked up

Fuck up whore

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The Usual

Yup, this was as paint by numbers as a model car kit for a ten year old. And about a tenth as interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Yep, your usual. Nothing new.

Somehow the loss of the guy she never really wanted, as evidenced by actions rather than words, is supposed to be sufficient punishment to ... what? Get her to change her ways?

Still, well written and entertaining. Gave it a 4.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

He should have married Pauline French!

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 5 years ago
Just ....dumb

Take the ending for example. Why is the wife crying at the end.?

It's obvious from the story that she actually has no real emotional connection to the husband that any level. She might like it when her husband to for like a tramp in a hoar with rough sex but she has no emotional psychological connection to your mods however. She has more connections to the guys she gang bangs.

So again the question is why is the wife crying at the end of the story?


AnotherClosetReaderAnotherClosetReaderover 5 years ago
A thought occurred while reading this...

I'm pretty sure Pauline French has gotten more action than any two of Bob's other characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Not the usual

The usual JPB would have had an ambiguous ending, stopping at the "I just smiled".

It is almost as if the new, not quite usual JPB added the last few sections just to please the masses.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

5 good read but I hope he mailed all the wives anyways....... scortched earth tactical


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Oh, for cryin' out loud...

..... you really should give this up.

This is possible the worst you've ever done; what clap trap!

If you're not going to give it your best, what's the point?


VickieTernVickieTernover 5 years ago
Be careful!

I've admired you as one of a very few best writers on this site. But bullshit is bullshit, no matter how refined! Go back to your sources within your own imaginative sorrow!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Another 5-Star Just Plain Bob story!

Just Plain Bob,

I like all of your “Loving Wives” stories and think I’ve given almost all 5-Stars. Wish I could do half as well. Please keep writing!

bruce22bruce22over 5 years ago

Sounds Brutal, but i give it a 4 because it brings together many of the moments from

other stories of his. Sort of like Mom's stew;;;;;;

AlanDavidAlanDavidover 5 years ago
Fell a bit short

Great story, Classic JPB and a clear well read. But I can’t stop thinking that a few years ago this same story would have ended with a good “heap of punishment” to Tammy, Friends and especially her boss and neighbors. Everyone would have liked to see him walk away with a lot more than 45 grand. But.. great read, well worth it, Keep on writing and ill keep on reading. Don’t let the thin air of the Rockies get to you. All the best....5 Stars

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago
JPB's Usual

Why do people who know what JPB's usual is, read a story that he SAYS is his usual, then complain that it's his usual?

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 5 years ago
Write by the numbers?

This might as well be cut and paste. Why bother?

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 5 years ago
Re: Mr Sworder wrote

@ReedRichards - that story sorta already exists:

Consequences: Mistake of a Lifetime by sirsemega

Brutal read, but one of the most realistic outcome on this site as to what could happen if a wife keeps bringing her unfaithful self back home, to her clueless husband.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago
One thing I do like .

A common theme with JPB is the deranged slut that really loves her husband.

She strikes me as tragic, comic or both, depending on the tone of the author.

This slut was less sympathetic than others due to considering a replacement for her hubby and demeaning him.

Other DS's (deranged sluts) have been frighteningly protective and loyal in their fashion towards their husbands.

I've actually never met any sluts as deranged or insatiable as the ones depicted here in fiction but I do like the concept of a loyal and loving woman that has a problem that could possibly have remedies other than gang bangs or horse cocks.

JPB is absolutely amazing with the volume of stories and having some great winners in the mix.

cabbage01132cabbage01132over 5 years ago
i can read nearly anything

but this is too stupid for words, very 1 dimensional,cliched, juvenile, implausable etc etc.

5* for trying though.

tizwickytizwickyover 5 years ago
Great writing

Best BTB story that I’ve read in quite sometime. Thanks that was fun.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I'm one of those that reads JPB 's usual, knowing what I'm probably going to get, getting the usual and then bitching as usual. I've compared reading Bob to panning for gold. Ninety nine times out of a hundred, I'll probably get a pan full of mud and gravel and piss and moan about wasting my time. That one hundredth time I'll find a nice gold nugget, and damned if I don't do it all over again. That's LW as a whole, but JPB for sure. There is a lot of mud, but if you look hard, you will find gold. Eventually.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 5 years ago
Couldnt take anymore

Wanting to be a cuckold after hating being one is too weird. He moans about because she has cheated with every tom dick and harriet since she could while saying no to him. Then he says he loves it, why the hell was he moaning instead of planning to get his cuck rocks off. What a pathetic situation.

He should be more worried about the 10 disease she has passed to him.

Please can someone find a good btb to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

absolute trash.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago

I may be (probably am!) splitting hairs here, but it's one thing looking for that nugget then bitching that you didn't get it.

It's something else to read a story that you KNOW is his "usual," then bitch because it was his usual. It's like panning for gold, and bitching that your knees got muddy, and your hands got cold and wet.

OmniferisOmniferisover 5 years ago

Where is the ending, it just ends Maybe do a part two where he gets a good wife and then his ex and her fuck friends have a falling out or something?

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

You missed the.point comment. I don't bitch about the hunt for the nugget, I celebrate the it's finding. Bob's stories are all well written, just not all to my liking. Another analogy for me would be deer hunting. It's usually cold, wet, tiring, and most often ends in disappointment. But I get up at insanely early hours, drive long distances and do it several times each fall because it's something I enjoy. I know that I'm probably not going to be successful,, but I keep going back. The rare success makes it all worth it. I enjoy looking for the JPB gem too, and keep reading dozens of his stories looking for the good, for me, one. That's pretty much true of all my favorite LW authors and LW as a whole. Kind of long winded explanation, but I'm not that good at putting my thoughts into words.

Annon 1/21, I don't understand what it was about my comment that set you off. But I do have a hobby. It's getting under the skin of people like you. It's not a very taxing hobby, as it's insanely easy to incite the simple minded cuck boys who pop up here. You seem to search out my comments instead of reading the stories they are posted on. You are anonymous, so I can't find you to answer. So I'll keep giving you plenty of fodder for your hate, and just laugh every time you lash out. You are the one with a problem, not me. Until next time, coward.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Everyone here, unless he's a fucking idiot, is anonymous. I could adopt one or a dozen handles, and I'm still anonymous. The fact that people who have handles criticize those who don't play that game is ridiculous. I'm tired of the cuckarama stories and the self righteousness here (comment not directed at you). For the cucks...perhaps I should set up an anonymous email so you can contact me to fuck your wives and girlfriends...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ah yes!

Another JPB! Can't leave home without at least one.

Oh, and I've missed Pauline.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Anonymous @26rh

I realize that everyone is really anonymous here, but with a handle, as in 26thNC, my personal stalker can find my comments and attack them. I don't have the same privilege with him. That's why I call him a coward. Directing personal attacks that can't be answered are too easy. No offense to the many anonymous who leave legitimate, constructive comments. Thank you for speaking out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Where's the bloody ending? A good story has a start, middle and an end? Where's the freaking ending you lazy tit. How was his life? How was hers? Was she happy? Sad? Etc. Why write a story and not write the best part. 2* For a unfinished story.

Samantha Brooks. X

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago

I don't believe that my original comment was directed at you. I don't recall you bitching about his "usual."

You brought up the panning for gold analogy, and I used that against the "JPB's Usual" complainers, not aiming it at you. I guess you were sort of collateral damage because I used you analogy.

Humble apologies.

FabGMxFabGMxover 5 years ago

A solid four indeed. Tammy was a slut/ sex addict/ pathological liar, there is no one redeming trait for her no one and while some will argue that she comes out with barely no damage, i think that it was better for Brian make that "clean" break up, while make sure that nobody rape him in the divorce proceedings.

JBP its a solid writter with a great degree of versatility, that makes a new story an enigma. While admire the proficency of the writter more than once the way of his stories ends are not enterily on my liking, but im guessing than that its a totally subjective opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Hot shitty stinky garbage just like the one who wrote it cucky fag

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 5 years ago
Typical Burn The Bitch Story

Bob is famous for these. He seems to keep finding a new twist to the BTB theme. A 2* rating only because it is nothing new only a rehash of previous stories.

Sam37Sam37over 5 years ago
I’m sorry for Bob’s pain

Whatever happened must be pretty bad and unresolved. He keeps writing BTB stories. I can’t help but wonder if these stories are fantasies about what he wished had happened.

danoctoberdanoctoberover 5 years ago
Respect. Total respect.

I am always in awe of Just Plain Bob. I'm a fan and admire his overwhelming contributions to the Loving Wives section. A true wordsmith. Thanks for sharing your stories Bob and have a great day! *****

FantasyTrainFantasyTrainover 5 years ago

Ok. She's got the papers, what's next? Need a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Why wait so long to divorce after getting the first video and what happened to the assault charge against Frank.?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Tammy got off too light.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Tammy, Frank & Alice all deserved much much more retribution

Glad to see you writing again. You need a good editor/proof reader, there were several grammatical mistakes. Not that I could do any better just saying.

Considering what Tammy, Frank, and Alice did to Brian they deserved a hell of a lot more burning at the stake. Tammy lost some money but Frank and Alice basically got off Scott free.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
We need a little more....

Please continue the aftermath of his departure...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Light ?

They almost always get off light. When they don’t the guy ends up in prison. That’s the way of the world.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

why did he act like a moron after he knew his wife was a slut. He should have left her when he heard his wife and neighbor talking. I started out good then went shitty after he kicks his neighbor ass. He should have thrown her ass in the bushes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Too many unaddressed events.

Brian never mentioned Tammy and Frank dancing to her. I would have at least challenged her about it. No one would put up with that. Frank being over on his bowling night, was incomplete. Would like to know what happened after Brain left.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 4 years ago
What else could he do?

Not to take his side, but he really was clueless. She is so two-faced that it's hard to believe she isn't psychotic.

SAV12SAV12over 3 years ago


lee5456lee5456over 3 years ago
What did he say?

Hasta La vista bitch

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

Another pinkneck trailer trash story from JPB. Looks like JPB was born in Alabama trailer park with country (and "western") music blaring in the background, as a product of his uncle fucking his father's wife, Pauline French.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What's really missing is him going to see his mother to tell her about the divorce and why. Nice touch would be to add that those times they had spoken on the porch were after Tammy had done a dozen or more men two or three times the previous week. Wanna bet Tammy saw how he "Yes, ma'am'd" his mother and just knew it could be that way for her too?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not much of a revenge,

Not on the guys who fucked her except a paltry bit of money, or the slut who already have the next guy lined up.

Not a happy ending, he's just leaving town, alone. There should be an epilogue of him moving on, being happy and then a year or two later later mailing out all the videos.

other2other1other2other1over 2 years ago

Felt like there should have been more to this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yep. Just more proof that evert woman is a lying, cheating slut when they think they can get away with it. Why do women get dumber as they get older? They lose an IQ point every period.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So even though he treated Tammy like shit an divorced her he still advocates infidelity good luck in getting anyone else, not telling the unsuspecting wives is allowing infidelity so proving he can’t be trusted to be loyal to another person, imo any woman finding that out would immediately come to the conclusion he’s not got any morals when it comes to other people an he’s selfish an self serving not only did he not tell the unsuspecting wives he also took money from each of the innocent wives an children taking food out of their mouths so he has no moral high ground imo. He did right divorcing the lying cheating slut wife but that’s the only thing, he proves to be a horrible narcissistic person

miket0422miket0422almost 2 years ago

Considering everything she did and especially the things he caught her saying on tape why was Tammy weeping when he left?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not much closure and a very poor ending.

RuttweilerRuttweilerabout 1 year ago
Doesn’t make much sense to me…

…considering she’s got absolutely no use for doofus. Her personality is so compartmented that she “loves and needs him” and at the same time, sees him as an obstacle to her happiness.

Nobody’s successfully schizo for that long.

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userJust Plain Bob@Just Plain Bob
Just a Dirty Old Man (of course I have been one since I was thirteen)who likes to write about the things that I've seen and been exposed to in my life. There is a little bit of me in almost all of my stories and in some of them there is quite a lot. I leave it to the reader ...